this was up over an hour ago. they literally had it put together and on youtube with in minutes of Adam's last vid being posted. Glamberts got this shit down!!
@8:51 PM It impressed me too. I was on Adam's twitter when the 1st part came in, I listened to it and there was a second. I went to my email to send the links to a friend and by the time I got all 4 sent off, I clicked on (Fox Vegas) and she had the link to the composite. Just plain WOW WOW WOW!
IMO none of the ripped YouTube versions sound as good as the ones he posted the four short video clips on his Intagram. Techies Glamberts come up with HQ ASAP. Thanks for whoever tried to combine the four clips in this video. My God my heart is burning listening to his incredible voice. WOW!
I remember a while back Adam tweeted the Jessie Ware video to this song. I guess it was used as the theme song for some show, but I don't recall which one. Maybe one of my fellow Glamberts knows?
Perhaps Adam can incorporate some covers along with his new songs in his third album. The covers he sings seem so new to me and they sound better than the originals; said with due respect to the original singers who created them in the first place.
Just a speculation on my part, just take it with some grains of salt. Okay?
The singer of this song, Jessie Ware, is signed with Cherry Tree label. Hmmm...we saw someone who wore a cherry tree suit at Trevor Live Project Gala recently. Haven't we? Could it be, maybe, Adam is signed with this label?
11:40 That's a good shot; I too was wondering why Adam picked this song, very beautiful haunting song which I am hearing for the first time. Adam projects his voice very effectively with his built-in 'amplifier'. This projection technique is a special skill which I don't hear so much, from pop singers but more pronounced in opera singers; perhaps that's how Adam's voice was trained; still it boils to him and his voice. As one song goes: He's got he's got it...lwl!
@Lam-my in world of pop music the only males that their music are played on the radio constantly are Bruno Mars, Justin Tmberlake, and ??? Basically only these two are really popular. IMO Adam still can have a chance to join Mars and JT. The rest of the really popular males are hip hop or pop/hip hop or country. Yes Adam's voice has a special resonance that pop singers don't have it.
So far Adam has not mentioned signing with any label but his encrypted tweet seems to suggest the owning of a business connected with music/entertainment. I wonder if he actually signed with a recording company, with himself as a co-partner or owns his own recording company. If that's the business he is hinting at, that's big; the scope/direction he will command at his fingertips, regarding his sales of albums/earnings. And he won't need to depend on radio stations to play his songs; he would be able to tap directly into the market and get his songs out to the world and at home. By the way, lava is a word I used almost three years ago, to describe Adam as being hot and brilliant like lava snaking down the sides of a volcano; and I spelt it as larva which means caterpillar. And ended with...can you imagine streams of barbecued larvae snaking down the volcano. Mmm Lava comapany, but I don't feel this possibility.
12:35 I was not referring to male singers nor whether they are constantly heard on radio. I am making a generalisation of pop/rock singers, male and female. Many lack the ability to project their voice which seems to be stuck at the back of the throat; don't mean to belittle, they're still excellent singers. Opera singers have this special skill which depends largely on their delivery power. Adam is not referred to as a powerhouse singer for nothing. And I don't mean loud or high notes only though they need more power. For instance, this Wild Moments song which he sings more gently, also shines with his typical projective voice, from within him but spurts to the fore, making the song come 'alive'.
Even though the band members change, the sound is not as good as it used to be, because Tommy is the lead guitarist. He is the weakest link and also the boss. He even gets to choose new band members. Tommy chose Ashley and that's why Tommycrays like her, otherwise they wouldn't care.
Just listened to the original. It's very good too. Jessie Ware has an interesting voice and I'm NOT a troll. I appreciate beautiful music & voices in all their forms.
4:26 AM Where did you find that information? Sounds like a whole loada BS. Brian is the music director so I suspect he and Adam would choose the band members.
Well, I believe Tommy is the boss in the band, because he is the only original member left and he's like Adam's trustee, so to say. I admit it is ridiculous though.
I do not like that song. Too many other songs on the radio would out shine it. It is just as bad as that Kara D. song that Adam sang during the Idol final. Just saying.
Just listened to this a few times. Adam is truly talented. His voice is so sweet and beautiful. Best vocalist and performer in my opinion. He makes me so happy.
