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Adam Lambert Looking Cute While Wiping Off Sweat

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, October 5, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, October 05, 2013


Anonymous said...

uh huh ;) ♥

Anonymous said...

he should have scarves to throw to the fans like Elvis.

Anonymous said...

I hereby volunteer to be his official sweat swiper...

Anonymous said...

Let them see you sweat! Oh my, looking so sexy.

Anonymous said...

Can you come up with a star from the past three decades?

Anonymous said...

Poor child can't help but look cute matter what he does ....rose petal

Anonymous said...

@11:06 AM,

Sorry, I don't think I understand the question fully; there were a few, if I am understanding you.

Care to be more specific? Singing, acting, movies, stage, what?

Anonymous said...

I'll take a sweaty Adam any day !!

Anonymous said...

2:29, people here seem to only reference stars who were dead before I was even born. It's like they aren't aware of anybody in the past 30 years.

Anonymous said...

It's not our fault you weren't born sooner. You really missed a lot of good stuff. : )

HK fan said...

OK, so you don't feel left out, please tell us what stars of the last 30 years you think deserve a mention. we'll see if we agree.

Jadam said...

LMOA 3.50am.
But good for you 4.49am. Well done.