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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 3, 2014

Posted at : Monday, March 03, 2014


Anonymous said...

Her collage is cute.

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted another pic of the KTZ gloves:

kokontozaiparis's photo

Anonymous said...

#Paris really is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Anonymous said...

Paris, Paris, oh lalaa I´m also feeling nostalgia here by watching The Oscar night on TV!
Jared Leto congrats, I know you are the friend of Adam, also Tomo etc..
more OT
Ellen DeGeneres in maybe the best hostess ever, anytime!


Anonymous said...

Glad Adam is getting some tail while he's in Paris. Party hard Baby Boy.

Anonymous said...

Shannon ‏@cdnshannon
Hey @adamlambert , you are an answer in the Metro crossword puzzle today!! #greatalumindeed

Anonymous said...

This people:

@lohablondie: he works w pharrel & nile before they get big again, but they want a covers album-basically r ca

Hate big corporation greed!

Anonymous said...

Adam must be feel like rape victim , RCA really fucked him so bad
Poor baby .

Anonymous said...

11:29, rape is nothing that should be turned into a joke. Your comment is very offensive.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't joking !

Anne Marie said...

That was a rude comment. He has had a few pictures taken with some fans. Do you know something else? Can't he vacation without snide remarks. Yes he parties with friends, but they don't necessarily end up in his bed.

Anonymous said...

I think rca treated adam pretty well. They sunk a lot of money into his album and promo. . After all they put him together with big hitmakers like pharell.

Trespassing would never have been a radio hit. For one thing, adam writes the worst lyrics. People don't identify with his songs. That's one big reason he has failed.

Glamberts thinking rca is regretting dropping adam are beyond stupid.

Anonymous said...

11:29 AM, extremely offensive. I hope you never experience that horror like many of us have. There is no comparison and you are not funny. I can't say enough how offensive you are.

Anonymous said...

The lyrics is another reason beside RCA
And most of his fans into rock music

Anonymous said...

I don't know what most of Adams fans are into. I think people just liked him as a person and liked his voice but never really liked his music all that much. That's why I think he should have tried hard for a theater career where someone is telling him what to sing. Adam isn't an artist, he is a vocalist.

Anonymous said...

My opinion is that Adam and Tommy together are unprofessional.

Anonymous said...

Or in other word AMAteurish..

Anonymous said...

I said I wasn't joking , if you feel offended by it then I'm sorry
I hope the best for you and have a nice day ..

Anonymous said...

Uh tommy has nothing to do with anything

Anonymous said...

@12:30 Can we just get rid of him then?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A fan tweet to Adam's Dad, Eber:

@milestougeaux don't you know something about @adamlambert's new album to tell us??He's on silent and Glamberts want to know more about that

And Eber's tweet:

Miles Tougeaux ‏@milestougeaux
@adrinaglambert only that he's hard at work on it.

Anonymous said...

Seems like Adam's best songs are covers, which does say something about his own written lyrics. RCA recognized this, and wanted him to do one album of covers. Unfortunately Adam took offense to this idea. I think he should have done that, and followed with an album he had written. Water under the bridge now.

Anonymous said...

Queen said they hoped he would get away from pop music. Not sure if they meant they would like to see him do more rock, they didn't explain that statement.

Anonymous said...

If trolls are trying with their nonsense comments to invoke Glamberts, we aren't falling for your out of butt air comments.

Anonymous said...

Adam's best song WWFM, he didn't write, and he got a grammy nom for it. He needs other writers and let him sing the songs.

Anonymous said...

12 54
Out of butt air? Lmao

Anonymous said...

@12:54 The glove looks invoking though..

Anonymous said...

The comment @1:00 comes from a person who has read the Key of Solomon.. :)

Anonymous said...

12:24 #1, what? I am a fan of the music Adam makes. Shady is on my list of favorite songs by anybody.

12:19, have any statistics to back that up? No. I am a fan and prefer pop to rock.

Anonymous said...

11:29/12:29, you are an insensitive idiot.

Anonymous said...

Honest = troll = hater
Delusional = fan = ass kisser

Anonymous said...

@12:04 I have a feeling you're not a troll and that you're voicing an honest and pretty blunt opinion. We'll see where this goes but I give you the benefit of a doubt. Your words are a bit harsh though. It is clear that Adam put out a more personal album with TP which unfortunately connected mainly with his already established fan base.

