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GLEE UPDATES: Adam Lambert will NOT be a drag queen on the show

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 17, 2013

VIA Mjsbigblog:

Adam’s character WILL NOT BE A DRAG QUEEN. There will be NO performances in drag.

Drag was the original plan for Adam’s character, but at his request, the character will be rewritten. Adam met with the Glee writers/producers this week to discuss the changes.

Also, Adam won’t be singing Lady Gaga’s “Judas,” also at his request. However, he’s still set to perform “Applause.”

Production on Adam’s first episode, 5×04, begins next week.


And a bit off topic but GLEE is filming an episode on THE BEATLES.


Anonymous said...

How do we know if any of this is true; pleases consider the source.
Will believe nothing about the Glee story until I hear from Adams or someone affiliated with Glee.

Why were rumors taken so seriously anyway?

Anonymous said...

Thank God.

Anonymous said...

Adam makes a gorgeous woman - I've seen the pictures - but I'm glad he's requested something different for his character, at least at first. Let this broad Glee audience get to know him a little. If his character then pushes the envelope with a drag performance it will be seen in the context of the show - not the only thing this character is about. Adam is so multifaceted. I want him to shine in every way.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@11:32 PM

If any of this is even true; I agree with you. Very well put.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder at @11:42 PM; going to buy at both places. I also will gift. Anything to help Adam. Also, for my listening pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Found out it was MJsbigblog that reported about this 'spoiler' from supposed insider.
But if this was true in the first place, it was not really picked up by rest of media, it would have been all over the media if true.

Anonymous said...

I am happy that Adam will not be in drag. That is a dangerous 1st-2nd roll for someone whom is gay. He would have been in danger of being type cast. Making it hard for him to get offed other rolls (straight) rolls in the future...

Anonymous said...

I am very happy that Adam will not play the part of a person in drag. That is a very dangerous 1st - 2nd roll for someone whom is gay. Adam would have been type cast. Making it difficult to get other rolls (straight) rolls it the future.If this article is true. Great heads up Adam.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam or people close to him read the tweets and perhaps even our comments; most were not in favour of Adam playing a drag role. So I guess Glamberts might indeed have changed his mind and so the change requested by him, according to so-called reliable insider sources. lwl! Not sure about this one. In any case my trusted crystal-ball signalled a no to me, though I thought Adam would be able to pull it off with gusto. I guess Adam has learnt to trust his fans because he can sense we always have his back. So handsome Henry or handsome Roderick...lwl!


Anonymous said...

There was a rumor a few years ago that Adam turned down Saturday live because they wanted him to do something that was uncomfortable to him as Gay man. Did anyone else hear this story; or know if it was true?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:31 AM
Yes, I remember that.. And as I recall, it was true...

Anonymous said...

I doubt adam intended to turn it down, he just made things so difficult they canceled him. The other part of the story was the SNL people were pissed and would never consider having him on again.

Anonymous said...

Probably Adam gets frustrated being labeled certain way. I know great middle eastern actors and they always turn down to take acting parts as terrorists. For an industry that from outside comes across as left liberals, internally the industry is biased and prejudice. I'm glad Adam made them to change their mind.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:46: What you said is totally untrue. Insiders at the time; said Adam felt uncomfortable with the skits they wanted him to perform.

They said he was not difficult at all; and the producers really like and respect Adam. They stated then, that they would consider having him on at a later date.

They will probably have him on as a
musical guest now that he is getting more famous. Glee will probably help also.
Adam's fans responded to a request by SNL when asked who fans would like to have on the show.

Producers care about ratings and do not hold silly grudges. It is not even in Adam's nature to be rude. SNL have done cute skits about him. I think he will probably be on as a musical guest sometimes in the future.

funbunn40 said...

