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New Adam Lambert Picture!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Anonymous said...

If you can't say something nice, etc.
Adam looks good.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam always looks good..but..for the life of me I can't stop wondering why he wishes to pose with such ridiculous looking people..I mean 'really'??? Not saying that there is anything wrong with them...but it is not doing Adam's career and reputation any good at all....

Anonymous said...

I think that was one of his dancer's that danced with Terrance. Sorry to be bitchy, but I thought he was too prissy to balance Terrance who is a hunk.

Anonymous said...

you are right..Terrance is a cutie pie and seems nice too..but this guy is just..well..just weird..God I can only 'hope' Adam isn't sleeping with him (but who knows??) I just wish these kind of pics with the overtly gay, cross dressers, etc., would not be posted for all the world to see..they should just stay in the club...

Anonymous said...

@7:10 AM You're attitude and comments are not doing anyone's reputation any good, starting with your reputation.

Anonymous said...

OMG The wrong hair color for a black person, Be it man or women!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG The wrong hair color for a black person, Be it man or women!!!!

Anonymous said...

The pictures here are chosen by and posted by Admin. Email Admin.

Anonymous said...

I won't worry to much about Adam posing with his friends.The die hard fans are the only ones that see them, usually. Love the man.

Anonymous said...

7:58 - you are right (at least I hope so)..I adore Adam..and I guess I'm just a little protective of him (as if I could be)..I want him to be successful and rich..and I'd like to see more pics of him with people in the main stream..I am NOT a homophobe btw..

Anonymous said...

You may or may not be homophobic but you are certainly an idiot. That's Johnny Rice, Adams long time friend and dancer.

Anonymous said...

honestly..we DO NOT need name calling on this blog..

Anonymous said...

Well, way to slam Johnny! When you slam Adam's good friends, you slam Adam too! Sad comments here.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Adam ever goes to any normal bar or restaurant aimed at wider audience or is he only into exclusive gay bars and clubs where all sorts of wannabe somethings gather to show off their looks?

Anonymous said...

I think he does go to 'straight' bars sometimes..but I imagine he feels more at home in the gay bars..

Anonymous said...

LMD is no. 84 below Bonnie McKee's released single American Girl on US iTunes overall. No. 8 on US iTunes Dance.

Anonymous said...

Admin. Thanks for your hard work. It would be nice to have a theard with link to iTunes for LMD track purchase only.

Anonymous said...

Just went online to get Thackerville tickets and they sold out completely in less than an hour. Missed the time zone issue so I got there too late. Those of you who got tickets - your are very lucky. Good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

at 8:48 AM

That's lame I think, and it certainly doesn't promote acceptance of gays.

Gays should mix with the rest of the population and not seclude themselves in their own facilities. That is, if one wants to be treated as an equal.

Anonymous said...

Me so sad. The Thackerville tickets sold out completely in less than an hour.

Anonymous said...

Lmao The place they are at in this picture, giorgios, is not a gay bar. Bootsy bellows and hooray Henry's where adam spends most of his time are not gay bars. You people wouldn't know a gay bar if it bit you in the ass.

Anonymous said...

That's just the fan club presale that sole out. Not the concert. Only a small number of tickets were probably offered for the presale. You can still get tickets when the regular sale starts

Anonymous said...

@ JAK nice try.

Anonymous said...

Let's ignore the bed bug troll.

Did you buy LMD on iTunes? Gift it to your friends and family and fans?

Anonymous said...

I got up late and missed the tickets too. The fan club usually doesn't have many presale to begin with. Darn!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank you for that comment. There is still hope!!!!!!! I won't get the timezone issue wrong this time. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT INFORMATION. I WILL TRY ON FRIDAY.


Anonymous said...

So Friday we will all try for tickets, right?

Anonymous said...

Yes the presale tickets on Adam's fans website is sold out. You can buy tickets for the event on Friday 9/27/13 from ticketmaster.

Anonymous said...