About Adam's song lyrics. I think his strength primarily lies in his vocal capabilities but I would still consider him a talented song writer. Adam has written and co-written some decent songs, also on FYE. Thing is, in many songs his lyrics tend to be very non-generic and therefore more difficult to connect with broader audiences. TP was co-written with Pharrell and I agree it is too specific in terms of lyrics for mainstream audiences to identify with. Same with "Shady" which is my favorite song on the album, but would not be suitable for a single either. I think Adam released a terrific album with TP, but to appreciate many songs on it you really need to know and like the artist behind it. There is a reason why WWFM became a hit - everybody can somewhat identify with the song lyrics - and why NCOE and BTIKM were the songs off the TP album that were picked as singles. I'm not an RCA basher either. Adam was offered a good number of opportunities through them, but they are still a business. I have a feeling this will be a good year for Adam. He has learned a lot and he has made some invaluable connections along the way. He has everything it takes to move to the next level.

Anonymous said...

Did Adam still without record label ?

Anonymous said...

1 16
Yes, see I think if adam was smarter he would have taken a song like shady and worked the lyrics into something that could have been released as a single. His vision is too limited and he didnt listen enough to advisors who no doubt were giving him warning signs about the album since RCA said they didn't really support the album.

Anonymous said...

This is s shout out to true fans, don't jump on me for shouting.

Thank you for the tweets and info posts, but otherwise this thread (too) has mostly utter nonsense and BS. Truly very sad and shameful.

Anonymous said...

It's a discussion
No one will bother to come here if he or she wasn't a fan

Anonymous said...

1:26, unless you were a fly on the wall you know none of that. it is all conjecture on your part.

Anonymous said...

1:27, sadly I think almost all of the nice and reasonable fans have been driven off. It is a shame.

1:39, not true. This site obviously attracts haters and trolls.

Anonymous said...

@1:48 Imo, this is not a sewing circle either.

Anonymous said...

For those still doubting that Adam is really working on new music, I'm glad we heard from Eber. I believe him when he says Adam is working hard on his new album. Can't believe that Eber would have misinformation.

Lots of talk here about the "right" songs. I hear current music, too, and it's funny, but I hear ALL KINDS of music get played on the radio. Music from many artists. The same artist sometimes changes it up and releases a song that is out of their original pattern or type. Sometimes that song is very successful despite the fact that it's different from the singer's previous music. Some singers stay within their "set scope" but not all of them do. To me, it's more about an individual song and whether it grabs people's attention in a good way. That's what a hit is. I like certain songs even if they don't necessarily relate to me personally. I may just like the rhythm and the melody. The lyrics might be really dumb or inane or may not related to my life, but I may still like the song. I think most non-fans acknowledge Adam's vocal talent. He needs a hit song to break through whatever barriers there are between him and the listeners who aren't buying his music. A great song that is impossible to ignore, that sticks in your head and is well-performed live will make many people forgive and forget what has "bothered" them about Adam in the past. To me, it's less the "type" of song than it is the song itself. I think he'll find it. Remember, too, that Adam was the executive producer of TP, which gave him more control that usual. Maybe with A3 he'll either co-produce or leave it to someone with more experience. Depends on how he markets and distributes the album. Big major labels hate risk. Adam is not mainstream. He has created little tempests that affected his public image and hence, the growth of his fanbase. That can be changed over time, though. People will listen to and buy good music that they hear and like, even if it's performed by someone they didn't think they liked before.

Adam is as talented as he ever was. Even more so. I'm certainly not leaving the fandom. Many of us have said that being an Adam fan is not for the timid or faint of heart. It's a bumpy ride.


Anonymous said...

1 43
No we do know that an RCA exec told shirley halprin that they did not believe in the album Trespassing. Also adam being named executive producer, the many delays to getting it released all tell us there were problems with the label. Adam clearly knew what their issues were and went his own way instead of listening. He sunk his own boat.

Anonymous said...

Live and learn, people that are successful had many failures also.
They is a learning curve, and you have to pick your self up when things go wrong. Adam is new to this, and has had good and bad experience. Don't give up, and I believe Adam fills that way to. He has overachieved him self in so many ways, beyond his years. Such a great man. I will be a fan forever. Good things are going to come.

Anonymous said...

For me the melody comes first and then lyrics. I don't always care about the lyrics at all, because english is not my first language. I even think english is not the best language for good lyrics.. :)

Anonymous said...

@12:04 I don't think Adam rights the worst lyrics, but I do believe he needs to write what more people can relate to. He is a very talented young man and I believe he will have a great album this next time. I really find it ironic he wouldn't do an album of covers and that is what he is doing now with Glee and Queen. No I am not a hater or a troll. I love Adam and everything he has done and will do. The only music I listen to is Adam. IF he really wants to have that iconic success he has to do music most people can relate to.

Anonymous said...

sorry writes.

Anonymous said...