Just listened to the vid and it's so true. Unlike so many pop/rock singers, Adam has power and control in the lower register and, as in this song, in low volume range. Seems like lots of singers can belt it out loud all the time, but Adam has depth and resonance when he's singing softly. Beautiful song. I hope there are a few songs like this on his new album, just as there were on TP.
I love this better than the original now that I heard Jessie Ware singing it. Adam made it his own. I thought it's a new song of his own cause I never heard the original track on the radio. If this is rehearsal, I can't wait to hear it when he performs it live.
I think adam a bit picky when choosing a cover song.He only do it if he loves that song or it has deep meaning to him.Regarding sam smith guy or any talented singers/voices out there,there is room for everybody to shine.Adam is a good soul sure he dont care who will be the best singer whatsoever.What he cares is he can still singing,acting and creating musics for many years coming.
Tommy said in an interview years ago that he was never going to leave Adam's band usless Adam threw him out. Other band members come and go and get other jobs but not Tommy. He feels safe and secure with Adam and will aways have a job. So he is their to stay; I really don't see Adam kicking him to the curb; so I don't know why people are always harping on it. It is what it is. They are good friends and Adam is a very loyal friend.
Family Equality Council Los Angeles Award Dinner 2014 Date: Saturday, February 8th, 2014 Place: Globe Theatre, Universal Studios Hollywood Time: 7:00pm Cocktail Reception, 8:00pm Dinner & Program
Who knows how manipulative Tommy can be and his fans like to remind how loyal he is and Adam is very much obliged. Tommy can be a loyal friend without expecting Adam to give him a lifetime job in return. Something stinks, because to me a real friend wouldn't be so demanding.
I ignore the Tommy fandom and all its crays. I just see him onstage and he's fine as far as I'm concerned. Plays well. Never rude. Quiet. Kinda shy. I don't know why some people are so negative about him. I just don't seek out that stuff.
@9:04 Lol, yes. Monte was definitely better, although not great. I have liked rock bands such as Van Halen, Motorhead, with super talented guitarists and I can't settle for less.
I agree, but of course Adam isn't a band. Sometimes I think his career would be further along if he had been a front man for a kickass band. One who also did occasional solo work too. As many do.
Listened to Ware doing Wildest Moments. Good but not great, imo. Also checked out this aforementioned Sam Smith. He has covered Lay Me Down acoustically. He also has very good voice, but different style. Very mellow and controlled. He cannot and will not take Adam's spot. He has different flavor. Like Adam says, there's room for everybody.
9:33 AM, actually it starts Jan. 25. Fans in the comments asked for a specific date for when the switch over would happen. Nonevwas given. Perhaps they are waiting until the baby is born to do the switch. Not much information was there. But I see you were ready to run with partial info. Not surprising.
I think Adam wants to do the biggest gigs he can. That's where the money is. Hopefully, he can tour by himself again. He's not an "opener" for anyone, never has been. He's been one of many acts in a big show, but has never actually opened for anyone. He's not the opening act type. I don't know what he's supposed to be doing differently. He's making it sound like he will be signed with a label this year and can start recording. He'll be working with Queen and Nile, hopefully. He's doing Glee.
I know Adam has said, "There's room for everybody." But I'm not sure I agree. The music business is so competitive. Singers knock other singers off the top of the mountain all the time. There is only so much room, at least at the top. Each singer has to find his or her own place in the hierarchy and pray for longevity any way they can get it
There is not one reason to think adam gets clothes for free. Fan fantasy, he has never said he gets anything for free, in fact I seem to recall he has denied it.
10:04, when celebrities tweet the designer of their clothes it means it was free. Adam is at the level know where designers will give him clothes. I'm sure he still buys clothes too.
I think what Adam meant by there is room for all is that there is room for many different types of singers for the many types of people. We don't all have to like the same thing. Not everyone needs to be the megastar.
I am happy with whatever level of stardom Adam wants. As long as I get to hear him sing I am happy.
Adam still has thousands in attendance for concerts standing in line for hours not a hundred or so like some. He a part time frontman biggest rock band in history, doing TV and new album. Think a Queen tour coming this year, album and much more can't wait for Glee. Adam doing quite well and the best is yet to come in his career doubt you seem nothing yet. A few naysayers same old will do nothing but fuel him. Love Adam always be a fan like so many others.
No, that is fan fantasy. No one is giving him free clothes to go to the small time events he attends. They give free clothes for people at the Grammys or oscars not the Trevor project.
