NEW PICS From Party: Sauli Koskinen, Keisha Renee, Eber Lambert etc
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Saturday, February 1, 2014
Posted at : Saturday, February 01, 2014

230am last call for photographs with @adamlambert
— Miles Tougeaux (@milestougeaux) February 1, 2014
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Sauli has always known how to hold a woman. It sure looks like he means business. lolol
Pic of what the invite looked like:
TALCvids @TALCvids 11h
Invitation for Adam's birthday party #voodoo
Looks like it was a fun party with lots of Adam's friends there.
2.57pm, What ??????
Sauli !!!!!!!
Don't respond to the troll.
at 3:05 PM
Who's the troll this time?
I don't see troll material; am I missing something?
It´s great to see Sauli there, he is such a sweet guy and Adam looks adorable blowing those candles in the cake pics:D!
Why is Eber still up at 2:30?
Would love to see a pic of Adam and Sauli together. So glad to see Sauli at the party. Adam makes friends and keeps them.
3:11 PM, why wouldn't Eber still be up at 2:30? The party ran from 10 PM - 2 AM.
Cause it's a party. Ya it is!
Sasha Mallory (Adam's dancer from GNT) was there too.
So was Taylor green
Looks like it was an Adam's who's who of friends. Sound like a wonderful gathering for Adam. I bet he was so happy.
Eber's look!
'That's my boy! So proud of you, son!'
A very nice array of family and friends. It seems, if you are a "trusted" friend of Adam's; you will always be a friend!
Who is the beautiful lady in the bottom picture?
Glee casts and Lance Bass were there. There is a video of Ivy singing. She sounded and looked fabulous. JustJared Ent. Media Magazine was there. Let's hope we'll get nice pictures and media coverage of Adam's BD party on Monday.
Adams dad is all grown up he has no specific time to go home. He does not see Adam near as much as he would like. I have heard him say that before.
So I think he wanted to spend as much time as possible with his son can sleep later.
Adam looks like he having a fine time with all his various friends. He such a babe and great friend to his many friends.
that girl with the chestbert...omg that is sexy more more more more
Happy Birthday Adam! Good to see you enjoyed your BD party. Get a good R & R this weekend!
Yes, a lovely looking bunch of people. So nice to see Adam's friends from past and present all there. Hope Adam had a wonderful time. Where is a picture of Leila?
Keysha seems to be a regular Sunshine, too!
Seeing Sauli at the party, hugging & kissing her, Double Sunshine!
Missing Terrance, his gorgeous smile and that UNF body!
He was probably at work; from his tweets I get the feeling he misses LA and his buddies...
Is that Adam's mom kissing him on the cheek?
Following is tweet from the lady at the bottom picture:
Lauren B. Chavez@TheLaurenChavez: the birthday boy 💣 @adamlambert
Didn't see Leila or Neil. But Neil might have stayed away from the cameras. But Leila usually is front and center to have her picture taken with Adam. So glad Eber was there, must have meant a lot to Adam. Didn't see Danielle either.
Danielle was there, have seen a tweet from someone with her on it.
There are lots of pics of the people at the party but most of them don't have Adam in them as well. Probably why they aren't posted here - we just want to see ones with Adam.
I wonder if Allison Iraheta was there. She has been to past BD parties. However, she's working like crazy trying to get her band's album out in 2014. I love to hear Allison and Adam sing together.
I don't think it is a matter of Adam's mother wanting to be front and center to have her picture taken with her son. I think that he just proudly brings his mother into the pictures when she is with him. She was probably there, just probably meeting and greeting friends and guest and letting Adam enjoy all his guest. After all, she no doubt sees Adam all the time, or whenever she wants to. They are a very close knit family.
I can see where you might have thought that woman kind of looked like Adam's mom. Although his mom is probably older. But, she is very, very beautiful, and looks very young!
@4:47 PM
I want to see all of the pictures of the guest who attended Adam's Birthday party; with or without him in them. After all it is his Birthday party; so the whole party, and who was there, is all a part of our Adam's beautiful exciting life. "I want it all, and I want it now"!
Seeing Sauli made my day! YAY!
Agree w you, want to see as many pics as possible!
Stop using 'we', please. Speak only for yourself, k?
I seriously don't understand how troublemaking, rude, petty and argumentative some of the commenters here are.
Adam looks so handsome and feels the love and presence of his gathering of friends and family. This is the crux of what Adam is about; the connection that he keeps forging, far and near. He got it all nicely together at his birthday. These are people who have been there with him through good and bad times; not just fair weather friends. I hope they played Voodoo at the party a favourite of mine which I mentioned recently. Yea Adam's birthday party theme has a theatric slant like his aesthetic top-hat which I also commented fits him better than the Italian-styled one, a couple of threads back. His birthday cake also fits him with the candles poking out from all sides and yes one big blow with that power, just like his voice. Koong Hei Fatt Choi! 3rd day of Lunar New Year, a rather auspicious day for good fortune and Adam and Everyone !!
