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One More Month Until Adam Lambert Appears on GLEE! (November 7, 2013)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 4, 2013

Posted at : Friday, October 04, 2013


Anonymous said...

Yay can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Haven't watched Glee yet. Waiting for when Adam is on the show. Can't wait for it!

Anonymous said...

I watched the first two episodes on Glee and I'm starting to get it. This should be a piece of cake for Adam! It almost seems like Glee was his high school life except for the students who are allowed to be who they are. Adam said he didn't think anyone else was like him in school. How sad. But then, look how Adam's life turned out - fabulous!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! this picture of Adam, to cute for words!

Anonymous said...


Too bad Adam didn't know then; that when something is very beautiful and rare; whether it be a person or a thing; there is usually nothing else like it or them. He is a very beautiful rare soul indeed!

Hope he knows it now; because almost everyone else does.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant at 9:10 AM.

@9:59 AM here.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....if you are lucky enough to go to a high school with an active drama and music live in that world and have Adam did.

That was where I was and it was great....I avoided acting whenever I could and couldn't sing at all but I worked in props, make up, costume and scenery depts. I only wanted to be backstage or serving as assistant director.
As I understand it Adam did all that and starred in the plays too!

Some years ago I saw one of my drama dept. buddies who acted in all our plays on All My Children soap. He was Erica's lawyer!! That was a shocker!

Anonymous said...

God, I love his hair.


Anonymous said...

Is there some way Adam's management can be asked if they have plans for Adam to be on talk shows to talk about his upcoming role on Glee, or would that be up to the Glee's publicity Department? I am not on twitter. I know everyone else in show business is on every show advertising all their shows and appearances; So many shows to go on.

October would be the month. I wish someone would get on the ball about Adam's opportunities to appear!

Anonymous said...

lamb chop eyelashes. ^_^

Anonymous said...


Leave it to people in-charge, not us fans.
That's the right thing to do for Adam's welfare.
Please . . !

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love this gif. Mwah!

Anonymous said...

I have made the same comment several other times on this blogsite about having Adam appear on several of the talk shows to give us some info about his role on Glee. Ellen would be a good choice since she likes Adam. Even The Talk since he was on on their show. But maybe Ryan Murphy wants to keep it quiet about Adam's character so he can't really say much about it. I guess we will just have to wait and see if he makes any appearances. He could also bring up his performance with Queen at the recent Vegas show since he received such amazing positive reviews. Nov. 7 seems such a long way off so I just would like to see Adam on some show to fill in the time until his Glee appearance.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for your imput; I had no plans to do anything. Don't have that much power.

But, I know that in the past, some shows like Opra, etc., asked who you would like to be on her show and fans responded. I know there was a fan campaign to Arsenio Hall's show last month. Also, fans are in direct twitter contact with Shoshanna (of Adam's management) all the time; with different questions, and she tweets back with information.

I was really just curious; as to who does the publicity for the artists; the shows or projects they are involved with, or their management? If anyone knows the answer.

Thanks again, for taking the time to respond.

Anonymous said...

Should be 11:19 PM /@6:12 AM

Anonymous said...

@6:05 AM

Thank you so much for you most informative answer to my question regarding publicity for Adam. I agree with all that you had to say in regards Adam and his publicity.

I remember when he was on the Talk, it was so much fun and the audience and hosts' just loved him.

Also, on the Wendy William's show, he was so entertaining; Adam is just a gem on these shows. The more he seen, I feel the more fans he gets.

I am also hoping for a guest appearance on the Kelly & Michael Show; it's on ABC, so I don't know.

The View would be good, I guess. Heck, all the shows would be great; would be glued to my TV.

Thanks again, for your intelligent and most informative imput.

Hope we get our wish soon!