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Glee 5X09 Promo & Spoilers (Mentions Adam Lambert)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Anonymous said...

The video stops right before Adam mention!


Anonymous said...

She said the promo has only old sections of previous episode. She mentioned Adam in regard to new episode as spoilers.

Anonymous said...

I think Elliot is going to try out for Funny Girl.
And no Kurt will not cheat on Blaine, and certainly not with Elliot.
Those are my guesses to the questions presented.

Anonymous said...

Elliot going to Broadway, now that's will be awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Lord that will be awesome! Sue

Anonymous said...

As long I get my Starchild/Elliott fix, I'm fine. Werk it, Adam! Show'em what you can do!


Anonymous said...

So next episode, Frenemies, seems pretty entangled juicily; well, Kurt and Elliot are onto some poom-chug-chug pole-dancing; not sure if it's this episode; something to watch. Adam is a very seductive dancer...Kurt, on your marks, get set...blow lol! The other thing to watch is the Adam/Lea duet on the Trio episode, I think; so far all who duet with Adam come off with flying colours simply, they just got to measure up; but they're all first class singers in their own steam. Also looking forward to Elliot's apartment, hmm that's where all the vis-a-vis and tete-a-tete revel. lol!


Anonymous said...

Elliot is going to continue... I`m sure.
I love that hostess, pretty and smiling, nice voice, total the Package,