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New Hot Picture of Adam Lambert at Giorgio's

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, September 15, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, September 15, 2013

SOURCE: Giorgio's Disco


Anonymous said...

He looks so good. And so devilish. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! Definitely HOT!
(I'm lovin' the freckles)♥

Anonymous said...

Where is this Giorgio's Disco?

Anonymous said...

Show your new tattoo!!:)

C'mon now!!!:)

I like your style Mr.


glitzylady said...

Giogio's is in LA/West Hollywood/Sunset Blvd area

glitzylady said...

Oh and OMG!!! Damn!!! How cute is he!!??!!

Anonymous said...

4:52, it is a very exclusive disco dance party in The Standard Hollywood hotel.

Here is an article about it:

Anonymous said...

Adam looks great. Can't wait to see the tattoo!

Anonymous said...

So he has had time for more tats, looks like a sleeve going on, you don't do that in 5 minutes. I think Glee has told him to put a stop to all the club pics of him drinking every night. He has not been missing at all. He has been somewhat busy we hope getting his 3rd album worked on, and also might have finally got something to rehearse for Glee. Although we have been told a few times his part is still not ready. Must be frustrating for Adam to have to wait. Sounds like he has had to wait to the last minute to find out his set list for Vegas. I bet he doesn't like all this hurry up and wait, just like being in the service. ha ha
So many stories about the Vegas gig, heard that Katey Perry , Bruno Mars and a couple of others who are in the show, might be joining him, with Roger and Brian, for the last song. Makes sense, since he will be closing the show. I don't like it, I wanted Queen and Adam to get all the applause, I am greedy that way. LOL

Anonymous said...

@5:08 PM You said it right. I don't want anyone sharing the spotlight with Adam and Queen.

Anonymous said...

Just because we haven't got any pics of Adam in the clubs, doesn't mean he wasn't there. They do have vip rooms. He is not going to live like a monk, we know he goes out, but he has found a way to slip past the paps. He probably works part of the day, but he has to eat, we know the clubs , are his living room, where his friends are, so I am sure he hasn't changed any regular life style. Can't wait to see him in Vegas, wish I could go, but will wait for videos. Hope we can get some live streaming if it is allowed.

Anonymous said...

Thank you@4:52 and @glitzylady
and here was me thinking he would be in NYC or somewhere far away from We-Ho... the outfit looks a bit Italian... Adam-Giorgio, amore mio! And a new tattoo, yuhuu!

Anonymous said...

above @5:27... oooops, sorry - meant to thank you @5:02!!!
4:52 (goofeball)

Anonymous said...

Such a great "bad boy" pic. Love those bare arms and the sideways glance. So, where are these new tats suppoed to be? He's filling the right arm with some more stuff? Well, I'm fine with it. We know he's been busy with so much coming up. The LMD buzz is so exciting, too. It's funny, 5:08, but I'm a little greedy, too. I've been thinking the same thing about other stars coming up onstage with Adam and Queen. I want Adam up there all my himself in the glory of Queen. My only exception would be Bowie, or maybe McCartney. Otherwise, just Adam and Roger and Brian. We'll see soon.


Anonymous said...

Dang he looks so good

Anonymous said...

My my I just imagine a hint of Rhett?
"Frankly Scarlett, i don't give a damn" ! ........JAK

Anonymous said...

Sorry he is going for a sleeve. Hope he leaves one arm alone at least. It is his arm but he should think about an acting career and should quit that nonsense. Tattoos suck.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many chicks slipped the digits?;;;;))))~~~~~

Anonymous said...

What's he drinking? Tattoos look nasty. I can't believe someone so into his looks would put them things on his body. Needs to shave.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:51 PM

You are right; his arm, his life. Not everybody thinks that tattoos suck; I think our Adam is one of those people.

Many actors have tattos; there are many ways to cover them if necessary.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The only thing I have against tattoos is I can't afford them.

Anonymous said...

@5:57 PM #2

Are you and @5:51 PM the same person. Seems like the same stupid mentally. Adam is drinking whatever the hell he wants. He is a 31 year old man. Tattoos probably look nasty to you but not to everyone; what a way to describe something on someone else's body. Also, Adam does not need a shave unless he feels the need for one. You must need glasses, this is one of the most beautiful men in the world. He looks very handsome to the majority of people commenting on the picture and it's circulating all over the media for people fans starving to see this man any way that they can.

