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Breaking Bad

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, September 29, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, September 29, 2013


Anonymous said...

I didn't watch it for I miss its beginning.
Love getting series from Netflix and watch a marathon.

Anonymous said...

I wish I would have started watching it from the beginning everbody has been talking about it.

Anonymous said...


daydreamin said...

Love this pic of Adam and this little boy:

Anonymous said...

I don't think I liked it any better than the Dexter finale.

Anonymous said...

I watched the BB finale, too. It's all the buzz today for fans of the show. My son got me started on it after the second season, but I caught up. The story really grabs you. I thought the finale was very good. Can't see the pic of Adam with the little boy. It goes to a twitter sign-up page????


Anonymous said...

OT: Just saw the schedule for Iheart tonight over at Adam Official. Someone posted it, I hope it is not correct. My heart sank. Night one, only Queen and "Fun", singing "Somebody to Love" no Adam tonight.

Tuesday night, the only performance with Queen is "Fun" and "Adam" singing "Fat Bottom Girls."

There were two comments under the article, and they blasted the program for not having Adam sing WWTLF; since it was the talk of the town. I can't believe this if it is true. So unfair. Wonder if Ryan Seacrest had anything to do with this. Wish someone could do something.

Now I don't even feel like watching. I wish they could get enough flack to change it. Seems like Adam is being given the shaft again!

Anonymous said...

The little boy in the picture with Adam is Adam

Anonymous said...

@ 6:20 AM
Damn! I'm steaming mad!

Anonymous said...

@ 6:20 AM
This might be our answer to why fun was put into Queen's set.

Anonymous said...

@6:20 I had a feeling they would do that. When they replayed the Ema's of Queen and Adam they did not show that part over here.It made me so mad. I am going to record it tonight anyway. Hopefully this article is wrong.

Anonymous said...

I have tweeted Iheart and asked, if this is true. We will see if they answer.

Anonymous said...

Breaking bad is my favorite tv series ever with prison break a close second

What's this about fun singing with queen tonight? Adam was the frontman and stole the whole show?


Anonymous said...

I wonder how Adam and his family feels if this is true about the Iheart situation? The comments are piling up at a rapid speed under the schedule now. People are steaming mad and really letting them know it.

Anonymous said...

@6:44 where is the schedule posted? so I can leave my 2 cents worth.

Anonymous said...

Only in US...only in US!!!

Anonymous said...

Loved Breaking Bad finale. I can see a come back with stories revolving around Jesse to continue with that business. Maybe a movie.

Anonymous said...

Queen tweeted the CW will showing We Will Rock You & We are the Champions w/ Adam Lambert & Somebody to Love w/ Fun

Anonymous said...

why not fat bottomed girls- they could have had both adam and fun that way. while we all love WWTLF perhaps they are going for upbeat songs. oh let's face it, not what fans would have chosen as snippets.

Anonymous said...

@6:48 AM

There is a post over on Adam Official, posted under Adam discussion, about Iheart reminder.
Anyway I copied this and it led to the IHeart schedule:

Hope that helps, I just went to Adam Discussion and hit the prompt that the poster listed; and it went straight to the article and schedule.

Anonymous said...

that is still cool probably ending the concert with WWRY and WATC. Upbeat.

Anonymous said...

oh that is the way it is going to go down, quit bitching all over the place it is not going to change anything and makes us look whiny.

Anonymous said...

We are whiny. I'd stamp my foot if I could do it in print! : )

Adamluv said...

Had only got addicted to BB last season but caught up with most of the episodes since AMC had a marathon showing of all 61 episodes starting last Wed nite. Have never done this before but well worth no sleep - IMO best drama ever on TV. Cried when Walt was with his baby girl for the last time, and also when he died. Should have known that Adam was a fan. The hour following the ending was interesting seeing/hearing the actors speak about their characters. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Where have you been, gurl?!
Good to see you're back!
Was starting to worry...

funbunn40 said...

I thoght it was a very satisfying ending, all neatly wrapped up. I really disliked the Sopranos ending that left it up to our imagination.