Queenbert are there own act looks like opening act. They may have some unheard Queen music as well as Queen is working on some unheard music maybe even with Adam who knows. Sounds like they are the opening act that night Adam as lead singer will bring the house down. Not familiar with the pixies sure they will be great! Even if they are not the opening act as it looks like they certainly are one of the biggest draws that night. Read Queen is the most favorite band of all time there and we know our Adam is very popular there. Lucky people who get to see that. Bet its so crowded you can barely move. Adam did the sonic festival right after trespassing came out in Japan I believe. So many great things happening and going to happen for Adam.
This looks great and I am so happy for the Japanese and other Asian Glamberts who would be present in this momentous event! Unfortunately, i don't have the means to go to Japan or South Korea and i'm still praying and hoping that concert producers in my country could afford to squeeze in a date for Manila. It would be a dream come true for me when that happens.
This site may have been invaded by a few ADAM LAMBERT haters who post here 24/7, pretending to be fans, (excuse me but there is a huge difference between us and them) BUT I CHOOSE TO STAY BECAUSE I REFUSE TO MAKE THEM FEEL VICTORIOUS AND EXTREMELY SATISFIED FOR ACHIEVING THEIR GOAL. BESIDES I STILL LOVE AND ENJOY SO MUCH THE COMPANY OF THE GENUINE GLAMBERTS HERE! You all know who you are, too many to mention but i will when i have the time. And of course that of the very loyal ANONS as well :D
Thank you to all those who continue to make this fan site truly interesting, stimulating, highly informative and absolutely active despite the negativity and vitriol being spewed here by a few. Obviously, they couldn't accept the fact that AML hasn't failed miserably as they would have wanted him to. And at this point in time, they are frantic with his humble successes notwithstanding all hindrances and struggles in his life.
Adam has been blessed with such enormous talent and those who acknowledge that in the music industry would always support and promote him. With the massive exposure he is still getting now, he continues to be discovered by the world, ergo all the haters can rant all they want, BUT THAT COULD NOT MAKE HIS TALENT GO AWAY! He is being blessed more by the Universe because of his big and kind heart. Besides he has honed his skills at a very young age and that is quite an investment in itself.
With all the positive exposures and breaks that our dear Adam is getting now, he would be unstoppable. Radio stations in the US may not want to play his songs, but they get played somehow in other countries anyway. So it is still good for Adam.
Lastly, i know in my heart that the old regular genuine Glamberts are still lurking here, also finding it difficult to totally abandon 24/7. Hey guys, please post once in a while, we would love to hear from you every now and then. I get so thrilled when i see old tags. Hope that more will drop by to let us know that you are still with us.
Forgive me for this kilometric post but i just need to do this. I couldn't help but express my sincerest gratitude to all those who believe in this wonderful site and continue to keep it alive. NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY AND DO HERE, LET US NOT ALLOW THEM TO BREAK OUR SPIRIT!
@ANON last April 10, 2014 5:30pm (handsome picture of the day), thank you so much for the shout out, i am floored. Please use a tag soon, that would be so nice. @JAK, @HK FAN, @daydreamin and more thank you all for the very old shout outs. Real life isn't that friendly lately so i have to work my ass off to survive. But visiting 24/7 is a daily routine. That is why seeing as many regulars is so important to me. Today is PALM SUNDAY here and there is just so much to do but i made it a point to prioritize this teehee. Please take good care of yourselves and there is so much to look forward to in Adam's career. I will never leave and that is a promise.
@Fan4fun, wherever you may be, love and light to you.
Bing your post was so inspiring I have been here as an anon since the beginning of time however sometimes I accidentally push my google account name (kitty).lol. I visit here every day and then some. Looking forward to your posts.
Good to hear from you Bing! I stop by here every day too because 24/7 starts my day, most days with a smile. I've been here for almost 5 years now and haven't stopped eagerly waiting to read about all things Adam on 24/7.
@7.02 - where do you get the idea that A & Q qill be opening act? They are headliner and are the last band to perform.
@Bing- things would be much easier if 1. everyone has to log-in with a name 2. the admin here would finally do her/his job and delete offensive posts 3. everyone would ignore the trolls and let them talk among themselves. They are longing for attention and unfortunately they are getting it.
@ANON at 11:10pm or should i say HELLO KITTY:D teehee, so glad you saw this. Adam is so inspiring himself :D
@CT yup i've also been here for the past 5 years and i make it a point to drop by every morning even just to take a quick look at what is happening to Adam. When we have social obligations i would do it before going to bed. That completes my day.