DRG@2:02PM- I've often read your comments in the past and I find myself agreeing with much of what you state. I also listen to all kinds of music on the radio(I guess that dates us) and keep hearing the same artists and songs played over and over. The song maynot even be that great, but because that performer has a specific fanbase, anything that is released seems to be an automatic hit even if it isn't that great. Adam is an amazing vocal talent, the best in the music world for me, but he is not recording the kind of music the younger generation is listening to or buying or wanting to hear in concerts unfortunately. Now it seems to be all about style rather than substance, circus-like concert shows with all the hoopla surrounding it. The other night while channel surfing, I happened to see the latest video from Beyonce. Don'tknow the name of the song, don't care, but the vid looked like a porn show. This is what today's young people are watching and listening to? And yet someone like Adam who has such a stellar voice and amazing stage presence just can't seem to make it on a larger scale in the crazy, unpredicatable world of music. I will be a fan forever no matter where his career goesleads and I believe Adam will have longevity in the entertainment world in a variety of projects because he is so talented.

Anonymous said...

I love all of Adam's music and think he is an excellent songwriter! He is a true artist - the whole package! I can't wait to hear more new music from Adam and I hope he never changes for anyone!

Anonymous said...

@2:27 same here. I like melody of a song more than I care about lyrics. Catchy dance floor song. Like this MJ song:

Anonymous said...

I wish to raise a toast to the most talented, gorgeous, humble and caring human being among us today, and whose voice has ever decorated my waiting ears.

Adam has the most beautiful, and yet extraordinary set of pipes, that deserve to be heard. Hopefully radio with give this man a chance this time around; so that people can be the judge; not a group of closed minded radio Managers who praised him on promos before Trespassing was released to the public; and turned their other face around when it came time to give this talented artist just a chance to be heard; while radio junk music is being played over and over again.

Don't worry, Adam Lambert's voice and his music will be heard one way or the other; it is happening as we speak. Radio is not the only game in town. Adam has very long time dedicated fans and obtaining more each day, thru many different medias. He is already an international star, and many cannot say the same.

When doubters and naysayers come hoovering around trying to put Adam down; and talking about everything except his music and many accomplishments. Just refer them to all his achievements before and after Idol. That should keep them busy for a long, long time. Adam's fans have so much to be proud of, and so much more to come. I am so proud to call myself a Glambert.

When all is said and done ladies and gentlemen, friends and foes; Adam Mitchel Lambert is "THE ONE"!

Anonymous said...

2:32 PM, there is a big difference between your third album release being covers and acting on a show that includes singing covers and fronting an iconic band. Big difference.

Anonymous said...

2:04, you continue to twist things and state your opinion as fact. Not worth arguing your erroneous comments.

Anonymous said...

Wow, 11:29AM/12:29PM is an asshole. They really don't get it.

Anonymous said...

@3:09pm. I totally agree with you. @2:04pm's statements and the ones before that mark are twisted and completely false arguments. Waste of time to respond.

Anonymous said...

#3:07 It really isn't that big of a difference, because the songs he is releasing now are covers (Glee).

Anonymous said...

What a lot of rude remarks on here!!I like Trespassing,the album,and bought 3 of the deluxe version.I still love BB's beautiful voice also,on his own music or w/Queen(also like him on Glee)The only thing I don't like now is his buzzed hair on the sides--and that's nothing compared to some of these hateful remarks..I bet Adam either has a new label,or is close to it...Something is in the works!

Anonymous said...

Surprised you don't recognize the local resident & ever present Adam belittling know-it-all, who (f)actually knows nothing.

Anonymous said...

Trespassing is a great album. I like Chokehold, it has a swedish/finnish sound.

Anonymous said...

3:42 PM, Adam isn't releasing those songs as his. They are released by and as Glee songs usually just saying Glee cast. Big difference.

Anonymous said...

You'd better check out the definition of a duscussion... js.

Anonymous said...

Adam did a fabulous job with Trespassing. On his most recent interview, Pharell gave some credit to sound of his recent hits and new album to the new music he created with Adam on Trespassing. RCA picked songs that weren't created by Adam as singles. And those songs weren't Adam or his fans or music critics favorites. RCA should have released Trespassing, Cuckoo, Shady as singles instead. Adam is a great artist. He is a total package. I believe in his art of making great music. As his dad tweeted, Adam is working hard making his third album. I can't wait for it. His management is doing a fabulous job of keeping him in the public eyes with Avicii, Glee, and Queen and bunch of other opportunties that come his way like idol mentoring and RuPaul judging before releasing his new music.

Anonymous said...

Adam did a fabulous job with Trespassing. On his most recent interview, Pharell gave some credit to sound of his recent hits and new album to the new music he created with Adam on Trespassing. RCA picked songs that weren't created by Adam as singles. And those songs weren't Adam or his fans or music critics favorites. RCA should have released Trespassing, Cuckoo, Shady as singles instead. Adam is a great artist. He is a total package. I believe in his art of making great music. As his dad tweeted, Adam is working hard making his third album. I can't wait for it. His management is doing a fabulous job of keeping him in the public eyes with Avicii, Glee, and Queen and bunch of other opportunties that come his way like idol mentoring and RuPaul judging before releasing his new music.