I hope this latest info is true, as Adam's major tv opportunity in my opinion shouldn't perpetuate the predjudices that already exist in the US against him from the pre-idol pics that were sensationalized and labeled him as an over the top gay. It's unfairly judgemental, but Adam did a lot of experimenting, dressing up in his younger days and now has gained maturity,credibilityand has found his niche as a talented artist. He has an opportunity to gain new fans and regain some that thought Adam was too flamboyant. I'd rather Adam be seen as a man capable of playing any part, not just gay ones. He doesn't need any negative media poking fun at him at this point in his career and he looks great, masculine and every inch a star. I'd like to see him gain more male fans that could appreciate his magnificent voice and Adam dressing in drag wouldn't be productive. Adam has stated that he's never been a drag queen, but appreciates them and has friends who are. Some may still assume he is and it's not the case. Patrick Harris is accomplished and gay, but he very successfully has played a straight male on a long running tv series. I would hate to see Adam denied any opportunity just because of any preconceived notions of him. I in no way diminish Adam being gay or the great work he has done for gay rights. This is only my view regarding his professional choice if this info is correct and if so, think his decision a wise one. He deserves recognition and respect and it's long overdue.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Adam is a sweetheart, not a rude bone in this gorgeous man's body. He is so humble; so talented.
I am a fan for life. Would watch any show he is own.

Anonymous said...


I so agree with what you had to say. You stated this so eloquently;
You are so right with everything you said, in my opinion. I hope is always true to himself. Fan here forever.

Anonymous said...

1 25

Lol you are wrong. The insider scoop was they were totally pissed and would never have him back. Otherwise they would have just had a different skit and had him on at the time.

And lol that anyone thinks he is more famous now. He is far less famous now than when he came off idol. And since the glee thing is now only a couple of episodes that isn't going to help him after all.

Anonymous said...

And by the way, being difficult is not being rude. It is not being willing to compromise and having too many demands that ultimately can't be met.

jt said...

1:51 You are really a nasty piece of works!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 1:51 AM,

Yah right!!! I prove you wrong!!:)

You nothing about it he!he!

Just jealous ha!???? Pity you dear!!:) Take GA to clear you up he!he!


Anonymous said...

Good!No Judas on Glee.I never liked that idea,or the song for him.Applause is fine,and he'll kill it!Maybe he can sing another GaGa song instead of Judas( maybe Bad Romance??) Adam doesn't want to be introduced as a drag queen or gay,and I don't want that either.I wouldn't mind for him to be clean shaven,tho( hint,hint)What's the first date BB will appear?anybody know?I love Lay me Down..wish he could sing that on Glee..(maybe on another show w/Nile's back up guitar track.that could only HELP the song and album)

Anonymous said...


What a negative hateful person you are.
How come you know how the SNL folks feel. Get a life.

Anonymous said...

whoa people - 1:51 is just spewing out garbage to get us all going..that is their intention..if we ignor..he/she will go away..whoever it is, is sitting back laughing at us..and we don't want that do we????

Anonymous said...

12:46 and 1:51 (same person) we don't even know if Adam was considered for SNL at all. He said in a 2010 interview that he would not be comfortable about caricaturing his sexuality and that he had turned down something really good because of it. Fans speculated that it was SNL.

My guess: if he was ever considered, it was re-thought due to it being live - the timing would have been Fall/Winter 2009/2010, right after AMA's.

This MJSBigBlog story is a bit off in the sense that MJ had an exclusive on this story from insider. It could be true but the insider could also have been wrong and covering her tracks with a made-up story.

Adam did tweet about rumours.

Anonymous said...

Judging by the contents of the comments of 1:51, I would say he/she has an IQ of 10

Anonymous said...

I hope I have enough days on my life calendar to see the day when most of you get to eat your words of NOT truly accepting Adam and people who differ from your "mid-evil" concepts of how a person should "be" or what his/hers sexuality is allowed to entail...

"Adam doesn't want to be introduced as a drag queen or gay..." - sentences like this make me shiver... You don't KNOW what Adam wants and he IS gay. I hope one day he will tell it all himself, but US might never be ready for that REALITY and accept people as they are...