@ANON at 2:28am - thank you so much. Hope you will also consider using a tag soon just like @ANON APRIL 12 at 11:10pm :D
@ANON at 2:39am - i strongly agree with. I hope that ADMIN would reconsider if it isn't, too much work for them.
Btw, i forgot to thank the 24/7 Admin for maintaining this site for all of us even when they have no obligation to do so. I will forever be grateful to you guys for giving the Glamberts all over the world the chance to be together flailing and celebrating our global IDOL any time of the day. This is the only fan site that i am comfortable with. Please bear with all of us.
Kind regards to all the dedicated and loyal regulars, ANONS and those with tags. I really miss doing this and i am savouring each minute that i get to post here.
Bing , I am an Anon by choice, I really am not sure why, but it is my preference. However I feel much the same as you do about this site. I am not able to check in often, I only have access to a friends iPad infrequently. I try to catch up on news and posts at least once a week .though I know it's childish I imagine all of you as sisters ,,as if we were a big family. The affection and concern for each other warms my heart. and the humour lightens my heart. Those who make me laugh are much sought after tags.
JAK you never fail me. You try to keep it light, but I do want to say I thought yourr recent poem describing so so simply how Adam and Sauli met was excellent. I will thank you here because the x boyfriend thread is soon to be gone. Just because a love doesn't last forever doesn't mean it wasn't real.
Bing, your heart always shines through in your posts. I can't mention all of you , just know you are all apprecated, all of you who are the core of this group. Whatever your religion whether you are celebrating the Easter season or that of another faith I wish you love and joy in this new season. Anon : )
Bing, thank you so much for saying so much that is also in my heart. I'm not leaving this site, either, despite the trolls and negativity at times. I love the positive regulars here and they keep pulling me back. Adam's talent is above all else on this site. Through all the ups and downs of his career, his voice prevails.
If we choose to follow Adam's life on a daily basis, if we choose to be "fans for life," which many of us want to be, we'll have to accept that his life (like our own) will not be full of positive excitement every single day. His life is real, not a movie script. We can't edit it or re-shoot scenes to suit ourselves. Even celebrities have boring, inactive times in their lives. I'm sure many of their best times in life are not revealed to their fans. When Adam is not publicly performing or actively and visibly involved in some project, we get antsy very quickly. The gossipy, snarky talk often begins, even among the most loyal of us.
Adam's life will be like ours. Full of life's extreme highs and lows, and lots of time spent in the middle, just being a regular person. A "fan for life" is a long commitment to make. And like I said, Adam is working without a script, just like the rest of us.
Hi Bing. Lovely to see you posting again. I agree with what you wrote, although I must admit I don't visit here so often any more, whereas I used to drop in several times a day. Now several days or more can go without me visiting. Hopefully one day it will get back to the great site it once was.
It is nice to do my daily check-in this morning and see the posts of gratitude and friendship. I've looked at other sites, but this one is always home thanks to Admin's format and the positive posters. I have a little card on my desk that says, "step over it" and that helps me skim past the negativity and crudeness all over the Internet. Thanks--it is wonderful to share admiration for Adam.
@8:37 Are you referring to a new boyfriend? If so I haven't heard of any. If some people left this site, it has nothing to do with any boyfriend, it is because of negative and snarky and rude remarks about Adam. Often people on here attack each other. People have left for more calmer waters. Hopefully they will all come back. Lately there has not been much news, because Adam was in Sweden for over 2 months, and he shared very little with us. It has been shared that if people used their tags, it would cut down on the snarkiness.
Thanks Bing for the comments. I too have been here a very long time. It is my main site for Adam news. I never comment, but I like to see what others are saying. I have no problem with the negative comments. I like to see other viewpoints. I don't let it upset me. I have concert tickets for Toronto, Philadelphia and Balto./Wash. I only have one friend I can talk to about Adam because the others are tired hearing about him. My husband tolerates it and actually shows a little interest sometimes. He is going to the concerts with me. Anyway I love hearing about Adam good and bad. I love this site.
@8:55 I don't think too many people left because of ex-boyfriend. They definitely are not coming back because Adam is single. There are a lot more fans LEAVING this site for reasons already mentioned. Hope it will all settle down again and it can be the fun place it used to be, even during the time Adam did have a boyfriend. BTW, the majority of Adam's fans liked his boyfriend, and thought they were a great couple.
this is blueeyes,I have been here from the start & I hope we never lose this site,as for as the haters just look over there ignorance they will go away if they are not noticed.
i appreciate and look up all links fans post on this site. Thanks mucho even if I don't mention it every time .I would love to know what song the town in Sweden used of Adam's.