That is Johnny Rice and he's Adam's friend. I love the dare to be different look.
I really love when Adam's hair is just relaxed like that. He look soooo sexy. Put this one on twitter pic ple Adam. Hate that current pic one twitter page.

Anonymous said...

Such girly arms for such a hot guy. The trainer he's working with obviously isn't for weights. I've seen girls with more muscle.

Anonymous said...

love that picture of Adam in the hat. Nice to see a picture of Johnny, he looks very good too.

Anonymous said...

@7:22am. We are used to them here in LA and see them as human being. We accept diversity here in LA. Don't see it as a big deal like you do. Where ever you are living?

Anonymous said...

9:22 troll you done said that same thing on another thread, and you were a big boor then as well.

Anonymous said...

Adam may be giving us a hint for Glee in that picture with Johnny! Finger to his lips? Shhhhh

Anonymous said...

How would posing with Johnny be a hint for glee?

If you want a hint for glee it's the picture of adam wearing a drag queens wig which he captioned art pop, the name of gaga album, since he is rumored to be singing applause as a drag queen.

Anonymous said...

To the person who stated the "overtly gay" comment, you are very prejudiced as was your comment referring to "them". It is very sad when Adam fans don't even know they are bigoted. Do you only love Adam because he is beautiful to your eyes. Maybe you don't actually want to think that he is gay. I feel very bad for you. When we fans say Adam is beautiful inside and out, it means he has a beautiful soul and a big heart. He loves all people without exclusion. Please try to live by Adam's example. Ask yourself why certain people make you feel so uncomfortable. Life is too short to hate.>>>>>>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@9:32: a big boor or a big boar? At least I'm not a big bore:p Glad I made an impression:)

Anonymous said...

Between the trolls and the homophobia......

****So Admin, is expressing homophobia part of that free speech you want on an Adam lambert fan site??*****

Anonymous said...

Yes Adam does spend most of the time he spends in up scale clubs .gay and strait alike go to not gay bars not that it is any of our business. Bootsie B. and Hooray H. Are two if his favorites and are not gay bars. The one in the picture is not a gay bar as I believe someone stated. Adam has many friends that are dancer's ect. That are gay and Adam has many friends that are dancer's ect that are straight they are fiends he known for years and some he worked with. I cannot believe some of the rude comments on here from people who profess to love Adam. Someone here is right it just the people who follow him constantly that will see these on here not that it a big deal if anyone see them. There are many main streamers as you call them that hang around with every type of person performer there is a lot are gay and that all do not look gorgeous and cool like Adam. Sure they done it before they were real big performers and still do it, be cause they are their friends. The problem here has always been with some people you certainly don't mine Adam being gay as long as he never acts like it. He is gay he a lovely handsome man but some of Adam's friends just do not look the way that pleases some here, to bad. They are his friends and he will never snub them to get a head, he just not that kind if human being he a good person. I doubt that some pictures every once In awhile with a friend will hurt him anyway. He has not been out all that much lately and will be quite busy with Glee very soon. Probably start filming in oct. if not yet. If you love Adam let Adam be himself if being himself embarrasses you than don't watch everything he does it does not bother me at all. I love Adam warts and all. I certainly want Adam to succeed every bit as much as any one here. Do not comment much any more so sick of negativity where it not needed. I just stating my feeling now. Hope everyone bought LMD I did. Sue

Anonymous said...

@7:36 AM

Oh my, racist and homophobic people
on here today. If you are talking about African American people; they can color their hair any damn color they wish, it is none of your business.

Also Black people come in all hues. Are you going around commenting on what color white people should color their hair. I don't know if you are Black, or White; it does not matter, it was still a stupid racist remark. Grow up! All people deserve respect.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line, if you can't except for who is, why in the hell do you follow him. Let alone pretend to be a fan. He really could do without a lot of judgmental so called fans.

Anonymous said...

Just a note I did not mean to infer that Johnny not a nice looking guy. I think he just fine. If we all looked alike it would be quite boring. Sue

Anonymous said...

