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Avicii Official VEVO Uploads LAY ME DOWN! (Is it a hint that it may be the next single?)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, March 13, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, March 13, 2014



Anonymous said...

This would be great news. With the Glee episodes and now the Queen and Adam summer concert series, this would just be another incredible thing for Adam and his career. It's about time this song was heard more prominently out there.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, someone may be trying to jump on Adam's growing popularity now; I am not naming any names!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam's publicist, Shoshanna, tweeted it. Might be something, might be nothing. Go listen!

Anonymous said...

Avicii is a big disappointment. We were led to believe they were great friends along with Nile. I love the song with Adam's voice and the sounds Avicci produces. But it's gone nowhere. I don't expect much. Last I read he's moved on to Madonna! Adam will be a smash after his tour with Queen. He will so get much exposure! Thanks Brian and Roger.

Anonymous said...

i really love this song. great beat and vocals. it would be very awesome if it's going to be the new single. germany likes avicii a lot and he is being played constantly on the radio.

Anonymous said...

Yup! Avicii is a big disappointment. Nicely put, I won't say what goes thru my head about him.

Anonymous said...

We need this on the radio....great Spring Break song. Remember Avicii may not have the choice of which single he wants released next. He also listed LMD as one of his top ten songs on his playlist. Record companies ruLe the world, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

It has a real good beat, electronic music must be the in thing now.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Bri

shoshanna stone ‏@shoshannastone 4h


Anonymous said...

I love this record,but is it radio friendly?

Anonymous said...

Too bad the hits do not go to Adam's vevo account instead of his. My understanding is the artist whose CD it is gets paid for the number of hits; is this true? Don't know anything about these things.

Anonymous said...

They keep teasing as if it is going to be a single; then nothing. Adam's fans have been very supportive of Avicci's LMD on his True album because of Adam Lambert!!

I am concentrating on Queen and Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Just bought 4 tickets to QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT in Montréal!!! Now the awful waiting period starts :(. Can't wait for that incredible show. OMG! It's Queen and Adam together!!

Anonymous said...

Let me know when Adam and Nile's single comes out; then I will buy and view for Adam Lambert, until then, I will Lay Me Down In Darkness before I give Avicci's Official Vevo account any views.

Anonymous said...

@5:17 PM

Congratulation! You Lucky, lucky soul. Four tickets; I can feel your excitement. Canada is going to be filled with excitement. Think of it as the excitement has just begun. I love hearing about it, each time someone scores a ticket. I think it's great to let other fans know and celebrate. I think it keeps the momentum going.

Probably makes Adam happy too.

Anonymous said...

One my way to watch the I.Heart Video that Adam Lambert ask me to watch; with Adam and Queen!!!

Anonymous said...

@5:20 PM
AMEN! to what you said.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 5:25 -- That Montreal show will of course be the best of the tour :-)!! We will shake that Bell Centre!

Anonymous said...

EDM is such trash. and LMD is an awful song. its worse then glee. SMH why don't you just work on your 3rd album and quit wasting time with all these pointless endeavors. oh yeah thats right because you don't have a label and no one will put out your original music because Trespassing only sold 100K. How could i forgot.

Anonymous said...

5:52 PM Have you totally lost your mind and don't know where you are? Please go somewhere else where you belong.

glitzylady said...

Seems a bit short sighted to ignore the Avicii Offical VEVO posting of Lay Me Down, in my humble opinion. Perhaps showing some interest in Adam's song would be to Adam's benefit. Couldn't hurt, right???

Anonymous said...

I downloaded LMD immediately when the album came out and hoped for it to become a single. Right now, I am less invested in this possibility even though I like the song. I am just feeling and getting a different vibe from Adam lately given those stunning Glee appearances and the upcoming summer tour with Queen. Not sure at this point how much it would really "help" Adam if LMD was released as a single.

Anonymous said...

For goodness sake. This is Adam's song. He has writing credit on this track. If you're a fan you should support Adam. Avicii, Glee, Queen, RuPaul and bunch of other things that Adam is participating in is to show that he is in public eyes until his album hits the shelves. I gave it bunch of hits. I am going to Queenbert concert as well and watch the official Glee videos of Adam. Purchased his Glee tracks too.

Anonymous said...

5:52. Quit wasting your time here writing nonsense comments until his album is out. Meanwhile enjoy his Queenbert concert that you'll might be going!? Are you?

Anonymous said...

Does this place not have a moderator to deal with the obvious trolling?

