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Avicii talks "True" and more in Kiss FM (UK) interview

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Once again, he says his favorite track is LAY ME DOWN.

Skip to 8:00 into the video.


Anonymous said...

I certainly hope a lot of music lovers heard this interview.
When the creator of the album says his favorite track is Lay Me Down surely those listeners will check it out.....wheee..

Anonymous said...

I love Avicii! He's so open and honest. He and Adam really connected!

Anonymous said...

Lay Me Down - my favorite. Of course Adam had something to do with it! I respect Avicii as well knowing talent like Nile and Adam when he sees it!
nancdruuu2 (Wake Me Up comes in 2nd)

Anonymous said...

Awww, he's such a cutie and so deliciously Swedish... and friends with Tiesto, YAY!

Here's a thought: Maybe Avicii and Nile could work with Adam's Runnin or Map... Those songs, Adam's voice, deserve so to be heard more!!!