Friend of mine is a designer and her lines of clothing have been worn by a lot of celebs. JLo wore one of her design at AI Season 11. She has a marketing firm to help her promote her brand by giving her lines of clothing to celebs. It's one way of promotion. Celebs. Are photographed on red carpet and publications write about what designers celebs. are wearing. We've seen Adam's pictures on tons of US and International publications with names of designer brands he is wearing. I'm sure Adam gets his clothes either for free or at cost.
I don't know if your are aware; Adam is a solo Artist. That is how any contract is signed; he is not a member of a band. Adam hires the band members on his own and pays their salaries at scale!
You mean as the front man tours he has done, and apparently will be doing with that little unknown band called queen! No big crowds there! Please get real; your fangs are showing!
Are you Adam's financial advisor, family member. You don't know a think about Adam's financial situation. I really don't think he needs you to worry about it. You sound a little embarassing. I don't think other artist's fan are all up in their business like you are. Just enjoy the man's music. If you are that concerned; be sure you purchase as much of his music that you can afford; and gift, gift, gift. Then maybe you won't have to worry so much about him heading to the poor house.
That is not what you said. Why does it matter where the artist's money is coming from. Most financially successful entertainers are involved in many financial opportunities. They have many things going for them. Adam is currently guest staring in Glee reoccuring role. Adam has always said he is interested in branching out in the world of entertainment.
The upcoming Queen events should be very financially helpful to Adam. Let's hope the money rolls in from everywhere this year; while Adam continues to enjoy and follow his dreams doing all the things that he loves. I hope you would agree that this beautiful talented man deserves nothing less!
These are not just side jobs; their are all a part of Adam's life as an entertainer, whether it's as front man for Roger and Brian of Queen; for their pending concerts this year. This is all a part of Adam's wonderful life as an entertainer; including working with Nile Rodgers; writing and singing songs, such as LMD which is featured on Avicci's Album, True. It's all good for our superstar. These other projectd also helps with money to afford putting a nice tour together.
Oh was someone offended by sticking their nose where it was not supposed to be? It is not your business to tell a poster who they can respond to or not. It might be wise, if you mind your own business. by taking your own very smart advice. Hint, to you oh wise one; when someone posts; it is ok to respond, whether you like the response or not.
What do you mean by the "likes of Adam". We all know that Adam is not JLo. You don't have to tell me. I would not be here if he was. I am here because he is Adam M. Lambert; why are you here? You don't sound like you have much of a fan; just my opinion.
By the way; you have no idea of what designers think of Adam; or all the designer's that Adam may know. There are designer's called the Blondes that design cloths for Adam and many other famous celebrities. They are close friends with Adam and he has worn many of their clothers. The "Dragon" he wore when he toured with Queen and sang that song was their design; he also wore it when he Hosted the Diva show on VHI a couple of years ago. Several others also. You can do the research. Enough said.
Ratliffe will never leave Lambert. They have a very intense musical love affair. I think destiny played the part in it. TJR never watched AI and their paths still crossed. Destiny played a part in their musical journey. It is beautiful watching it unfold.
2 59 Yes I know all about the blondes who are part of Adams NYC freeky deeky crowd. Personal friends. Mainstream designers don't even know who adam is.
I would love for Adam to sing some of his songs that didn't make the album cut. He has a treasure chest of songs, but I don't think he knows it. Those gems like... Take Back, Nirvana, and my favorite Runnin'.
Sue is a real fan of Adam what she posts or does not post is none of your damn business. Why should she sign when a coward like you targets her all the time and has never signed. You need to grow up and mine your own business. 10.23.
Adam fronting Queen is just one if his his jobs is what was meant by part time. As far as I know he the only one for at least two years who's as fronted them for any major affairs.
These are the same three or four ex'a fans that cause trouble here all the time what they say is utter rubbish. You got Admin to remove that offensive post yesterday why not these same nasty people, that ruin post after post. It's not fair to any real fan here they are bores and bullies.
He got many more designer friends than the blondes. One of his big friend designers is a big Grammy and Oscar designer. Adam was on his show a couple years ago his designers designed a red carpet suit for him. He has many main stream designer friends that know very well who he is but have no idea who your nasty little looser self is. The only thing freaky Dinky is you , lol.
