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Adam Lambert Had Dinner with Producer / Director Woody Woodbeck Tonight

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 6, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, October 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

I would love to have been a fly on the wall at that dinner. Very interesting conversation indeed. lol

Anonymous said...

Lol he is the last person to be giving relationship advice

Anonymous said...

Nice one.@anon 2:24, you really do not know the advice adam gave did you? Besides having breakups shouldnt stop one from giving advice, infact it makes you wiser...speaking from experience

Anonymous said...

Adam giving advice! Love him.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:38am
thank you

Anonymous said...

2:38 AM
On the contrary. Adam certainly knows men. Many men, different men. So, he is the best to give advice about men. There was nothing about giving relationship advice. That is not where he is strongest. But the tweet said he gave him "advice about men". And that is the field Adam knows better than many others.

Anonymous said...

You don't know what happened in his last relationship so you cannot judge. So keep your dumbass comments to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Of course he knows lots of them. He sleeps with many of them. Some even give him drugs , right? And of course relationship advice isn't his strongest area because we know everything and we know that everything is his fault when it comes to break ups. He cheats, he is jealous and the list goes on.

Anonymous said...

4:38 AM
You said it, not me!

But he himself has said that he does not know much about relationships b/c he has had only a couple longer ones. It is his own words.

Break-up is never one's fault. There are always two people involved. Everyone knows that.

Anonymous said...

Who is this guy Woody Woodbeck? What kind of movies does he produce/direct? His name alone gives me a lot to speculate about, if you know what I mean. Only guessing, so don't get carried away with comments.

Anonymous said...

the guy made lighthearted tweet get over it people.

Anonymous said...

the guy made lighthearted tweet get over it people.

Anonymous said...

Good grief. A two-year relationship. Moving in with someone. Definite maturity and growth in that. Most relationships don't make it past a few months. We all love and lose. Most people can't be friends with their EX'es. I would guess that Adam has learned a lot about love and thought alot about it, too.

Sounds as though Woody is having guy trouble and Adam listened to him and took him seriously. That is all anyone in Woody's situation needs. Someone to listen and take you seriously while you talk it out.

Adam once said he might have been a therapist. He is a good listener.

Adam at his best, I say.

Anonymous said...

I sense slight bitterness in that tweet. Was Adam giving advice to this man or blabbing about his personal issues to him. Who cares.

Anonymous said...

It could easily be a private joke between the two of them. It could mean Anything.

Anonymous said...

6:04 AM
He describes himself in Twitter: "Emmy Nominated Producer, Reality TV Casting Director, OUT Magazine Nighthawk & Eligible Bachelor, Popular National Club Promoter, ACTIVIST! Live & Love!

Anonymous said...

The world desperately needs competent therapists. If Adam gets tired of singing, he could do this.

Anonymous said...

Lol you actually have to go to college to be a therapist. Adam never made it past high school.

Anonymous said...

My advice is don't pay attention to tweets from men calling themselves "eligible bachelors". Let's move on, lol.

Anonymous said...

@6:23 AM Adam DID graduate from high school. People can go on to get college degrees at any age. Ask Dr. May.

Anonymous said...

Yes of course we will no doubt see adam signing up for a rigorous six year college degree. Lol forever

Anonymous said...

This guy is a dj at gay bars. He was working at the show Friday night where both raja and Johnny rice performed. He was working at rasputinla on Saturday night.

Anonymous said...

@6:29 AM Good luck with getting your GED

Anonymous said...

I've had the same man for 42 best friend changes hers with the seasons ....after many discussions we've decided
we probably each know all u can about the lovely creatures....I've just been luckier than she has....seems to me Adam could give just as good advice, on the subject pany of us ......:) rose petal

Anonymous said...

People are people and a degree don't necessary make a person wiser in life. My IQ is average or slightly above it. English is not my mother language. I acquired a college degree as a private student in my 30's. Some of my fellow students were over 40 then and continued to university levels. They say a person is own-initiative at the age of 30. I agree with that.

Anonymous said...

4:38 just give it up. I know you are just trying to be funny/sarcastic, but your attempt at humour just does not come off as funny. Stop before you get labeled a troll.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have made an observation. In this fandom the fans who have been to the NOH8 photoshoot are more CRAY than those who are not.

Anonymous said...

*have not

Anonymous said...

Each time i read bitter and terrible comments made about adam i cringe, i mean why are some folks so bitter! It takes two people to break and make a relationship and except you have got proofs about cheating in his previous relationships, shut ur mouth up!.
Another anon ( can't remember d no) said that adam is jealous, o yeah he admitted that in an interview and also said something about working on it, see that's why been honest isn't the best, some fools will use it against u. And u calling adam a drop out *sigh* whether he did or not, is a moot point...hello have you heard of bill gates?....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That lol freak probably never made it past kindergarten! Same silly looser here day in day out! Get a job looser.

Anonymous said...

Adam not a drop out! He finished high school went C couple months majoring in theatre. Decided he wanted to learn his craft by working and he did he got job on cruise ship singing for a year. Then worked in theatre until Idol. He had dinner with some body he talked about the guy relationship big deal! Some of you probably could not keep a man in your dreams.

Anonymous said...