Anonymous said...

6:37 love your comment what a bunch of pouty people on this site.

Anonymous said...

7:03 no

Anonymous said...

Adam is asking us to view a lot of things; I will view LMD on Avicci's Official Vevo site, when and if Adam or his management ask me too. It is each person's right as an individual to follow their own mind. As we all love Adam; each person is entitled to their own opinion and should not be made to feel guilty by any other fan.

Anonymous said...

I think Avicii was wrong to release this first run through of Lay Me Down. Adam was singing as a demo and the production quality is poor. Voice too faint at the beginning, growing stronger in middle of recording. I do like the melody and lyric and of course Adam's voice but is not a polished sound compared to others on the album.
I can understand why they were released first.

Adam was not a friend of Avicii's he was a friend of Nile doing him a favor.

Anonymous said...

I am really concentrating on Adam and Queen right now when I have time; giving hits to the Iheart video that Adam just tweeted about and ask us to watch. Also still giving all of Adam's songs on Glee many views as possible. Our BB is involved in so much. So I am invested in helping him in the things that I mentioned.

Anonymous said...

LMD as a single with accompanying video will soar so high, one has to probably squint their eyes. Adam's voice sounds vulnerable, malleable singing this song and that is so lithe and soothing, like an echo...maybe due to his hangover. lol! Also Nile's guitar is distinctive and Avicii's electronic staccato on a couple of Adam's notes makes it updated and #2 on my song chart. It recently knocked FYE to third place. #1 OOL seems unbeatable to date. lwl!


Anonymous said...

These are not a bunch of pouty people on this thread; as a poster suggested above. Sorry, but that is an insult to fans who are entitled to their opinions. Name calling is not a proper response to someone who might not agree with you. I hope that we can be civil to one another; this would definitely be following Adam Lambert's lead.

Anonymous said...

I just love Queen and Adam's Iheart performances; just can't stop watching it. Just a taste of what we will get at the concerts. Adam sounds so good. Brian and Roger; and the whole band is just fabulous!!

Cannot wait until for the summer tour!!

Anonymous said...

I still don't understand how Avicii could even be in the same category s ADAM?? Does he sing, no! Does he have stage presence,? No What, he produced a hit single, came out of nowhere is is a mega star? Adam has it all over Avicii , I would never buy music by an artist that just produces it and doesn't perform it imself IMO

Anonymous said...

Shosh tweeted the link to this video many hours ago so I kinda think she wants us to watch it.

Anonymous said...

#1 8:02 Avicii Is young multi talented composer and showman.

Anonymous said...

8:03, Avicii is a song-mixer and DJ He is a talented artist in his own right. He knows how to put music together in ways that people love. He attracts millions to come and listen to him play music worldwide. His job is not to sing, not to have "stage presence." His job is to help write, produce and paly music. He's got the talent for it.

I wish that he had released LMD as a single. I'm thinking that the album is done have singles released. But, he may surprise us. I keep hoping. And I keep listening!



Anonymous said...

It's as I predicted when "True" came out and people here were claiming it was Adam's big break and how great Avicii was, etc etc. I said if people get too over invested in this and if what they were claiming didn't happen then people here would be disappointed and bitter and upset. And that is just what happened. Look at the petty comments about Avicii and not going to listen to the Vevo. So many unreasonable and bitter people here.

glitzylady said...

Gosh..Certainly everyone has a right to view or NOT view anything, including Avicii Official's "Lay Me Down" (audio) on Vevo. :)) But to purposely ignore something just because one perceives Avicii to be slighting Adam by not releasing Lay Me Down as a single..yet... seems a bit sour grapes. But really, whatever works for you, because it's certainly a personal choice..

I don't have a lot of extra time, and that will probably limit my opportunities for giving it a few hits.. But I'm not going to blame Avicii, or boycott his music... or insult his good sense and excellent taste, in having Adam on his album.... for not releasing LMD up until now, or never for that matter, if that's the case. His label may have had a major vote in what the next single would be in order of release.

Avicii is HUGELY popular. I bought TRUE when it came out not only because Adam and Nile are on one of the tracks (YAY!!), but also because I LIKE the album, and it makes no difference to me who performs on the album and who produced it.. It's a great upbeat collection of music..

Makes sense to me to support supporting Avicii at the same time, or at least not publicly dissing him, for releasing other tracks.. But again, to each his or her own...

That said...I'm mostly just looking forward to Queen + Adam Lambert, the North American Tour, and ADAM'S new music, coming out later this year.. What an AMAZING year for Adam! Sour grapes for me? Nope.....