I notice some people slip in racist remarks every now and then; and very few of Adam's fans call the poster out on it. Adam is so against racism too. He has a lot of friends of all races and would be outraged by many of the comments.

Anonymous said...

10:20 AM here: correction

Should have said accept

Anonymous said...

@8:40 A.M., Well, according to you, if you slam Johnny you slam Adam. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Well, I'm slamming Johnny big time. I don't care for him at all! To me he made the Trespassing Concerts unbearable to watch! I agree with others that photos like this one doesn't win Adam any new fans! Sometimes I think we, Adam's fans, want success for him more than he wants it for himself!

Anonymous said...

@10:31AM Adam always kept real from the beginning. I am puzzled why you're a fan after over four years everybody saw every side of Adam? Are you trying to change Adam? That's ridiculous. If you don't like it just go follow other artists. Give it up already please!

Anonymous said...

9:22 AM

JEALOUS MUCH: Care to post your picture? You sound like a jealous dude. You must admit that Adam sure is not hurting in the looks department. He is sexy to the max. Sorry you are so butt hurt from all the admiration he is receiving.

This Glamhopper would like to hop all over him, arms and all.

Anonymous said...

@10:05 AM

You may want to add racist to your list!

Anonymous said...

@Sue, not knocking what you said, but can you explain to me why out of all of Adam's friends and lovers, why Johnny is the only one that seems to be in constant heat around him? To me he seems very disrespectful to Adam on and off stage.

Anonymous said...

Johnny has a boyfriend; he is just a good long time friend of Adam's. That is just his way.

Adam accepts people for who they are; regardless of what others may think.

Anonymous said...


I can't tell the trolls from the homophobic and racist fans. Both need to go away.

As do the "concerned" fans about OMG, a random person might stumble across this site and see a pic of Adam with another gay person. You need to go away too. You are also not over your homophobia and are blaming it on random strangers. time to admit the truth to yourselves.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is happening around here today? Trollsville USA.

Anonymous said...

The circus has come to town; clowns everywhere. Sorry real clowns, don't mean to offend you.

Anonymous said...

@8:40 - you couldn't have said it better..I agree to the MAX..from my personal experience, I know that many people, including those in the audience that nite, were turned off to Adam after the '09 AMA performance..the overtly sexual displays were way out of line for this telecast..I promise you, I am not a racist or a homophobic..(my one grandchild is gay and the other has had black boyfriends..and I have no problem with either) please don't label me..I am considering our Adam's career and the fact that he really hasn't made much in the way in inroads in the good ole USA..and I am totally convinced that it is his OTT display of hanging with cross dressers and the like..and, hey, I like cross dressers too..but the fact is, like it or not, the majority of people do not like or understand this behaviour...and you know what, I do think that Adam would rather have a mediocre career and keep up his lifestyle (not being gay, as that is NOT a lifestyle..but simply who a person is) than to become a major success..he is just so talented, sweet, loving and beautiful and I just wish the rest of this country could see beyond the 'left of center' stuff and fall in love with him too..

Anonymous said...

@JFC - 10:53 AM

STANDIND OVATION for you; for telling it like it is.

Anonymous said...

sorry, meant the above as a reply to 10:31..

Anonymous said...

Should be STANDING- sorry.

Anonymous said...

we all love Adam and we all want success for him - and, we don't want anything to interfere with that - decipher this statement as you will

Anonymous said...

11 07
There is a huge difference between performing at the Amas and hanging out with your friends on a Saturday night. Adam is never going to change who his friends are, and who he is. So worrying about it or thinking its going to change is pointless

Anonymous said...

@11:16 AM

you hit the nail on the head

Anonymous said...

@10:42: Considering every silly rebuttal you have contains the word 'jealous', perhaps tis you who should be looking in a mirror.

Anonymous said...

Again about Johnny . Since there were only 2 dancers, he and Terrance , they should have been in sync or complemented each other . In my opinion they did not. Not to put anyone down, but the fact is Terrance is macho and Johnny is prissy ( but a great dancer). They just didn't match and is was a distraction.