Anonymous said...

I am a major, and I mean MAJOR Adam Lambert fan..I totally agree with Adam's own words, he doesn't react well to being told what to do..and that, my friends, is his downfall when it comes to his album flopping..he wanted to put out an album which gave insite to his personal life..and maybe he should have concentrated on putting out an album that would instead appeal to the mainstream..his beauty and talent is unsurpassed in the recording world today...and many many people recognize that fact..Adam may be stubborn..but his is NOT stupid..and my belief is that he will acquire a measure of success with A3 - he just has to...also, I think in retrospect, he maybe should have recorded an album of covers...RCA is not stupid is all business with him..they did not wish to throw money at a new album when the last one failed, regardless of the fact that it is indeed brilliant, sung by an incomparable ARTIST!!!

Anonymous said...

Trespassing would have been more mainstream if he didn't write any of the songs in it? Even Adam's "major fans" don't represent mainstream, that is a much wider group of music listeners. I've seen a lot of talk inside the fandom that the demographic is the problem, i.e Adam needs more younger fans to get radio play. In my country Adam has a relatively young fan base and his music gets played on the radio here.

Anonymous said...

It would have been the end of Adam's career as a recording artist if he had stayed with RCA and done a cover album. I respect Adam's commitment to his talent and vision and his decision to part ways with RCA. I think we will soon see what a great decision that was.

I don't think Adam not liking to be told what to do or that many of the songs were personal had anything to do with the lack of radio hits. Die hard fans know the backstory to the lyrics, regular listeners don't. They were lyrics that people could relate to on many different levels. Lack of radio play happened for many different reasons but none are due to Adam being stubborn or too personal. Adam wasn't the one that had final say over what was released and how it was promoted. If different singles had been released or millions spent on promo as it is for the usual giant stars things might have gone differently. All that is water under the bridge now and I am looking forward to the new music Adam will have for us soon.

Anonymous said...

Adam has stated numerous times that he isn't for everybody, but on the other hand it seems like he is still striving for that next level on the mainstream stage. That's how I interpret #intenseforwardmotion. I think for Adam and #era3 it's just about that one song that hits everybody's sweet spot. And when a song feels right every age group wants to listen. Adele, Lorde, and Pharrell are good examples. (that "Happy" song for instance makes everybody happy in my circles because who can't relate to it and feel good??). Adam's guest appearances on Glee and a possible Queen tour should give him enough exposure for his next chapter. He just needs to be smart about picking the right songs that include cohesiveness with his newly established "image" as well as lyrics that are relatable to mainstream audiences.

I think Adam was fully aware of some risks he took with TP but as much as I adore him he was probably stubborn. Ha,ha... Yes, I think it is helpful to listen to advice from insiders who have been in the music business for a while. Keeping your artistic integrity can sure go along with relating to the masses.

Anonymous said...

4:19, I agree. It's wrong to say that "nobody" liked TP. Most people simply didn't hear it. Critics loved it, and we Adam fans did too, because we HEARD IT. The songs are not inferior and most of them would have "connected" just fine with lots of listeners if they had only been heard. For a variety of reasons, many of which you listed, that didn't happen. I will assume that this time around, he has a better perspective on how to do things. We don't know if A3 will contain a mega-hit, but let's hope that the singles will at least get some healthy airplay. As 4:10 mentioned, Adam is going into the A3 era with an Idol appearance (though brief), his Glee episodes and his Queen tour all fresh and current in people's minds. The timing of an album release, esp. timed with the Queen shows, could pay off well.

I know most of us here are unconditional fans (like me). My love and admiration for him and his talent don't depend on how well he sells. He still sings like an angel. All we can do is support hims as true fans should.


Anonymous said...

I hope Adam gets new younger fans from Glee. He is not getting them with Tommy, because most T fans are middle aged women too. In my country there are hardly any T fans, maybe 3 or 4, lol.

Anonymous said...

4:19 here - I see I've been taken to school...honestly, I don't think anyone knows why Adam hasn't been more successful..he surely deserves success and has definitely earned it..there are, no doubt, many reasons as to why he has not broken out as a major major star (which he is, IMHO)..but, I do feel, without any doubt whatsoever, that Adam will be around for the rest of his life entertaining all of us..and just maybe this next chapter WILL bring him the success and notoriety due him...the man actually causes my heart to skip a beat..crazy - isn't it???

Anonymous said...

