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The Glamily!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 11, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, January 11, 2014


Anonymous said...

I like this did Adam just tweet it or something?

Anonymous said...

I wish we were as nice as Adam thinks we are! We could use some sweetening up.......Moi included! ....... JAK

Anonymous said...

Come what may, the Glamily has your back, Adam. :-)

Anonymous said...

This fansite is one of my favorite fansite:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to read other Adam fansites. This one keeps me up-to-date re Adam news.

Anonymous said...

so is this new?

Anonymous said...

no you can tell by his tatoos it is not new

Anonymous said...

So this has turned into the lambertlust site featuring repeat and old posts. Too bad adamtopia is just as crazy as this place. Off to find something else.

Anonymous said...

11:41 - 11:49 - 12:00

Could you please be a bit more patient, friendlier and get a clue how to read twitter screencaps?

This is a new tweet (Jan12) by Lambertlust with a beautiful Adam photo (from 2013, WAG*tour) with a lovely quote from Adam.

*WAG = We Are Glamily

Thank you for this. So glad you have so many happy Glamily members to have fun with!
Here on this site the regular negative nellies/nicks and resident evils manage to ruin your lovely message with Adam's beautiful quote... WTF is wrong with these people?!!

HK fan said...

New photo from tonight, I think the Ace hotel opening

Noëlle ♐ ‏@adamgasm1982 7m
antleebry’s photo: (Ace Hotel LA) Omg One of my favs Adam Lambert is in the house****wow

HK fan said...

several remixes and things going through twitter tonight

IIHY remix

Christ J. Ex ‏@djchristianex 19m
Posted a new song: “Christ J. Ex. ft. Adam Lambert – Never Close Our Eyes “OUT NOW”" … #music

not sure about this one….

lili Black ‏@liliyGlambert 13m
Adam Lambert – If I Had You (Studio Acapella) by LinhFirst via #soundcloud …

HK fan said...

one more BTIKM mashup

Ochaaa ♕ ‏@OHigia 11m
Kalian kudu denger ini!!! Ryan Nellis Mashups - Silouhette of Myself (Owl City vs. Adam Lambert): via @youtube

HK fan said...

Did these get posted...
a very moving twitlonger from a gay male Vietnamese fan, who won something on the Vietnamese Adam radio show...

and a follow up from him

Very moving...imagine having to live your life in fear of your family and friends finding out about your sexuality.

Anonymous said...

2:52 so the message and picture are old then?

Anonymous said...

4 47
No, THAT message NEVAH gets old and the pic was taken less than a year ago...The ONLY thing that is OLD is the constant yappin from you/the likes of you. Hah ha

Anonymous said...

5:18 ok I'll get right on that.

Anonymous said...

Lambertlust: Thank you for all your contributions to this site. I check it out every morning and so thankful for your contributions!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@4:47 AM Yes, if it's from Lambertlust it's old and/or his interpretation of old news.

Anonymous said...

We love you sweetheart!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert built an EMPIRE!!:)

Very SOLID indeed!!!:)

Thanks to all the fans that share the same view in life!!!:)

The true Glamberts are just in the corner and waiting for you Mr. Lambert he!he!


Anonymous said...

Most of us who post here, are loyal Adam fans and only want the best for him. We sometimes get a bit fanatical about ceertain comments we read which usually are rumors or speculation. I love looking at the pics whether new or old and the vids of concerts/events that I would never experience except for what is posted here. I am looking forward to Adam's appearances on Glee, his third album and maybe a reunion with Queen. He is certainly a very mesmerizing individual and has held my attention since the first note he sang on Idol.

Anonymous said...

Anon @7 AM . . . . . I'm with you

glitzylady said...

Whether the picture of Adam is old or new (It's old...) it doesn't matter. It's beautiful. As is Adam himself AND the quote from Adam superimposed over the picture.

One of the biggest joys of being in this getting to know some of the fans, the people I've come to know along the way, by attending concerts, by gathering my courage to write on blogs here and there, etc... I had never even considered doing that before Adam inspired me to do so. Some of my closest and dearest friends are those I've met and gotten to know VERY well since since 2009. I had a full and busy life before Adam: he has certainly enhanced it.

Anonymous said...

Adam is my inspiration and my motivation. He certainly enhanced my life a lot. Love him!

Anonymous said...

Glitzy Lady is the best!

Tabithha Stevens said...

Love that pic and quote.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

For me it doesn't mater if the quote is new or not ..... It's the fact that Adam recognizes us and what he inspires us to do...even though we fuss and fight sometimes ....I always feel like... I'm among people with the same ideas ....about equality for everyone... Although I have never physically met any of yo
u I feel a kinship to so many ..... I worry about you when you're not here and when you talk about your problems... I'm excited for those who attend concerts and appreciate those who record and share videos .... Seems to me this is a very special fandom ..,,because glamberts are very special people ..... We have a very special leader ...rose petal

Anonymous said...

24/7 is the reason I finally gave in and bought a computer!
I was so desolate when Idol ended and my sweet son in law said " you don't have to miss Adam he's all over the computer!" I told him "buy me one!" So, what little I know how to do he has taught me and he's my 24/7 repairman!

