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Sexy Picture of The Day!

Filed Under ( ) by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Anonymous said...

One week until this episode! I'm going to miss seeing Adam on glee.

Anonymous said...

Adam has really made a difference on Glee with the NYC storyline. Those are the only episodes I have watched. His vocal performances are amazing and I can watch them over and over again. It will be interesting to see how Elliott/Adam exits from his role. Maybe Adam's appearances on Glee will open up other opportunites and projects for him on tv. I certainly hope so.

Anonymous said...

JAK here....I love this photo....I'd say Beauty and the Beast....and...the beast is looking decidedly delectably
dangerously delicious!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget devilish and delightful! ;)

Magiclady said...

I love this pic too! Adam looking soooo sexy! Hair a little longer which I like...

Anonymous said...

Just can't let a post go by without getting in a subtle dig at his hair.

Jadam NZ said...

Love it, sexy, cute boys.Looking forward to this episode of Glee.
JAK You are a breath of fresh air.

Anonymous said...

I'm really gonna miss seeing Adam on Glee. His episodes were soooo good. I'm hoping he'll be back on the last season for a few episodes.

Of course, Queenbert and Adam's new album are the main focus and I can't wait for them.

Congrats to Queen and Adam for the great demand for more shows in their tour!


Anonymous said...

This pic has been posted before.

Anonymous said...

@ Jadam NZ.....:-)

Anonymous said...

I am perplexed why Adam didn't get more attention for his episodes. Maybe this was sort of a waste of time. Not sorry it's done.

Anonymous said...

I think that Glee overall has lost a lot of its audience this last season for whatever reasons and even Adam's appearances didn't help that much. Maybe the competition on the other channels also speaks to what the viewers are watching at that same hour. I enjoyed watching Adam as Elliott and his musical numbers were amazing. Maybe his appearances on the show were not promoted enough via the talk show route, but it's too late now. Loyal fans watched the episodes he was in and I will be sad to see him for the final time on the April 1 show. Now we just have to look ahead to the Queen concerts with Adam and, of course, that highly anticipated third album. And who knows what other projects or opportunities Adam has waiting for him this year. It's all so exciting to be an Adam Lambert fan right now.

Anonymous said...

Never a waste to have multiple appearances on a popular TV show.

Anonymous said...

As several are so fond of pointing out, Adams fans are not in the teeny bopper or top 40 radio age group. I doubt many of them watch Glee....unless they are already Glamberts and knew he would be on. It's certainly the only reason I watched. I never listen to radio at all. Strictly CDs . I have lured many of my acquaintance with the news of him appearing with Queen so that may convert them.

glitzylady said...

Just a comment (or two..or three...):

I'm not in that "teeny-bopper" age range, but have watched Glee, the first 3 seasons faithfully nearly every week, and the last couple seasons not as often but certainly this season, to get caught up, and definitely when Adam was/is on. Of course :)

I personally know other Glee fans who aren't so young-ish... But watch and enjoy the music productions.. And the stories, in general. I think that if you have not followed Glee since the beginning it is indeed confusing and hard to follow, and seems rather weird.. Which it always has been.:))) and which has made it so **interesting** and mostly entertaining. But it has also had some very important things to say over the years, has broached and covered some extremely difficult and even controversial subjects, including being a GLBT teen.

I've also had more than a few friends, not necessarily Adam fans per se, tell me they saw Adam on Glee and thought he was fantastic... So I sure don't think Adam's time there was "wasted".. I think it was an incredible opportunity for him to be seen by a new group of people who may not have paid much attention to him before.. and it gave him some experience with another medium: playing a character on TV, not the stage... A whole different set of skills required. Experience like that is never a waste of time.. But perhaps a stepping stone to some future endeavor/opportunity.

I'm so glad he had this opportunity to shine on Glee, and I'm one of those who would love to see him back on the show next (and also the final) season.. just even for an episode or two. I know he'll be busy with his new music, out there promoting and hopefully putting together a tour next year.. (hoping!!) but any chance we get to see Adam on TV, doing what he does best which is sing and perform, is okay by me :))

daydreamin said...

@glitzylady I concur and so hope his album does well and that we get that tour we have all been dying for.

Anonymous said...

Glee had to find a way to transition to the New York scene permanently. Since Adam's last appearance (for now!) will be the next episode, the producers probably wanted the Glee fans to get excited and focus on the characters being brought on board for the new location in New York. It makes sense even though most Adam fans would always like the focus to be on our Rock God Adam Lambert! Remember Adam has a whole lot going on!....nancdruuu2