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More Sexy TongueBert!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, December 03, 2013


Anonymous said...

Miley C got nothing on Adams tongue action. But always done with a bit of class.

funbunn40 said...

Miley overdid the tongue. I'm ok with Adam not emulating it, altho' he does have a talented tongue!

Anonymous said...

Lovely tongue action; beautiful tongue!

Anonymous said...

I agree - gross.

Anonymous said...

Gross, gross, gross. These types of pictures are for the simple minded. Might surprise you, but I am an Adam fan. I am a fan of his music.

Anonymous said...

Not a bit gross. Adam does it with fun and he always done it even on Idol. Just a part of his character he the original.
He does it in a fun campy way!

Anonymous said...

Adam is so much more than this. He a hugely talented sweet man. Every once in a while the tongue comes out no big deal.
This certainly is not a big part of his performances or personality.
Someone looks at a few pictures on here does not make them simple minded.
I care about Adam his very wonderful talent and his fantastic personality not his tongue.
Just a few silly pictures. See no reason for name calling!

Anonymous said...

December 03: TV, Singapore. Adam as guest DJ on The Ellen Show. Channel 5 at 9:00am and 5:00pm local time. [Source]

Anonymous said...

I love Adam

Anonymous said...

FYI Adam was trained to put his tongue out to get the full sound from his voice box. That is all you saw on AI. He still does that, but these pictures are silly, and Adam does it for effect for his audience. This not needed for a super star, same way he used to kiss Tommy, just for effect for the simple minded.

Anonymous said...

His tongue is white, I read a healthy tongue is pink

glitzylady said...

Silly pics (I LOVE that about Adam! He can be silly, sexy, and sweet all within a few seconds of each other..) and a few silly comments here too.

Trust me, his tongue is pink :))) Very very healthy...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If anyone's tongue can be sexy, it's Adam's. He's so sensual and playful. Doesn't do it all the time, but just enough to keep us feeling v-e-r-y sexy. All in fun. I love every aspect of his performances, the quiet, the wacky, the sexy, the boyish. He can do it all.


Anonymous said...

Adam knows he has sex appeal and he knows his female fans love to fantasize about him, so I think he gets a kick out of teasing them.

Anonymous said...

If someone is offended by the tongue pictures; just pass on by them. Let those that enjoy them and want to see them do so. Why always the need to make negative comments?

Adam is going to do what Adam wants to do. Simple as that; don't like, don't look!

Anonymous said...

Read the title of the thread. That pretty much calls for your opinion. So, people are giving their opinion.
We just have differing opinions. As usual. No big deal.
I personally don't find tongues decorative......JAK

Anonymous said...

I don't think tongues are sexy on anyone, male or female. What they can do may be sexy, but the tongue itself is an ugly body part. IMO.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what his plan is but to me he seems to be off course alittle. I just wish the people in charge of his career new what they aharge of his career. He needs s

I think Adam needs some new people guiding him. Someone.with.his talent further along than he is. I hope he knows what he is doing.

Anonymous said...

I sincerely hope he does. I find a lot of his antics immature. He is blessed with a beautiful voice and it appears some gift for acting. I hope to enjoy many years of Adam being a successful entertainer. But there is a difference in being playful and in being juvenile.

Anonymous said...

4:26, Adam is in charge of his career.

Anonymous said...

the side tonguebert is creeping me out just a lil.

Anonymous said...

is he tongue twerking????

Anonymous said...

He was just having fun that night and someone collects several pics in one place and people get all upset. Just ridiculous. This is the guy we are fans of. The sometimes silly, sometimes serious, always amazing singer. Maybe some of you need to move on to being a fan of somebody else who always meets your personal standards.

Anonymous said...

I don't see anyone getting all upset. Maybe you are.
We're just making comments. It appears several people find tongues unattractive. Why would that be surprising?.

Anonymous said...

I adore Adam's tongue!!

Anonymous said...

Sexy is sexy!
Love the tongue action, but especially I love when he 'accidentally' licks his gorgeous lips or concentrates on something and his tongue shows a little...
All 'n all he is such a hoot!!!

Can't believe some people here... so 'seriously serious' and disapproving...always trying to restrict or 'give guidance' to Adam in everything...Clothes, make up, hair, antics, who he should work with, play with, date, mingle, have as friends etc., on and on. Now he should not show he tongue. Pffffft!

Anonymous said...

9:39, the person who said disgusting sounds a little upset.