Like @ rose petal, I feel a kinship as if this were my neighborhood and am grateful for the wonderful people who attend concerts and send us who can't, the videos.
I usually look in to the site twice a day for what's new.....
However lately I've been plowing thru a tall stack of books I received for Christmas, so I've been uncharacteristically seems good things may be happening soon! Hope so! Love to all you Adamophiles!........JAK

glitzylady said...

Just want to say a few words here: I know enough about @Lambertlust to know that he's a sweet guy (as is his lovely bride to be..), he's a huge fan of Adam Lambert, and he doesn't do the things he does "for attention". He does them because he loves Adam (just like the rest of us do) and because he likes to share that love. I've known him since 2010, I run into him at events here and there, and from what I know, he doesn't have a mean or selfish bone in his body. I know there are other opinions, and people are entitled to them, but I for one appreciate what he does to promote Adam. And apparently so does the administrator of 24/7...because she posts these things from @Lambertlust's twitter.

glitzylady said...

Yep, as much as I sometimes feel I would like to scream after reading some of the comments I see here from time to time....I still come back here, to see the latest news, to post an **occasional** (ha!) opinion, or general comment. Because I've been coming here since the beginning, and will probably continue to do so.

Some really wonderful people here..some still here, and some who have come and gone. My "fandom name" @glitzylady was born here because I chose to have a name and not be an "Anon". (Because I choose to own my comments, no matter what the response to them. And I continue to wish others would all do the same.. But I digress..).. It seemed appropriate at the time (Adam was at the time fully into the "glitz and glam" it had a connection).

I have 24/7 to thank for my first Adam Lambert concert experience (other than the Idol Tour, which was my very first live Adam show...), Fantasy Springs 1, in early 2010. Which was also Adam's first actual "headlining" concert. (I am ETERNALLY grateful to be able to say I was there..and I was there to hear and see his incredible and the sexiest, most sensual, and unbelievable interpretation of Whole Lotta Love...still an OMG!! moment for me..ooops! again I digress..). I saw the announcement here, literally in the late evening of the day before the tickets went on sale. Long story short, my hubby and myself went, had fairly crappy seats, but that was the first of many amazing Adam Lambert adventures for me. I didn't really know a soul ie fellow Adam Lambert fan. Yet. I started to make some connections at that show...and the rest is history..

Thank you Adam....

Anonymous said...

I you got kindle fire HD for Christmas and it's been keeping me pretty busy too..... I Really didn't think I would like one... But I was wrong it's like having a library at your fingertips.... So happy reading
@ glitzy lady
I for one appreciate all the stuff@ lambertlust weather here or Twitter.... There's lots of cool things about our boy I don't think I would ever know without him..... And I can tell for sure he's a true glambert after all he structured his wedding around Adam's birthday.... Nobody but a true fan would do that... I hope you have a great time and a great turnout and I wish I could be there..,,

Rose petal

Anonymous said...

Opps I gotta to proofread before I publish..., should have been I hope they have a great time;)

Anonymous said...
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glitzylady said...

It's also sometimes the "make rude and snarky comments about things you don't like" site. Sadly.

Short "lecture": Scroll.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Go for it 12:56. ... Scroll your everlivin' ass off ... Scroll your fingers friggin' numb peep ... Scroll yourself silly ... Your good at using your free will, obviously, so have the eff at it

To the rest of you readers, posters, commenters etc - I really enjoy your contributions. I do use the scroll function myself, quite a bit actually ;) ... but I hope e erroneous continues to post without feeling uncomfortable by bully commenters, and we can all scroll on by at our convenience! RE Adam - ILHSFM! :). Peace

Anonymous said...

Everyone, not "erroneous" ... Lots of mistakes in that last post of mine, sorry, perfect grammar & punctuation etc wasn't really my goal ;). ... and this iPad is not my usual medium to post on ...

Anyway, fun to come to this blog despite the sometimes present bad cyberspace manners (including mine, aka the swearing earlier, Grrr, couldn't help myself). peace out y'all

Anonymous said...

Just more scrolling.

Anonymous said...

Yet you care enough 1:32 to come back to the thread and check up ... YOU ARE SO FULL OF SH*T and we all know it. You read every syllable of the recent posts, probably all the posts, or you wouldn't have made your 1:32 comment. You scroll and I'll laugh, how about that? I'll laugh my butt off at your transparency!

Anonymous said...

1:38, this is 1:32. I haven't been here since yesterday. Is my checking in once a day too often for you? I don't get it, do you think I am another anonymous?

Anonymous said...

TO JAK - I too bought my computer because after Idol was over I was missing Adam so much - I just had to have more news. So now, I'm a full fledged member of the GLAMILY and loving it.

Anonymous said...

TO LAMBERTLUST - Just want to say how much I appreciate all the Adam news and info you bring to us. The excitement mounts for two big days coming up - Adam's Birthday and Your Wedding. The Glamily will celebrate both.

Shiggles said...

I guess most of you didn't read HK fan's post @ 4:46, so with her hoped for permission I will repost them. After you read what has been written, maybe you will hold your tongues, be less bitter and stop quarreling like four year olds.