Anonymous said...

Well he isn't dancing for him anymore and Terrance is in a Vegas show now, so that's all water under the bridge isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Black white green or yellow, Johnny is a priss. If Adam were, the majority of you wouldn't be so hot over him, and you know it.

Anonymous said...

@11:23: Spot on;)

Anonymous said...

I can't see the pic of Johnny. Perhaps that's best.

Anonymous said...

11:23 - I agree..Terrance is a hottie..but I did not care for Johnny's dancing or his obvious lust for Adam..just don't care for him...sorry..

Anonymous said...

The fact is, whether you agree with it or not is if you're good looking you get away with a lot more. This goes for any person, sex, color, etc. I think Adam is amazingly good looking,, both inside and out. He also has an amazing voice. But let's be real here. His looks and charm help.

Anonymous said...

7:36 are your roots showing right now, that comment is so rude.

OMG The wrong hair color for a black person, Be it man or women!!!!

September 17, 2013 at 7:36 AM

Anonymous said...

11:35 - you are absolutely right..Adam would not be where he is today if he were prissy..

Anonymous said...

@11:23 Since this is my only post I have mentioned you, the possible dude, being jealous; I must have struck a cord. Just calling them as I see them. Your description of Adam, if that was you talking about Adam's arms sounds like the green eyed monster to me; get over it. Adam is so fine.

Anonymous said...

oh, my friend..Adam is way beyond fine..he is spectactular - in every way..

Anonymous said...

11:16, I know exactly what you are saying. You are saying you want Adam to be the biggest pop star in the world at the expense of who he is as a person, in direct contradiction to what he has said he wants and what is important to him. Why don't you go find some Christian singer who fits your narrow-mindedness to be a fan of. We will all be much happier then.

Anonymous said...

shhhhhhh don't tell mutha*uckas.:)

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam should dump his friends to get a better career. Friends are far more important than having a billion fans or making millions of dollars. I don't think you guys have the right to say who he should and should not hang out with and i don't think it is right that you make all these racial and homophobic slurs. Adam promotes equality and you guys promote the opposite. Adam has friends who are different. Why is that so wrong.

Anonymous said...

at 11:35 AM

Well, Adam's dancers were not very good during the last tour. All in all Terrance did ok but the lack of coordinated moves and Rice's too obvious brown nosing spoiled parts of the show. He was just an irritating extra on stage. And before you flip your lids I'd like to say that I went to a couple of their gigs and the dancing didn't look any better live on stage as it does on YT.

Anonymous said...

11.52AM Agree with you. Adam is not going to change who he is to improve his career. No one should. If you cant accept someone for who they are then perhaps you should move on to another singer who is nasty, fake and is popular.

Anonymous said...

If you are straight, you probably go into a bar or club where there are straight patrons. If you are gay, you probably seek out a bar or club where you would feel comfortable with other gay people. As a straight person, I've been to a few gay bars with friends in the past, and it was fun to be there. Would I seek it out on my own, I doubt it. These are Adam's friends and many of them have been so for a number of years. He is not going to drop them because certain individuals don't like to see these pictures of him with them. It's Adam's life and his career. This is his social life and he is not going to change who he is and who his friends are. And I doubt that these pics are posted for "all the world to see". Everyone is not concerned with Adam's private life searching the internet for pictures of him with his gay friends in clubs and if you are, there is something seriously wrong with you. Appreciate the music from this super talented performer and leave the rest alone.

Anonymous said...

Some of of you say your are fans of Adam but you are homophobic. I don't get that. Maybe Adam is the only gay person you accept which is not right.

Anonymous said...

@11:43AM Brought huge laughter to my current feeling about this thread. I call it best comment of this thread. LMAO!

Anonymous said...

12 11
Lol so what? What does that have to do with adam at a bar?

Anonymous said...

most of you posters are deranged!!!

Anonymous said...

maybe I am wrong - maybe most of you are only 12 or so. you keep reading things into a post that the poster is not inferring AT ALL!!