Be nice if these trolls such as the ex'a ones, lol, would stop targeting certain people. Who they know has their number and believes nothing they write doubt anyone with any brains believes a single thing they say.
@3:59pm I agree with you. Why offensive thread gets deleted and nasty lying comments made by fan/s of other/s doesn't get deleted? If the site wants to keep it clean using Adam Lambert name then it should be monitored through out. Not only delete one or two offensive stuff and leave the rest of nasty comments that drags Adam and everything positive related to Adam into the mud. All negative name callings towards Glamberts should be stopped.
This is 3.59 I totally agree. Yes it would be ok to ignore. But, this a persistent problem it's the Sam few people that need total blocking from this site.. They target certain people who they know are very loyal to Adam. Enough is enough we got to do something . Such immature people that are not right. That was same people.
@3:01PM My thoughts exactly. I am so thoroughly enjoying the ride. Adam does what he wants and makes decisions that make him happy and so far he has made me very happy with his choices.
@3:36pm as I said above my friend's designs are worn by celebs. Adam is her favorite singer. She met him at airport one time and had a long conversation with him. She calls him superstar. I don't know if you know anything about networking. Google it to learn about it. Adam is master of networking and he knows not to lose touch with important people. As we all have seen, there have been tons of news about Adam's fashion beside his mega one in a billion voice. You definitely show your true color that you aren't a fan and you only come here to cause trouble.
This Sam Smith's "Lay Me Down" does not sound one bit like the Aviici song. Is it the same song? If it is, he deconstructed it like mad. Sounds like a different song.
@4:59pm & @5:26pm. I assume you are on a wrong fansite. This is Adam Lambert fansite. Hopefully Sam Smith got his own fansite. If not create one for him.
fans are fast ;)
this was up over an hour ago. they literally had it put together and on youtube with in minutes of Adam's last vid being posted. Glamberts got this shit down!!
Adam sings this so beautifully and pure. I am listening to it over and over again! I want to hear the entire song now!
This is just beautiful. Really looking forward to hearing it in full from Adam soon.
@8:51 PM It impressed me too. I was on Adam's twitter when the 1st part came in, I listened to it and there was a second. I went to my email to send the links to a friend and by the time I got all 4 sent off, I clicked on (Fox Vegas) and she had the link to the composite. Just plain WOW WOW WOW!
Adam is stunning yet again.
This will be a huge hit! Very current and haunting.
I just had the best eargasm!
9:06, it's a cover. Jessie Ware sang it and released it in 2012.
IMO none of the ripped YouTube versions sound as good as the ones he posted the four short video clips on his Intagram. Techies Glamberts come up with HQ ASAP. Thanks for whoever tried to combine the four clips in this video. My God my heart is burning listening to his incredible voice. WOW!
I remember a while back Adam tweeted the Jessie Ware video to this song. I guess it was used as the theme song for some show, but I don't recall which one. Maybe one of my fellow Glamberts knows?
Whoa! I like Adam's soulfulness and serenity expressed in this song; fits his voice perfectly.
Perhaps Adam can incorporate some covers along with his new songs in his third album. The covers he sings seem so new to me and they sound better than the originals; said with due respect to the original singers who created them in the first place.
adam's voice is beautiful but the song is just flat
Stunning this man is such a versatile beautiful talent! Such a stand out and a very major talent as well!
Five minutes HQ loop of this, please!
His IG videos sound much better.
His voice is simply beautiful. Can't wait for new music. Please hurry Adam
This is the original singer, Jessie Ware, performing it live:
Just a speculation on my part, just take it with some grains of salt. Okay?
The singer of this song, Jessie Ware, is signed with Cherry Tree label. Hmmm...we saw someone who wore a cherry tree suit at Trevor Live Project Gala recently. Haven't we? Could it be, maybe, Adam is signed with this label?
Jessie Ware ✔ @Jessie_Ware
@adamlambert 💜💜💜💜💜
That's a good shot; I too was wondering why Adam picked this song, very beautiful haunting song which I am hearing for the first time. Adam projects his voice very effectively with his built-in 'amplifier'. This projection technique is a special skill which I don't hear so much, from pop singers but more pronounced in opera singers; perhaps that's how Adam's voice was trained; still it boils to him and his voice. As one song goes: He's got he's got it...lwl!
11:40, the conspiracy theorists have most recently decided the secret codes mean he has signed with Lava. We can't go back to Cherry Tree now.