I would bury my face in chestbert.
Wld love to lick on some chestbert mmhmm!
@6:25 PM
Really, I don't see all the troublemaking, argumentative; petty, and rude comments you are talking about. Am I missing something?
I thought most of the comments have been pretty nice and polite; while expressing their opinions. Maybe it's just me; but I just don't see all of the type of comments you mentioned on this thread.
7:51, it was probably fatigue from reading through other threads.
Adam's nose is becoming bigger and bigger. As the mess on his face and head:)
Adam's birthday cake seems to have
Descended from the sky kitchen
A dome-shaped UFO with candles
Poking out from all sides
Radiating a warm glow
Pooof! In one forceful blow
The 32 candles went out
His art and people connection
It's what his birthday is all about
@Lam-my Their are snake, crosses and horn shaped candles on this cake! What sky kitchen are you talking about?
8.58 the only mess is you. His nose is quite nice he a very handsome man.
Adam never looked better surrounded by friends and family.
I figured it was time for the nasties to start a new day waking up from their time zone. I say 8.58 ridiculous comment qualifies for petty and rude would you not say. Not to mention totally untrue and full of S--t.
@8:33, i guess the fatique you talked about has messed anon 8:58's sight,
Ok Sauli we get it. You really like chocolate. Now go home and leave Adam alone.
I was just going to say something nice about these pics and the birthday boy, but I give up. This site seems to be filled with nasty people/comments (esp. when Adam's ex is mentioned).
10:19 PM: What kind of a person are you? I really start hoping Sauli leaves LA and USA b/c he seems to be so hated there.
I wonder what makes people hate the fact that Adam and Sauli are still friends? It's Adam's life and if he wants to be a friend with Sauli, it is totally his business. They have gone through good and bad times and share a lot of common memories and secrets. In my opinion it is nice that ex's can be in good terms.
Adam must have had a lovely birthday party with his friends and family.
Great pictures. Love the one with the beautiful woman and chestbert. Lucky woman. Nice to see Sauli again and it speaks volumes about what a loving man Adam is when he is so comfortable with an ex.Once Adam loves someone, it seems they are loved and friends forever. So many long termed friends there. Heart warming.
10:27, it is really frustrating when you are excited or happy from the pics and then have to try to not read all the garbage before leaving your comment. Hard to share the fun with others around the trolls and nasty people.
His cake is unique like himself.Apparently adam loves beautiful women
@11:02 PM
That is so true! And even if you try to ignore, it just isn't so easy.
Loving all the pics, especially the father/son one. Adam, why do you tease us with chestbert so? ;)
Can anyone tell me who the other two guys are in the 3rd pic from bottom? Is one of them Rick, the drummer? Thx!
His nose looks bigger because his face is thinner. Eat some more cake Adam.
@10:19 PM
What's wrong Sauli has done? He is single and free to spend time with anyone he wants. Or are you thinking that he should live a celibate until Adam finds a new boyfriend?
12:35 AM, not Rick Jordan the drummer. It's Jason Sky and Jovan Carrington. We have seen pics of them with Adam, Terrance and Johnny before.
Here is the IG the pic is from:
S A S S A F R A S : New Orleans in Hwood! Happy birthday @adamlambert! #goodtimes #friends #bayou #saloon #voodoo #love #partyboys #welldressedmen
How about NOT reacting or answering to ANY stupid, OTT, negative or provocative posts regarding Adam, Sauli or ANYONE on this site?!?
If you have followed Adam a long time, been here a while, you MUST know by now that both Adam and Sauli are lovely guys and all Adam's friends & Glamily are good people. AND that it is common courtesy and good behaviour NOT to bash & bully anyone. So the stupid, hateful etc. posts are just utter BS produced by hateful lowlives and NOT worth reacting/answering to. So IGNORE, please.
Ok, again it happened...thread starts pretty nicely just a few little things written not so nice but then somebody deside to comment on those..and here se go again!! Why oh wy do you have to make these threads like this all the time! I love this site because there's always great info and amazing pics of adam and friends..and I also would like to read the comments because sometimes there's some more info and twitter coversations Gere.
@1:52 AM
Wise words! Ignore and scroll are the words. (Just wondering what kind of people get satisfaction by bashing Adam and his friends.)
I agree with the last three comments here. I brace myself before opening the comments not knowing if I am going to get some new info or garbage and bickering.
