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More Information on IF I HAD YOU's Massive Popularity in South Korea

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 17, 2013

VIA DerekMcG from IdolForums:

Thanks to the huge amount of TV exposure IIHY has had here, there must be very few South Koreans under 40 who aren't familiar with the song now. I even heard it featured on a popular talk show here a couple of days ago---yet another indication of how much it's attained that coveted "instant recognition" status. The next time Adam sings in Korea, I guarantee his audience will go berserk if he performs this song. In fact, I'm sure it's now more popular in this country than WWFM.

And proof that Adam is no one-hit wonder: the official foreign artists' charts for the month of August were published here last week, and IIHY was #12 on the Digital Chart (up from #14 for the month of July) and #16 on the Download Chart (up from #26 the previous month). Very impressive figures for a single that's been out for well over three years.

All of this has reinforced to me yet again how easy it is for established radio darlings to achieve hit after hit simply through the power of repetition. Adam happened to strike it lucky here with IIHY, thanks to the Cass beer ad campaign, but I think many of us would agree that he has superior songs on Trespassing that would be even more popular---if they could only be heard by the public at large on a regular basis.

In the meantime, Adam has definitely seeped into the Korean public's consciousness, and I can't wait to see which of his songs gets embraced next. Trespassing has loads of potential (and remember that it's already been used on a CSI promo here), as does NCOE. But Cuckoo would have huge appeal in this country, as well as ballads like Outlaws of Love. (This is one country where ballads feature regularly on the charts.) And if Lay Me Down gets released as a single here---well, the sky's the limit.




Anonymous said...

Very impressive to read of IIHY and the popularity it has in SoKorea. They know a good thing when they hear it. So wake up America. It's your turn now to give Adam the recognition and success that has eluded him here. Maybe with the Queenbert concert in Vegas and then his appearances on Glee, the American listening and viewing audience will finally realize what they have been missing.

Anonymous said...

Who is DerekMcG? A fan or?

Anonymous said...

Go South Korea, IIHY one of my favorite too, M

Anonymous said...

12:23, did you actually read that? The point was that it has become popular through repeat on a commercial. Get Adam a commercial like that in the US before you say the US needs to wake up.

Anonymous said...

That's why Adam is going back to be on TV. Let's hope Glee will give the boost that he needs and let's hope they'll use one of his tracks on the show. Maybe Outlaws of Love or Cuckoo or Trespassing or Underneath etc.

Anonymous said...

TV exposure is much bigger than radio and this certainly proves it. More Adam on TV in US will change the world for Adam in his homeland. Fingers crossed Glee will do it for him.

Anonymous said...

LMD 60 on US iTunes overall. Go go go Glamhoppers.

Buy it here:

Anonymous said...

Truth - If you say something long enough and loud enough, everyone will start believing you.

Anonymous said...

thanks for that update! sounds wonderful/rewarding for adam

tess4ADAM said...

What??? Please this is an ADAM LAMBERT fan site!!! TYVM

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Hearing a song repeatedly on radio and then put on a commercial will make a song soar. Like P2's Home. Sometimes I have heard a song on the radio at first listen thought meh,but after a few times I start to really like it. Hopefully that will happen for Adam. RCA could have certainly put one of his songs from Trespassing on a commercial but they just didn't promote that album or Adam properly.

Anonymous said...

Yep, repetition on radio and especially TV exposore is how singers get hit after hit. I am SO happy about the success of IIHY in S.Korea. Even mediocre songs that get lots of play make it to the top. ALL THE TIME. We all hope Glee gives Adam a boost. And LMD is on its way up up up.


Anonymous said...

12:29 - get Adam a commercial NOW!!!

Anonymous said...

LMD no. 6 dance 57 over all. Sue

Anonymous said...

I assume Adam keeps making money from IIHY in S.Korea whenever it's sold and played?

Anonymous said...

LMD 55 overall.

Buy and gift it to your nephews, nieces, grand kids, boyfriends, husband, friends, coworkers here:

Anonymous said...

OT darn I went to listen to Angie and Adam's AI duet and it has been taken down. I read somewhere they only leave up the first and second place winners stuff, maybe that is true.

Anonymous said...

@12:35 Where do you get this info? Can you give us a link?

Anonymous said...

Please work to get LMD up couple spaces if you can afford its neck and neck with that brother song forgot title. LMD such a great song. Best in album I really think that. LMD 6 other true song brother something 7 first time so close. LMD 54 overall other one 64 only two charting over all besides Wake Me Up. Please do what you can afford if you want hate to see it get ahead the other song even one. I am doing what I can medical bills out the you know what and more stuff to come doing what I can do what you can! Sue

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better, Sue. You sound like you're back with us with all your Adam passion. We're all doing what we can to support LMD.


daydreamin said...

Anon 3:27 I found it here:

Click Here

Sue, I hope you're feeling better! It sucks about your medical bills:((

daydreamin said...

Nice review of Adam in LMD

Click Here

Anonymous said...

If I Had You is one of my all time favorite songs ever. :)