For those saying Adam was too stubborn and should have listened to RCA and other insiders, none of us know exactly how much he did or did not listen to whatever advice they gave him. Adam obviously did not have total control. He did not choose the first two releases from Trespassing. It is ridiculous to blame Adam for the lack of popular success of Trespassing. There are countless reasons it wasn't more successful and it is ridiculous to blame Adam and what he chose to create for that album.

Anonymous said...

I was surprised by the words of the poster
at @4:19 PM:

"MAJOR" Adam Lambert fan?
"Album flopping"? Should have done album of covers?

I do believe that Adam knows what went on with RCA more than any of us, he left in good standing with respect and held his head up high. He said he did not want to do an album of covers for his next album; and he should not have to go against his very artist intergrity to please his fans or anyone else. Perhaps it was a risk; but, sometimes you have to take a risk to follow your own dreams; and that is evidently the type of risk taker Adam is. For the record; Adam is not the only artist that have had a problems with these record companies and left like Adam; or let go by the record company; new and seasoned artist alike.

Adam and his management will make decisions about his future career endeavors; whether we agree with it or not. I don't believe that DRG stated it the way you did. I had to go back and read it again. She never said that Adam's album flopped. Tell the worldwide fans that. It is still getting exposure. It is a beautiful album. I shall treasure it forever; because he put his heart and soul in it. I thank Adam Lambert from the bottom of my heart for this beautiful master piece!

I thought of the words to a song I once heard, "You build me up; just to tear me down".

Anonymous said...

I believe in Adam as an uber talented artist and I'll support his talent no matter what. His father tweeted that Adam is working hard for his third album and tons of times Adam said it in interviews or tweeted how much he loves his fans. I believe Adam more than anonymous posters.

Anonymous said...

5:07 here. I am not a teenager, I am 51, but I am also a realist.

Anonymous said...

OT: An on a happier note; I cannot wait until Glee tomorrow night. The songs Adam is singing on are fantastic; I especially love, love Barracuda with Lea; He sounds so sexy; can't wait to purchase. He will be acting a lot. He seems so apart of Glee now, I keep forgetting he is a guest star; and other parts of his career is calling. But, I do hope he can appear again when possible! He is so darned talented. So proud to be a fan!!

Anonymous said...

I mean @5:34 is 5:07 #1.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for two of the finest and sanest posts in a long time!


Anonymous said...

Hey 12:04 what other artist blogs do you stalk all day in your little room where the only conversation you have is answering your own comments on your computer.

Anonymous said...

5:55 PM

Ha, ha ha. I think you hit the nail on the head, quite sad; takes a lot of wasted energy from he, or she; to make up so many untrue mean spirited things about other human beings that you actually know nothing about; and especially about Adam.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam has a successful career. He doesn't have to be the biggest star. Do you think Robin Thicke is so happy with his big breakout hit.
Adam has never said he is not satisfied with his career. You don't have to be the biggest or the best ( although I do think he's the best) to be successful and happy. Ii is some of his fans that are whining, and I understand that, because it's frustrating to see all these mediocre singers who are overrated. So I'm happy for all the success he's had.

Anonymous said...

If Adam wanted to do an album of covers, why would he even need a record label. Rod Stewart did an 80's cover album and it was awful.

Anonymous said...

@6:23 Yes, and it doesn't matter if not all glamberts watch Glee, because Glee fans will watch it anyway. I'm saying this because just I saw glee wank, lol.

Anonymous said...

alot of people in the music world have commented on Adam;s songwriting capes and that they were quite good, incl Avicii, etc. Can you honestly say that what is on the radio is strong songwriting. most of it is pretty generic and the only reason you recognize it is that it is played ad nauseum. would it be better if Adam wrote Blurred Lines? songwriting at it's finest- not!

Anonymous said...

I'm a true fan but this would not be my first place to come and chat, it is negative and filled with commenters who I guess have nothing better to do than be negative. that loses its appeal really fast, that may be what folks are aiming for but this site does not diminish my enthusiasm for supporting Adam. People seem overly invested in being negative, TBH.

Anonymous said...

come on, Adam did not sink his own boat. Do you really think he picked songs written by others (BTIKM and NCOE) as lead singles. that makes no sense, least of all he sang them only when he had to, not much in his concerts so they aren't the ones he wanted as singles. plus that Beg For Mercy delayed the album release for several mos. bad timing. anyway, it is interesting that Trespassing got very good reviews from the industry and Pharrell and Nile Rogers have done well. timing is everything.

Anonymous said...

Trespassing got 4 stars from Rolling Stone mag. It shows that music critics don't have much influence.

Anonymous said...

