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Sexy Picture of The Day

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, October 5, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, October 05, 2013


Anonymous said...

Please don't laugh: There are some artists and entertainers who hit the stage and you've just got to watch. You can't stop. Here's a few from history: Maria Callas, Shirley Temple, Clark Gable, Michael Jackson, Nureyev, Bette Davis, to name but a few. They all had what Adam's got: the mysterious, compelling "it factor."

Anonymous said...

Oh my fine man, to me you are so wonderful!

Anonymous said...

9:50 AM,

I am not laughing, I so agree with you. I would add Angelina Jolie to that list. I love seeing her on interviews.

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing that I have a DVR & A VCR; If I didn't, I would have to change all my appointments around Adam's appearances. Just love seeing him anywhere.

These shows need to learn that he is a ratings magnet!

Anonymous said...

He is extremely rare! He just is! In every way!!!

Anonymous said...

No laughter here either , I can think of many more to add to that list .....I will say that Adam has "IT" factored the heck out of everyone else on that or any other list.... The man is just down right fine from head to toe....u know it may sound crazy but I often think of time in before and after Adam....oh I remember that was before I found Adam of vice versa .... I have learned however to keep such measurements to myself .... I got tired of people rolling their eyes.... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Whew! What a picture! Come to me my sweet Adam<33333


Anonymous said...

In the music world special performers come along who have that IT factor and Adam Lambert is one of them. From the first note he sang on Idol to the last note he sang in Vegas at the iheart festival with Queen, you just realize you are watching a one in a million artist on that stage. He is mesmerizing in every way and I look forward to any new pics, videos or the latest happenings in his daily life. We may not always like the color or style of his hair, the clothes he wears or the friends his hangs out with, but Adam is never boring or uninteresting. Being an Adam Lambert fan has certainly been amazing. And I would add Elvis to that list from 9:50am.

Anonymous said...

@9:50 AM - You brought back wonderful memories of me watching tv with my grandfather when I was very young. He and I loved Shirley Temple! I remember my grandfather saying in amazement what it must be like to be talented like Shirley and be able to do what you loved and make a living for the rest of your life if you wanted to. May I add Loretta Young, Elizabeth Taylor, Lauren Bacall and well, too many of the old stars to mention. It seems to me, the IT factor was necessary to make it in show business then. I'm not sure about today. It just doesn't seem the same to me. I'd like to think my grandfather would see that Adam had the IT factor in spades.>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I have always love those old Shirley Temple movies especially in Black and White. Sue

Anonymous said...

@ nancdruuu2...JAK here...Shirley Temple was 7 and the biggest box office star when I was born...therefore I went to school with rooms full of Shirleys! I remember a documentary about her that emphasized that BFF is one of those Shirleys.

I sent this picture above to my daughter I'm trying to convert to our 'cause'....she wrote back....
"you're trying to weaken me, aren't you?"

Anonymous said...

@ nancdruuu2...JAK here...Shirley Temple was 7 and the biggest box office star when I was born...therefore I went to school with rooms full of Shirleys! I remember a documentary about her that emphasized that BFF is one of those Shirleys.

I sent this picture above to my daughter I'm trying to convert to our 'cause'....she wrote back....
"you're trying to weaken me, aren't you?"

Anonymous said... pointer finger stutters!

daydreamin said...

My childhood best friends father put carpet in Shirley Temple Black's house when she lived in Northern Calif. Just a fun fact.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to congratulate his trainer...Adam has muscles!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to congratulate his trainer...Adam has muscles!

leilani aloha said...

Totally agree:)
some got it! some don't:(
Adam's got IT! :)