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Idolator says Adam Lambert is a Guest Feature on GLEE, not Series Regular

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, September 11, 2013

VIA Idolator:

The upcoming season of Glee is shaping up to be a strong one — with the Beatles opener, Demi Lovato joining the cast where she’ll be playing Naya Rivera‘s love interest and Adam Lambert making a guest feature.


Anonymous said...

Not good.

Anonymous said...

Lately I've been thinking even worse things than that.

Anonymous said...

How would that foreign mag know for sure(how Adam's character will be on Glee?)I hope BB will be a semi-reg.,anyway.That may be perfect for him and the show.I bet when fans see him on the show,the reaction will be very good.

Anonymous said...

That would be disappointing if Adam is not a series regular. I'd still look forward to seeing him but I do hope it's on a regular basis for Adam's sake.

Anonymous said...

Oh well, Adam is a bit too old for this kind of show, so hopefully there will be something else for him in the near future, with a more mature (but not too mature...) content.

Anonymous said...

Can't go by that some say he more than a guest star some say guest star. Why would RM say he was joining the cast he would have said guest appearance. kC said he was playing his nemeses that certainly sounds like more than a guest star. From the beginning different articles have said different things. They got the information from E about DL. eNews also said AL who joined the cast earlier will duet with Demi L.

Anonymous said...

That would be okay of it was a guest appearance for a few episodes. Although it is high profile, I still think the best is yet to come for him. And there is something even better around the corner. So either way, still great exposure.

Anonymous said...

Ryan said he would be joining the the time I thought joining them for an appearance or two , but the ball started rolling bigger and bigger.....cast member, one season or more....a teacher,,,,etc. I don't ever remember anything but conjecture that this was an acting job of some duration. I didn't think Adam would leave his music for an extended period of time but not wanting to be a naysayer I kept my mouth shut. everyone was so happy. So this new "news" possibility sounds feasible to me. Sorry if it makes so many sad. : (

Anonymous said...

It really does not matter at this, point, once he gets on there, who knows how long his part will last. Knowing Adam, once he is on there, it will probably be hard for them to let him go. They will fall in love with him as we have.

Many actors said they started out with small parts and guest spots. Many said that was how they got a steady part on their shows. Sometimes a producer may not want to commit until they see how a person fits in. I will wait for Adam and his Management tells us the true facts. We should have learned our lessons about the rumor mill. I am just glad he is going to be on; and we will see where it leads. We cannot compare him with Demi. Demi already has TV series acting creds; so she is an establised actress from a young age.

I am just so glad they are giving our Adam a chance. Win, win.

Anonymous said...

I believe that Glee will have Adam on the show a lot.We'll see soon,right?BB has LOTS of fans- that's for sure,and that can only improve ratings.

Anonymous said...

Please be happy that Adam that was chosen by the producer for any kind of role. This is an honor within itself. How many people are picked to be on the show in any capacity. Get ready the haters will probably be coming out in force. Be ready to defend our beautiful star. No dissapointment here. He is where he is suppose to be.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree -- it's been very nebulous through various sources -- and Idolator is referring back to one of its earlier postings from July where it doesn't say "guest feature" and it doesn't really say anything specific at all. Right -- it seems like if RM is saying "joining the cast" it has to be more than just like one episode -- unless he changed his mind on how he wants to use Adam, but I doubt that.

It feels like the writer was using that phrase in a conjectural sense or just made an assumption not based on all the facts -- guys, you have to admit -- who has ever heard of the expression "guest feature"...??

Otherwise, the writer does have an 'in' to the show runners and wrote that without explanation, for some reason.

Hopefully this is at least the same caliber/frequency as Kate Hudson had. Definitely lots of episodes, but just not every one.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if when Ryan hired Adam, he wondered if he would be getting this much publicity around the world in newspapers and blogs. I wonder if he knew how much publicity this would generate. I wonder if he knew how beloved Adam is by his fans here and around the world. I wonder if he is ready for the serge of viewers the night that Adam comes on. I am glad he is not coming on at the same time as Demi; that way the ratings for Adam will not be confused with hers. Even if others have more fans. Adam's fan base is no chopped liver.

Can't wait til our man is on.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering why the administrator made such a point that Adam is going to be a guest and not permenant. Then went on to compare that with Demi being permenant. I would like quotes coming from someone from the show; not an old story from the Idolator. Is this administrator a true Adam fan. Why even say anything more until he starts on the show; or just say rumor has it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Adam has a music career to think of. He is unable to be a series regular :(

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree with 2.51 and some others here no matter what once he gets there they will love him. He gonna be great on the show its exposure anyway you look at it. rM did say join the cast and probably did not commit to a no. He did want to see how things went and imagine it will be well. Don't like this kind of post trolls feed off them and their out in force with the Vegas show looming their out to tear Adam down any way they can.