People, 8:37 is THAT person!!! THAT person stirring up crap. That post was NOT innocuous, don't you see? Good, helpful fans who want to answer questions and be helpful and illuminate relevant Adam history for other posters, please take a good look at what you answer. If it strikes you as something that was meant to kick up a sh*tstorm, it was probably DESIGNED to, just don't respond. Crossing my Fingers. (And good luck Bing, I remain optimistic ;), Long time 24/7 user here :)).
@Bing Loved seeing you back here lately... I for one loved your long post.. Very often it takes more than a sentence or two to say what you want to say :))
Hugs to you and the many others who come here to learn what Adam's been up to..
Loved your post Bing, it needed to be said and you did it well. I love coming here and do everyday to catch up. I just cant fathom how intolerant and snarky some people get. Do they live their whole life this way. How sad. But all the genuine fans make me return, don't give anyone the power to chase you away. Anyway Im here for the long term, hard to believe it has been 5 years. I have learnt to scroll and ignore though its hard sometimes. Love to all xx
What a lovely Sunday it turned out to be: TWO posts from you, both filled with real & important issues here in Adamlandia, issues that needed to be said and you said it all so well, right on @Jadam 3:18PM
You, Bing, have such a kind, large & loving heart - just like "Our Special Guy"! I so hope that @Admin and as many posters here as possible read your message to ADMIN: "This is the only fan site that i am comfortable with. Please bear with all of us." I feel exactly the same and sometimes think Admin - by not regulating and moderating - is trying to give all kinds of people here (from various parts of the world) a chance to grow as human beings... and self regulate, self moderate how to better communicate on a fan site of one of the most kind, accepting & loving performers/singers/worldwide stars there is... And then (on bad days) I just roll my eyes and scroll... and wonder (*sigh*) is this really the way people are going to communicate more and more... like being on attackin mode 24/7...
Just like you, I hope many, many of the loyal long time regulars would come back to post...would be so nice to hear from them all... Will never forget them and the fun times here... and you mentioned one of the tags I also want to give a loving shout out to: @Fan4fun, hoping you see this, come back to this site, both You & Icon!!!
I am also a long-time 24/7 fan of Adam's. I really enjoyed reading all of the heartfelt and friendly posts on this link..from tags that I recognize(and feel that I somehow know the posters),and also, the anons that post positively. I will not be chased away by negativity either. I did post, for the first time several weeks ago, because I was sooo excited that one of my friends got us tickets for July 16th Q&A concert in Philadelphia. I was overwhelmed by the regulars who welcomed me and were excited for me..thanks to all!! Yesterday, we received the tickets in the mail..so, Adam, I'm so ready to see you for the first time in person. Oh, and I have always been a Queen fan, so doubly excited!! So thrilled that Q&A will be perfoming in Asia..lucky for them, Americans and Canadians..I know it will be a night to remember!!
I know that this is already a dead thread but i'm simply overwhelmed. I didn't expect to elicit such wonderful reactions from our sisters @ANON April 13 at 4:37am. I love that you see us that way bec. that is exactly how i also feel. When Adam connected all of us we instantly became his extended family! I am touched by your encouraging words, thank you <3
@DRG - ditto to everything you said. I do look forward to your insightful posts. Yes i try my best to keep things real and simple bec such is what life should be. Thank you too :D
@HK fan -many of us here do share the same wish and nothing is impossible. It can and will happen if we keep the optimism high <3 It is great that despite everything you still come back \o/
@carolynj - i also treasure the gratitude and friendship we have and wouldn't want that to go to waste. I like that reminder "STEP OVER IT" that would certainly work for me.
@Packy 05- I'm am one envious Glambert here (of course in a nice way)3 tickets! My dear you are truly blessed. Please don't forget to post here after each concert teehee, i said the magic word PLEASE :D And yes hearing the good and bad news helps keep things REAL. Congratulations!
@Anne Marie, @blueeyes and @ANON at 10:33am - Amen to your posts, couldn't agree with you more.
@Canadian - you go girl!
@Jadam NZ- thank you so much for those kind words. And ditto to your SCROLL and IGNORE, it works for me.
@glitzylady - seeing your lovely face with such a sweet smile is a breath of fresh air here. Thank you for your highly informative posts. XOXOXOXO
@ANON from APRIL 10 - am really glad you saw this because i was responding to you :D That self regulation thing sounds great and very challenging as well. You made me do this haha. Thank you so much.
RJ from Philly - you are one extremely lucky Glambert to get the rare chance to see both of your idols in a concert. Have a blast!