Very sweet of Jessie to tweet that.
@Lam-my in world of pop music the only males that their music are played on the radio constantly are Bruno Mars, Justin Tmberlake, and ??? Basically only these two are really popular. IMO Adam still can have a chance to join Mars and JT. The rest of the really popular males are hip hop or pop/hip hop or country. Yes Adam's voice has a special resonance that pop singers don't have it.
12 19
Haha. And both of those ideas are cray
Yes yes yes.this is the kind of music adam needs to sing, not that over produce mess.
very pretty!wanna hear more,too!
Adam better watch out,there's a new singer name( sam smith) that's coming for your spot.
So far Adam has not mentioned signing with any label but his encrypted tweet seems to suggest the owning of a business connected with music/entertainment. I wonder if he actually signed with a recording company, with himself as a co-partner or owns his own recording company. If that's the business he is hinting at, that's big; the scope/direction he will command at his fingertips, regarding his sales of albums/earnings. And he won't need to depend on radio stations to play his songs; he would be able to tap directly into the market and get his songs out to the world and at home.
By the way, lava is a word I used almost three years ago, to describe Adam as being hot and brilliant like lava snaking down the sides of a volcano; and I spelt it as larva which means caterpillar. And ended with...can you imagine streams of barbecued larvae snaking down the volcano. Mmm Lava comapany, but I don't feel this possibility.
Adam's voice is rare and pure indeed!!!!:)
I don't care about speculations, he is my only one he!he!
I was not referring to male singers nor whether they are constantly heard on radio. I am making a generalisation of pop/rock singers, male and female. Many lack the ability to project their voice which seems to be stuck at the back of the throat; don't mean to belittle, they're still excellent singers. Opera singers have this special skill which depends largely on their delivery power. Adam is not referred to as a powerhouse singer for nothing. And I don't mean loud or high notes only though they need more power. For instance, this Wild Moments song which he sings more gently, also shines with his typical projective voice, from within him but spurts to the fore, making the song come 'alive'.
His band is weak.
Even though the band members change, the sound is not as good as it used to be, because Tommy is the lead guitarist. He is the weakest link and also the boss. He even gets to choose new band members. Tommy chose Ashley and that's why Tommycrays like her, otherwise they wouldn't care.
Tommy isn't the boss of anything. Lmao
Who's Sam Smith
Just listened to the original. It's very good too. Jessie Ware has an interesting voice and I'm NOT a troll. I appreciate beautiful music & voices in all their forms.
4:26 AM
Where did you find that information? Sounds like a whole loada BS. Brian is the music director so I suspect he and Adam would choose the band members.
pure Adam and it sounds so good
Well, I believe Tommy is the boss in the band, because he is the only original member left and he's like Adam's trustee, so to say. I admit it is ridiculous though.
Everybody can go home now. Lam-my predicted the new label before Adam even left RCA and she did it with a misspelling. You can't beat that.
The trolls come out at night.
I am very curious what record label will take Adam AND Tommy, because that is the whole point, Tommy will come along.
I do not like that song. Too many other songs on the radio would out shine it. It is just as bad as that Kara D. song that Adam sang during the Idol final. Just saying.
Well it's not going to be released to radio. Lol
My guess is he is playing some private party thus weekend. Ashley is going out on tour with another band early in February so it has to be soon
Just hearing Adam's beautiful voice makes me so darn happy.
Beautiful, just beautiful!
Just listened to this a few times. Adam is truly talented. His voice is so sweet and beautiful. Best vocalist and performer in my opinion. He makes me so happy.
@4:53 AM clap, clap, clap
Now we can stop all the dissecting of 'clues'.
Just listened to the vid and it's so true. Unlike so many pop/rock singers, Adam has power and control in the lower register and, as in this song, in low volume range. Seems like lots of singers can belt it out loud all the time, but Adam has depth and resonance when he's singing softly. Beautiful song. I hope there are a few songs like this on his new album, just as there were on TP.
I love this better than the original now that I heard Jessie Ware singing it. Adam made it his own. I thought it's a new song of his own cause I never heard the original track on the radio. If this is rehearsal, I can't wait to hear it when he performs it live.
So does anyone know, when he was rehearsing this? What is he rehearsing for or was this a old video he just tweeted?
Rehearsing for a private gig I guess.