I certainly don't think Adam is an expert on relationships. You have to get past being a control freak and cheating.

Anonymous said...

Lol adam is a college drop out. He did not make it beyond high school. Those are just facts. People being upset about a few simple facts is hilarious and oh so typical of,this site. Adam will never have a job requiring an education. He didn't even have the discipline to learn an instrument. He will certainly never go back to school.

Anonymous said...

One little tweet. No need to be so serious and get your panties in a bunch. He always says he is 100 % more out there on his stage performances. Would love to be a fly on the wall to follow Adam for one day. Some of you might be surprised how down to earth he really is and how intelligent he is. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I think as far as cheating you have the wrong one on the last relationship Adam never cheated. I don't believe he ever cheated but he has stated he been cheated on several time in his the few relationships he had. I think he a great one to talk about relationships. Just because you people have been cheated on And your bitter don't blame Adam work on your own problems! Adam a nice man he done nothing to you silly people get another hobby other that bashing Adam Lambert your getting old.

Anonymous said...

College doesn't give you everything you want to know. If you only stick with acquiring knowledge in college you are nothing but a door knob working for a big corporation. Having college education plus getting more knowledge of what you love to do by researching and reading plus street smart plus being creative in the field you love plus great communicator will make you a successful person.

Anonymous said...

Cant believe i'm writing this, but i gonna
i cheated on my fiance with a friend, he broke the relationship (dont blame him) i felt really bad and didn't forgive myself for a long time but after series of counselling, i realised that it takes two to destroy a relationship (unless you are a nympho), i have never being promiscuous but just needed attention as i wasn't getting it from my workaholic fiance. I forgave myself, asked for forgiveness and after a year of simply been friends, we started dating afresh!
I'm never gonna give excuse for cheating, but would really want peeps in this site realise that not everything is white and black...there is more to every story you think you know....

Anonymous said...

Whoever you are fan of didn't even have a proper high school education. Don't worry about Adam he attended the best high school in San Diego that is every families dream to live in San Diego for the city's schools. Top rated schools in the country offering extra curricular activities. Majority of people in Adam's field don't have college education cause it's a creative field that is based on talent and creativity. Something you learn while working on the job. Adam had most of educational training not only at the high school he attended but having private vocal trainer and attending after school theatre academy from age of nine. He said in his interviews he learned everything he wanted to know and didn't want to learn the same things in books so he decided to learn everything on stage hands on. Plus college education isn't a huge achievement on ones resume but work experience is.

Anonymous said...

How many singers have had to get and show a college degree to get a singing gig? Name names.

The Dark Side said...

Is this a love Adam site or not? Seems there are always some subtle and not so subtle digs at Adam. I guess if it gives you pleasure to try and rile fans good for you. Personally, I think your remarks a useless exercise, but keep it up if this is how you get your kicks.

Anonymous said...

This is too stupid. Adam kindly lent an ear to a friend in need of one. He gave some advice. He has said he likes to listen and help. Most of us have botched relationships at one time or another.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 8 :47
thank you for sharing that, you are lucky it didn't affect your relationship, i think you are right, there is more to every story,
each time adam says i have the best fans in the world..i shudder, like seriously? Adam? You go to other sites and read positive stuff about adam and his fan site is filled with bitter miserable folks looking for any excuse to insult him!
Instead of bitching about adam, please save your precious little time and f**k don't deserve any respect

Anonymous said...

@The Dark Side
Sadly there are times when I think this is not a love site for Adam. Some of Admin's posts often have me questioning it.

Anonymous said...

OMG! People!

Anonymous said...

I am all for higher education - my children graduated from college. However, going to college won't make you smart. It MIGHT get you a job. People are either born smart or they are not. Adam is very smart, he reads books constantly because he wants to (another indication that he has a good mind). Why should Adam continue a degree in music when he was doing it his entire life. Adam knew that he was losing time by staying in college for this major when he already knew what he had to do to get ahead in his career. Adam is thoughtful, a good listener, and wise beyond his years. I'm sure he has a lot of good advice to offer.
Just my opinion folks.

Anonymous said...

Thank u so much for sharing ....I learned long ago that one has a very narrow view from the outside looking in ....mistakes are easy we're human ...self forgiveness much harder .... Often people can't understand things they know nothing of ...some .folks are always gonna give Adam a hard time about things the have no knowledge of.... but in the end he will always come out a winner ... Cuz a winner is what he is ... I think u r too...rose petal

Anonymous said...

@ nancdruuu2.....JAK here.....I agree with your comment, higher education credentials might look good on a resume and get you a job, but degrees don't mean a lot unless you are innovative, versatile, clever and have "drive".

I'm not knocking higher education, I love school....Since I graduated from college I have only had a 6 year dry spell when I wasn't in school. (Raising tiny babies....a wonderful treat!). I'm in school now and will be, hopefully till the day I die. What a way to go....behavioral science or Italian language text in my hand! I can see the headline..."Campus Death of Septuagenarian". But not quite yet I hope.....There's so much left to learn!

Anonymous said...

In reference to the above named director.....I would say he's lucky not to have to his last name!.....JAK
: )

Anonymous said...

Hah! Woody Woodbecker