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More Closeup Pictures of Adam Lambert's New Tattoo

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 30, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 30, 2013

VIA 4Msrmyn (Adamtopia)


Anonymous said...

I have never cared much or thought much about tattoos until Adam...but I love all of his. I really like his latest addition. I especially like the close ups of his

Anonymous said...

what does it mean?

Anonymous said...

beautiful tatoo-love it-

Anonymous said...

TEMPTATION!.....the serpent in the Garden of Eden...though the apple is probably not correct, it is the commonly held belief......Adam and his body are a constant source of entertainment ..... Wait , let me rephrase that.........
On second thought, let it go as is......JAK

Anonymous said...

I think it has a Garden of Eden theme - if you look closely there's an apple and a serpent, etc. But then, I may be totally wrong! I do think it is artistic and must have meaning to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Great minds think alike.....

Anonymous said...

Great minds think alike.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love Adam madly but I don't like this tattoo at all.

Anonymous said...

Eeeeek! I'm just about to go to bed & I'll probably have nightmares about this.

Anonymous said...

Like I posted earlier, Adam had that snake at the RS cover shoot. I think he likes those "temptation" themes. LOL. As tats go, it's a good one. When he gets them, they are done well. Sexy on him, IMO.


Anonymous said...

I hope he doesn't have color added, it's more dramatic in Adam is!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

@JAK I agree,it looks really great as it is and yes I think it may be the Garden of Eden. Adam never does a tattoo that doesn't have a lot of meaning to it. Just don't want tats allover more of his beautiful body. Then him and Adam Levine will get more mixed up than ever lol!

Anonymous said...

Strange Adam hasn't mentioned his tat to the fans yet.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but those freckles are all coverd up.

Anonymous said...

@9:25 incase u avn't noticed, adam rarely chat with his fans on twitter anymore, which i think is great by the way; many of us 'fans' do not deserve that priviledge.
Nice tats..just pray it shouldn't be an obsession..its adam body

Anonymous said...

Adam appears to be a genuinely warm kind hearted person, and I love him to pieces. I love his previous individual tattoos. However, for the life of me I can't figure out why he would want a slithering cold blooded reptile on his gorgeous arm. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I'm not beholding that snake tattoo. The sleeve tattoo is so yesterday and unattractive on anyone who has one. I remember Megan from Idol and how yucky her arm looked and how it took away from her beauty. It was quite distracting. The bottom line is if Adam is happy then good for him, but for me as a fan, I don't like it, and, personally, I really don't like snakes! Can't stand the sight of them. I guess I have a snake phobia. Also, that's one strange looking apple in the Garden.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I guess he figures a tatt that size doesn't need a mention....since we are all 'up' on his latest photos... : )

Don't despair, he has hundreds of freckles still visible,

I'm curious about the serpent, it appears to have a 'mane' or 'fins'??? Odd.

Anonymous said...

I blame that "Garden of Eden" tattoo on Melvin!

Anonymous said...

@ 10:36....I was curious about that apple too, it doesn't look finished, it needs some shading to define it's shape....I'm not a tatt have no plans of getting one though I'd like a few more eyebrows.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Cannot understand why anyone would permanently ruin their skin with tats. It cheapens a classy look. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

you can buy these sleeves at iParty and then take them off. They look real too. Adam must not have know that hahaha

Anonymous said...

@JAK, lol

Anonymous said...

Howdy everyone! How wonderful to see Adam's new artwork up close!

JAK and 8:41am, I'm an artist and I think you'd be surprised how much color adds to the artistic impact of tattoos like this. Look at Sauli's sleeve as a good example of a colored-in sleeve ... so beautiful. And since Adam likes art on his body, not just on the wall, I'm glad he's gone with great artists to implement his vision. (Thank God. Nothing like a bad tattoo! Yikes.)

Tattoo's aren't for everyone, including me, but if you want one really make sure you WANT ONE. And get a skilled tattoo artist to do it. I heard removing them is ten times more painful than getting them.

When Adam was asked during American Idol which he preferred - tattoos or piercings - he said enthusiastically "Both"! And so it has come to pass. :)

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I'm seeing mermaid scales. is the mermaid swimming around the area of the apple?????

Anonymous said...

I'm seeing mermaid scales. is the mermaid swimming around the area of the apple?????

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to get tatoos..., but my husband wasn't keen on the none for me (yet).......but I love all Adam's !!! rose petal

Anonymous said...

Not really wild about them, but I do like the added color. Please, Adam keep them on the arms only!!!!! Getting tattoos is addictive.

Anonymous said...

I like it! Not for everyone Adam is a musician cannot think of to many that do not have at least some. I honestly like it on Adam makes him look like a very cool, hot musician.he can easily cover it for formal wear. I suspect he quite proud of it. A tat that size in LA. Cost a ton. He did get started in China. I think on some people it looks kind if raunchy. But not on Adam it very well done it looks hot on him. Sue

Anonymous said...

Now we want him to wear a sleeveless shirt to show it off so we can see the whole thing from his shoulder all the way to his wrist. Adam please it should not be hard to do. It's hot right now in LA and you can rock your recent sleeveless shirt to show off your whole tattoo.

Anonymous said...

I wish Adam hadn't branded himself a freak of nature - lusus naturae.

Anonymous said...

For me I'd rather to see men with tattoos than women!!!:) I'm sorry if I offended anyone here... I have a daughter and I hope she doesn't get one!!:)


HK fan said...

Not really sure what to think, I am not a fan of sleeves, but as sleeves go, this one looks like it has been done really well by a very good artist. I too hope he doesn't add any colour, it looks much better like this.
Sorry Laura, I don't particularly like Saulis because of the colour, colour seems to cheapen it to me.
And I also agree with JAK, the apple doesn't look finished.
I'd like to see the whole arm to see how this fits in the the puking woman/man whatever it is on his upper arm.

Anonymous said...

Yes, 5:02pm, there are two different school's of thought when it comes to coloring in tattoo's. I think they look more professional and finished when colored. And more beautiful. Just my opinion.

Um... that "puking woman/man whatever" is a symbol for Adam's Zodiac sign - Aquarius. That is stylized water coming out of the mouth and it fits artistically with the lower arm design.

It will be fun to see how it all looks as one piece.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

As I understand it, it's pain and agony having tattoos removed but I guess Adam wants his for life.

Anonymous said...

I think if you have a coloured tattoo it only looks good with black or white solid colour shirts or shirtless. Too many contrasting designs, colours, prints otherwise. Like an explosion in a fabric factory , I'd stick with uncoloured in idea. JMO

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal....JAK best friend always wanted a butterfly tattoo...she was butterfly crazy, even "raised" them on her sun porch (she said it was a Boy Scout project...she was a leader) but husband said "please ... no" so she didn't.
He was an A.F. pilot and died at 38. On the anniversary of his death she was still devastated and went out and had a small blue butterfly tattooed on her back shoulder blade.
When she 'fessed up to me I asked why there and she said "I don't want to be able to see it ... I just want Jack to know I'm still sassy and independent and the kids and I will be okay." In December she will have been a widow 40 years and still in love with him....She's traveled all over the world as a photographer and learned to fly a plane at 60...she's a marvel. That blue butterfly was empowering!

gravilarBr said...

His freckles... Yes!!!!!!!!!!! The best tatoo in the world!!! I love it to death!!!!