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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Anonymous said...

What an incredible mentor for Chris.

Anonymous said...

Chris doesn't need a mentor. I think he's been doing just fine on his own. What a ridiculous statement.

Anonymous said...

They both been doing just fine. Both are great talents. Adam is the the talent I will always follow I never seen anyone I enjoyed as much as Adam. Adam is one of the best singers today he has many talents. But, the very best thing about him he just a really great guy very likable man.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Chris is doing very nicely without Adam as a mentor. Some Glamberts are way OTT.

Anonymous said...

Sorry all, but have to laugh at this, this is repeating so often:

Out of just 4 posts re new ADAM related Glee news on an ADAM LAMBERT fan site already the 2nd poster is more concerned about and rooting for someone else than Adam while bashing another poster's comment.

Same with the 4th post, probably from the same "Chris fan" (read: local resident trouble maker, not fan of anyone)!

Is there a word for this kind of sorry state of human behaviour? Troll does not cover it.

Anonymous said...

Well considering chris is far more successful than adam it was a pretty silly thing to say. Those are just facts.

Chris has written novels and a movie,has the lead in a new animated feature, has been nominated for an Emmy and won the golden globe and other acting awards. He is one of the original stars of glee starting when he was only 18 years old. He is a multimillionaire with a lovely home in the hollywood hills. He doesn't need mentoring from someone like adam. More like vice versa.

And no, I didn't post anything up thread.

Anonymous said...

2 45
And just to add how absurd you are to call that trolling.

Anonymous said...

Gee! just 2 many smart ales on this site!!!
Reminds me of " control freaks"

Peace Glamberts!!!

Anonymous said...

I meant " Smart Alecs " :):):)

Anonymous said...

The first comment was sort of asking for it. Some over the top Glamberts think Adam walks on water. I was thinking just the opposite. Chris and the Glee cast mentored Adam in this first real tv acting job. PLL didn't count he was being Adam Lambert in that. But he had to be a character in Glee.

Adam is not better than everybody else at everything! Keep it real. He did an okay job and I for one breathed a sigh of relief. He's not ready for his own show or movie. And don't throw in the years on the stage, he was in the stage productions for his voice not his emoting skills. Adam is wonderful but even he has a lot to learn. He'll make it, he's determined.

Anonymous said...

You are not a troll if you don't wear rose colored glasses when you look at Adam. You can see him as he is and still think he's absolutely special.

Anonymous said...

It is an Adam Lambert fan site but the first comment is so over the top and condescending it's not a surprise Adam fans spoke up for Chris.

Anonymous said...

Ok we get it really we do. I had a mentor in high school and she was just a special person I looked up too that was a few grades above me.

Anonymous said...

2:45 AM
There are no trolls on this thread yet but you are the one at odds here. Adam is a gorgeous, lovable, very talented human being but he doesn't walk on water and never will, and he'd be the first to acknowledge it.

Anonymous said...

3:33, a mentor is more than just a special person you look up too. A mentor guides and advises someone with less experience.

Anonymous said...

The picture looks like they are saying Good-bye and wishing each other well

HK fan said...

I've really enjoyed watching Adam on Glee, I wish he could keep popping in every 2 or 3 episodes until the show finishes...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but just one or two people up that time in the morning, posting this kind of information; apparently a fan of someone other than Adam. It is ok to praise other's; but this same person seems to always be trying to bring Adam and his fans down a notch or two.

Not to worry, Adam is one of the most talented young artist out there today. No amount of comparison with others will ever change that; and he will only be getting better! Some people seem to enjoy talking among themselves.

Congratulations to Adam for his wonderful run on Glee; he made many new friends. Can't wait until April first. Chris, Darren and many other said they hate to see him go. Darren Criss said that he hopes that Adam will return whenever he can, and that Adam is now a good buddy of his.

Just as the Chris fan above, pointed out all of Chris' wonderful achievements; Adam fans can do the same for this Grammy nominated super star; with important achievements under his belt also, and what Brian May and Roger Taylor called the man with the one in a billion voice. Adam being tagged to front Queen for the upcoming summer USA tour is a fantastic honor for this super talented young man.

No need to tear down any of these men to praise another. I am pretty sure they all learned something from each other; and would probably be the first to tell us so.