@MGF - so glad to see you more. Please tell ADAM fix to visit us, i miss our resident fashionista!
@JAK - i missed the US Amb. so i just googled him. Noticed the extraordinary eyebrow hehe but he is very handsome and charming too.
Please take good care of yourselves guys bec Adam needs our dedication and support.
@Bing 3:33! Sorry it took this long to come back, RL really taking its toll... Thank you for all your posts and your kind words to everyone, even me! The many responses you got show how appreciated you are plus so needed on this site, you're an inspiration!
Really wish this site had a Bulletin Board for shout outs and other messages between fellow fans here, for instance "Hi guys, I'm ok but MIA due to RL for the rest of the week, please hold the fort and have fun!" (silly example, but you know what I mean).
Haven't had time to read the newer threads yet, don't know whether I will be happier or even more exhausted after having checked them... :)
Easter approaching, hope you get to rest, slow down and spend quality time with your near & dear! Hope you post soon again!
Love the new Pixies album. Would love to see them w Queenbert!
Queenbert are there own act looks like opening act. They may have some unheard Queen music as well as Queen is working on some unheard music maybe even with Adam who knows.
Sounds like they are the opening act that night Adam as lead singer will bring the house down. Not familiar with the pixies sure they will be great! Even if they are not the opening act as it looks like they certainly are one of the biggest draws that night.
Read Queen is the most favorite band of all time there and we know our Adam is very popular there. Lucky people who get to see that. Bet its so crowded you can barely move. Adam did the sonic festival right after trespassing came out in Japan I believe. So many great things happening and going to happen for Adam.
Love hearing Adam's music at unexpected places... Just heard "Never Close Our Eyes" at the Arco gas station while pumping my gas in LA,CA!
Japan and Korea adore Adam!
They 'get' Adam to the max. Expect incredible shows!
Quite the line-up - should be a fab show.
I discovered Kasabian through Adam - one of his mentions during an interview.
This looks great and I am so happy for the Japanese and other Asian Glamberts who would be present in this momentous event! Unfortunately, i don't have the means to go to Japan or South Korea and i'm still praying and hoping that concert producers in my country could afford to squeeze in a date for Manila. It would be a dream come true for me when that happens.
This site may have been invaded by a few ADAM LAMBERT haters who post here 24/7, pretending to be fans, (excuse me but there is a huge difference between us and them) BUT I CHOOSE TO STAY BECAUSE I REFUSE TO MAKE THEM FEEL VICTORIOUS AND EXTREMELY SATISFIED FOR ACHIEVING THEIR GOAL. BESIDES I STILL LOVE AND ENJOY SO MUCH THE COMPANY OF THE GENUINE GLAMBERTS HERE! You all know who you are, too many to mention but i will when i have the time. And of course that of the very loyal ANONS as well :D
Thank you to all those who continue to make this fan site truly interesting, stimulating, highly informative and absolutely active despite the negativity and vitriol being spewed here by a few. Obviously, they couldn't accept the fact that AML hasn't failed miserably as they would have wanted him to. And at this point in time, they are frantic with his humble successes notwithstanding all hindrances and struggles in his life.
Adam has been blessed with such enormous talent and those who acknowledge that in the music industry would always support and promote him. With the massive exposure he is still getting now, he continues to be discovered by the world, ergo all the haters can rant all they want, BUT THAT COULD NOT MAKE HIS TALENT GO AWAY! He is being blessed more by the Universe because of his big and kind heart. Besides he has honed his skills at a very young age and that is quite an investment in itself.
With all the positive exposures and breaks that our dear Adam is getting now, he would be unstoppable. Radio stations in the US may not want to play his songs, but they get played somehow in other countries anyway. So it is still good for Adam.
Lastly, i know in my heart that the old regular genuine Glamberts are still lurking here, also finding it difficult to totally abandon 24/7. Hey guys, please post once in a while, we would love to hear from you every now and then. I get so thrilled when i see old tags. Hope that more will drop by to let us know that you are still with us.
Forgive me for this kilometric post but i just need to do this. I couldn't help but express my sincerest gratitude to all those who believe in this wonderful site and continue to keep it alive. NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY AND DO HERE, LET US NOT ALLOW THEM TO BREAK OUR SPIRIT!
@ANON last April 10, 2014 5:30pm (handsome picture of the day), thank you so much for the shout out, i am floored. Please use a tag soon, that would be so nice. @JAK, @HK FAN, @daydreamin and more thank you all for the very old shout outs. Real life isn't that friendly lately so i have to work my ass off to survive. But visiting 24/7 is a daily routine. That is why seeing as many regulars is so important to me. Today is PALM SUNDAY here and there is just so much to do but i made it a point to prioritize this teehee. Please take good care of yourselves and there is so much to look forward to in Adam's career. I will never leave and that is a promise.