Anonymous said...


You are aware that you sound very bitter don't you? I hope you will find a singer that can meet your needs and make you happy; apparently Adam is not that person, good luck in finding someone to follow that will satisfy you.

I really just don't know what else to say except to quote words from a Michael Jackson song, "Annie are you ok, are you ok Annie; you've been hit by a smooth voice of one in a Billion!!

Anonymous said...

7:36 pm, Shosh tweeted it. See the comment at 3pm.

Maybe they are gauging interest and it would be to Adam's benefit for us to play the Vevo.

Try thinking of what benefits Adam in the long run, not your petty paybacks to Avicii and dislike of him and EDM. Avicii said it was one of his favorite songs. Maybe he has no more control over single choice than Adam did.

Anonymous said...

I actually don't see a lot of sour grapes around here. Just a lot of sweet red grapes; all in celebration of our Beautiful gracious singer. Who would welcome all of our opinions as long as we are respectful of others. Moving on to enjoy Adam and Queen in all their glory.

Anonymous said...

8:20 Oh we'll be just fine don't worry your pretty little head over us.

choons said...

Scroll all the way down to 2nd last row. Click on Lay Me Down.
So far it only has 377 hits.

Anonymous said...

All this silly name calling and seemingly trying to chastise a group of grown people is ridiculous; people are going to do what they want. Fans should just put the information out, which is wonderful. Then, fans can makeup their own adult minds. Thanks, so much everyone for all the information. Goodnight all, have a nice Glambert evening!!!

Anonymous said...

It is entirely reasonable that Adam already has a label. I doubt he is spending all this time in Sweden recording on his own dime. The label announcement is secondary to announcing the release of his new album. Yes, fans would like to know what label he is with but it really doesn't matter. Do you care what label Pharrell is with? Or who Katy Perry is with? Most people don't care about that stuff. The person who really seems to care what label is our resident troll. Probably because they have so few other things to troll about because things are going so well for Adam.

Anonymous said...

LMD is just a bad song, thats why Aviici hasn't released it as a single. But no Glambert in the world will ever admit that.

Anonymous said...

8:46, problem is the negative bitter people are not basing their opinions on facts and claim to have Adam's best interest in mind until it conflicts with their petty grudges.

Anonymous said...

Direct link to Lay Me Down:

Anonymous said...

@8:20 PM #2

I have to disagree with you; I didn't read but one post by a seemingly unreasonable and bitter person; want to know who it is? Go look in a mirror.

So you can leave your "I told you so" attitude behind; no medals for you here!!

Anonymous said...

LMD Vevo audio has over 80,000 views.

Anonymous said...

Avicii's talent is not as obvious as Adam' or Nile's, because we don't see him doing anything special on stage other than keep fingering the synthesizer / keyboard. But just look at the crowds and the way they chant his name. Even Adam says Avicii is a genius; my take is he has enormous talent and knowledge on computer/digital manipulations to help him compose electronic dance music; most of all he makes crowds of people happy and they believe in his unique talents. Again it boils down to brain which most people use 5% of and if one can tap into that special 5%+; then he/she has got it made. lol! My guesstimate. lol!


Anonymous said...


I am just a fan that happen to read your post. Just curious where are all these bitter negative people you are posting about. I was just reading through all the posts; I don't really see them; a couple of weird posts from the same person that could be called bitter against Adam. Those I ignore. But, most of the people posting seemed sincere and just posting an opinion; which I see nothing wrong with. I don't agree with every post. But, that is what makes us individuals. Just expressing my opinion. Have a nice evening. Off to view Queen and Adam.

Anonymous said...

5:52 "Roger and Brain love Adam Lambert!"

Anonymous said...

@8:49 PM

Thank you for such an intelligent post; I agree with what you said 100%. Your post makes so much sense. I posted something similar a couple of weeks ago. I recommend that everyone should read your post about the importance of knowing who an artist's record label is!! Not so important for us to know after all! You are so right in my opinion. Yes, I believe he has one too.

Anonymous said...

hope avicii keep his promise make it single LAY ME DOWN-PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD LIKE ADAM LAMBERT VOICE-

Anonymous said...

aviccii want to used adma lambert voice-its about money- not a real friends of adam lambert perhaps no chemistry bet them-aviccii and adma lambert-I don't trust avicci anymore-

Anonymous said...