Anonymous said...

E news said DL was doing 6 episodes at least 6. Did not say permanent either.

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't think the Idolater knows for sure. But Adam will be on for more than one guest spot. If it is true that he will be the Nemesis of Corey that seems like a substantial part. Just so happy Adam is getting this amazing opportunity to act and sing and I will be glued to my T.V.He will gain more fans and it's all good!

Anonymous said...

1:56 and 2:06 -

Why so negative. It is wonderful that he is going to be on the show. We don't anything more or less. All I know, is I saw Ryan Murphy being interviewed on E-News when this first came out and he said he was happy to announce that Adam Lambert was joining the cast of Glee in their up coming season. This came from his own mouth. Until I hear something else from the Glee producer; or Adam and his Management, I know nothing more to hang a hat on.

Anonymous said...

3:26 that makes a lot of sense to me. An acting gig every now and then will fit into his life just fine.

Anonymous said...

3:32 PM, I so agree with you and your positive attitude. You can always tell the true fans that have faith in our Adam.

Anonymous said...

3:29 P.M.
I heard that on E-new also.
I don't know where most of these bloggers get their stories.

Anonymous said...

there is also the possibility that Adam was supposed to be on more episodes..but then the death of Cory altered that plan somewhat..anyway, he will at least show up on one episode and, hopefully, sing! btw WHERE IS ADAM?????

Anonymous said...

Lol, yes adam just couldn't fit acting into his busy, busy schedule as an international superstar!!!! You guys have nailed it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

the A hole/2nd 3:45 PM has arrived.

Anonymous said...

3:45 - how snarky can you get..if the producers don't want him as a regular cast member, then he has no choice..personally, I belive that he is working on new music..don't see him as someone to just lay around doing nothing...

Anonymous said...

I mean..didn't your mothers advise you not to say anything unless you could say something nice about someone?????

Anonymous said...

3:26 PM

You are probaby be out in force, they have nothing else to do. They must really fear Adam and his fans. It hurts them to see Adam become so sucessful in any way. They are so pathetic. They find it hard to beieve that Adam is so beloved by everyone he meets. Maybe one day they will get their sorry lives together. Some people say just ignore them. No, whenever I see them spread a lie about BB I will correct it when I can.

The very fact that Ryan M. would hire him "so hot out the box". Sorry couldn't resist words to that song. Have a good evening. Don't worry, be happy.

Anonymous said...

Should have said you are probably right, they will be out in force

3:56 PM

Anonymous said...

Should be believe that Adam

3:56- Should have proof read. sorry

Anonymous said...

Lol lol lol

I am just laughing at you idiots. I would be very happy if Adam got a big part and did well.

Here is what I really think. Corey died and they lost the Rachel Finch love story so they needed a new one. They hired Demi to start a new love interest story. I see adam as being more of a comic ott character like sue Sylvester, not a sweet love story. So Adams story got pushed back a bit.

Anonymous said...

3:45 why are you here. What is your point. What are you trying to achieve with your remarks. Is someone hurt because Adam was asked to be on Glee. If it is just for one day, so what; it is still a big achievement for Ryan M. to ask him to be on Glee. I think this is just the beginning. If you want to make fun of someone, look in the mirrow; do you see a sad troll looking back at you. Have a blessed evening.

Anonymous said...

3:45 #1

I don't know where Adam is, but whereever it is; I hope he is healthy and happy and enjoying life as a 31 year old man should. Which includes making beautiful music for his anxious fans in waiting. I will be here with open ears.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you so called fans who deal with reality! Don't you know you aren't truly a fan until you put on your rose colored glasses...and leave them on. Even when the sun ain't shinin'.

Anonymous said...

I don't think DL is gonna be a sweet love story. Not that there is one thing wrong with it she going to be the Lesbian love interest to what ever her name is. Heard it on E News. Then they quickly came back next day and said not sure. Don't think DL was pleased but I heard also that's the theme of it on an another article.

Anonymous said...

Adam is layin' low for some reason. Guess we'll see in little more than a week.

Anonymous said...

It does not mater, this is the
last season of the show.

Anonymous said...

click on the source Idolator and read the article and read the two comments.

Anonymous said...