I think adam a bit picky when choosing a cover song.He only do it if he loves that song or it has deep meaning to him.Regarding sam smith guy or any talented singers/voices out there,there is room for everybody to shine.Adam is a good soul sure he dont care who will be the best singer whatsoever.What he cares is he can still singing,acting and creating musics for many years coming.
Tommy said in an interview years ago that he was never going to leave Adam's band usless Adam threw him out. Other band members come and go and get other jobs but not Tommy. He feels safe and secure with Adam and will aways have a job. So he is their to stay; I really don't see Adam kicking him to the curb; so I don't know why people are always harping on it. It is what it is. They are good friends and Adam is a very loyal friend.
Probably rehearsing for this upcoming event:
Family Equality Council
Los Angeles Award Dinner 2014
Date: Saturday, February 8th, 2014
Place: Globe Theatre, Universal Studios Hollywood
Time: 7:00pm Cocktail Reception, 8:00pm Dinner & Program
Read more:
Adam Lambert unveils rehearsal footage of Jessie Ware cover
Adam Lambert has treated fans to footage of his band rehearsing a Jessie Ware tune.
Click the following link to read more:
Adam Lambert unveils rehearsal footage
Who knows how manipulative Tommy can be and his fans like to remind how loyal he is and Adam is very much obliged. Tommy can be a loyal friend without expecting Adam to give him a lifetime job in return. Something stinks, because to me a real friend wouldn't be so demanding.
7 36
Doubt it is that. Ashley is on tour with another band that day.
Just stop with the arguing over Tommy. It never goes anywhere but in circles.
7:53, who is Ashley touring with?
Airborne toxic event
@8:12 I know it's useless, but the fact is Tommy is a demanding friend.
I ignore the Tommy fandom and all its crays. I just see him onstage and he's fine as far as I'm concerned. Plays well. Never rude. Quiet. Kinda shy. I don't know why some people are so negative about him. I just don't seek out that stuff.
Do we even know if the whole band is supposed to be at the Family Equity dinner?
8:23 you know it is useless so no buts. Just stop.
Does anyone know if this is a new clip or not---someone said that the tattoo is not on his right arm--so must be old?
It seems to be new because Ashley also posted an ig yesterday about rehearsing for an upcoming adam gig.
I wish Monte had been a loyal friend. He was a helluva superior guitar player.
The announcement by Airborne Toxic Event doesn't specifically say when Ashley joins them.
The tattoo is there on Adams arm.
@9:04 Lol, yes. Monte was definitely better, although not great. I have liked rock bands such as Van Halen, Motorhead, with super talented guitarists and I can't settle for less.
I agree, but of course Adam isn't a band. Sometimes I think his career would be further along if he had been a front man for a kickass band. One who also did occasional solo work too. As many do.
9 06
Lol they are going on a tour starting in feb. it was obviously referring to that
Listened to Ware doing Wildest Moments. Good but not great, imo. Also checked out this aforementioned Sam Smith. He has covered Lay Me Down acoustically. He also has very good voice, but different style. Very mellow and controlled. He cannot and will not take Adam's spot. He has different flavor. Like Adam says, there's room for everybody.
I believe Adam is happy doing small gigs to the most devoted fans. Otherwise he would do things differently.
9:33 AM, actually it starts Jan. 25. Fans in the comments asked for a specific date for when the switch over would happen. Nonevwas given. Perhaps they are waiting until the baby is born to do the switch. Not much information was there. But I see you were ready to run with partial info. Not surprising.
Well small gigs isn't going to pay for his designer clothes. I hope he is making some business investments,
Adam is getting some of those clothes for free. Plus he is good at recycling clothes. I'm sure he is going to be just fine financially.
I think Adam wants to do the biggest gigs he can. That's where the money is. Hopefully, he can tour by himself again. He's not an "opener" for anyone, never has been. He's been one of many acts in a big show, but has never actually opened for anyone. He's not the opening act type.
I don't know what he's supposed to be doing differently. He's making it sound like he will be signed with a label this year and can start recording. He'll be working with Queen and Nile, hopefully. He's doing Glee.
I know Adam has said, "There's room for everybody." But I'm not sure I agree. The music business is so competitive. Singers knock other singers off the top of the mountain all the time. There is only so much room, at least at the top. Each singer has to find his or her own place in the hierarchy and pray for longevity any way they can get it
9 53
There is not one reason to think adam gets clothes for free. Fan fantasy, he has never said he gets anything for free, in fact I seem to recall he has denied it.
