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When a Glambert meets another Glambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, December 03, 2013


Anonymous said...

yuup that picture is for real.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We mostly talk our heads off about Mr. wonderful, Adam M. Lambert. Such a delight to meet another Glambert!

Anonymous said...

@ 4:51...too true.....JAK here.........I have had several 'close encounters of the Lambert kind'.......I have the Infinity pendant that sold to fans attached to the zipper pull on my favorite handbag. It's a giveaway, it is spotted frequently by fellow Adam admirers and we immediately start up a conversation.

I guess the most unusual place was lying on a hospital gurney in the ER while I was getting an IV put in and being wired up for an ECG! I handed my bag to my
husband to hold and the nurse said " is that an Adam pendant?" Then we were off....talking Lambert....then she said, "Okay, think of something dull so your heart
and breathing will settle down...." I said "you mean like Clay Aiken?" That set us off giggling again.

Eventually it was determined I was fine...except for arthritis of the humerus socket....believe me there is nothing humorous about the humerus!

Anonymous said...

JAK apologies to any fans of Clay. I think he has a very pleasant fact I just hunted down all my Christmas albums to put myself in the mood...and Clay's from a few years ago is one of my favorites!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love Joey and Chandler!!! :D

Adamluv said...

Always loved Joey and Chandlers close relationship. Cute guys as well. . . . Adamluv