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New Picture of Adam Lambert and Lenny Kravitz

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Anonymous said...

I want to meet LK someday too.

Jadam Nz said...

I want to meet Adam Lambert one day.

choons said...

His cheeks are back! love him.

leilani Aloha said...

U can see Adam's admiration for LK :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely men. I wish I could meet Adam>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Weird, Adams cheeks come and go, depends on his make up, and also he knows how to slightly pull them in, giving him a different look. In Glee , when he was talking in the café, he was full face and full lips. Not sure how he does that.Often in his interviews, he goes with the fuller face and lips. I think it has been mentioned that he is a chamelean.

Anonymous said...

It's just cameras' angels, lighting, and place. That's all. Don't you guys take any pictures at different situations and you notice you look different?

Anonymous said...

This looks like someone was sneaking a picture of them without their knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Adam must feel so happy to be recognized and accepted by his peers. Its taken a couple of years but feel this coming year is going to be big. Happy for you Adam

Anonymous said...

Oh please. Adam is in no way Lenny's peer. And just because he showed up at an event to meet him does not mean lenny even knew who he is. In fact I very much doubt he did, regardless of the public relations bull that dr whatisname put out. I mean, why would he?

Anonymous said...

5:01. Well we have our knickers in a twist don't we. Its my opinion and I stand by my comments. Oh please take a pill and calm down.

Anonymous said...

I doubt Lenny Kravitz would be so unaware as to not know who Adam is....and I'm fairly sure someone would have told him Adam was covering one of his songs. And you can bet he checked out Adam's version.

Anonymous said...

Adam's name has been around in some major circles for a while. I'm sure Lenny has at least heard of him. I wouldn't downplay or diminish any meetings among various singers. That's how magic can happen.


glitzylady said...

Why wouldn't Lenny Kravitz know who Adam Lambert is?? Unless Lenny has been living under a rock (which I seriously doubt..) for the past four, going on five, years, he knows who Adam is. My question to you is this: "Why WOULDN'T HE???"

Anonymous said...

Right on @glitzylady!
Unless the poster thinks Lenny is a hermit or unaware of the music industry.
Lenny could have even took notice of that same glittered Loubotin's boots because Adam wore it first.
Some people's narrow-mindedness think others' function the same way.
The worst thing is they think they're right.

Anonymous said...

Falling prey to a troll again I see. You guys are so easy.

glitzylady said...

Pointing out (labeling...) the "troll" again I see... which just draws more attention, by the way... Just as bad as responding to a comment, IMHO. Although, I hesitate to label anyone a troll without a really good reason to do so....

Anonymous said...

Let me assure you all Jewish people in entertainment industry know each other. Don't tell me Adam or Lenny aren't Jewish. They both have had extensive news coverage in different Jewish media. I don't practice Judism but my heritage is Jewish and we all support each other.

Anonymous said...

Two of the most incredibly yummy men on the planet! Boy oh boy, food for my imagination!!!!!

Anonymous said...

PEOPLE……I thought that we were not going to buy into the negativity.
Those types of comments are just not worth defending.
Let someone have their crappy negative projection and just move on!!!!!
Come ON!!! I thought that we were on to something new here!

Anonymous said...

Says the person who responded to the troll. What's your point glitzylady, that you know it's bad to keep responding to the bait? My pointing them out was after several responded to them and likely is not the attention they crave and already got.

Anonymous said...

Don't you people recognize the style of poster @5:01 yet?! Why rush to answer to a post that needs no answer?!

Excellent post!

Anonymous said...

Both Adam and Lenny are fine, sexy-ass men. I'd love to know if indeed Lenny heard Adam's cover of his song and what he thought of it...

Anonymous said...

You live in your own special adam bubble here, but
Unless he follows american idol I bet lenny has never heard of adam. Do you think he knows who david cook or kris allen are? Like it or not, those are Adams peers. Guys who came off a reality show and had one song on the radio years ago.

Anonymous said...

Grab your coat and get your hat, leave your worries on the doorstep. Just direct your feet to the sunny side of the street. Da da da da.....da da da .....da da da da da da.....

Anonymous said...

But not responding to trolls takes sooo much self control. And they are sooo hard to recognize. Roll eyes.

Anonymous said...

Lenny identifies himself as Christian.