If Neil P Harris chooses to play straight (or the TV and movie people choose him for the role and he's fine with that), that's HIS choice. IMO he looks and sounds 'so ordinary and bland', he does not create PASSION whether he portraits gay or straight. Adam on the other hand....creates passion and fierce feelings just by being who he is, being Adam.
I hope he NEVER does straight roles (unless it's his own choice), and not doubting his skills to act. I hope the gay roles are played by gay people and that those roles are as serious and 'true to life' as straight roles. So maybe finally some day Adam is accepted as who he is, an exceptionally beautiful and talented man, who just by being true to himself makes (- and of course all related to LGBT comm.) the majority, the mainstream (esp. in US) change their narrow minded views. I doubt I live long enough to see it...

Most of all I wish Adam gets appreciated and accepted as he is and that he gets to perform and make music as he wishes - and I hope it ALWAYS means I get to hear his MAGNIFICENT VOICE and see his BEAUTIFUL FACE & PERSONA!

PS. I hope the whole Glee business fades away, so much bull already!

Anonymous said...

Since production of Adam's scenes on Glee begins next week, let's get him on some of those talk shows in the next month so he can plug his appearances on Glee. I've seen Demi Lovato talk about her role on it. We need to see Adam on these shows so that the viewing audience will turn on Glee to see him and give the ratings a boost. Glad to read he will not play a drag queen. He doesn't need that label attached to him; it will just give all the haters out there more material to use against him and his music.

Anonymous said...

Adam has nothing to gain by portraying a drag queen. If he's being rejected for refusing this, he has lost nothing and his integrity is in tact. I trust Adam will make ALL his decisions based on what he is comfortable with.

Anonymous said...

I think it is insulting that he was considered for a drag queen (if it was indeed true). Whatever role he plays..let the focus be on his awesome voice and talents not his sexuality(whether gay or straight).
Lets not forget, do not reply the trolls..they are irrelevant and silence is the best answer for them

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that people think the rumours written in a blog about Adam being a drag Queen in Glee were true in the first place. Adam as much as he could denied it on twitter. Mj's new twist on the rumours also sounds false to me. I really don't believe there was a drag story in the first place. Also, I hope that Adam will not be type cast, I think it is important for anyone wanting to be an actor to be able to portray either straight or gays roles and make it believable. I somehow think that is what Adam would want too. Playing only gays roles would be very limiting.


Anonymous said...

So you all believe your know it all queen Glitzylady who said he rejected the SNL job, but not someone who heard the whole story? The story came from a well known fan whose roommate worked at nbc and who reliably spoiled other nbc stories in the past, like knowing adam was appearing on Ellen before it was announced.

I was not being hateful toward adam. I actually blame his management who also got him into hot water with out magazine around the same time by telling them adam didn't want to appear too gay. Same issue. And they let a golden opportunity like being on SNL slip through their fingers.

Anonymous said...

I remember Adam and Ryan Murphy sat and talked about Glee at the initial stages to find out more about Adam, the role suited to him, probably the plot, characters he could play etc. Perhaps touched on various roles and maybe the drag queen idea cropped up along with the Kurt's nemesis and others. Then some kaypoh insider leaked it and sensationalsed the drag queen thing lol! Now this person is trying to cover his/her tracks and hints Adam requested for a change/rewrite of the script. As far as I know Adam doesn't go about decision-making in this ding-dong way. Adam is professional, he wouldn't agree and suddenly changes his mind to the extent of causing a rewrite of the script. This is his first tv series acting stint. I believe Adam has greater integrity and wouldn't jeopardise his own future in tv acting by being difficult to work with and we know he's not. The whole rumour sounds flippant. Someone is now trying to cover the first fraught rumour with another one to save own skin. lol!


Anonymous said...

Adam did say he was considered for SNL,but, could not come to an agreement as to what role he would play at the time. @1:25 AM's account seems closer to the facts; But, what the hell; no one really knows the truth except Adam and SNL. What does it matter now; all water under the bridge.