Anonymous said...

I think the first person that commented just meant as far as the rock singing was concerned; don't think she meant any disrespect at all; and I am a Chris fan. Now an Adam fan also; after seeing him Guest star on Glee. Both very nice young men.

Anonymous said...

5:36 here/correction

Sorry don't know if the first commenter is male or female, should not have assumed that she was the appropriate term.

Anonymous said...

I suspect Adam and Chris learned a few things from each other.

Anonymous said...

I hate to see Adam leave Glee; but, I realize his future is calling. I bet much of the cast he worked with will miss him too.
Looking forward to Queen tour and his upcoming Album. Hopefully, there will be more media appearances, as time allows.

Anonymous said...


I agree with you!

Anonymous said...

Awe, I hate to see Adam leave; but, I know he has to move one, but makes me a little sad. Loved seeing him on there, and always looked forward to seeing him. He did a great job; and great experience for him. Loved the way him and rest of cast blended so well in their acting roles.

Anonymous said...

Good performers have stepping stones to each level of success. Chris did. Adam did. Their paths have been different, but valuable along the way. I'm hoping, as we all are, that Glee brings Adam new acting opportunities. Hope that the Queen tour give him great media coverage as well as new fans who see him at the concerts. It's a process. And yes, I think Chris and Adam both learned from each other on those Glee episodes.
Nobody seems to be signing this morning, but I guess I will!


daydreamin said...

Obviously this is just my opinion but Adam's acting on GLEE blew ME out of the water. I am nonexpert for sure but I for one am hoping for a best guest actor award! He is an absolute joy to watch. If I wasn't a fan before I certainly would be after watching him on GLEE.

And by the way, we need to be way more respectful of what we say here about other actors because fans of theirs are now coming here and those actors are fabulous in their own right to be sure.

Anonymous said...

I did enjoyed his brief stay on Glee, but so Glad he is leaving (TBH)
its so funny, how folks are labelled 'trolls'...Calling Adam, chris' mentor is kinda inappropriate regrdless of whatever field you are talking about...and the anon that corrected might be a fellow Glambert, but he/she is realistic enough to know that, as multi talented as Adam Lambert is, he's got some learning to do...and he knows it too.

Anonymous said...

Have only been watching Glee since Adam was on. I know he has to go on, but there's nothing to watch on TV and I'm going to miss him on the show. I watched last night, part 2 of their 100th and is was not so good. I don't think I'll be able to watch it anymore :((

Anonymous said...

I think, as another poster explained; that the poster was just talking about the rock star persona; and they may have been a Chris fan; as some of the Adam naysayers might have been; if not the usual Adam hate mongers attempting to make a big thing out of nothing just to discredit Adam and his fans.

Everyone knows, and especially Adam, Chris and all other entertainers that they all have a lot to learn. Fans of all should be smart enough to know that too; so that is probably enough said on that subject. Should be understood by all by now.

Hate to see the talented
Mr. Lambert leave Glee. Will probably be missed by all; from what they have been expressing.

Anonymous said...

Just can't watch Glee if Adam leaves. I tried last night; just not the same for me. But, I feel the actors and actresses are good. The show is a very nice show though.

I really am so grateful that they gave Adam this wonderful opportunity, such a great experience for him. Can't wait for April 1st episode! Life and other wonderful opportunities await Adam.

Anonymous said...

I would watch Glee without Adam, but it takes away from my stalker time to make sure I don't miss any news about Adam. Can't do it

Anonymous said...

OT: Word is, Queen plus Adam Summer Extravaganza tickets are
selling at record speed. So happy for them all; and especially us!!

Anonymous said...

@7:44 AM

I heard that! Ha, ha ha.

Anonymous said...

This is 2:45
I was just showing 'a pattern' that resides here... by the same (few) poster(s) and in almost every thread. The Adam belittling and Glambert bashing or laughing @other posters with name calling. I made no comments about Chris or his talents, not about Adam either, just the FACT that this is Adam Lambert fan site, where 'putting Adam first' should be allowed, without questions - as long as you are not putting anyone else down. IMO the first poster did nothin of the sort, just loves and roots for Adam.

Besides as long as people have different backgrounds, schooling, training, levels of life experiences they ALWAYS have something to learn from each other!