Maybe a sideline agreement with Queen for Adam to sing Lay Me Down would be refreshing, merging the old and new. After all Adam sings the complete song; though officially it belongs to Avicii, I always feel and calls it Adam's song; from the artistic point of view.


Anonymous said...

if he sign with new label then why is it top secret ? it's a good thing i guess , i'm really clueless when it comes to how music industry work , but i'm sure something like that would be good to know about ..

Anonymous said...

I see mostly reasonable, well written posts here and I chose to focus on that. As I said earlier, I am less "invested" in LMD currently but the fact that Shoshanna tweeted the link sure changes my mindset a bit. No sour grapes at all. Just personal preferences. Right now I am totally wrapped up with Queenbert and I am trying to help as much as possible with the promotion of this epic event by viewing videos, sharing links, and leaving reasonable comments on various sites.

Anonymous said...

10:04 good to hear that!

Anonymous said...

What do you call these comments if not bitter or sour grapes or petty or juvenile??

someone may be trying to jump on Adam's growing popularity now

Avicii is a big disappointment

Yup! Avicii is a big disappointment. Nicely put, I won't say what goes thru my head about him.

until then, I will Lay Me Down In Darkness before I give Avicci's Official Vevo account any views.

@5:20 PM
AMEN! to what you said.

I don't trust avicci anymore

Anonymous said...


Cause it's Adam's business to tell us about his career choices not for us to butt in his business. We are fans and as fans we support his music. Like buying his music and going to his concerts. There are lots of talks, contracts, management, label, publicists, attorneys involved behind the scene. These things are confidential matters.

BTW do tell us which one of Queen/Adam concerts you will be attending!?

Anonymous said...

Bitter and twisted Glamberts because Lay Me Down hasn't been released as a single. Go on ..... stamp your feet harder and scream louder and see how that'll make you feel. It's about time you grow up!!

Anonymous said...

I lost my previous post so I'll try again but make it short.

I'll support whatever I can if it potentially helps Adam so I'll start adding Avicii's Vevo audio LMD to my growing list of Adam vids/clips, fan made YouTube vids, Queenbert vids, Glee clips, Adam's one off concerts etc. well, you get the idea. I can never get enough of Adam's voice!


Anonymous said...

3:33pm & 10.21pm
You are the ones who are the BIG DISAPPOINTMENT!! Do something positive and rewarding in your lives instead of bitching and moaning here.

Anonymous said...

12:30 OK !! I'll start Tuesday. Lol

Anonymous said...

12:34 nicely put!

Anonymous said...

Over 97,000 views on the Avicii LMD audio Vevo video now.

Anonymous said...

Hey did anyone else notice that this is the theme song of Mixology the new TV show. Played in the promos of the show.

Anonymous said...

Nile and Avicii did Adam a favor and Adam did them a favor in return so it was a win/win situation for all 3 of them. Love the song. :)

Anonymous said...

Where have you been? Laying down in darkness... :)))
Great song, great singer and it's been posted and advertised here many many times, already weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

I am not going to call anyone expressing disappoint, or even disgust, in the LMD scenario a troll or a pouty baby etc ... but what I am going to express is my opinion that they are very very naĂ¯ve! These comments of "disappointment" bely a total lack of understanding of the current music business. But I have no hope that most people bandying about this notion will change their attitudes or look into further why they are misguided - that would make me the naĂ¯ve one!

On a personal note, I truly think LMD is a killer song, I love it. I'd love it on some level if it wasn't Adam, but it sure is sweet that it is! Not the best production value, whatever, fine, but his sublime vocal is like liquid gold being shot into my viens. TGIF all.

Anonymous said...

*expressing disappointment

Anonymous said...

LMD is a great song with a great hook. I can't get it out of my head. Keep giving it Vevo spins, everyone! It helps Adam.


Anonymous said...

The Buzz that LMD got during the original promo for TRUE's dropping and the love the track got from CREDIBLE people in the business was a win/win situation in and of itself. No bad feelings need be held imho. TPTB and movers & shakers in the business became well aware of LMD and its collaborators, that recognition is enough to make this Adam fan more than pleased!

Anonymous said...

@10:21 PM

Reading through all the postS; seems to be quite a discussion going on. I see that it is pretty much the same from all sides; if you pull out phrases from all the different posts.

When fans are being called "sour grapes and juvenile" by you, for expressing different opinions; what you listed coming from other fans would be on the same level as what you have just called a group of Adam's own devoted fans. This is just my opinion; just food for thought.