I don't know if you are male or female; but, you seem very, very jealous of Adam. Your entire posting was just tearing him down.
Bully much. Adam is the greatest;
deal with it!

Anonymous said...

Are we going to ignore the trolls or not?

Anonymous said...

@5:58 #2,

Why are you shouting, and what are you trying to say. Is Monkbert your handle; are you trying to introduce yourself, what?

Anonymous said...

5:58. TY for a respectful comment. Although it disagrees with someone's view, you were very classy. I think 6:13 should take a queue from you on how to react to people agreeing to disagree. 6:13 You should be ashamed of yourself. You sound like a child. You are the bully.

Anonymous said...


Only if you want to, he, she, it, them are just sounding like fools;
or one fool. I think it is just one person sounding so stupid. I can't believe that many people are out of the asylum tonight.

Anonymous said...

People like his tats; others don't. Let people say what they want without attacking. We all enjoy Adam period.

Anonymous said...

I personally think that some of
these trolls warranted what 6:13 said, I would not have been as kind. But, will not waste my precious time on these nut jobs.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, not everyone on here is being respectful to Adam. People that want to respond to people that talk trash about Adam on his fan blog site, also have a right to express their opinion; it goes both ways.

Anonymous said...

A couple posts ago several people said they weren't going to respond to the trolls any more. It would help if everybody was on board with that.

Anonymous said...

Someone saying something as mild as tattoos suck gets the kind of completely cray rant that 6 13 posted?

You guys are absurd.

And no, I was not the poster.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Rhett Butler

Anonymous said...

oooh love the look Adam. Glad to see a recent picture of him. I hope he is pimping LMD while he is in that club. The album comes out in a few days.

Anonymous said...

Yes you are; 6:13 really got to you. I don't think it was a rant; I think she was responding to your crazy talk and now you can't get over it. If you are not the nut jobs, the fact that you are defending the way Adam was disrespected, I will put you in the same catagories as the rest of the Adam bashers on this blog tonight. Stop trying to bully posters.

Anonymous said...

6:13 is a regular troll on here too. lol stirring sh*t up. Twilight Zone 2.0

Anonymous said...

So much bullying of people who don't have the same opinion as someone else. There's no need to get all bitter and twisted if someone has a different opinion. I'm not a fan of tattoos either so am I going to be screamed at well? There's no excuse for nastiness.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, 7:15. A simple statement that a person thinks tats suck or are concerned about his career shouldn't warrant this awful talk esp by 6:13. You are so right.

Anonymous said...

Love Adam; do not like the tats but whatever he does, well, it is his choice. I am on board with his solo music career. That is all I care about. Do not necessarily agree with the band members he keeps but that is a whole other story. Just happy Adam is happy. We all must live our life according to our own rules. Let us try on this forum to respect each other's views as well. How about it? Too much nasty talk. These are not trolls. They are fans too. They just aren't pollyanish and aren't afraid to state a respectful opinion. Let it be. Quit arguing and state your opinions.

Anonymous said...

OH NO!!! The Featured Picture is sending me off to fantasy land.

Anonymous said...

7:28 you must be new here.

Anonymous said...

I just want to suck his lips right off of his gorgeous face.

Anonymous said...

That one troll is going from post to post. So upset at what 6:13 said in defending Adam. I totally agree with he or she @ 6:13. Boy, the person really hit a nerve. It is the same troll that had their feelings hurt and just won't let it go. Poor thing.

7:24 is also from the village of trollville to. They pick one or two defenders of Adam's and then try to pretend they are now acting civil. Go beautiful Adam; continue to do your thing. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Now Adam's fans are Sherlock Holmes. LMAO

Anonymous said...

Are we still in kintergarden. People please; enough already. There are so many trolls on here trying to stick it to one person who seems to have had their say and has left the building.

wWhich I am going to do myself. Good night dear Glamhoppers.

Anonymous said...

7:47 You are going from post to post. Who are you kidding? No one.

Anonymous said...