Anonymous said...

This picture isn't Adam at a gay bar, this is currently the hottest and most exclusive dance spot in LA. The club is full of the biggest names in music and fashion.

Anonymous said...

@12:11 Right on.

Anonymous said...

@12:11 Right on.

Anonymous said...

@12:11 Right on.

Anonymous said...

@12:11 Right on.

Anonymous said...

@12:11: you're wasting your breath on most of these.. uh.'d you say it-oh yeah-brown nosers. That describes 98% of Adam's fans.

Anonymous said...

at 12:00 PM

Nobody is asking Adam to dump his friends but friendship is not good enough a reason to hire anybody if the person is lacking the skills needed. The colour of someone's skin is always and sexual orientation in most cases a totally irrelevant issue so do not make it one. The main point is that you have to look and sound good and please as many as possible if you want to break through in the music business.

Anonymous said...

What a sad, sad thread. YAK.
After 4+ years there are still people on this AL fan site, who can't deal that Adam is gay. Whatever you say or whatever you use as your excuse or explanation (here you trash Johnny and Adam & Terrance are ok but only when they are not acting gay) the bottom line is, you are a bunch of homophobes!
I'm outta here.

Anonymous said...

@2:34PM That's what MJ did and look where he ended up. For most of his life, he couldn't be himself. Yes, he was King of Pop and ended up selling millions and millions of his albums and tracks. Still is one of the highest money making artists. But did he enjoy life? He was lonely. Didn't have any close friends. His family was messed up and no connection with them either. There are certain things in life that you can't measure with money.

I don't want to see Adam unhappy for the sake of money and huge millions of sales in his albums. I want him to see him happy and successful but most of all happy. Seeing joy in his eyes when he is out with his friends having a good time. Or when he picks up his godson, Riff, on his shoulder.

The realists have stock their minds on charts and how many albums he sells etc. etc. and constantly compare him to others in the industry.

But Adam's true fans see beyond that mega material achievements. Adam represent love friendship strength beauty intelligent creative and all the other virtues. To me this is the greatness of Adam Lambert and I'll support him just for these to make LMD no. 1 on iTunes chart. Cause for the good virtues that he has he deserves to make money on this track. Eventhough the track is soneone else's album. Adam has credit to this track and I'll support this track.

Anonymous said...

Adam will never compromise his integrity for his career. That's why he walked away from RCA. Plus he's given a lot of his earnings to charity. I think it's important for him to just believe in what he's doing and to be happy. That's a lot to have in your life.

Anonymous said...

Lol saint adam is my favorite fan fiction.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I haven't read that. It would be a pleasant change from the filthy crap I've avoided.

Anonymous said...

@5:38pm- I don't think that Adam has given a lot of his earnings to charity. He has given his name and his time to a number of organizations and charities and asked his fans to support and donate to certain causes. If he has given a substantial amount of money, I don't think we've read about it or had it publicized. There are certain celebs who do make substantial contributions to specific charities,etc. and they just don't need all the publicity and hoopla attached to it. I appreciate any time and sponsorship that Adam gives to a cause because it either helps raise money or awareness for it. And I think that all of us who have been fans of Adam from the beginning truly want him to be happy in his career and in life with someone he loves.

Anonymous said...

Big name artists have sold their souls, not Adam.

Anonymous said...

8:30, that doesn't make sense. You say you don't think Adam has given much to charity but then go on to say famous people give money without the publicity. Couldn't Adam be one of those famous people quietly giving money without looking for publicity for it? Personally I never want my name listed with my donations as that is not why I am donating to something. We have no idea how much money Adam has donated which is how I think it should be.

Anonymous said...

100 comments! Now 101 just on a silly goofy picture?
Glamberts (s m h).
If adam likes let him take pics of him f*cking, eating or drinking,its is life!
Why dont we enjoy his music,criticise it if we want, but stop trying to 'control' adam's personal life.

Anonymous said...

Adam has given a million dollars to charity, plus appeared at various charity events