Adam Lambert and His Boys in Hollywood
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Saturday, October 26, 2013
Posted at : Saturday, October 26, 2013
PICTURE VIA @justinmonroephotog: #nathan#bridger#justin #adam#halloween #party #club #hollywood #homeboys#boom

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Happy crowd having so much fun.
Love the dark, haunting look. Perfect for halloween.
His Halloween outfit looks out of this world. Love it!
Adam is unique at all times.
That hair thingy on Bridger looks stupid as s**t. He's not happy about it either.
I like the don't mess with us look on their faces..
at 2:54 PM
Oh yeah, like they are a bunch of really scary guys?
Yeah, scary but cool guys.
@3:00 Glamberts are more scary.
I watched Sauli at his ice dancing competition and one of the judges looks like she has on a similar or exactly like the choker necklace Adam has on..just an observation
at 3:05 PM
Cool? Scary? Okay, perhaps if you are seventeen or something.
Adam is almost 32 years old. Try immature.
Didn't Adam have a tunic over trousers when he performed at the life ball? Love him anyway, but Imo those tights aren't very appealing.
This tights are disgusting. Why does he do it to himself?
Okay, so by looking at the "halloween picture" how would u discribe it? This should be fun, kid-like, immature, and over the top time. Lets not be so serious. Have some fun.
at 3:17 PM
How come Adam is not laughing? He is very serious in every picture. Just a couple of forced smiles in the video.
@3:22, I've noticed that lately, too. Maybe he is getting tired of feeling like he has to smile everytime there's a camera around. I know if I was photographed as much as he is, I'd be sick of it by now.
@3:16 PM I'd do it just to be in your face.
Everyone was telling Adam "Don't be a Glampire again, be something different for Halloween this year". So he does as his fans ask, and what does he get but complaints. Lighten up people, it's only Halloween.
3:37 -- He only gets negative comments from the TROLLS, not from his fans. But you guys continue to fall for this stupid person's comments.
Tough shit.
11 genie threads....I'm over-genied....can we move on?
Drunken Bridger is sooo piteous...
@3:56 PM Really
Happy October Glambert!!!!
the fangirlies wanna up close and personal visit from the GENIE WEENIE. when will u make it happen oh glam one?
Adam standing next to the porn photographer that Bridger works for. Great company you keep there Adam. Bridger looks hideous.
Are these supposed to be fans of Adam's on this site; for a moment I thought I was on a troll site? So many pitiful jealous remarks. Those that say they feel sorry for Adama; should really feel sorry for themselves.
Oh my God, Adam is so fine; and so damn intelligent. I love to hear him speak. He is so funny. He said Genies don't smile; then burst out laughing. The paps mostly seem to like him; because he is always pretty nice to them.
Just think, he has to wash all that stuff off. Wonder if he needs help? He would probably get a lot of volunteers!
It's a Halloween party, for Pete's sake. People of all ages dress up for Halloween parties. They're not "immature" when they are doing it. They are dressing up for a costume party. It's a time for costumes. Costumes. His costume is grazy fun and it suits his personality. I'm not too old to have fun being goofy. Hope Adam's fans aren't either.
I thought the same thing. It might take him a whole week to get the glitter out.LOL
Ke$ha banned to perform in Malaysia
@4:25 PM
Not the porn troll again. What do you do, crawl from site to site just spreading the same shit all over the place. Give it a rest, who cares. Someone told you on another site that porn is legal. No one believes you anyway. But if true; so what, who in the hell cares?
Adam standing next to a porn photographer is not a scandal. That is not even a storm in a teacup. I don't know how to explain, but I don't think anyone boycotted Marc Jacobs who has dated rentboys and porn stars.
I wonder if a lot of Adam's friends will be having private parties that we won't be privey to.
Nancy Sinatra lives in his building, and she seems to adore him. It's good; he needs his private friends and time away from the spotlight.