10:04, when celebrities tweet the designer of their clothes it means it was free. Adam is at the level know where designers will give him clothes. I'm sure he still buys clothes too.
I think what Adam meant by there is room for all is that there is room for many different types of singers for the many types of people. We don't all have to like the same thing. Not everyone needs to be the megastar.
I am happy with whatever level of stardom Adam wants. As long as I get to hear him sing I am happy.
Adam still has thousands in attendance for concerts standing in line for hours not a hundred or so like some. He a part time frontman biggest rock band in history, doing TV and new album. Think a Queen tour coming this year, album and much more can't wait for Glee. Adam doing quite well and the best is yet to come in his career doubt you seem nothing yet. A few naysayers same old will do nothing but fuel him. Love Adam always be a fan like so many others.
10 10
No, that is fan fantasy. No one is giving him free clothes to go to the small time events he attends. They give free clothes for people at the Grammys or oscars not the Trevor project.
I see sue is back.
They give free clothes for much more than just the Grammys and Oscars.
Somebody here sure is an expert on all things today. Doesn't seem like much of a fan of Adam though.
The performance resembles his version of Stay.
Friend of mine is a designer and her lines of clothing have been worn by a lot of celebs. JLo wore one of her design at AI Season 11. She has a marketing firm to help her promote her brand by giving her lines of clothing to celebs. It's one way of promotion. Celebs. Are photographed on red carpet and publications write about what designers celebs. are wearing. We've seen Adam's pictures on tons of US and International publications with names of designer brands he is wearing. I'm sure Adam gets his clothes either for free or at cost.
@5:00 AM
I don't know if your are aware; Adam is a solo Artist. That is how any contract is signed; he is not a member of a band. Adam hires the band members on his own and pays their salaries at scale!
@9:40 AM
You mean as the front man tours he has done, and apparently will be doing with that little unknown band called queen! No big crowds there! Please get real; your fangs are showing!
11:59, I meant with his own band. I thought fronting Queen was a side job, but maybe not.
@9:51 AM - #2
Are you Adam's financial advisor, family member. You don't know a think about Adam's financial situation. I really don't think he needs you to worry about it. You sound a little embarassing. I don't think other artist's fan are all up in their business like you are. Just enjoy the man's music. If you are that concerned; be sure you purchase as much of his music that you can afford; and gift, gift, gift. Then maybe you won't have to worry so much about him heading to the poor house.
11 24
And I'm quite sure he does not. McQueen and other big designers could care less about the likes of adam lambert. Adam isn't jlo.
Really you all have constructed this huge fantasy in your head. It's quite silly.
12 09
You need to not worth about what anyone else is posting. Take your own advice and Mind your own business
Besides, McQueen is dead. It was quite tragic.
But, I am super happy if Vivienne gave Adam a suit for free.
@12:08 PM
That is not what you said. Why does it matter where the artist's money is coming from. Most financially successful entertainers are involved in many financial opportunities. They have many things going for them. Adam is currently guest staring in Glee reoccuring role. Adam has always said he is interested in branching out in the world of entertainment.
The upcoming Queen events should be very financially helpful to Adam. Let's hope the money rolls in from everywhere this year; while Adam continues to enjoy and follow his dreams doing all the things that he loves. I hope you would agree that this beautiful talented man deserves nothing less!
These are not just side jobs; their are all a part of Adam's life as an entertainer, whether it's as front man for Roger and Brian of Queen; for their pending concerts this year. This is all a part of Adam's wonderful life as an entertainer; including working with Nile Rodgers; writing and singing songs, such as LMD which is featured on Avicci's Album, True. It's all good for our superstar. These other projectd also helps with money to afford putting a nice tour together.
@12:14 PM
Oh was someone offended by sticking their nose where it was not supposed to be? It is not your business to tell a poster who they can respond to or not. It might be wise, if you mind your own business. by taking your own very smart advice. Hint, to you oh wise one; when someone posts; it is ok to respond, whether you like the response or not.
@12:12 PM
What do you mean by the "likes of Adam". We all know that Adam is not JLo. You don't have to tell me. I would not be here if he was. I am here because he is Adam M. Lambert; why are you here? You don't sound like you have much of a fan; just my opinion.