If Adam had made an 80s cover album as RCA wanted him to, he would have always regretted it, even if it turned out to be successful. JMO

Anonymous said...

glee releases covers, not adam. are people really that dense? can you not distinguish between being on a show and your own music, or what I think is fronting a last run with Queen - that experience is clearly worth something more than just $ to Adam or he would not do it. I think it is a great opportunity to do shows in US and Canada (and hopefully selected other countries). Adam is international so it is not all about US radio.

Anonymous said...

i gotta say I don't see the appeal of Happy - sure a nice little ditty but people are buying it? it's like a nursery school song, which shows how unpredictable the music industry is. who would think that would be a hit?

Anonymous said...

Adam performed Btikm on Leno, but that's it. I was disappointed that he stopped singing it, because it is one of my faves. Ncoe is good live too.

Anonymous said...

You can get Tuesdays Glee music now on iTunes in the US I don't know about other countries tho.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for tomorrow!! My honey Adam on Glee!! I love it! Yaaaaaaaaaaay!! Hurry tomorrow!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam has the best voice ever ever ever EVER!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for tomorrow to see Adam on my HD big screen TV. Wish I had 3D TV. Then it would have been as if he was in my family room.

Anonymous said...

Adam has achieved worldwide superstar renown in just 5 years; got a Grammy nom, China music awards every year, BTIKM used as a German movie soundtrack, made it onto the Forbes Idol list, major Glee cast, performed and mastered the Queen songs, sold two beautiful albums, toured...over 120 concerts, at home / abroad etc...and yet some here say they're still waiting for a hit song to propel him to super stardom! Hit songs can be found in both his's just that they have not gotten enough air-play, promotions. Even if a hit song comes around in this 3rd album, it might meet with the same fate if people don't recognise Adam as mainstream and refuse to play his songs constantly. Adam needs to look into how to get his songs more prominently heard for his 3rd album. And I think this time it will make it to greater heights due to his increased popularity and visibility via Glee, Queen etc. A lot of new people seem to be coming on board the Adam train; he and his two previous albums did excellently.


Anonymous said...

I am really enjoying most of the posts tonight. I think the negative Nellies & Nick's are posting less.

@6:54 PM, I don't remember anyone saying that the covers were released by Adam on his own. If you have seen that posted, is it possible that the person, or persons meant that it is his cover of the songs on Glee.

Don't you think is a little much to call Adam's fans dense; if a fan did say that.

I think most people know that Adam is just covering others songs on Glee as a guest, but if not, no big deal; we all learn something new all the time. Why make any fan feel less than.

One thing Adam really hates; and has said so himself; is when his fans are rude to each other. You do sound like you want the best for Adam. A little kindness goes a long long way!

Anonymous said...

I'm astound at what Adam has accomplished for the past five years. I'm so proud of him and humble to be his fan. He Worked/working/will work with all the greats in the entertainment industry. He is too good to be ignored and he knows how to pave his own road to be a successful entrepreneur. He has done it all by himself since he left high school. Adam is sociable and outgoing. He surrounded himself with a lot of talented artists. Did you see his birthday party pictures? Tons of talented people at his party. I'm his true fan and really I have no idea about business part of his career. He has a team to assist him with that.

Anonymous said...

LAM-MY @8:14 PM

Thank you for such a well thoughtout post of some of Adam's great achievements. Truly there will be more great things to come. You are so right on about Adam. It is great when fans continue to speak of Adam's accomplishments for new fans, and those that are not as upon on him as an artist as; as some other fans may be.

I have read several outstanding thoughtful post that were in the same vain as yours on this thread tonight.

Thankful to know that fans like many of us will always have Adam's back with the truth and the great support this wonderful man so deserves. I really don't think anything can stop Adam now. I am definitely here for the long exciting ride with this man with the "one in a Billion Voice"; to quote Brian and Roger of Queen.

Speaking of Queen, waiting impatiently for Thursday's press event at Madison Square Garden!

Anonymous said...

@8:31 PM

You are so right on; I did see the Birthday pictures. It makes me happy to see all people that love Adam. But, not surprised hie seems to be a great guy and a loyal friend.

Adam is proving himself in all the endevors he is involved in. No one deserves it more; just love this man. I am so proud when I see him acting and performing in any capacity. I always say their goes one of the greatest vocalist of my lifetime!

Also, the man can act. Hello!!

Anonymous said...

8:39...Thank you!
I'm still perplexed why many here still view Adam as struggling to meet the grade. In my opinion, he has far exceeded my expectations! And I'm not saying it because I love's exactly what he did in just 5 short rather difficult years in this volatile music industry of either a make or break.


Anonymous said...

8:52 PM - Here,- Sorry about all the errors. Will prove read next time!

Anonymous said...

