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Midnight Tweets From Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

Already a write up from UK about these tweets

Adam Lambert talks people being so easily offended and we see his puppet in action (Video)

Adam Lambert is possibly one of the brightest young stars America currently has to offer and it seems like he can do it all, he’s a performer and we know he can sing and now we know he can act.

Sometimes though, like us all, he can be quite normal and generally just have a rant which for some celebrities recently – especially over this side of the pond it hasn’t quite worked out for them.

Adam Lambert – who confirmed more than one appearance on ‘Glee’ recently took to Twitter and opened up about how he believed people take things too seriously in entertainment

In a series of Twitter messages he also mentioned how people are far too easily offended as a result of what they see or hear on TV and said that some are just looking for something to “bitch about”.

As you know, Lea Michele a few weeks back posted photos of the ‘Glee’ cast with their mini-me versions of themselves in the form of puppets.

‘Glee’ themselves have released a sneak peek into the ‘Puppet Master’ episode which you can see here. However, we’ve managed to get a hold of Adam Lambert with his puppet where he jokes about the colour of his skin and even takes a jibe at Adam Lambert himself.

Not only that but we’re treated to some puppet singing, it’s unique that’s for sure.

Make sure you share this with all your fellow Glamberts, spread the word!

the link

Anonymous said...

Why do people in general tend to find something to complain about, see things negatively, and nick pick every little things? Life is short and stressful already.

Anonymous said...

9:03, and why do so many of them comment here?

Anonymous said...

The world has become so politically correct and people follow each other like sheep. For those who dare to be different and remain independant they are treated like social outcasts. Maybe this is why so many are afraid to stand alone, but that's what you need to do to be true to yourself no matter what society say's you should do. That's what I find so inspiring about Adam he soldiers on in the face of adversity and that takes real courage.

Anonymous said...

I was up during those tweets and now I am so tired. Nice shout out to GLEE in that article. A tweet from Towleroad yesterday ( a gay site)said some TV this week and said to watch GaGa's special on Thanksgiving. errrrr

Anonymous said...

Adam marches to his own drummer - I like that a lot!........nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Adam has taken lots of risks with his professional life. He has walked the walk and talked the talk. He has paid the price for it, too. He will always defend artistic freedom. Sure, not everyone will like everything, and he knows that. He dares to be himself, on and off the stage. No one could ever accuse him of not living up to his own words.


Anonymous said...

quit taking the trolls so seriously on this blog. let the trolls have a trollathon.

Anonymous said...

what goes on during an onstage performance, just might be the total opposite of how the artist lives in real life. Everyone assumes the performer on stage is living that way in everyday life. ART is expression. Comments are expression. I say people should get some sense of humor. Quit ingesting every little detail

Anonymous said...

9:03am ... are you complaining about the complainers?

hee hee .. just kidding. :)

xo laura

Anonymous said...

some people are complaining about the complaints being made by complainers. stop all the nonsense.

Anonymous said...

You guys are confusing me. Think I'll listen to MTN, the Puppetmaster/Adam's puppet and finish it off with the Queenbert iHeart Concert. That will take me to Nirvana...


Anonymous said...

Because of all this, I had to go and watch Katy's video for Unconditionally. I think it's her best song! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

This is 1:07 again. Does anyone know who wrote it? Whoever it is, they need to write Adam a song like that.

Anonymous said...

@1:08 PM Somebody will have to Google it, that could be you.

Anonymous said...

I,too, am so tired of all this political correctness that we see all around us for fear of offending someone or some group. It wasn't this sensitive when I grew up and that was because in this age of Facebook, twitter, instagram, the internet, nothing is sacred or private any longer. The word"selfie" has become the word of the year and it tells us all about many of the people in today's society. In some cases you can't even look at a person a certain way or make a comment without fear of being attached either verbally or physically. It's so sad and I admire Adam for living his life as he chooses, saying what he believes and being a positive role model for teens and adults who face some of the same problems that he did or still does. The music business is a crazy one, so unpredictable and changing with the next new boy band or single artist. But somewhere Adam has found the courage to continue on his journey and to provide inspiration and support even among all the adversity and negative comments he has faced along the way. He looks better than ever, has so many friends in the business of entertainment and is the best vocal talent in music today. I think that 2014 will be his best year yet with the release of his third album and all the opportunities that seem to be coming his way recently. I have never ranted or carried on about anything on this site before, but I just felt I had to make these comments in view of some of the things said here. So now I will just focus on Adam's appearance on GLEE and wait to see any vids from his show in Miami this weekend.

Anonymous said...

@1:14, this is 1:08, no need for sarcasm. I only asked in case someone knew right off hand. Did my question "offend" you? I certainly don't want anyone here to exert any extra effort, when I can see you all devoting so much of your energy to your sarcastic replies.;)

Anonymous said...

I'm real sure people just look for things to bitch about.

daydreamin said...

Katy herself wrote "Unconditionally".

Anonymous said...

Thank you daydreamin.

Anonymous said...

While I don't disagree with what Adam said, in light of the comments here I think it is worth mentioning it is still important to remain sensitive to others while not going overboard with the pc-ness. The world would be a better place if people could find that middle ground of sensitivity and tolerance.

Anonymous said...

Always a reason for exceptions.

tess4ADAM said...

Sorry ... I guess I'm late to the party as usual & need something explained to me ... why is Katy Perry's song Unconditionally mentioned here? Am I missing something? I went back over the comments & it seemed to pop up out of nowhere ... sorry if I sound a little confused. THANX!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@ Tess....there is a brouhaha about Katy dressing as a Geisha ( sort of) and singing her song Unconditionally on AMAs. Some think it was racist ??? People are just looking for something to complain about.

Anonymous said...

Ironic that people use the pc =. Politically correct equation. Has there ever been a time when our politics have been so politically screwed up?

Anonymous said...

9:50, no kidding!

Anonymous said...

Gotta say it was awfully messed up during Bush #2's era.

Anonymous said...

True, but in Bush's case there wasn't the pure vicious hatred there is exhibited today. Many hated his policies, but not him.