4:05 PM. why don't you tell us what you really think? Calling Adam's true fans idiots would not stand well with Adam. That is the first hint, that you are not a fan.
I think you just came on here to make rude comments. Don't lie, you do not want Adam to get a good part. You think you are insulting him saying he will have a comic part and not good enough to have a romantic part. You don't know a darn thing. But whether he gets a comic part; which he would be very good at; or a romantic part, it is all well and good. The key word is part on the show which is an honor. Who cares what you think. Stop pretending to be a fan. With fans like you, who needs haters. Funny how you said our dear Adam can't get the sweet love story, if you are right, so what? The comic story will be just as sweet; as long as he is on there.

HK fan said...

If I'm really honest I have been a bit worried about this Glee thing for a while. When Ryan Murphy first tweeted his tweet certainly implied that Adam was joining the cast as opposed to a guest appearance, but apparently he has used the same words for people who have only had a very small role, but I was still holding out for at least several episodes.
But nothing has come out since then, Demi's characters name and role came out straight away and within a week she was filming, at least 4 other actors have now been announced, one to appear in the first episode, but still nothing about Adam. Even he didn't know up to a couple of weeks ago.
I think they're either saving something really big for Adam which they don't want leaked...or they have changed their minds and don't need him anymore (maybe due to story changes due to Corys death).
We shall soon see....

Anonymous said...

4:23 PM

The Idolator is not the Producer of Glee. That is who I will listen to for the last word. All good as long as he is on Glee.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding those are the people who get nominated for stuff like Sue S nominated again this year great part for Adam.

Anonymous said...

why don't you guys stop messing with the troll on here she just throws a lot of shit at the wall hoping something will stick and gets her rocks off in the meantime by our reations. lol

Anonymous said...

4 26
You are exactly the kind of fan that I am sure adam privately thinks is an idiot. No, I don't see adam getting an emotional role because he has never shown himself to be a good actor. He has said he was looking for a comedic part. He did comedy on his vh1 divas show. Only a cray like you would interpret my remarks as an insult.

Anonymous said...

4:35 I know I am even starting to enjoy us. J/K

Anonymous said...

CM had already passed away when KC came in K and M and said Adam was playing his nemeses. Doubt they would have had him announced that. I would think they need him more now that he passed away. I also sure he signed a contract. They needed a love interest right away why DL doing one episode before the break. They have none of consequence right now.

Anonymous said...

HK Fan:

Don't worry, I don't think they have changed their mind. Adam has certain obligations he had to fulfill also. I think after the Queen event we will learn more about what he will be doing. I heard that Demi has been on before. Ryan wanted Adam on and said they had to write a part for him; so they are probably still figuring out exactly what to do. One of the actors from Glee was on the Kelly and Michael talking about how excited he was, that Adam was joining them. He was also invited to the Glee cast party. They won't change their mind unless something drastic happens. Just last week the cinematographer said he could not wait for Adam to join the show.

I think after the young actor died, changes had to be made. They probably did not want to bring Adam in right away. They probably did not want it to look like Adam was replacing him. I thought about that too. I am glad they waited.

Anonymous said...

Please people calm down.
Some of the posts don't make any sense and not just talking about posts by trolls...

Anonymous said...

Oh god. No one would ever think Adam was replacing Cory. They have said they are hiring a new leading man for the show. That is not adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a worldwide superstar. And he can write his own ticket. Adam has THE best fans and we know he will be the one that producers will fight over in the near future. Adam is the best entertainer of my lifetime. And even though he has no idea I exist, I love this man so much, I willi be watching his successful career forever. Singing with Queen, top ten CDs, only Idol to tour internationally and in the states after his season, best singer in the is all good. And I am not a Pollyanna. I am a realist. And I know he will be the #1 star; just you wait.

Anonymous said...


You sure like to use the word idiot a lot. Adam would never think a fan that is defending him from a rude person is an idiot. only an insecure immature person would throw words like cray and idiot around.

School playtime is over. Go take a nap and come back later. If you don't stop insulting Adams true fans; I am going to tell on you, and he won't be happy with you.

Anonymous said...

" A guest feature" sounds like a small part, on a couple of shows. Adam has said from the very beginning, that he knows nothing about his part. Because of the huge things that happened to the show, I agree that they have had to change a lot of the story. Adam has probably signed something that assures him of being on the show for something. "A guest feature", sounds like he will play himself.

Anonymous said...