My best to you and thanks HK fan.

glitzylady said...

Thanks for reminding us about HK fan's post above.

HK fan said...

Hi shiggles...
long time no 'see'..
No, its good that you reposted them, I think everyone should read them to see the differences Adam is making in peoples lives.

The acapella IIHY I posted above is worth a listen too.

I think things like that should have their own thread, rather than all the adam likes certain instagram pics threads...

glitzylady said...

About @HK fan's post and the links she posted at 4:46 AM

That is truly what Adam is all about. And why he is not only a fabulous entertainer, but a huge inspiration to so many, including the man whose own personal experience is related in those messages of personal pain and eventual coming to terms with himself. And in that case, Adam's example of being an out and proud gay man was apparently the key..

No "lecture" here [sigh..], but I think we REALLY must take a moment to remember why we're here in the first place, which is hopefully to celebrate, flail, and appreciate the talented AND courageous man who is Adam Lambert. And share our thoughts and feelings, not to ridicule, bash, put down, insult...other commenters. It's why I came here in beginning, and why I stay. We all have our moments unfortunately...

Blessings on both Adam Lambert and the man from Vietnam, who shared his story..

One last thing: I also think it's worth remembering that even though we are faceless, often nameless, people on the internet, we are all real. And we have feelings. Adam Lambert is a good man who respects others. Perhaps we can also honor him by doing the same.

glitzylady said...

@HK fan
I agree with you about that having it's own thread post... Check your FB for a few more thoughts....... :)

Anonymous said...

"No weak man can be out there and live with that kind of truth. "

Thanks @2:53 for calling this to my attention, I had scrolled without reading to the end, your post. Lucky for me. Thanks HK fan for posting these links.

Adam is first and foremost a strong man for being who he is. I hope he realizes that he has helped so many LGBTQ people, more than he or anyone will ever know.

Anonymous said...

3:35, totally agree about some things should have a post rather than all the "Adam liked a pic" posts.

glitzylady said...

Admin has been made aware of the links @HK fan posted...Hoping too that they get their own thread. Such an important message....

Anonymous said...

at 2:09PM

Like was said to you in the first place: you are full of it. You answered too quickly! You check in and/or post once day, yet were checking back here to make your post @ 2:09pm. I suppose you'll say you were just still reading on the blog & popped back by this thread. So transparent.

Anonymous said...

Admin has been made aware.

Anonymous said...

I would be lost without this site. It's like a home to me. I have a full, busy life with family and friends. But I come here to share my love for Adam. Period. I have never followed anyone online before. I never realized their were trolls and naysayers and trouble-makers. I'm used to it now, but it's till saddens me. Makes my stomach hurt sometimes. Life is not all sweetness and light all the time, nor is Adam's career. We can share and worry and angst and hope and laugh and plan together. That's why I'm here.

BTW, I met Lamberlust briefly in San Diego. I don't think he'd remember me. But I know he's a devoted fan who just wants to help make this site interesting. I like it.

Let's hope Adam gives us some real news soon so we can refocus and stop the sniping. I think a new label announcement is soon to come!


Anonymous said...

Would love to hear what books you got? What are you reading now?!
Stack of books sounds lovely...

tess4ADAM said...

I would love to follow up some of these links but my computer is too out-dated unfortuneately. It's a *Frankenstein* ... made up of different components & very stubbornly will not allow me to do 'links'. So I'm missing out on a lot of great ADAM news!!

And just like @DRG ... I love coming here for all the latest news ... but when I read the 'back-biting, snarky, downright mean' remarks ... it gives me a feeling in the pit of my stomach that maybe ADAM is also reading them so for the LOVE of ADAM ... let's start throwing balloons instead of bricks ... 'kay? .. Love 'n Light to all Glamberts

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Recommend EVERYONE to read these two links @HKFan posted above:

Anonymous said...

@ 5:21 PM.......JAK here.....In answer to your question,
Just now finished The Light Between Two's a real weeper I've been crying for about a half hour!
Since Christmas I've read The Lady and the Unicorn, The Book of Unholy Mischief, The Innocent, Crunch Time, Cleopatra, Galway Bay, The Wit of Oscar Wilde, The Best of Dorothy Parker and ......The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion (loved that one, it's written by Fannie Flagg....she also wrote Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe). You probably saw the movie....I love all her books they are about eccentric Southern women ..... Since that's what I aspire to be when I grow up I take notes! : )

I'm gonna take a break now for a couple weeks, my eyes are protesting....I've 9 more to go in my batch, but since we all get about 20 books apiece, the ones from my husband and daughters will start heading my way as they finish up. In our family a never ending supply of books is our Nirvana!

Anonymous said...

Tess - you sure have a way with words. sending you a big hug. :)

Anonymous said...

@JAK, hello there (future) 'Southern Belle'! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Sorry, took this long to come back, busy time. You truly read a lot! Let me digest a little and come back with possible comments & questions. And you're right, Fried Green Tomatoes... one of my favorites, both the book and the film. So many wonderful books, so little time to read...

Anonymous said...

Okay......if you wanna talk books....I'm ready, willing and able!