Also, things can sound quite different when taken out of context and standing alone. I just had to laugh at many of the posts. Most fans are just expressing their heartfelt opinions and that is what fan forums are for. As long as it is expressed in a respectrul way.

There will probably always be differences; and many minds will never be changed. In my opinion, sometimes people just have to learn to accept the differences and move on in peace and harmony.

Sorry but, I think that most fans here are just very emotional and love Adam so much, also, they may feel they are defending him in their own way. I am not talking about mean spirited people. But, fans from all sides of the debate that come with a good heart. With deep respect and caring for our beautiful worldwide super star; Mr. Adam Mitchel Lambert.

Have a great day everyone. Off to work. Adam's voice will definitely be accompanying me on my car CD.

Anonymous said...

I just don't like the song (I have heard it a couple of times), so I don't want to listen to it or watch the VEVO. Period. I listen to other Adam's songs and watch vids but this is not the music I like, not even because of Adam. And this is my opinion. I would so desperately want to see some of the Queen -gigs but it is too expensive for me. So I wait for the vids from the gigs.

Anonymous said...

@7:57 & 8:05, Cool posts.

@7:57, the thing is 'tho, that even those sincere fans can, if even in only the smallest of ways, sort of, Idk blemish maybe, blemish the Adam fanbase, when they make unkind, unreasonable, and even unseemly remarks about certain scenarios that don't warrant it, like the LMD scenario. I guess the same is true for any fandom across the globe 'tho. I just have to admit that I find myself almost being embarrassed when I read some of the comments posted about certain Adam related scenarios, like a few posted here near the top of this thread about the LMD business. I guess a caveat addition to a post like a "I am not really an expert on such things & I realize there is a lot that that I may not understand, but I felt ______ fill in the blank, when _____ fill in the blank... happened" would go a long way on some of these posts/comments. But, alas, it is a fansite on the internet, that's asking too much I know. I just feel that in this particular situation, with the LMD track, a lot of this "disappointment" is quite misguided. Business is business. Nikka Costa was probably bummed out too when "Hold On" didn't make it onto Trespassing... but no need to throw stones and burn bridges, because that is utterly counterpoint to building a long lasting contact! Adam knows this very well I would guess, as his contacts and relationships he's built and nurtured have served him very well when he's faced uphill marches in his career. Anyway, blah blah blah. Just addt'l food for thought.

Anonymous said...

A complete rip off of Adam by Avicii. Other songs give credit to the artist, while LMD credits himself ("by Avicii"). Even has his own picture. Now there is apparently another single by a different artist mimicing Adam!

glitzylady said...

I'm going to say a few words about my use of the term "sour grapes" at 8:26 PM March 13th.

There seems to be a little confusion about the way I used it. I was NOT calling anyone a "sour grape", just in case some are not familiar with the term.. I was not calling anyone names. I don't do that. Perhaps it was lost in translation and therefore regarded as an insult, which it was not.

In reality, I was referring to a few comments that were saying that they were angry at Avicii for not releasing LMD as a single, who were saying Avicii was not to be trusted, that Avicii was "using" Adam if he released the song as a single now... etc., that Avicii doesn't have any talent because he doesn't sing, that they would only listen to this if Adam asked them to (whatever...). I said it sounded like "sour grapes", meaning that perhaps the comments come from feeling that Adam was cheated, scorned, and therefore the commenters were rationalizing their reasons for being angry, and perhaps overreacting just a little bit.. (Gosh does that ever happen here?? :))))))

The phrase "sour grapes" means putting down or expressing disdain about something that one desires but cannot have. In this case "LMD hasn't been released as a single, so let's be mad at Avicii".

Oh well.

Anonymous said...

9:38, Shosh confirmed the remix is Adam's voice, just sped up.

Anonymous said...

8:29 AM, great comments. It would be great if people would preceded comments by acknowledging they may not have the full story or be an expert. It is embarrassing and damaging to Adam's career when they carry these negative comments on to more public sites or twitter.

Anonymous said...

The childish fans amaze me. Grow up. The "I'm not going to play if I don't get my way" is asinine. The song is Avicii's. without him it wouldn't exist, no matter whose voice is singing it. It's a song on an album Avicii created.

Do you think you are punishing him just because you didn't get your way? Thats laughible. Adam is grown up I wish more of his fans were. Petty statements reflect poorly on all Adam's fans, I hate to be considered a jerk along with the crowd. Yeah, don't play Avicii's album, that'll teach him a lesson! So stupid. JMO