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Sexy Picture of The Day!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Anonymous said...

I agree 100%.

Anonymous said...

Shoe thread havin more comments than THIS!!! Whaaaaattt???

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly!

Anonymous said...

I like men with stubble but not with moustache. Not feeling this, lol.

Anonymous said...

JAK here......facial hair seems to be an epidemic. Now my g'son has caught it! I haven't seen him in weeks and he sent me a message from NYC...."arrived tickets for 4 for me in parade Thursday, I'm working the pink hippo! "

He sent a picture with the message....a full Melvin! I said "what have you done, you look like the Count of Monte Cristo!" He said "I sent Mom a picture....she thinks it's cool". I said, "well, that figures, she still thinks Aerosmith is cool !"

Anonymous said...

I'm not keen on any facial hair but I adore Adam.

Anonymous said...

How can this man look so sensually sexy and dreamy...
What facial hair?!???

Anonymous said...

5:12 AM
Huh?? Are you serious?? MELVIN is facial hair & Adam has FACIAL HAIR on his jawline!!! Geez!!!

Anonymous said...

@November 27, 2013 at 12:47 AM

I sort of thought the same thing at first... but then I thought about how I really couldn't leave any comment "clean enough" on this thread so I wouldn't leave one at all ;) ... so maybe that's the problem :)

Anonymous said...

When I see this pic of Adam, all I can think of is his talented tongue!

Anonymous said...

OMG..yes..yes..yes..oh Adam

Anonymous said...

That's our talented and sexy man. I will take him with or without facial hair,any color hair he chooses and any hair style. That is part of what makes him so exciting along with all of his talents!

Anonymous said...

Not feeling the moustache.

Anonymous said...

There probably are a lot of people out there saying they won't get to feel it either; then saying, "darn it".

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, dead serious about Adam's beauty & sexyness and his 'all-obliterating' effect on me...which makes the rest of my post a joke, which you did not get even when I posted :)))))))) at the end of it.
Would Lol and ha ha do it!?