AND was not calling anyone troll - on the contrary, said the word troll does not cover this 'behavior'. This/these is/are the same poster/s who can't let go of Idol, the comparisons to Kris Allen, Davi Cook, Clay Aiken...js.

Calling me absurd... ha ha. thanks!

Anonymous said...

5 27
Crazy sue is back.

Anonymous said...

I watched Glee last night too. It was sad from 2 aspects for me. First and foremost, Adam was not there ( as of course I knew he wouldn't be). The show was lacking something ( and that would be Adam and his amazing persona). It seemed flat to me.

Secondly, it was the end of the Glee Club and all "the last songs" were sung either as solos, duets or group numbers. I've been a Glee watcher for at least part of each season and I enjoyed it. This segment has now ended.

I am looking forward to the New York episodes and Adam's last appearance to see how he exits the show. Hopefully, he will appear next season from time to time as other guest stars have.

I will really miss Adam on the show. He added so much spark and energy to the scenes he appeared in. His vocals raised the bar for all others IMO.

Onward, now, Mr. Lambert, we're ready for Queenbert and your 3rd album<333


Anonymous said...

Don't mix Adam's mentoring on Idol and Glee.

Anonymous said...

Just my opinion; but as far as respecting other's; after reading the first post and others; I don't think the first poster meant any disrespect. Just think that someone overreacted purposely to attempt to tear Adam down and stick it to an overly expressive fan. There does not seem to be any disrespect to other entertainers on this thread; on towards Adam himself.

Amazing how Adam's fans are always being chastised on Adam's own site for adoration of this wonderful man. The so called caring Adam haters don't fool me; nor will they turn me against Adam's adoring fans; not for one minute.

Enough said on this subject for me. Off to work to pay for my concert ticket to see Queen and our wonderful superstar. Have a great day Glamberts; and keep the faith!

Anonymous said...

7 53
You took offense at a couple of perfectly normal comments and called the posters troublemakers. It's overly defensive glamberts that make adam the butt of jokes all over the Internet.

Anonymous said...

Adam may be done with glee for now but I bet he will be happy to come back next season if they ask him. Lots of rumors that there is turmoil on the glee set and some actors are leaving so it's possible.

Anonymous said...

8:04 AM

Don't think anyone is doing that; still trying to get your Adam knocks in I see. Why don't you give it a rest and move on?

We are here to celebrate Adam and his wonderful time on Glee. I for one will really miss him on Glee. Hopefully he will be able to be on Idol again soon; if his Album single is ready by then; fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

Enchanted vision, before the tenderness of the moment! HH

Anonymous said...

@8:11 It was my FIRST comment on this thread. This is the second. Move on for what?

Anonymous said...

@8:05 AM #2

With all due respect; how do you know the intent of those posters; they did not sound very respectful to Adam Lambert. If those comments were normal with no negative intent; I hate to see their abnormal ones. are you sure it is not yourself you are defending after you have read the reactions by Adam's fan?

Who cares what people say on the internet; there will always be anonymous crazies out there talking trash. Funny, I don't see a lot of that. Adam's fans are very protective of him; and that's the way he likes it; and has said so; over and over again.
At least Adam's fans don't go on other's fan sites trying to tear down their entertainer!

Also, the poster @7:53 AM was right on; could not have said it better!

Anonymous said...

8 29
Lmao you are the perfect example of the fans adam does not need. And it hurts adam because radio stations and people at music sites like rolling stone always make fun of his crazy fans. I'm quite sure adam is embarrassed by people who run all over the Internet defending him.

Saying chris is doing fine is not in any way putting adam down.

Anonymous said...

overly defensive fans are the worst ; they make fools of themselves and give Adam bad name TBH

Anonymous said...

Okay, lets just appreciate Adam and his awesome talents...but whilst doing that, lets be careful not to offend other performers ( not accusing anyone).
South Africa loves Adam

Anonymous said...

@7:56 AM you're wrong as usual.

Anonymous said...

This is my third comment. I think there are Glamberts who just like to fight. It's quite embarrassing when they attack the people in the music biz, media, other fandoms or basically anywhere whenever a person has a differing opinion. Yelling is doing no good unless you have arguments to justify the yelling..