Songs performed by Adam on an upcoming Glee episode on Tuesday is available on iTunes:

Glee Cast - Barracuda (Glee Cast Version) [feat. Adam Lambert] - Single -

Glee Cast - Hold On (Glee Cast Version) [feat. Adam Lambert & Demi Lovato] - Single -

Glee Cast - Gloria (Glee Cast Version) [feat. Adam Lambert] - Single -

Glee Cast - The Happening (Glee Cast Version)[ feat. Adam Lambert & Demi Lovato] - Single -

Anonymous said...

This thread is becoming very engaging. It seems like many people here are dedicated and invested fans who have differing opinions about Adam's career. Let's not forget though that the one thing most of us have in common is the love and support for our man. Not too long ago, when Adam was asked why he thinks he has such dedicated fans, he answered that he considers himself polarizing which naturally brings out more passionate fans. Here we are!!!

On a different note: According to Adam himself he did not pick the singles.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it was just rumor or a leak, but I heard that Queen had 16 concerts planned with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Omg I just checked my Email and Nancy Sinatra is now following me. Just had to tell someone.

kitty said...

9:08 here. following me on twitter. Lol

Anonymous said...

If I don't like the melody of a song, it doesn't matter how good the lyrics are, I won't like the song. The melody is the all important factor for me.

Adam's For Your Entertainment and Trespassing albums are FABULOUS!!! There are some songs I prefer to others but I never tire of listening to these albums.

Anonymous said...

Lam-my/@8:55 PM

You are so right. What amazes me is that Adam is so brave; and so always present in the moment.

I enjoy his interviews almost as much as his entertaining. He is so honest; some may thing to a fault, but not I. It is so nice to listen to a person that just speaks the truth. I find so interesting.

This young man called Adam Lambert is truly amazing. He certainly brings much joy to my already joyful life. Apparently, millions of others too, all over the world! Quoting Adam talking to Chris in last Tuesday's episode of Glee,
"it warms my Glambert heart", to know he is just a cd or video away when I want to here those fabulous vocals!

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed how some consider labels, shows, and big corporations as good guys and hard working artists who are exploited by these corporations as bad guys. Talk about concept of slavery in a different format. May I suggest you people to watch Jared Leto's documentary film called ARTIFACT. That film will open up your eyes how to respect artists.

Anonymous said...

@9:08 PM aka @9:11

That is so great; you of course know that she is a great supporter of Adam's. She tweeted last week on his Glee debut, "so proud of my neighbor, Adam Lambert". She also has tweeted that he was her Grandson and that her married name is Lambert. So sweet. What a wonderful fan to have; she seems like such a down to earth wondeful human being. Her father Frank Sinatra would probably be an Adam fan too! You probably already know all of this; just a reminder of those who may not.

Did you have contact with her through twitter; is that why she is following you now; if I may ask?
Just curious, none of my business really. I so glad her following you made you so happy!

Anonymous said...

Yea..."always present in the moment", that is so soothing and like you said, just a cd or video away; inspiring. I hope he carries on in the Glee NY episodes; he turns out to be such a terrific tv actor...he smiles extra sweetly for the Glee camera. lwl!
Thank you!


Anonymous said...

@9:24 PM

Thank you so much for that; will check it out. I already read the article by about a month ago; very enlighting an right on. Not doing to shabby himself; he won last night; I was happy about that, he brough his mom with him; she seemed so proud; I know Adam likes to take his mom to most of his important shows that he is being honored at; two very nice guys. He and Adam seem to know and respect each other; saw pictures of them a a couple of events I think. I know at one of them he proudly posted instagram pictures of him and Adam together.

Anonymous said...

@9:07 PM

I know it's just a rumor and I know how that goes; but, if that is the case it would be fantastic. One thing about it, dates can probably be added if demand is overwhelming; I would think; don't really know anything about how things like that are excuted by the promotors or enteratiners.

I hope it is a huge success. I hope it happens somewhere near me. We will know this Thursday at the media event at MSG.

Anonymous said...

@9:24 PM

I agree with you 100%, it is a shame that many people do think that way.

Also, thanks for the information about Jared Leto's Documentary. I will definitely check it out. He is a smart independent human being that seems to follow his dreams also.

Anonymous said...

9:31 her name came up on an Email of mine as a suggestion to follow, I get a lot of them and really enjoy the suggestions, so I followed her and she followed me back. I follow 207 people and this is the first celebrity to follow me back. Kinda cool.

Anonymous said...

Want to say to all the Glamberts engaging tonight; I have enjoyed so many of your posts, and have enjoyed engaging with you on many of the topics, so informative.

Also appreciate the fact that a post of mine was appreciated. I think if we are postive as much as possible and continue to spread the good news about Adam; and engage and share information it will be such a fantastic fan site.

Of course the negatives will show up and may try to take over the site. But, I think many of you just told the truth about our man and to some, it may have been a bitter pill to swallow. It probably upsets them terribly when the many comments that he or she posts and then answers themselves, I believe, are for the most part ignored. They have no recourse but to leave, since the fun is probably all gone. So on to the next site to harass!

