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Funny Adam Lambert Super Bowl Art Graphic!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 2, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, February 02, 2014


Anonymous said...

i didn't make this. reposted from here

Anonymous said...

So you thought you'd spread the demeaning of Adam.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about the game! Can I just watch Adam for a few hours........plezzzzzzz..nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

haha this is to funny. thanks for posting

Anonymous said...

@9:04 Aw, where's your sense of humor? I think it's quite cute, clever, and funny! Obviously whoever made it is a Glambert. :)

Anonymous said...

Haha! Love it.

Anonymous said...

Lighten up .... it aint that deep.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:04 PM
You're kidding, right?? It's cute. I see nothing demeaning about the pics at all.

Anonymous said...

Love it !

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I felt a bit deflated when I watched Bruno at the Halftime Show. He was good, but I know that Adam could pull off something bigger than that. Someone very close to me said, "Adam should stop writing his own songs and just hire some good people who give him songs perfect for is voice. That's all it takes to get him to the next level". Easier said than done, I think. Plus, I doubt that middle America would want to see a openly gay singer there. Sorry, needed to get that off my chest.

Anonymous said...

Nothing demeaning about this graphic.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA! Adam not! Hardly 'demeaning'.Sense of humor needed here! Bruno gave a great performance at the Superbowl. Loved the energy! The guys a human dynamo. Of course we all wish Adam could have be given that opportunity but his 'living his dream' right now.

Anonymous said...

Glad Adam isn't as bummed out about things as some of his fans.

Anonymous said...

@11:50 I appreciate how you feel, because I was so wishing that were Adam instead of Bruno performing also. I don't have anything against Bruno - I actually was a fan of his when he was "featured" with others' songs, before he became a household name - but every since Adam lost the Grammy to him, my feelings toward him have cooled. Very mature, huh? :)))

I kind of disagree though with what your friend said to you about Adam having someone write songs for him to take him to the next level. Every single of Adam's that has been released in the US was a song written by someone else. Whataya Want From Me was a great song, gets radio play (at least where I live), and earned him a Grammy nom. I have never heard any of his other singles on the radio. Some of my favorite songs of Adam's are ones he had a hand in writing, but without being released as singles or being played on the radio, no one knows about them unless they bought the album. When BTIKM was released as a single, every person I played it for liked it...but never on radio. I'd so love it if Chokehold were to be in the 50 Shades of Grey movie!!

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady - OT, but congrats on your team winning the Super Bowl!

Anonymous said...

im not a fan of Denver broncos and seahwaks- im a 49rs fan- but like to see adam here- he makes me smile- also don't like that Bruno mars- don't like his voice don't like his face-sorry-love adam lambert only-

Anonymous said...

Lets put these pics on Featured Picture

Anonymous said...

I think this graphic is adorkable, just like Adam! It's funny and cute.

Bruno was great, deserved to be there, was a good year for him to be there, it all fit and worked very well.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha, he does look like a dork!

Anonymous said...

@7:27 AM

I think Bruno Mars has a nice face; what's not to like? he can't help the face he was born with! If you want to talk about his talents, now that is an intelligent conversation to have.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

the tongue sticking out is hilarious. I nearly wet myself.

Anonymous said...


IKR :)

Anonymous said...

What? someone said upthread that Bruno's face was not lovely, omg its gorg imho! (He's not the tallest dude on the planet, if height is your thing, but dayum his face is beautiful)

Anonymous said...

God, I love Adam's mugging for the cameras. He has the most incredible face ... even goofy faces look "lusty stare" worthy. So damn CUTE!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

The goofy pix are funny and enjoyable. I think Adam would get a kick out of them. Bruno was good. He's a good entertainer. He can do the splits.


Anonymous said...

ROTFL! Adam has very talented creative fans!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

I, too, would love to see Adam perform at a major event in the US. He did this in Russia, so why not here? I'm so done with Bruno's material altho not yet done with him.

Anonymous said...

Nothing against Bruno Mars, but his show was so 'out of place' in that game surroundings, his image and his band/crew, music etc. just isn't Super Bowl material. Red Hot Chili Peppers would have been more suited for the game... Js, don't jump me, not bashing Bruno, just not the place for his music/show imo.

And that other show/stage with Philip Phillips... No, no, no, just no.

Anonymous said...

BTW & FYI, there's a Billboard vote which act would you want to perform next year at the Super Bowl halftime show... (can't post the link here, sorry). Several alternatives to choose from and if you can't pick one of those, you can also write your own favorite... :)

Anonymous said...

Bruno's high energy show was perfect for the game.

Anonymous said...

Bruno Mars' performance was the saving grace of this Superbowl.
He is one great vocalist and a helluva songwriter.

Anonymous said...

Bruno's music and style has nothing to do with Super Bowl atmosphere! If you like watching him at home from tv, it's a totally different vibe out there in the audience watching the game.