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Adam Lambert Averages 765 New Twitter Followers DAILY

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, September 30, 2013

Posted at : Monday, September 30, 2013

According to Twitter Counter, Adam averages around 765 new Twitter followers every day!


Anonymous said...

I give up, how do you join twitter?

Anonymous said...

You just google twitter and it leads you to the sign-up. It's easy.

Anonymous said...

Once he starts on glee it will probably go up even faster! Now if all these people or even half buy his next album.

Anonymous said...

It better be, I'm a novice ....thanks

Anonymous said...

I sure hope they do Adam justice on Glee; this will be such a wonderful outlet for him to show off his wonderful talents.

Always hoping for the best for Adam Lambert; so glad he is being giving this chance.

Anonymous said...

8:26it is very easy to join twitter then once you get in there they will give you suggestions to follow. You will think of many on your own too. I recently had to create a new password because of activity on my account didn't look right to twitter.

Anonymous said...

Adam has more than 2:1 million followers, if only these followers buy his albums...hmmmm

Anonymous said...

@9:29 I bet tptb at Glee wish they had grabbed him sooner.