I think it is kind of cool. I don't check out who Adam follows on IG so I like these little tidbits.I don'think this blog site bills itself as Adam Lambert 24/7 Big News.
We have lots of big news on this site 24/7, this is my favorite for all updates and will always be. Thank you 24/7 for doing a great job. With out you I would be lost, I remember when your blog went down. But it got fixed in no time. Thanks again.
So after all the other posts on who Adam just followed or which pics he favorited in IG it takes Harry Styles to make people say this kind of thing isn't news?
It may not be epic headline news, but it's Adam Lambert related. I appreciate the fact that the blog owner works very hard to keep us up to date with all the news, minor or epic. Some may find this newsworthy, especially if they are both Adam Lambert and Harry Styles/One Direction fans..
Sorry about the deleted comments. One was a double post and the other one was an explanation. Late here on the West Coast. Getting sleepy.. Off to bed.
If I remember correctly they have met, Adam & One Direction and they have tweeted their respect for Adam. Hopefully someone can verify this or correct me, if I'm wrong.
Harry Styles reminds me of Mick Jagger 'round the same age. Saw Harry Styles in an interview recently and the likeness was obvious although Harry is probably more attractive. It was a good interview.
I believe these small actions are relevant to Adam's career actually. If Adam's following Harry made even 25 (out of millions) of One Direction's demographic check Adam out, it is relevant to Adam's own career. Now, perhaps Adam followed him for personal reasons (think I remember something about a neighbor of Adam's and a friend or girlfriend of a One D guy or something???), then that is none of my business... but the overall effect might be the same, in that perhaps some of Harry's fanbase will check Adam out. Most publicity is good publicity, and 1D is a publicity magnet, it's all good.
Just curious; is this big news? doesn't Adam follow many, many people in the entertainment business? Just curious.
Slow news day.
Cute young kid as are all members of 1D. . . . Adamluv
He might have met him, I heard One Direction will make an appearance on Glee.
@12:30 PM
this is the 'Adam microscope' at work. lol
I think it is kind of cool. I don't check out who Adam follows on IG so I like these little tidbits.I don'think this blog site bills itself as Adam Lambert 24/7 Big News.
We have lots of big news on this site 24/7, this is my favorite for all updates and will always be. Thank you 24/7 for doing a great job. With out you I would be lost, I remember when your blog went down. But it got fixed in no time. Thanks again.
It's also not always correct news. hahaha Yet here I am several times a day.
His next door neighbor dates or is good friends with him, so they may have met
I'm not sure this thread can be qualify as news.
So after all the other posts on who Adam just followed or which pics he favorited in IG it takes Harry Styles to make people say this kind of thing isn't news?
It may not be epic headline news, but it's Adam Lambert related. I appreciate the fact that the blog owner works very hard to keep us up to date with all the news, minor or epic. Some may find this newsworthy, especially if they are both Adam Lambert and Harry Styles/One Direction fans..
Sorry about the deleted comments. One was a double post and the other one was an explanation. Late here on the West Coast. Getting sleepy.. Off to bed.
If I remember correctly they have met, Adam & One Direction and they have tweeted their respect for Adam. Hopefully someone can verify this or correct me, if I'm wrong.
Harry Styles reminds me of Mick Jagger 'round the same age. Saw Harry Styles in an interview recently and the likeness was obvious although Harry is probably more attractive. It was a good interview.
In earlier days, following people was considered "snooping". Is there a difference?
5:18, LOL, depends on how personal the stuff they post is and how frequently you check it.
I believe these small actions are relevant to Adam's career actually. If Adam's following Harry made even 25 (out of millions) of One Direction's demographic check Adam out, it is relevant to Adam's own career. Now, perhaps Adam followed him for personal reasons (think I remember something about a neighbor of Adam's and a friend or girlfriend of a One D guy or something???), then that is none of my business... but the overall effect might be the same, in that perhaps some of Harry's fanbase will check Adam out. Most publicity is good publicity, and 1D is a publicity magnet, it's all good.
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