4:50 PM

AMEN to that. Over and over again.
Love it. I so agree with you one hundred per cent. You are a true fan. Keep on keeping on. Adam is lucky to have you. Sorry, but you make more sense than anyone's post I have read tonight, including mine. No offense to anyone else, I promise. (except the haters and trolls) big offense to them. Goodnight.

Anonymous said...

4:48 PM

Oh hum bug. blah, blah. You don't know what you are talking about. I have inside information. You are so wrong.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert on glee-i only watch the glee if adam lambert is on.
adam lambert is very busy making his own music-
adam lmabert is the last guy to be the AI jUDGE(I HAVE A DREAM)

Anonymous said...

OT: I just saw Jared Leto on E and he is starring in a movie playing a woman. He could be playing a transgender, but my short term memory loss kicked in and that's all I've got. I think the title of the movie has three words in it, and Jared looked very pretty in the movie. The interviewer mentioned past movies Jared was in. I don't know how this man went completely off my radar. Adam sure knows a lot of famous people!

Anonymous said...

OT: I just saw Jared Leto on E and he is starring in a movie playing a woman. He could be playing a transgender, but my short term memory loss kicked in and that's all I've got. I think the title of the movie has three words in it, and Jared looked very pretty in the movie. The interviewer mentioned past movies Jared was in. I don't know how this man went completely off my radar. Adam sure knows a lot of famous people!

Anonymous said...

Please donot use our Lord's name in vain.

Anonymous said...

Busy blog tonight, oh what fun.

Anonymous said...

I always thought that Adam was only going to be on Glee for a certain number of episodes and not as a regular the way Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Hudson were. Adam has said absolutely nothing about his role and it might be that they have not figured out exactly what it will be. I just want to see him even if it is a few episodes. There has been a lot of publicity and comments about Adam and Glee so that's a good thing for him and the show. I don't think he will be playing himself since Chris Colfer said that Adam would be his "nemesis', but as someone pointed out, things may have changed since Cory's death. I suppose all of us will just have to wait and see.

Anonymous said...

Well Adam L. Is every bit as good as anyone that will ever Grace Glee have not seen many AW performances in that show little I watched. Only interested because of Adam period!

Anonymous said...

Chris C. Said that about Adam play his n after CM died. I suspect it will be something like that. That show needs a AL shot in the arm. I think it will be a comic part but do not care just want to see Adam.

Anonymous said...

Whether Adam knows or not about Glee, he will keep his mouth shut, until he wants to open it. Same goes with if he is or isn't writing any songs. Same goes with if he has or has not got a friend to vacation with. His life right now is a closed book, except for things out of his control that others have publicized. Same goes with whether or not he has talks going on with record producers. So we might as well stop speculating and wait for Adam to break his silence on everything.

Anonymous said...

I never thought that Adam would be a regular on the series. He is a singer. We need him on stages singing his heart out. I would love his appearances on Glee to be similar to Gwyneth Paltrow's. A few shows to give him the extra visibility, but definitely not a full time actor. Please Adam, continue writing songs, doing collabs and giving shows.

Anonymous said...

But he isn't on stages. And apparently he is only going to be on a few glee episodes and only singing two songs. More like Jessica savages role which was pretty much nothing. . They must have not developed a real storyline for him. Too bad

Anonymous said...

WHO is this 'idolator' that everyone is listening to as if he possesses the 'whole truth, and nothing but the truth'. Who is he or her?

Anonymous said...

I think Adam made a mistake dropping RCA, he might as well have agreed to do one album of covers, as a stop gap while he is working on his 4th album. We loved him on AI, all covers. He has added several covers to his tours, and we all loved it. He seems to be very slow getting the inspiration for his own next album. I know I for one would have bought his cover album, because I am sure I would have liked all the songs he would have picked, even going back to the 70's and 80's. Most young people have never heard of these songs, so they would be new for large amount of his fans.
Water under the bridge now, unless he could find a backer to still do a cover album, mixed with his own music that he has never released.

Anonymous said...

I too always figured adam would be on glee in a manner similar to Paltrow and Hudson, which were awesome roles!!!!!! Paltrow and Hudson came of GREAT in their appearances on Glee!!!! would be fine with that for Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Just speculation, but I think our Sweet BB has been laying low (since the Labor Day pool party) because he has been taking acting and dance lessons - just brushing up his performance so he'll be ready for GLEE. You know Adam - always prepared.

Anonymous said...

BREAKING NEWS. It is being reported that Adam will appear on the first episode after the Glee hiatus and will sing "Applause" (Lady Gaga's latest song).

Anonymous said...

