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"Lay Me Down" Playing Around The World

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, October 6, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, October 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

Every time avicii gives a concert they play this song along with all the others on his album. This is not news.

Anonymous said...

True, or not it makes me delightfully happy to
know that Adam's voice is being heard by the huge audiences that Avicii draws.....JAK

Note: unintentional pun alert!....true.....TRUE

Anonymous said...

BTW....Avicii is taking his production to the Hollywood Bowl on Novembrr 9th......If Adam isn't busy that night....?.....nah, I'm just fantasizing.....Adam at the Hollywood Bowl!
Maybe someday : )).........oops almost forgot.....JAK here

Anonymous said...

Oh boy you're a barrel of laughs.
Join in the fun for once or be quiet. Don't you realize that each one of us can and should make positive & Adam advertising comments EVERYWHERE!
'True' by Avicii has been out only for a few weeks and YES, writing and promoting LMD is news!

If you're a fan, but you can't support Adam on this, please just be quiet. LMD needs our support!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I have a question....I know nothing about music 'rights'....could Adam use the track music to sing to Lay Me Down live on a show like Leno, The View, etc. ?
It's a really nice song....I find myself humming it frequently....much to my husband's regret.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about music "rights " either but u have a good point .... Since he's been given writing and vocal credits for the song maybe.....that's something I would love to for your humming the song ....sadly I go even further and sing it out loud .... and that's something no one wants to hear:)....rose petal

Anonymous said...

Adam does not have vocal credits for the song. Read the interview with aviciis manager where he explains he did not allow vocal credits because avicii is the star.

Adam would never go on a tv show and sing aviciis song.

Anonymous said...

Can't Adam "cover" Avicii's Lay Me Down?

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to let his answering service take messages and calls when he's having a hangover. Clear his head before he responds.

Anonymous said...

I am looking at the backside of the True insert now and it says vocals by Adam Lambert. It is introduced as a record by Avicii on the radio but word it out Adam and Nile snuck in there. lol

Anonymous said...

6:25 why? They made some great music and may be working on more.

Anonymous said...

@6:50 AM But to who's benefit? Avicii gets song credit and Nile has good story for interviews. I don't see what's for Adam.

Anonymous said...

6:54 that's right I forgot Adam probably did this for free.

Anonymous said...

I would think that because Adam does have writing credits on this song, he would get some $$$ from it.

Our attention has been diverted lately from LMD because of the IHR show, Glee, etc. Wouldn't it be something if Adam could at least attend the Avicii show at the Hollywood Bowl? I'd love for Adam to be allowed (?) to actually perform LMD onstage live. If Avicii has the say-so, I can't believe he would object. I don't know how all this works legally either.


Anonymous said...

Avicii performed wake me up live once and it was not a success with his audience. Its been written about. Therefore it seems unlikely he would go that route again. Certainly not with lay me down since its not a single.

Anonymous said...

Avicii seems to love Adam and I wouldn't be surprised if Adam was a guest at an Avicii concert. Just the fact that Adam is listed as the vocalist and co-writer on LMD is good enough for me. Anyone who purchases TRUE will see it there just as I did.
There is much more to come with the Nile/Avicii/Adam collaboration. This is all good for Adam.

Anonymous said...

I really didn't mean that I thought Adam could perform LMD live at the Hollywood Bowl. I know that the show is Avicii's. I just wonder if Adam, who is part of the creation of the song, is allowed to sing it publicly whenever he wants to, because he helped write it. Does he need Avicii's permission? Just wondering. I still think that LMD could be a single. The album hasn't been out all that long. Lots of people love the song and it's gotten great write-ups. I'll keep hoping. Can't wait for more Av/Nile/Adam collabs!