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Eber Lambert's Confession

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, September 26, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, September 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

I wasn't a big fan of Queen and Freddie Mercury back in the day they were popular. But after seeing the vids of Adam performing with Queen in Europe and London and now the iheartradio concert, he re-introduced me to their music. I even went out and bought two of the Queen albums/cds. WWTLF is my favorite; it gave me chills as I listened to Adam perform it. The look on his face at the end of the song as he turned to walk off the stage, said it was priceless. Hoping that anyone who sees the video or watches the show with the Queen concert on the CW channel this coming week will understand and appreciate the amazing vocal talent of the best singer in music today.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for recognition, Eber. But BH is the best rock song of all the time. For some reason, they never mention it US. This song got 2 awards as best of the best.

Anonymous said...

I've always thought that Adam gave credit about his love for Queen to listening to his dad's record collection. Guess he should have been giving Leila the credit. Ha! I think that may be why Eber has 'confessed'.

Anonymous said...

OMG that featured picture!!!! where is that taken from?

Anonymous said...

I made this photo in front of my office in NY.

glitzylady said...

A continuation of the conversation with Eber tonight on twitter:

Glenda ‏@konaflower 1h
@milestougeaux Did you make it to Vegas Fri night? Awesome to hear it live! Saw an older guy in a Queen t shirt crying after WWTLF, sweet!

Miles Tougeaux ‏@milestougeaux 1h
@konaflower I watched and cried at home

glitzylady said...

Breaking News!!! Adam on Glee: Picture from Leah Michele and Just Jared::

No Melvin!!!

glitzylady said...

And accompanying article:

Jadam said...

That so cool. Imagine how Adams parents feel. When we feel how we do multiply this by thousands I guess.

Jadam NZ said...

Sorry answering Glitzys comment at 9.35pm.
Wow to the first glimpse of Glee photos. Thank you.

Anonymous said... happy for Adam!

Anonymous said...

Been with Queen since the beginning and now loving Adam and Queen

Anonymous said...

Agreed. It was #1 in the UK for months on original release. Sheer brilliance.

Anonymous said...

I lent my daughter a Queen CD, she never returned it and is now a Queen fan.

Anonymous said...

The Beatles .... the best pop group ever.

Queen .... the best rock group ever.

Anonymous said...

The Beatles on Glee last night was really super fun! For people whose life/job is not in music, one goes about their daily lives and perhaps forgets to stop and revisit the brilliance of groups that have withstood the test of time like The Beatles; I personally really enjoyed their songs on Glee last night. Sure they were applied in a new and different way, being wrapped in and around the storylines of that TV show... and some purists will complain I'm sure... but I just do not see how it is a bad thing to bring Beatles songs to a young fresh generation, and hopefully it will inspire the kids to go look up the original tracks!! (Kind of like the Queenbert scenario ;)). Win/win imho. Peace.

Anonymous said...

5:13 here again, I'm not old enough to have experienced The Beatles during their original explosion onto the scene or even in their Heydey, their "first time around the block", and I do acknowledge its important to know Beatles songs in their original context, of course, but it was just fun and plain out enjoyable to see them in that context last night! Room for all :).

Anonymous said...

Freddie wrote Bohemian Rhapsody.

Anonymous said...

I've been a Beatles fan since way back when ..... yeah! yeah! yeah! :-D They paved the way for countless other pop groups to come.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Freddie. Bohemian Rhapsody is a masterpiece & then some.

Anonymous said...

Can't compare Queen and Beatles. Beatles wrote to teens, Queen wrote for adults.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady 9:35
Thank you so much for bringing esp. these tweets here!
Brought tears in my eyes... I can imagine how some of these "more matured male fans of Queen" feel...Having mourned the loss of Freddie's voice & persona and having the long dry spell of missing a voice & persona to match THEIR wishes fronting the Queen... and perhaps now daring to surrender to the awesomeness of Adam' voice & persona... just my thinking...

Anonymous said...

5:29 AM
Not comparing The Beatles and Queen. That's silly. With respect, their music is entirely different - The Beatles: Pop and loved by teens and many adults - and Queen: Rock and loved mostly by adults.

Anonymous said...

@September 27, 2013 at 5:29 AM

I don't think anybody was really comparing them. And also, I do understand what you're saying, and I suppose history has born that notion out, but still, that's a pretty sweeping generalization. We can never really know what intention is in a writer's heart as they compose a lyric (other than what these band members have offered us themselves in interviews and the like, which I a lot, I realize that). Again, your statement is true, I get it, but I would venture to guess that the musicians/writers we're talking about here in these two iconic bands were pretty much just hoping to have ANY kind of meaningful audience and success for their songs/music.

Anonymous said...

6:56, I was going to write a long involved post about Queen/Beatles, but I think you said it quick well. Thank you!

DRG (Beatles fan since Day One, former and re-born Queen fan since Adam)

Anonymous said...

quite well. oops.

Anonymous said...

many road trips made listening to QUEEN. Blasting "Tie your mother down" while going down the highway is an ultimate rush.