Every time good things start happening for Adam, some people will try to drudge up negatives, pretending they know it all; even if they have to make up lies about it. Adam is enjoying a great career; and much happiness, with loving fans along the way; deal with it negative nicks and nellies. @1:51 AM, try and get over your hate for Adam.

Anonymous said...

I love how everyone is in the know here and has the true insider scoop. lol

Anonymous said...

I'm just excited to see Adam on Glee. It will be a wonderful boost for his career. I also trust Adam's judgement 150%. Adam knows what is best for him and then he follows through with it. It is far better to go with your gut instincts and fail than do what you feel isn't right and "succeed". Feeling your life isn't "your life" is far worse. Luckily Adam is too real to fall into that trap. We all want what is best for Adam, but decisions about his career have to be made by him. It is after all Adam's life. Let's respect that.

Anonymous said...

@6:26 AM

Oh don't we all know a cousin of an insider and friend of the producer who said this or that. In my humble opinion; you know no more than the rest of us. Bring
the proof to the table. I know the Producer; he told me they begged Adam to be on SNL, but, at the time they could not decide on a role that was satisfying to Adam.

The producer said at that time, they will really like to have Adam.
As we speak, they are considering a role for him. They have to get in line now.

See, we all have our insider story;
pick one. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

I've followed all things Adam from the beginning, including the SNL story. Not once, in anything that I saw or read, was it stated that Adam was difficult with the SNL people or that they parted on bad terms. Not once. And if he HAD been difficult, you can bet that THAT would have been a big story. I do remember Adam saying that SNL wanted to emphasize his sexuality in the show's skits and he just didn't want to go that route. Not once was there a hint of bad blood or animosity over it. Just "ok, not this time." I'm skeptical of "the fan's roommate who worked for NBC" and knew all this negative stuff. Not a very reliable source. Hopefully, Adam will get another chance on SNL.

As for Glee, it seems like our consensus is that it's a good thing the drag queen thing won't happen. I agree with GMT. I posted yesterday that I don't believe this idea was a serious consideration anyway. Maybe a fleeting idea. Adam seems to know the boundaries between network TV and things like the The Zodiac Show and some of his other pre-Idol performances. I don't think he'll risk ruining a big opportunity like Glee. Either the Glee people didn't understand that at first, or they weren't that serious about it to begin with.


Anonymous said...

I thought MJ of MJBLOG was a Adam hater; am I wrong?

Anonymous said...

At 6:26 AM, it had been leaked that Adam was going to be on Ellen before it was announced; I knew a few people who were talking about it.

Anonymous said...

Well DRG you didn't get the whole story. The fan who knew the whole story said it made her sad and only shared it in private messages because she didn't want to start a lot of wank. And she is not anonymous and one hundred percent reliable.

If there was no bad blood why didn't they have him on as a musical guest without any skit or change the skit. Anyone thinking adam would walk away from SNL is crazy.

Ryan Murphy is known for getting pissed off at little things. I bet adam will be on and off glee in the blink of an eye.

Magiclady said...

I love every facet of Adam, including his sexuality,whatever slant that may take.
IMO at this time in his career,the Glee opportunity offers a chance for Adam to move in a more mainstream direction and the Drag character would not do that. I want him to acquire new fans that have only been exposed to his more flamboyant side,to see and hear him in situations where that side is not the major focus.I want them to see how amazing his voice is and the idea that he was going to play Kurt's nenemis, was a chance for him to show different sides of his abilities and amazingness!!
How could anybody not love this man???

Anonymous said...

people talkin' outta one on this blog knows the story behind SNL or is all just speculation at this point..listen to the man himself..patience Glamhoppers..

Anonymous said...

Why is this story here? Glitzylady deemed it deleted.

Anonymous said...

