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What Did Adam Lambert Do Today?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, September 13, 2013

Posted at : Friday, September 13, 2013


Anonymous said...

Whoa, most likely Adam recorded another new song. So his brand new album is on its way. All the best Adam!


Anonymous said...

So fantastic that more and more people, professionals & co, are seeing the LIGHT called Adam SANG Lambert - FINALLY!!!

Loving the Alien Prince, then & now & forevahhhh!!!

Anonymous said...

11:08 OF course, a new song. WTH?

Anonymous said...

Heaven bless all your efforts, BB!

Anonymous said...

Yes he can sing wake up America lol maybe finally?

Anonymous said...

Adam Forever the best.

Anonymous said...

So what's the fuss? "Most likely" means almost certain he recorded another new song...the key word here is, "most". I was not present and therefore the need to use...most likely. So obvious what you are up to! Be more imaginative. lol!


Anonymous said...

It could just be a recording for Glee.

Anonymous said...

Exactly and that's why I said most likely. Adam is involved with so many things at any given time.


Anonymous said...

Could be for glee since this guy also has recorded lea Michelle. Could also be some vocals for Bonnie mckees album who he is also working with. Bonnie loves adam.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, where is Adam? What could Adam be working on? HIS MUSIC!

Sean Walsh did work on Bonnie McKee's new album but why would she be making another one already? Can't you just accept the fact Adam is working on his own music?

I saw something on twitter about Adam's management, DMG, said they had Adam scheduled for recording music through the end of the year. Anybody else remember where that was?

Woo hoo, can't wait to hear the new stuff!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie is still working on her album. It isn't finished yet.

Not really believing that adam is recording his own music, sorry.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see people are appreciating
the magic vocals of Adam! But, Adam fans were way ahead on that one.

Anonymous said...

Yay! New music!

Anonymous said...

well he's not up to no good that's for sure. He could be recording for many things. We will find out in due time.

Anonymous said...

That's another line of business that Adam can tap into. Having his own record company with help of his talented friends to find talent help them grow to entertain. He can make tons of money just by working behind the scene and enjoy creating what he loves the most, music.

Anonymous said...

He said he was recording Adam Lambert. That means he directly recording him could be for Glee could be something else. Whatever it is its seems as if its for Adam's benefit. I believe that Sorry!

Anonymous said...

I believe Adam is very much in demand! People are learning that Adam can do anything! His name is getting out there probably due to the fact of his many friends and fans in high places! The more Adam's face and music get's out there, the more successful he will be! You only have to hear and meet Adam once to know he is a star! I'm very excited for Adam and can't wait to hear his music! He so deserves the best>>>>> nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

His name is already out there!!!:)

The problem is they are jealous of his fantastic voice he!he!

The nay sayers are trying to control the situation but it ain't gonna work cause the real fans are in full forced around the world he!he!

Just keep on coming!!!!!


Anonymous said...

@2:59 AM

You seem to be saying when Adam is not working,that he is up to no good.

whatever he is doing, it is none of your business; he always seems to enjoy his life. He has lots of friends. He is a young man and I hope he continues to balance his life with fun and work. You don't know what the hell he doing until someone close to him, or he himself tweets, which are the only ones I tend to believe.

Adam is a good person. Let those without sin throw the first stone. Love Adam Lambert. Jealousy can kill the spirit and the soul. Don't hate Adam because he is beautiful and successful.

Anonymous said...

Adam's never to be underestimated.
He works darn hard and is so multi-talented that the world has to be his oyster. Just takes time for everyone to wake up and get with the programme!

Anonymous said...

For all anybody knows, Adam may already be signed to a record company and recording his next Adam. If we know anything by now; we never learn anything until Adam wants us to; let the rumor mill begin. It is so exciting being a fan of this fabulous man. I love his surprises.

Anonymous said...

5:45 AM HERE:

Should have been his next album.

Anonymous said...

‘I definitely paid my dues’: Adam Lambert remembers his difficult path to fronting Queen

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a vocal super power that I wish someone like Pink, Katy Perry or another music celeb would get him for a collabo. There seem to be a lot of these collabos out there lately and since he seems to have so many acquaintances and friends in the music business, they should be able to work something out. I know thee is this new song with Avicii and Nile Rodgers, but I want some music that will get radio play and not necessarily one that seems suited for the dance clubs. Can't wait to see him on Glee and the songs he will perform on the show. Just to hear the phrase"new music from Adam' is exciting to read about. It's been too long since Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

Of course, those of us who have been fans from day one know that Adam can SING. More and more people seem to be recognizing what a talented performer he is. Maybe America will finally wake up to someone who is the best vocal talent in music today. Now all we need is that third album with singles that will be radio friendly. It seems to me that most performers today are releasing the first single from a new album way before the completed album comes out and are making tv appearances to plug that song. I hope Adam does this to get everyone excited about some new music from him. I am disappointed not to see him on some of the new season daily talk and evening entertainment shows talking about the Queenbert concert in Vegas and also about his role on Glee. It seems that they have signed several new actors to the cast of Glee and talked a little about their part, but there is nothing about Adam at all. Maybe they are still working on the exact nature of his role and want to keep it under wraps until it is ready to be shown. The next few months should be very exciting both for Adam and for us as loyal fans.

Anonymous said...

The Glee rumors say Adam hasn't started filming and is not appearing until after the hiatus so he can't be recording any songs for that yet. Adam said he is working on his music and tweeted a pic about that. Of course he is recording his own music.

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad Adam is indeed in the studio recording new music. It could be for several reasons, but I prefer to think that it's for his own album. I agree that everyone in the music industry acknowledges Adam's incredible voice. Hope LMD's success raises his profile even more and brings new opportunities. I'd love to see him do more collabs with high-profile singers. He deserves it.


Anonymous said...

@6:12 Have you listened to top 40 lately lots of EDM Lay Me Down would fit in perfectly on radio!

Anonymous said...

5:29-2:59 here. my comment was meant as a compliment but I enjoyed your rant anyways.

Anonymous said...

I was hopeing he would record something for the new Queen album they are going to release. Brian keeps saying itis featuring Freddie, so maybe Adam will sing some on it also.

Anonymous said...

@10:23 AM double negatives are a bit dicey here. :)

Anonymous said...

If Adam doesn't have a record label, and it is rumored that he is in the studio recording new music, who pays for all the studio time, musicians,etc? I don't know that much about the business side of the music industry and production aspects, so can someone fill me in. I hope it's all true because as one of his many fans, I am waiting for the third album as is everyone else who has followed Adam since Idol.

Anonymous said...

He would have to pay for it himself.

Anonymous said...

he got bagelized while ingesting his caffeine