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Three Pictures in One (Latest Pictures)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Triplets by @GlambertMax


Anonymous said...

That looks like a triple threat to me. Calm down, I said to myself.


Anonymous said...

The Three Amigos?.......el hombres guapo!......JAK

Anonymous said...

bad boy look!!!!:) Love it!!:)


Anonymous said...

I want this framed and put on my bedroom wall.


Anonymous said...

Adam, this picture of your "threesome" should be blown up to poster size and framed on your bedroom wall-and, always keep it for posterity's sake. It is the epitome of your sexiness, you BAD BOY, you. A forever fan!

Anonymous said...

Amish triplets!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam so much.

Anonymous said...

Nooooooo not Amish, the married men grow beards, but mustaches are forbidden for all men. My cousin married an Amish young man and has lived very happily in their faith for 40 years!.....had a huge farm in Ohio and when they retired, became lighthouse keepers for National Park Service! They travel all over the US coast to coast tending lighthouses.
They love it....a little bit of Americana!...........JAK

funbunn40 said...

"Hear no evil, see no evil,speak no evil!" Adam in triplicate is more to go around! He's so cute!Hadn't seen that hat for awhile, since Florida a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know they still had lighthouse keepers. I want that job.