@4:54 PM
Then what is the point of it being brought up all the time. If it is no big deal, why oh why, keep bringing up; over and over again; no one cares. It seems the person that keeps bringing it up is trying to make some weird kind of point.
at 4:54 PM
Scandals sometimes result in good publicity. Still, I'm not convinced that dating a porn photographer, who is not exactly the coolest guy on the planet, is the bestest of career moves.
My point is it does not affect his career. @4:54
Clements seems to be a thinker, too, this comes from his twitter account:
To hate, one must love. Black does not exist without white. Up does not exist without down. Your fantasy does not exist without reality.
Deep as f**k.
So profound Bridger. A sublimal message perhaps?
Adam's friend, Bridger Clement, is a professional photographer who has his own company. He is an artist. Stop these hateful rumors about him.
@5:07 PM
Please, there is no scandel here. You are going to have to take your little smear tatics and go elsewhere. Are you saying than Adam's friend Bridger alledgely works for a porn photographer. And that if anyone found out, that Adam's career would be hurt. I have news for you, Adam's career will rise or fall on it's on merits; he is doing just fine. I am sure Adam and his Management will be able to handle his career. I wouldn't worry about it.
Nothing suprises these industry people, who knows what they are their friends are doing.
Adam has lots of friends, I guess they better all turn in their resumes for moral approval. Also, have all the other entertainers do the same thing. Fair is fair.
Adam looks divine!>>>>>>>nancdruuu2
Approximately a month ago Adam had tweeted a link to a porn photography site containing explicit gay nudity. People that saw it were very surprised a wondered why he did that. Well sure enough it was quickly deleted. He was likely told to remove it by his publicist. Damage control? He seems under the influence by the company he keeps and It saddens me to see this dark sleazy side of Adam that overshadows the good will that he projects sometimes.
@6:06 PM
@5:43, do you mind if I take this one?
Oh, if it is true? So many lies going on around here. Maybe he did't think nudity, was a big deal. What people wondered? Never heard anything about it; everything usually gets out. Now, you being the porn police, knows about it. Now you are saying it was quickly deleted; what do you do just sit up all day and night and moniter Adams site; that you can catch a mono second of activity that no ones else knows about.
You are so pathetic. Making up one unproven thing after another. You really have it out for either Bridger or Adam. If the publist does damage control, so what that's what they get paid for. If you are accusing Adam of something you have to bring proof or, it's not true. But if this was it nothing!
Nothing saddens you about anything, you just seem like a very sick person and to be honest you sound very sleazy yourself. Adam does not just project good will; Adam is a good and honest person with lots of fans that love him very much. You keep coming up with sleazy story after sleazy story; If you have proof of something; then bring it.
I believe that you are a lier and someone who is trying to ruin Adam's reputation and it is not going to work. I think that you should seek help for yourself. You sound like a jilted lover Adam's or Bridger's.
Sorry to say this; but you need to leave Adam the hell alone and stop stalking him with these lies. By the way, nothing will overshadow Mr. Adam M. Lambert. He just keeps getting better and better-er.
Deal with it.
I have had enough. Goodnight Glamberts, off to real life acivities.
I just hope none of you stumble upon my dark sleazy side....heavens to betsy I would be disgraced.
My reputation as a Southern Belle besmirched, I would no longer be on the Cotillion Committee, I would not be allowed to pour at the University teas. I would be asked to turn in my library card and recipe for pecan pie.
Adam honey, you be careful now, we certainly don't want anyone getting the wrong idea about your undercover activities...Let's just smooth over those attempts by you to live your own life, choose your own friends and all those other pesky things.
You hear me now....?.......JAK
JAK, you are a delight! Love your wonderful and smart sense of humor!
JAK, you are hilarious and I love your funny comments! I just laugh out loud, you're so refreshing!
I aims to, 1:23 A.M. Gonna go conk out for two or three hours...I hope. I'm getting raccoon eyes from lack of sleep!.....JAK
Adam has a look of Freddie in this pic.
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