All those various looks and poses he has done during these 5+ years I have been lucky to follow his career and life, with every look there's always these moments of perfect aaaawww, those moments of total surrender.... and during those moments I'm just so very grateful and nothing bothers me.......
One of those moments happened when I saw this pic for the first time - and he's not even smiling!
Adam's hair looks really, really nice like this. Now I would just love to see him in a tux with that hair! Someone bring the respirator to revive me after that sight!!
Adam replied to so many comments on his Facebook post!
I really like this new color, kinda hard to describe...wolf like perhaps? Can't see it that well . Looks good. Adam loves his rings. Love how his younger fans are getting aboard.
JAK here....I'm wondering if this color is close enough to his natural that he can just let it rest awhile and natural color grow in.....emphasis on the word grow!
Luv all the rings.
AML is the heart and soul of the Glamberts indeed!!!:) A perfect cover in every magazine!!
I love everything in this picture he!he!
Strike a pose Adam! You look great.
All those various looks and poses he has done during these 5+ years I have been lucky to follow his career and life, with every look there's always these moments of perfect aaaawww, those moments of total surrender.... and during those moments I'm just so very grateful and nothing bothers me.......
One of those moments happened when I saw this pic for the first time - and he's not even smiling!
What? Can he be real? Oh my goodness, Adam and his hair never looked better!!!
I must say, I say this every time I see another picture; but, this picture and that hair, is just drop dead gorgeous!!!!!
I want those rings, and the man that comes with them!
Eyes, Baby Eyes.....
The eyes, the hair, those rings. That pout. Those arms. Hey, wait. did I mention the eyes?
Adam, If I had you, life would be a party that I would never leave!!
Adam's hair looks really, really nice like this. Now I would just love to see him in a tux with that hair! Someone bring the respirator to revive me after that sight!!
Lots of bling-a-ding-bling. :)
Adam's pics. and videos from the party is on main page of IG. For the first time I see his stuff on IG main page. Sorry can't do snapshot.
Adam Lambert Replied To A Bunch Of Comments On His Facebook Post Last Night (SC Collage)
: Adam lambert Fever Full Video. Sound cuts out for the last minute.
Adam replied to so many comments on his Facebook post!
Nice of everyone to share pictures and links about party I feel like I was almost there.
simply beautiful
Stunning! Almost like a piece of art.
I really like this new color, kinda hard to describe...wolf like perhaps? Can't see it that well . Looks good. Adam loves his rings. Love how his younger fans are getting aboard.
Nice Adam nice. The hair color looks like some form of medium blonde. Love these pictures, any thing of Adam is great.
JAK here....I'm wondering if this color is close enough to his natural that he can just let it rest awhile and natural color grow in.....emphasis on the word grow!
In this pic it looks like husky, wolfie colouring just like in the artwork that people bought? (can't remember the guys name) Was that his goal?
@JAK, isn't this colour quite far from his original ginger? I read also that some people think this latest colouring changes with different lightings.
Watching from my phone it looks like the huskey... He looks so wild and handsome!
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