I am totally willing to ignore and not comment on the mean, stupid, negative, bickering, troll, or complainer comments. How many would agree to do this? Anybody up to championing the cause in the comments of the first post on the site?
Sauli is a cutie like no one else. He's got it all, he is sunny, fun loving and caring, he is also a sexy wild child and a courageous lover of life. I wish he was a friend of mine, too!
Double sunshine ! That is a good name for the pic shown here of Sauli and Keisha:))!
The trolls were really obvious today, very easy to spot this time and they almost always are. Sometimes they answer themselves, when others ignore them, that´s when I wish admin´s hand would come and punish rightfully some posters.They would vanish into thin air:D! Maybe some day:).
I wish we will get more pics of Adam and Sauli but I know maybe we won´t. The main thing is, I believe Adam and his closest people had the best party, YAY!:))
I am @1:24 AM
Admin, please delete my post. I was stupid and overreacted. Sorry.
I share the passion with many fans here and struggle ignoring the trolls but to me it always feels wonderful reading nice posts about Adam,Sauli and others in Adam´s life.
This is a great blog, thanks to admin for this place.
@1:45 Thanks so much for the info. :)
@1:18 AM....JAK may have enlightened me.
For many years now I have lamented my small undistinguished nose......maybe the problem is not that my nose is too small, maybe my face is just too fat!
I need to put down the cake!
So no more takers on the idea of ignoring certain kinds of comments as suggested by 1:52 AM to 2:45 AM?
Attention Glamberts:
This is my observation; If you take note, only two posts, last night; one at 8:58PM, and one at 10:58PM (from all the responses, I thought there were many) one sick puppy caused all of twelve posters responding. Well, the one cray with just 2 posts got the reactions they wanted.
I would not even elevate them into the troll status; even though that is low. Their post at 10:19 PM, regarding Sauli likes chocolate because he was hugging a black woman, one of the singers in Adam's band. This was mean and also racist in nature; also, their post at 8:58 PM, comments regarding the size of Adam's nose; and other hateful things about his appearance.
This should not be tolerated. Not communicated with; just reported.
Honest, friendly question: can't see anything posted (in this thread) @10:58?!! Did you mean some other timeslot?
@6:57 AM
Thank you, sorry; I meant to say at 10:19 PM.
@6:33 AM= here/ correction
Paragraph 1, should be poster
at 10:19 PM, instead of 10:58 PM;
Sorry about that.
You all just love this kind of conversation so much you get into it regularly.
I agree about ignoring obvious negativity, that is just meant to stir trouble among fans, I try to ignore.
I love to see even these little glimpses of Sauli in Adam´s life.
Happy pics in general of all the partygoers make me smile:D!
The topic is ofcourse much more interesting:D! This pic of Sauli, hugging smiling Keisha, was worth a feel good day today for me!:))
JAK here.....I had and have no interest in Taylor Green, but I was grateful during Adam's scuffle with the photographer in Miami Beach....ancient history was Taylor who ran to Adam and pulled him away. That episode could have escalated if Taylor hadn't been quick to respond. So when I see his name, I just think "Thanks Taylor."
I can pass for a prophet you know? Knew all these stupid comments will def. Come in any thread concerning adam's birthday .
Regarding ignoring the trolls, haha dont see it happening, simple solution is admin deleting any comment bound to cause brouhaha.
TBH, i dont care about Adam's ex(es), so, i dont see the need to bash them.
@ anon 3:31...respect!
I just care about one Adam´s ex, Sauli, so I don´t get so exhausted at the end of my day, Luckily I believe Adam does not need defending, not because of trolls here, ever. I also noticed @3:31am post and respect it.
Wasn't Taylor Green and the girl in the picture with Adam(Lauren?)engaged at one time? I thought I remembered talk about that years ago.
Also, how can you tell if certain anons are the same poster, besides having an obvious writing style. I can't tell.
@11:00am,Sorry don´t know about Taylor.
I guess the writing style is the best hunch about it.
Nice to get to see these pics.The cake seemed to have been an exotic one, a snake on top! Very suitable for their theme.
Yes, JAK @ 9:08, Taylor did a very good deed that day. I remember it well.
Kindred at 8:19
I can recognise your "feel good day" from miles, even without telepathy. lwl! Kindred, you know life and would have grappled it by the horns; to appreciate little things like sunbeams which are not little things really; in fact it's a thing of life and death; and Sauli giving such a warm kiss to Keisha, makes you so happy. You have wisdom. :)
To JAK @ 9:08 I too have always been grateful to Taylor for that Miami incident. His quick thinking saved what could have been an ugly scene.
Yes you seem to feel me from my post, Lam-my:D.Kindred
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