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Adam Lambert's Bootsy Bellows Various Poses

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, October 02, 2013

VIA scorpiobert


Anonymous said...

I like them all.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks awesome! Love the hat, love the fur. And the shirt is fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Adam is hiding his 'Glee hair do' under that hat...hmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

JAK here....Adam has never outgrown the Halloween costume box he loved as a chid......the "costumes" have just gotten much more expensive.... : )). I can identify with that, I too have a costume box. You don't spend a third of a lifetime in kindergarten without ending up with an Indian dress, turkey feet, a very fluffy (hot) Easter Bunny suit, etc.
My grandson, like adam, was and is at 25 a big kid.

OT.......Obviously I'm the one who warped him. In the past 10 months, he has worked at Univ. Studios Theme Park as a 'Who Weatherman in Whoville'.....Grinch stole Xmas.....a professor in Harry Potters Wizardy World....Prince Charming on a parade float.....with a very short tunic over tights ( he's quite tall)....and all summer as Megatron, a Transformer. now, like Adam, his favorite month....and he's Nemesis, an 8' hideous sight for Halloween Horror Nights. He's so happy!!!

Thanksgiving he'll be in NYC once again piloting a gigantic balloon in Macy's parade. We miss seeing him across the table, we have to watch him on television
In the parade..........Someday he's gonna make a really cool Dad!!!! you see Adam's costumes never faze me..."he's just playing".

Anonymous said...

Adam has always said he loves hats and will never miss an opportunity to wear one when it arises. He looks glorious in his fabulous clothes with a rockin body to match>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

JAK, love your stories about your grandson and family. Long ago, I went to a crazy hat party. FUN! Everyone came in bizarre, weird or downright dumb looking hats and had a ball. Adam looks so fine in hats. I love that top hat he's worn in concerts. He tips it over the side a little. OOoohh, baby!


Anonymous said...

@ DRG.....JAK here....I wish everyone could know how much fun it is to be a little goofy sometimes. Innocent silliness with people you love is good medicine. I can't wait for Thanksgiving at my youngest daughter's house. Turkey in the dining room and an early "theme" birthday party for me in the family room.

I don't know what to expect but it'll be a doozy, my girls are giddy with plans!