Anonymous said...

Am I the only fan who is growing afraid being a True Fan is something dark, fierce and not more than a step from the edge. Anyone else feel that the excessive adoration of Adam is just a tad syrupy, sticky sweet and bordering on cuckoo? Adoration? Adoring fans, what next, kneeling to bathe his feet in a basin of scented water? When Adam agreed his fans were protective of him I doubt he was including the delusional ones. Wake up people he's a singer, not a saint. Some fans are getting scary.
I'm not using my tag anymore I don't want even my fake identity known.

Anonymous said...

5.27 IS NOT CRAZY SUES POST TROLl. I DID NOT WRITE THAT POST. 7.56 yes I am yelling leave me the hell alone I just came here three minutes ago to read real quick going to dr. I rarely ever post anymore because of this crap. Please keep me out of your damn arguments . Who ever posted it there was nothing wrong with their post that I can see but I did not post it. Yes your a troll talking about Adams fans like that who have never been anything but supportive of him like all are of people they like. Go over to other fan sites see if they don't tear you up for the stuff you said here if said about their guy it girl. Leave me the hell alone I rarely ever post anymore I got to much to contend with right now for this nonsense. I only care about the kind people who love Adam on that's the only reason I would ever post anymore they certainly do out weight the crazies such as yourself 7.56. I love Adam and I am far from crazy for that he deserves it . Sue

Anonymous said...

Glee has been a very good gig for Adam - he learned a lot and he proved himself more than just a very good singer. Only good things can come from that. It appears that Adam and the Glee cast fed off each other in the most positive way, and the onscreen chemistry especially between him and Kurt is believable. Adam is the only celebrity I have ever followed closely, but keeping things real I have to applaud Chris Colfer too. He's very talented and fun to watch.

Anonymous said...

Sue dear, get some mental health meds while you are at the dr, ok?

Love xoxo

Anonymous said...

9 12
Haha whenever tom and lorenzo post about Adams outfits they always make jokes about how they are going to get attacked by Adams crazy fans, and they always are right. It's embarrassing

Anonymous said...

I think it's ok to be hysterical if you're a young fan, but sometimes the younger fans get attacked too, for being too excited. I'm an older fan and I get excited but not hysterical anymore.

Anonymous said...

Adam was great on Glee period. His singing was terrific his Acting was A plus and that's from several reviews not just me. Ill miss him greatly on the show. Chris is very talented as well. I don't see anyone actually disputing that. Second post Sue now Good morning.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna miss Adam on Glee. Hope he can come back on the show again. If not this season, then hopefully for next season. Adam is multi-talented performer.

Anonymous said...

This is just ridiculous.

Chris is very successful and doesn't need a mentor. Pointing that out does not mean you are putting Adam down.

Let's stop bickering and move on.

How do you think they will handle this being Elliott's last episode? Will he get a touring musical role? Get into a school in another city? Have Three Tree Hill and Pamela Landsbury permanently break up?

I'm hoping its open ended so Adam can come back next season.

Anonymous said...

9.16 I will try and get them for you how many do you need. Seem like a whole lot of anti nasty pills would do you a whole lot of good dear. You get mad to if people that to you constantly. Have a nice day! Love XO XO! Sue

Anonymous said...

Well supposedly Blaine is jealous of Kurt and Elliot's friendship. So I guess they break off their friendship. And I'd guess Elliott gets some kind of new music gig so the band is officially done.

Bye Elliott it's been fun!!

Anonymous said...

7:47 ooh I love OT comments like that, I hope what you heard was true. I'll be seeing QAL in June and I am trying to talk my friend in to Atlantic City also.

Anonymous said...

This post was about a picture of Chris and Adam happy and embracing the moment. This thread turned into a bashing, condescending, and quite frankly sad series of posts intended to insult and hurt several people.

What has happened to this site?? It used to be a healthy, respectful and KIND exchange of thoughts and of course at times differences of opinion. But, it was NEVER hateful or rude.

Many of the true fans of Adam have already left this site because of this. I rarly read the posts - but this warm hearted picture of Chris & Adam made me think that maybe just maybe the posts would be caring.

Sadly, once again it turned soo hurtful especially the comments directed at Sue. Not appropriate at all!

