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New Picture! Adam Lambert with Brad Wete (Editor for

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, September 11, 2013

VIA bradwete:
That time a few weeks ago when I was in the Hamptons and found @RealAdamLambert on a studio couch chillin'.


Anonymous said...

Wish I could find Adam Lambert on my couch chillin' :) ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh my how lovely he is...

Anonymous said...

OT Check out the following article about new emerging TV Series Streaming market. I would like to see Adam to tap into this new market:

Programming companies like CBS and Walt Disney (DIS) have the advantage of a growing market for their content outside of cable and satellite TV.

Apple (AAPL), Google (GOOG) and Intel (INTC) all scramble to get into TV series streaming over the Internet along with Netflix, Amazon and

While TV series streaming isn’t a huge market yet, it’s certainly where the growth is. Netflix has trouble with rising content fees too, but its revenues are running up fast enough to keep the share price rising quickly.

See more at:

Anonymous said...

Nice seeing an editor from Billboard was happy to run into Adam.

Anonymous said...

I see our guy Nile in the background too.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Brad is sure tall! So nice that someone from Billboard enjoyed meeting Adam.

Interesting info about the TV Series Streaming market. Media is changing so rapidly. The way we watch TV will probably be completely different within ten years or sooner. It would be cool to see Adam get involved in it if it is to his benefit.


Anonymous said...

Not really in to black guys but he's cute

Anonymous said...

That and a couple of bucks will get you a cup of coffee from Starbucks.

Anonymous said...

Guess this is the next guy that Adam is screwing.

Anonymous said...

Adam has been MIA for a while.Good thing. His fans have nothing to bitch and complain about.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a very nice man with Adam. Good to see Nile in the background. Our Adam with VIPS!

Anonymous said...

whoa Brad you are easy on the eyes too.

Anonymous said...

AL is hid in the foldup bed.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks pretty damn gorgeous his own self the other guy a looker also. Trolls give it a rest.

HK fan said...

Its not often Adam looks small next to someone:)

Anonymous said...

Brad's quite a hunk!!! Pheeewww...
And Adam's the Darling with the Golden Voice!