Adam fans are a little bit of everything, haven't you heard. They are experts as to whether Adam should have a beard; whether he should drink; who his boyfriend should be; they are the moral police. Yes, a busy group are we. Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

I have no dog in this hunt, but I find all of this so amusing; I guess it would take someone going from post to post to know another one. Sorry, could not resist that one.

Anonymous said...

What if everyone on here is just one person. Just kidding.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:01. You mean someone with a split...split...split...split...split...split...split...split...split...split...
personality? I guess it's possible, except for you and me, of course : ) .......JAK

Anonymous said...

Good night, John Boy

Anonymous said...

Wayyyyyy tooooooo sexyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Anonymous said...

Goodnight Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so SEXY with that sly look in his eyes!

Anonymous said...

@8:01 and JAK-that was just too doggone funny! I have often thought that, if, by law, we all had to reveal ourselves for our posts and had to go to trial, there would only be about five people to show up in court as authors of the posts. (PEET AND REPEAT would for sure be there). XOXO, Miss Multiple Personality Syndrome who loves Adam.

Anonymous said...

Good night, good night, parting is such sweet sorrow
..........that I shall say good night...til it be morrow!

Hah ! and they say old people don't have a good memory!
The last time that exit line passed my lips. or fingertips....
was during Eisenhower's administration...1952 ! .......JAK

Anonymous said...

Friend of mind has a gorgeous tattoo on his back and it goes over his left shoulder and ends over his heart. Just out of this world work of art. He spent $55 thousand for it over the course of a year and half. Well he can afford it. I don't mind nice tattoos. So far I like Adam's tattoos. I'm sure I'll like the new one.

Anonymous said...

Love this pic. of Adam. His look is like saying Whataya Want From Me.

Anonymous said...

Such a gorgeous face and freckled arm. Adam takes your breath away. How could any man resist him. We know no woman can. I love mysterious Adam. What is going on in that beautiful head. Only you know for sure and that is how it should be. Good night my love>>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Good night true Adam fans who love him but are not afraid to express honest opinions. Positive/negative but respectful.

Anonymous said...

All the cray is coming out tonight.

Anonymous said...

Quit calling people cray because they are saying how they feel. You are not above it all. Judge continuously; STFU.

Anonymous said...

How about the featured pic.? Oh my lord! YUM YUM YUM!

Anonymous said...

OMG, people have been whining for some info or a pic and we get this strikingly gorgeous pic and look what this post has turned into. You should be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Great pic of Adam. That is a hot man and we all love him!

Anonymous said...

cute picture here but wait til you see the two he just posted on his IG lol

Anonymous said...

Is it too hard to ignore the trolls?
Please have some self control, when you ignore any stupid and hateful comment,it dies quickly that way.

Anonymous said...

His new IG pics. look reminded me of my husband back in 70s with long hair and beard. Hahaha!

Anonymous said...

His new IG pics is goofy,fun and teasing#i laughed hard when I saw it

Anonymous said...

69 posts!
No we can't have that!
Somebody could get nightmares...
Now there there...

HK fan said...

there hasn't beena picture of the new tatoo yet, but if you look closely at the pic, you can see some new pale swirly lines just peeking out of his sleeve.....

@5.57pm comment was not a simple statement saying they didn't like tattoos, the attitude and disrespect jumps out the screen at you.
A simple, 'Personally I don't like tattoos, but I understand its Adams body, not fine so he can do as he chooses' would have been better.

Anonymous said...

Often wonder why the REALITY LOLS & Co cannot express their comments in a non-offensive, non-condescending way?! Why always add some rude words or hurt some other posters' feelings?

In REAL LIFE you can't go around blurting your "get real, you dumb dumbs" like you do here (in the name of freedom of speach) or you'll end up alone in this world. Or maybe that's your goal...

But most of all I wonder why an earth does it bother anyone that people are being loving, caring, hopeful, optimistic, funny, silly, over the top happy or sad, disappointed, even furious ON A FAN SITE - BIG EMOTIONS ARE IN ORDER HERE!!!
Not shouting, just stressing a point in a fan's job description...heh he...being an AFL fan often is a full time job, but oh such a fun & rewarding one! :))))))))))

Have a nice night/day ya'll!