5.43 you have no Idea he only going to sing two songs. How did you find that put when no one else knows it. Nothing to bad at all. Think he be on a few , he will sing how many do not know. Just know said on E news he will duet with DL. The rest is just speculation. It's been talked about for couple months he will be on the show. Adam may not have known two or three weeks ago but I have a feeling he knows something now. He preparing for Vegas show and maybe Glee something cooking when he this quite. He preparing for the kill. Certainly getting time get ready for Vegas. 9 days or less. Some lucky people going to the show. Heard lots of Ads on radio for Queen featuring Adam Lambert and surprise guest. He be on Glee nothing to be fretting about.

Anonymous said...

5.59 are you really serious!

Anonymous said...

Preparing for the kill meaning preparing to commit suicide because he is so depressed then I agree.

Anonymous said...

I just watched xfactor and Demi is a beautiful woman and has a lot of experience as a child actor. Getting more and more anxious for Adam and Glee. YAY.

Anonymous said...

Yea he real depressed being on a huge festival with Icons. Nothing to be depressed about. Now you trolls going to far talking about people committing suicide. If that's not deleted I give up on this site altogether. 6.10 gone over the limit now.

Anonymous said...

Adam may be on some beautiful tropical vacation and we are stuck here arguing over how many episodes of Glee he will be on. Nice going Adam!! lol

Anonymous said...

BREAKING NEWS #2. He will also sing another Gaga song - Judas.

Anonymous said...

6:08 it's true read the top post. ok one episode and one song already!! hey hey what do ya say?

Anonymous said...

Also said he signed on to do a few episodes as Kurt N. mean guy. Going to sing two songs first episode. Said he signed on for few episodes. Lady GaGa new song and another. But that's two song first episode after the break not just two song altogether. Suspect more as he signed but they said for a few episodes. Knew something was up. He probably preparing for Vegas and maybe he he will take se lessons. Great news. Nothing to be depressed about here. Happy

BLS said...

I saw a list of the Glee cast a while ago that no one has mentioned since. It listed the cast of the main show, followed by the cast of the recurrent show. Adam was listed in the main show list as a character named Samuel X. I wish I had DLed this, but take my word for it, it appeared.

BLS said...

I meant the main CAST, of course, not show, and the recurrent CAST, also not show.

Anonymous said...

Come on people, what is with all the crazy posts, mean posts and responding to trolls? Let's ignore the trolls and be nicer to each other. This blog sucks enough as it is, let's not make it worse.

Anonymous said...

waiting for Adam & Queen Vegas here we come.

Anonymous said...

What an awful thing to say, you disgust me!
Troll or not, you OBVIOUSLY don't know anything about life nor respecting it.
Wait until someone near and dear to you (if you have any) commits suicide. Maybe you've been the one to give the last push with your idiotic comments!
How cruel, brainless and heartless people can be...If you have a brain, start using it!

Anonymous said...

@6:10pm do you like to run or do aerobic?

Anonymous said...

@ 4:50 p.m. yes you are a Pollyanna. Nothing wrong in having a sunny outlook, but you are a little ding-y. Adam is known and loved by some on several continents but he is not a superstar. Maybe someday, but not today. He is still struggling to sustain his recording career or there will be no more tours to exotic locales. Chill out.

Anonymous said...

Why does it bother you or anybody else here when people have CHOSEN to be upbeat and happy, or even over the moon delirious about ADAM???

There is no better place to do it than a fan site, plus of course seeing him perform live! Let people flail, have fun & be supportive to the max. Hurts nobody! Unlike the negative, often very rude comments towards Adam and hurtful name calling among posters...

I'm a total downer & overly critical in my RL, but it does not bother me a bit to read happy, supportive or even unrealistic comments. Cause that's what being a fan is... being superexited for your Superstar!

Why do the so called 'realistic fans' (LMAO!!) think they are somehow better-er or more in the know... cause unless you belong to Adam's inner circle of family & friends, co-workers, management etc., you're just as clueless of his affairs (professional and private) as the rest of us fans. Except we are happier!!! tsk tsk tsk

Anonymous said...

Auts, it seems to be a little war going on with these fansites, havent visit here for a long time cause its so weard to read these comments, cause they always end to fight...Why cant you just enjoy Adams music and great personality and wait his new record and concerts?
Have you ever thought that maybe he doesnt want to be a Superstar - that he is happy in his life as it is now?


Anonymous said...

@ Karin......I think I love you need an additional grandmother.....or perhaps I should say Granhopper!
...JAK... : )