I too may soon be leaving this site for good.


Anonymous said...

9.40 that does not mean he won't come back in some captivity maybe still Elliot tho. However doubt he gonna have a much time for it!

Anonymous said...

@9:19 I remember when Perez H was wearing a beekeeper hood type of head accessory on a red carpet. Glamberts hated him in full force at that time. (I can't even remember what was the issue?) It looked like he was protecting himself from the glambert killer bees attack. I really thought it was funny then and still do..

Anonymous said...

Another day and more of the same interaction. This is it peeps, this is what we are. LOL!

Anonymous said...

9:12am - Post #1

If you were a fan; yes, you would be the only one!!!

Anonymous said...

Could someone please tell me why glamberts hate Perez H? I honestly have forgotten.

Anonymous said...

@9:59 AM

Why are you posting all the nasty jealous things over and over again trying to put down Adam's fans. Now even bringing up and trying to protect innocent litte Perez Hilton from all the big bad Glambers: the same Perez Hilton that used to do nothing but try and slam If you care so much about him; why don't you go on over to his site; where you probably belong. Who are you going to drag out next? Because I don't think anyone on here is thinking about PH.

By the way; love Adam on Glee; he is so talented!

Anonymous said...

New Adam with Dr.Bri on Adam's Ig account for ya.

Anonymous said...

10.00 if you are a fan you be the only one but of course you are not!

Anonymous said...


Your reply to the poster sounds crazy; Adam has millions of fans; not just one; you are apparently the non fan!

Anonymous said...

The pictures; which is the subject of this thread of Adam and Chris is so adorably cute. I bet they will miss Adam on the show. But, apparently they are friends now; and some were at his birthday party. All such nice young people. Glad that Adam has this great experience!

Anonymous said...

Being a fan is serious business. Do we need a lie detector test..

Anonymous said...

I too loved Adam on Glee, and his interaction with the cast. He did an outstanding job. Man has some acting chops. Hope to see him in many more roles as opportunies and time allows.

Anonymous said...

10.30 did not sound any crazier than the remark 10.00 made to a very loyal fan that was simply defending themselves front an extremely nasty I am not that fan.

Anonymous said...

Adam's upcoming Glee episode looks very interesting; can't wait to see it, but sad to see him go. Hopefully he will be back for more guests appearances.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 9.49 would not blame you at all for leaving . Sue

Anonymous said...

Glee should've kept Adam as regular cast until next season with more storyline. He'll be missed greatly.

Anonymous said...

@10:37 AM #1

Since you are speaking about a fan you know nothing about; how do you know it was a loyal fan; I don't know either poster; but the poster at 10:00 am sounds like a loyal fan too. Just because a fan says something you donot like; why try and jump all over it; I am sure each person posting can fend for themselves. Unless you just want to drag it on; after they seem to have long forgotten it; that is if it isn't you.

Anonymous said...

Loved, loved Adam on Glee; hope to see him on many more TV shows when he has time.

Anonymous said...

I think that Adam had quite a few singing number; which I am so happy about. I don't know how many times I have watched sing the songs he performed on the show. Adam and the cast seemed to be having so much fun singing together. I just bet he will be missed!

Anonymous said...

HeartAdam4ever & Sue

Don't let anyone chase you away; the postive on point posts, will soon weed out the negative!

Anonymous said...

Probably pointless to point this out but I think daydreamin is right about needing to be aware people who are fans of other people/things like Glee and Queen are going to be checking this site out. Would be nice to not be insulting their idols when they come here. Pretty sure the stupid bickering will drive them away anyhow. Not a good reflection on Adam.

Maybe think of how it reflects on Adam before you write you comment.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Adam truly amazed me on Glee; he fit in so beautifully, as if he a always been a cast member. He seemed so relazed and natural. I would just love to see him on Glee or some show regularly and time would allow.

I am so pround of Adam. All there good things couldn't be happening to a nicer guy! So very pround to be his fan!

Anonymous said...

@10:51 PM

Unless I am missing something; I have not seen one negative thing about any other artist on this thread. Adam's have been very respectful. The only negative things I have seen; are about Adam Lambert and his fans; and this on his own fan site.