By the way; you have no idea of what designers think of Adam; or all the designer's that Adam may know. There are designer's called the Blondes that design cloths for Adam and many other famous celebrities. They are close friends with Adam and he has worn many of their clothers. The "Dragon" he wore when he toured with Queen and sang that song was their design; he also wore it when he Hosted the Diva show on VHI a couple of years ago.
Several others also. You can do the research. Enough said.
Ughhhh... So gorgeous.
Makes me want to close my eyes and just bathe in the sound.
@12:59 PM Here: Correction
I meant to say the "Dragon Jacket" that is what fans call the red fur looking jacket Adam wore in those shows. Beautiful.
Ratliffe will never leave Lambert. They have a very intense musical love affair. I think destiny played the part in it. TJR never watched AI and their paths still crossed. Destiny played a part in their musical journey. It is beautiful watching it unfold.
@3:01 You are right, they will be together forever. It's funny actually.
2 59
Yes I know all about the blondes who are part of Adams NYC freeky deeky crowd. Personal friends. Mainstream designers don't even know who adam is.
I would love for Adam to sing some of his songs that didn't make the album cut. He has a treasure chest of songs, but I don't think he knows it. Those gems like... Take Back, Nirvana, and my favorite Runnin'.
Tall Tree
Sue is a real fan of Adam what she posts or does not post is none of your damn business. Why should she sign when a coward like you targets her all the time and has never signed. You need to grow up and mine your own business. 10.23.
Adam fronting Queen is just one if his his jobs is what was meant by part time. As far as I know he the only one for at least two years who's as fronted them for any major affairs.
These are the same three or four ex'a fans that cause trouble here all the time what they say is utter rubbish. You got Admin to remove that offensive post yesterday why not these same nasty people, that ruin post after post. It's not fair to any real fan here they are bores and bullies.
He got many more designer friends than the blondes. One of his big friend designers is a big Grammy and Oscar designer. Adam was on his show a couple years ago his designers designed a red carpet suit for him.
He has many main stream designer friends that know very well who he is but have no idea who your nasty little looser self is. The only thing freaky Dinky is you , lol.
Can't people just ignore the trolls and keep their focus on Adam so we don't have negative vibes here.....
4:19. I got tired of commenting to ignore the trolls but maybe they will listen to you.
Be nice if these trolls such as the ex'a ones, lol, would stop targeting certain people. Who they know has their number and believes nothing they write doubt anyone with any brains believes a single thing they say.
@3:59pm I agree with you. Why offensive thread gets deleted and nasty lying comments made by fan/s of other/s doesn't get deleted? If the site wants to keep it clean using Adam Lambert name then it should be monitored through out. Not only delete one or two offensive stuff and leave the rest of nasty comments that drags Adam and everything positive related to Adam into the mud. All negative name callings towards Glamberts should be stopped.
This is 3.59 I totally agree. Yes it would be ok to ignore. But, this a persistent problem it's the Sam few people that need total blocking from this site.. They target certain people who they know are very loyal to Adam.
Enough is enough we got to do something . Such immature people that are not right. That was same people.
@3:01PM My thoughts exactly. I am so thoroughly enjoying the ride. Adam does what he wants and makes decisions that make him happy and so far he has made me very happy with his choices.
@3:36pm as I said above my friend's designs are worn by celebs. Adam is her favorite singer. She met him at airport one time and had a long conversation with him. She calls him superstar. I don't know if you know anything about networking. Google it to learn about it. Adam is master of networking and he knows not to lose touch with important people. As we all have seen, there have been tons of news about Adam's fashion beside his mega one in a billion voice. You definitely show your true color that you aren't a fan and you only come here to cause trouble.
This Sam Smith's "Lay Me Down" does not sound one bit like the Aviici song. Is it the same song?
If it is, he deconstructed it like mad. Sounds like a different song.
@4:59 no it's not the same song,but sam smith as a very unique voice.Listen to latch by sam smith yummy
@4:59pm & @5:26pm. I assume you are on a wrong fansite. This is Adam Lambert fansite. Hopefully Sam Smith got his own fansite. If not create one for him.
Sue posted a while back that she would need surgery again, unfortunately. I hope when she's feeling up to it she'll tell us how she's doing.
Adam makes this song sound so beautiful.
@6:25PM I think you're stupid.
And the nastiness continues.
Prime example of why this site needs moderation.
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