Adam said in an interview that he would not like to play a gay person, he wanted to show his acting skills, and not be stereotyped into only gay parts.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I'm laughing from reading all this. Amazing how many of you believe every rumor you hear. Not even worth replying to all the stupid comments. Or Canadian's rude comment.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anon 8:28
you are the idiot right?

Anonymous said...

So, this "person" was the ONLY ONE who saw Adam at SNL and the ONLY ONE who chose not to say anything? Unlikely. Somehow, if there was a story there, it would have come out at the time. It didn't. If things like this are true, they don't stay secret for long.

Anonymous said...

What is that Adam says about rumors?

Anonymous said...

Adam makes great decisions and he isn't afraid to walk away when something isn't right for his career. I just want him to play a character like a teacher. And he probably didn't want to sing Judas because he is after all, Jewish. So glad he isn't playing a drag queen. That news made my day.

Anonymous said...

So glad the rumor of a rumor is true? LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Unless it is from Adam, I don't listen. But just like the RCA label rumor, it turned out to be true. There is sometimes a semblance of truth in rumors; let's face it. Anyway, Glee should be good NOW with Adam. That Demi Lavato was on Leno. She seems difficult, abrasive and annoying. Not a fan. Too bad Adam may be singing with her. What a shame. But at least he stood his ground and will play a character that will hopefully not detract from his talent. Who cares about someone's sexuality? Let's concentrate on the person.

Anonymous said...

@10:20 Jesus, Judas and all the deciples were Jewish. It wasn't until after Jesus' crucifiction that the 11 deciples (minus Judas) began teaching the world Christianity.

Adam has stated many times that he would love to play Judas in "Jesus Christ, Super Star" on broadway. In doing that role, he would sing one of the best songs in the musical.

Adam has said he would not make a Christmas album because he is Jewish. This is something I wish he would do because of other Jews who did so: Barbra Streisand, Neil Diamond, Barry Manilow (also gay), Sammy Davis, Jr. just to name a few. There are so many beautiful Christmas carols that would fit his voice so well and he could add his special touch to.

Anonymous said...

Lammy - please let us in on what lwl means. Your initials, maybe?

Anonymous said...

So many delusional people.

Anonymous said...

12:23 that RCA rumor was around for over a year. Which times was it true?

Somebody should keep track of the rumors for laughs because most of them aren't true and there is a meltdown everytime.

Anonymous said...

please lammy, please tell us
what is lwl

Anonymous said...

lwl - lam my's creation laughing with love. Where have you been she's been pushing it a week?

Anonymous said...

It does not have to be called a Christmas album, but a holiday album if Adam ever chose to make one. There could be various kinds of songs not just Christmas carols related to winter or festivities. I doubt,however, that Adam would do one, but it would be terrific I am sure if he chose to do so. I would much rather that he work on a third album and give all of us this as a kind of "present" into the new year or for his birthday in Jan. I can dream, can't I?

Anonymous said...

Adam's first appearance on GLEE is scheduled for November 7th.

tess4ADAM said...

Stop me if I am wrong but .... the Judas from Lady Gaga's song is NOT the Biblical Judas ... at least not from the video that she made for the song. ADAM did sing the part of Judas from 'Jesus Christ Superstar' pre-idol ... it's on Ytube & it is ranked very highly by the DDD music forum. ADAM was in his early 20's at the time .. I believe ....
JMO ... I think ADAM should sing 'Stay' by Rihanna instead of Gaga's song ..... it was made for him!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

2:07...Thanks! 12:37, 1:53...

I usually use lol! but at times I want to express the laugh with joy and so lwl! simply popped into the context.

lol!...laugh out loud, original
lwl!...laugh with love, spin-off :)


Anonymous said...

Nov.7th seems such a long way off to see Adam's first appearance on Glee. Maybe we'll get to see Adam on some talk shows talking about his role before it actually is shown. Until then we do have the iHeart radio concert with Queen and its rebroadcast of the show on Sept. 30 and Oct.1 here on the CW network in the NYC/NJ viewing area.