Well good night dear Glamberts. I am heading to sleep land. I think this thread is at the bottom now and so many other wonderful threads about Adam is on it's way in!

Anonymous said...

@10:18 PM

Yes really cool, thanks for letting me know! Congratulations again. She seems to be a very, very cool lady!

Anonymous said...

9 24
Corporations aren't good or bad. They are just business trying to make money. Being in the music business is a hard life but no one is forcing anyone to be a part of it. Comparing it to slavery is very ignorant.

You don't need to be signed by a label. You can just put your songs out on YouTube, play free concerts and local bars and people can enjoy the music. You won't make any money or ever get your music on radio or recognized by major players in the business but that is your choice.

Anonymous said...

Adam is very talented vocalist .Am sure he will creat a magic for A3. Just be patient n trust the way i love cukoo.sadly rca never relase it as a sngle.what a shame.

Anonymous said...

6:56 what is your YouTube channel?

Anonymous said...

I will real on artist who have made it without labels. One of our Glamberts said that an article by JLeto is a must read; so I will check that out first. Then make my decisions from experts in the field.

Adam Lambert is an exceptional to almost every rule; just wait and see; I am not worried about our BB not by one per cent. He will yet surprise us again; and knock us all off of our collective feet. Just be positive and Adam and his Management will take care of the rest; after all they know more about what is going on with his career then any one of us know.

Well off to start my busy day. Have a great day Glambert Nation.
Just keep the faith and don't be discouraged. Our beautiful, mega talented man will take care of the rest! Bright future ahead for Adam M. Lambert, just wait and see!!

Also, tonight is the night that our beautiful, talented man will be on Glee; yet again. His glee parts look amazing; and oh that voice. Can't wait!!!!

Anonymous said...


I know bunch of artists that don't play big labels games but don't play concerts in bars either and they make great money. Even couple of them got Grammys.

Anonymous said...

@6:57 AM

I so agree with your thought process on this subject; very enlighting and positive. This is very much what Adam needs right now. It was a shame of the non release of so many beautiful would be singles on that album. I am sure the future will be very bright for Adam, as many fans have stated.

Anonymous said...


You are so right on! I was getting ready to type about the same thing. No need now; you have it covered. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

7 43
Oh who is that? Lol

Artists like macklemore payed big money to a major label to promote them and get their music on radio even though they weren't signed. So you pay one way or the other.

Adam needs other people to write his songs and play the music and produce the record. He doesn't do anything except sing. He isn't one of those super talented people who will ever make as an indie artist.

Anonymous said...

7:57 don't worry about him. He is doing great. He is on TV. Queenbert is happening. And he is working hard as his dad tweeted yesterday.

Anonymous said...

7:57AM why then you are following Adam? You don't like Adam and yet everyday, every minutes of the hours, you are on his fansites bashing him and his fans. What is wrong with you? Get help will you. You aren't harming Adam and his fans with your comments. You are hurting your own well being A LOT.

Anonymous said...

7:57, once again you are making erroneous statements. You repeatedly make statements like you know what you are talking about but you are wrong. You are so full of bullshit.

Just to show how wrong you always are, Macklemore and Lewis did not pay big money to a major label promote them and get them on radio. They had a monthly flat fee deal for radio service once their album had already debuted at number two and Thriftshop was already being played on the radio. They raked in tons more money by not playing the typical label game.

If others wish to read the details about the deal Macklemore and Lewis made:

Anonymous said...

The troll has been spreading lies for the past two years on this website, hoping her lies are accepted as facts. How can you live in your own world of lies?

Anonymous said...

10 06
You obviously did not read or understand the article you posted you moron because it details the deal they made with Warner, a major label for promotion. Do you think that is cheap? Billboard has reported it costs one million to promote a rhianna single to radio. David cook has tried to get a deal for radio promotion and said it starts at 100k which is too expensive for him. The ignorance of the fans here is just overwhelming.

Anonymous said...

Go away you fan of others. You don't contribute anything but sadness to this fansite. Get a life of your own. You don't bring any facts but lies and jealousy and nastiness. You have a foul mouth and degraded personality. Go away!

Anonymous said...

12:52, you are beyond rude and obnoxious. The name-calling you have to resort to is just more proof of that. You are the one who cannot read. They didn't make a deal with Warner, they made a deal with ADA, an independent arm of Warner. The deal they made was way cheaper than traditional deals. The one million for promo for Rihanna includes way more than ADA did for Macklemore. There are other articles out there that corroborate what I am saying but it is a waste of time to post them here because you will just misread them and twist them to your illogical erroneous opinion.