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More Tweets From Adam (September 12, 2013)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, September 12, 2013

Posted at : Thursday, September 12, 2013


Anonymous said...

omg I think he has had it alright.

Anonymous said...

omg I think he has had it alright.

Anonymous said...

Is that Adam? it doesn't look like it.

Anonymous said...

Anybody explain? Why does he tweet a picture of a drunkaholic?

Anonymous said...

This doesn't look like Adam, the man is to heavy for Adam.

Anonymous said...

'Course it's not Adam. Maybe this guy's not drunk. Could be just tired.

Anonymous said...

NOT ADAM<<<<<nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

LOL that guy is really tired.

Anonymous said...

What's the point???? Who is this guy?

Anonymous said...

Click on the Ig above, and get your answer. I still don't get it

Anonymous said...

It's funny, people!

Anonymous said...

It's funny, people!

Anonymous said...

Good pic, that's the way I feel after all these rumors.

Anonymous said...

and wild-eyed speculation.

Anonymous said...

at 8:09 AM

It is?

Anonymous said...

Omg-all you asking if that's Adam-are you serious????
The rejects really do make this site home.

Anonymous said...

Adam in NY maybe

Anonymous said...

Who would think that is Adam? REALLY !

Anonymous said...

@9:27 AM So the pot's calling the kettle black. again.

Anonymous said...

Someone is traveling somewhere...see luggage. That's not Adam....look at the shoes...too small and too normal!!

Anonymous said...

What are you people on about? Of course it is not Adam but why did he post the picture? Concentrate on that instead of speculating whether it is him or not...

Anonymous said...

he liked someone elses picture.

Anonymous said...

This thread is FULL of trolls. It's FUNNY, people, FUNNY. Adam retweeted that pic from a person's twitter account that depicts people who are in 'exhausted' positions, are extremely 'tired', have HAD it for the day. That is ALL that this is. This guy (who is 3 times the size of Adam) has just HAD it for the day. PERIOD. Get a sense of humour, people!!

Anonymous said...

10:51. LOL most of the people here will never get it. It is funny.

Anonymous said...

That's how I felt in Algebra class.

Anonymous said...

That's how I feel sometimes accidently getting into this website discussions.

Anonymous said...

I hope it means he felt tired as he... and was in NYC!

Anonymous said...

I just love the "cross" hanging on the side of his arm. I have felt like this before after I have taught English to a college class.

Anonymous said...

@JAK .... HAHA!! Agree. Algebra was never my forte.

Anonymous said...

Whoever it is could lose some weight and then mightn't feel so tired.

Anonymous said...

OMG how you guys even think that he'd be Adam. He doesn't look at all to him. Poor Adam he was compared with someone not good-looking at all and Adam is so gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

We don't know what the guy looks like. Some people with large bodies have quite nice looking facial features.