NEW PICTURE!!! (Sweden)
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Saturday, March 22, 2014
Posted at : Saturday, March 22, 2014
VIA Justin Andersson
Adam lambert came by the barber shop today to get a haircut . He's A very nice guy . Thanks again Adam . Your alway welcome @ Sivletto

VIA Via Sivletto on Facebook:
Adam Lambert is in town working with Max Martin and others. So he swings by Sivletto to let Justin cut his hair. Two Cali dudes in a Swedish basement. #sivlettobarbers #sivletto #glamberts #glee #queen
Adam lambert came by the barber shop today to get a haircut . He's A very nice guy . Thanks again Adam . Your alway welcome @ Sivletto

VIA Via Sivletto on Facebook:
Adam Lambert is in town working with Max Martin and others. So he swings by Sivletto to let Justin cut his hair. Two Cali dudes in a Swedish basement. #sivlettobarbers #sivletto #glamberts #glee #queen
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I think this guy cut his hair..wish he would let it grow a little..but..he won't..
Nice pic of some fine looking dudes!
due to the fact that there are (or maybe only one?) trolls here that post such ridiculous lies, I petition that this whole blog be removed from the Internet..some naive people could come on, read this trash, believe it, and it can only hurt our Adam..OR, PLEASE ADMIN. SET IT UP SO THAT PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO SIGN IN WITH AN ID..CAUSE YOU ARE LOSING POSTERS AND HITS ON YOUR BLOG!!!!
@9:08 You want attention too.
@8:54 AM
Speaking of Raunchy; look in the mirror and tell us what you see.
Damn back at you; I bet you scare yourself!!
I see one comment has been removed..hooray!! and to 9:13 - I guarantee you I am not looking for attention..just telling it like it is..and attempting to have this site cleaned up a bit..
@8:56 AM
I bet it looks fabulous. Probably much easier for him to take care of himself while he is out of the Country.
A few months before the concerts; who knows how it will look by then. No complaints here. We all know by now, that Adam is going to do what Adam wants to do. I love him any way he wants to roll. I have enough trouble keeping up with my own looks.
Thanks for sharing the picture Justin.
@9:08 AM
Thank you for speaking out!!
Thank you Administrator for removing such ignorance!
What a very nice picture. Glad to get any information about Adam from Sweden!
@9:27 - sugar, I would not cease to adore him even if he shaved his whole head..
@9:25 AM
Good for you!
@9:33 AM
Back at you sugar!! We do agree on that point.
Adam just fits in so beautifully everywhere he goes; and then people get attached and don't want to let him go!
I would say to Adam, after this Album is finished; to paraphrase words from one of his songs, "you better bring it on home, bring on home to us"!!!
Amen to that!
How much fun must it be right now in Adam's working life. He seems relaxed and at ease. He deserves all the wonderful things happening to him at the moment; makes me happy to. He is such a good guy!
I'm glad I missed the ugly comment. Thanks for deleting it, admin. I used to be in favor of anon posting, but lately I've been thinking that this site has lost sight of who it is really for: Adam's real fans. I'm not going to leave this site. I like too many people here. But I will be happy if the admin decides to require a tag.
Nice pic of Adam and the hair guy. Hair-wise, I'm hoping that Adam will "time" his hair growth so that it will be just right for the tour, a little longer on the top and sides, with a little wave thing going on, as he has done before. And maybe clean-shaven. But as many of us have said, I'll take him any way I can get him.
Adam is a chameleon who looks, here, like a youthful Genghis Khan.
You are right...he does resemble Genghis in this photo.....I dated him for awhile, back in the 13th century...........JAK
As I recall, he was a good kisser!
You are right...he does resemble Genghis in this photo.....I dated him for awhile, back in the 13th century...........JAK
As I recall, he was a good kisser!
Obviously a double post for emphasis....?
I totally agree with 9.25 and her other post. Good for her is right!
Admin should delete way more. Where was she the other day when all the comments offensive to the LGBT community were made?
So many nice fans have already left because of how awful so many comments are. The trolls and haters are taking over. I can't figure out why Admin lets this happen on a fan site of such a sweet and generous man.
9:08/9:25, I know you aren't looking for attention, just a site without all the hateful garbage. I agree with you, things need to change here. It's shameful that these things are said about Adam on a fan site devoted to him.
Another source saying Adam is working with Max Martin :)
I think Max Martin is perfect for Adam he worked with him before on two hits and they were WWFM and he wrote IIHY. Read he working with producers and song writers that are bringing out Adams best and making him even better. Boy that ought to be crazy good. It absolutely is time to do something about this nonsense that has chased so many away including myself. Adam is getting new fans through Glee and other appearances. The Queen tour is going to do a lot for him and get new fans anyone that states other wise is full of it. This looks so bad to have these trolls sorry I am saying it on here day in day out. More successful he gets the more they feel they have to prove other wise. On Fox News a while back the girl said one of the biggest success story from idol was Adam L. On The news show leading into GMA the day Adam and Queen were there they said every body here wants to know what Adam L. Secret is now that is success. It's not all about record which over all he done pretty good internationally. He done lots of TV don't think people realize the amount of TV over all he done. glee has certainly helped read fans want him back on the show next year. Queen tour will do a lot in the way of new fans for Adam anyone thinks other wise I believe is dead wrong. Then they come on here see the crap that's allowed on here he could loose fans because of it ones that are new. I facing finally the operation in April and I gonna fight to get well to see Adam so I think I'll stay away from how toxic this site has gotten. Got to come see what's new however try to skip comments. Trouble is the comments sometime hold much information about Adam no one should be scared to come here. I just have to see that Queen concert and I am so proud of him.
Of corse the long boring one is me Sue 402 forgot.
I don't let the trolls upset me. What disturbs me are the vicious remarks hurled at the trolls. They are worse than any troll comment.
oh please!
Hang in there Sue! Get well quick!
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