Anonymous said...

you looking at me???You HOT Adam

Anonymous said...

3:16, not all of us "reality" fans are rude and condescending. I think you might be lumping us in with some of the trolls. Mostly I wish each type of fan was allowed to express themselves without condemnation from other fans. (I do not include what I think are trolls, who some label as fans with negative opinions, in this. IMO they should be blocked.) The only thing I get tired of with the overly optimistic declarations is that when they do not happen then there is a lot of whining and crying and the good thing that did happen is missed. To try and state it another way, I wish we could be happy for the good thing that does exist, without adding unannounced or bigger wishes on top of it - like Adam did do the vocals for Avicii's song and it is getting great reviews but don't add the expectation that it will get massive radio play that converts people to being a fan of Adam and that it wins a grammy, etc etc and then be disappointed when it doesn't happen. I don't know if I am making sense but I just repeatedly see fans expecting some huge thing and then being all upset when it doesn't happen and that big thing was all something the fans constructed.

Anonymous said...

where did you find out about another tatoo?? I haven't read it..but want to..thanks..a genuine fan!

Anonymous said...

i can relate with what you have written,when i initially started commenting,i was labelled a troll for being realistic.there is a difference btw a troll,a debbie downer,negative nellies and a realistic person.
I think a lots of peeps are quick to condemn any post that is contrary to their opinions without reading and understanding what the writer means. Yes i do want to be happy,optimistic for adam but when i see (read) a comment that is born out of a person's imagination that is tending to be a stupid one, it hurts because we tend to leave what we should celebrate and promote.

Anonymous said...

5:17 AM, in the pic, look at Adam's right wrist. You can see something new peeking out below the infinity symbol.

5:27 AM, agreed, we too quickly lose track of the real thing we should be celebrating with the additional hopes added to it.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind the "realists" at all, as long as they're not rude. We all know that sometimes how high hopes get dashed and our hearts get broken. But we share the sad with the happy together. I like the way 3:16 put it, esp. the third paragraph. "Big emotions are in order here!" This is a FAN site, and we often get fanatic. This is a place where high emotions are supposed to be expressed and are lovingly shared. I know all the "real" stuff, too. I'm not naive, just hopeful and full of emotions for Adam. If I just wanted the facts, I get my info elsewhere and skip the fansites. It's sites like this that let me show my heart. To me, that's what a fan is. JMO.


Anonymous said...

Will it be all right if we are overly optimistic if we promise not to express our disappointment when our fantasies crumble?
Some people like highs and lows, not just middle middle middle. Jessie

Anonymous said...

The entertainment world is all about creativity, imagination, dreams, wishes, etc. If I want to deal with reality, I'll go read NYT. This is fansite and fans dream big for their Idol. Deal with it or open up your own fansite and call it reality of Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous picture of a beautiful, sexy man. Just let me say that I am not a fan of tattoos or the large holes he has in his ears. But these are the things that make Adam, Adam. He is his own person. He is very intelligent and know what he wants and goes out and achieves it. He rocks fashion like no other and no matter what he wears it works. Well, maybe not that poncho, lol. But I have come to love his tattoos and piercings because this is all apart of him. The tats are in very good taste, and so interesting and just basically they fit him! They are apart of him and he expresses himself thru music, fashion and his tattoos. So please no more fighting about whether you like them or not, this is about our love for this amazing man. We are all privileged to witness his phenomenal talent of which we will never see again in our lifetime. So, love Adam then love ALL of him. Cheers!!

Anonymous said...

Then just be ready to be reminded you created your own disappointment. At least acknowledge in your post it is a dream instead of quoting it as fact.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to be reminded, because I know it will make you so happy to do it.

My name is TX and I admit I am a dreamer. I have come here today tobe cured of this terrible condition. Wish me luck.

Anonymous said...

@Anons 4:33 and 5:27
Just want to thank you for your posts before I crash (been a rough couple of days, too tired to write anything sensible, maybe after a good long rest, but this thread is probably dead by then...) However, I'm sure this discussion continues in some other thread... :)))

@Anon 9:46 - I'll come back to your post later, too! LOL (you're the type of 'reality lol' I addressed my earlier post to)

Peace & out