In fairness, the first poster receiving all the flack because they inocently mentioned that Adam was a good mentor to Chris; surely meant no harm to stir up such a firestorm, and an excuse for every negative comment someone could think of regarding Adam and his fans; and they still have not stopped. False outrage is never a good thing. Adam's fans have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of; in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I know enough about 10.00 to know the person nasty. Writing nasty things about a loyal fan who was simply defending themselves agains the ever nasty people here. You want to drag it go go a head I am not intimidated by you what so ever!

Anonymous said...

@11:05 AM HERE- Post is for
10:51 AM. Sorry.

Anonymous said...


You know nothing of the sort; you are just trying to pick on an Adam fan. You are the nasty one who is running around trying to intimadate fan's with opinions that differ from yours. Because fans say things you might not like, or too many good things about Adam, I suspect; you think it is all one and the same person. Alert to you, give it up. Adam has more than one fan, thought I would join in and let you know.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, those are the cutest pictures of Chris and Adam. Just love their interaction with each other. I will certainly miss Adam on Glee; something to look forward to on Tueday's with Adam!

Anonymous said...

@11:06 AM

Wasn't your original post
@9:12 AM, #1? Pretty harsh I would say; for a so called Adam fan! One might say; "the snow calling the cotton white". Enough said!!

Anonymous said...

I too loved Adam on Glee; he was so charming. All the songs he sang were excellent. I sure he will be asked to be a guest again.
But, for now; on to the rest of his wonderful life and great things to come.

Anonymous said...

All this arguing does reflect poorly on Adam. If any new Adam fan came here they would run away due to the stupid arguing.

Please do think of how it reflects on Adam before you make another comment that perpetuates the arguing.

Anonymous said...

Adam fit so perfectly on Glee. I was about to get used to KElliot. He will be missed by Gleeks that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Love these two pictures of Adam and Chris. Looks like a goodbye hug. I can't wait to watch this episode next week.

Anonymous said...

@barb4Adam: Glee spoilers: @adamlambert 's (LAST?) appearance .. " He’s been a brilliant addition to the cast this year".

@lilybop2010: New New York Glee @adamlambert Promo GIFS:

More sizes:

@AnnieWT: Glee spoilers:Adam Lambert's (LAST?) appearance causes problems for Blaine & Kurt in New New York VIDEO

@allannnnn: However I'm catching up on #Glee and my boy Adam Lambert is killing it. His voice is just 😍😍😍

@MissAmiAlice: @adamlambert on @GLEEonFOX #Glee literally makes my life 😍😍

Anonymous said...

@TALCvids: "The notes Lambert hits...are tremendous" > Review: Adam Lambert and Glee stars captivate on classic hit 'Gloria'

@TALCvids: "performances have been top-notch" > Adam Lambert's 'Glee' Days Are Numbered

via @bustle

Anonymous said...

Read them in order:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy Adam's last Glee episode everyone!

Anonymous said...

12:01/12:05, I appreciate the links and tweets you bring but due to the spacing you use it is so difficult to read. I can't tell where one thing ends and the next begins.

Anonymous said...

I wish the expression "true fan" would quit being used.
It's become an accusation. I think I'm a true fan but I'm very different from many others who announce they are the true fans. Every fan is not alike. I'm not better than you and you are not better than me.

It's like religious groups feeling they are the only true believers. Be a little more tolerant of each other.

Anonymous said...

9:12 #1
I wouldn't mind kneeling down and bathing Adam's feet in a basin with scented water... Maybe I could apply for a job bathing Adam's feet during the QAL tour!!! Poor BB strutting night after night with those tight boots... I'm sure he would love to have me... I'm very good at it (I do it for my sick mother every evening)...

Hey, that way I could see every effin show for free!!! Remember fellow Glamberts, that job is reserved for me!!!

BEFORE ANYBODY JUMPS ON ME or calls for a glambulance, JUST KIDDIN... NOT... JUST KIDDIN (they're going to take me away, ha haa, he hee, to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time... anyone remember this song?! )

Sorry, simply could not resist.... :)))
The things people think...and worry...geesh!

Seriously - Adam, call me! Satisfaction guaranteed!!!
(tsk tsk tsk)

Anonymous said...

10:34 AM
Haha! That might be difficult, since Adam has fans all over the world..