@Fan4fun, wherever you may be, love and light to you.
Love thru Adam,
Wasn't this Summer Sonic poster just here?
Bing your post was so inspiring I have been here as an anon since the beginning of time however sometimes I accidentally push my google account name (kitty).lol. I visit here every day and then some. Looking forward to your posts.
Good to hear from you Bing! I stop by here every day too because 24/7 starts my day, most days with a smile. I've been here for almost 5 years now and haven't stopped eagerly waiting to read about all things Adam on 24/7.
Hey Bing welcome back from lurkdom. Love!
@7.02 - where do you get the idea that A & Q qill be opening act? They are headliner and are the last band to perform.
@Bing- things would be much easier if 1. everyone has to log-in with a name 2. the admin here would finally do her/his job and delete offensive posts 3. everyone would ignore the trolls and let them talk among themselves. They are longing for attention and unfortunately they are getting it.
Line up - Summer Sonic
That would be Q & A
@ANON at 11:10pm or should i say HELLO KITTY:D teehee, so glad you saw this. Adam is so inspiring himself :D
@CT yup i've also been here for the past 5 years and i make it a point to drop by every morning even just to take a quick look at what is happening to Adam. When we have social obligations i would do it before going to bed. That completes my day.
@ANON at 2:28am - thank you so much. Hope you will also consider using a tag soon just like @ANON APRIL 12 at 11:10pm :D
@ANON at 2:39am - i strongly agree with. I hope that ADMIN would reconsider if it isn't, too much work for them.
Btw, i forgot to thank the 24/7 Admin for maintaining this site for all of us even when they have no obligation to do so. I will forever be grateful to you guys for giving the Glamberts all over the world the chance to be together flailing and celebrating our global IDOL any time of the day. This is the only fan site that i am comfortable with. Please bear with all of us.
Kind regards to all the dedicated and loyal regulars, ANONS and those with tags. I really miss doing this and i am savouring each minute that i get to post here.
Bing , I am an Anon by choice, I really am not sure why, but it is my preference. However I feel much the same as you do about this site. I am not able to check in often, I only have access to a friends iPad infrequently. I try to catch up on news and posts at least once a week .though I know it's childish I imagine all of you as sisters ,,as if we were a big family. The affection and concern for each other warms my heart. and the humour lightens my heart.
Those who make me laugh are much sought after tags.
JAK you never fail me. You try to keep it light, but I do want to say I thought yourr recent poem describing so so simply how Adam and Sauli met was excellent. I will thank you here because the x boyfriend thread is soon to be gone. Just because a love doesn't last forever doesn't mean it wasn't real.
Bing, your heart always shines through in your posts. I can't mention all of you , just know you are all apprecated, all of you who are the core of this group.
Whatever your religion whether you are celebrating the Easter season or that of another faith I wish you love and joy in this new season. Anon : )
Not sure which choir or song she is talking about but very sweet of Adam to do that. She is in Sweden.
Em @emmasoderstrxm
Another pi of Adam at the Tarantino show.
Thanks for the pic @adamlambert, it was nice meeting you! at DBA
Bing, thank you so much for saying so much that is also in my heart. I'm not leaving this site, either, despite the trolls and negativity at times. I love the positive regulars here and they keep pulling me back. Adam's talent is above all else on this site. Through all the ups and downs of his career, his voice prevails.
If we choose to follow Adam's life on a daily basis, if we choose to be "fans for life," which many of us want to be, we'll have to accept that his life (like our own) will not be full of positive excitement every single day. His life is real, not a movie script. We can't edit it or re-shoot scenes to suit ourselves. Even celebrities have boring, inactive times in their lives. I'm sure many of their best times in life are not revealed to their fans. When Adam is not publicly performing or actively and visibly involved in some project, we get antsy very quickly. The gossipy, snarky talk often begins, even among the most loyal of us.
Adam's life will be like ours. Full of life's extreme highs and lows, and lots of time spent in the middle, just being a regular person. A "fan for life" is a long commitment to make. And like I said, Adam is working without a script, just like the rest of us.
The positive posts are so loverly and I am a fan for life. I love thiis site and have forever... being a fan of Adam's is well FANtastic!
Hi Bing.
Lovely to see you posting again.
I agree with what you wrote, although I must admit I don't visit here so often any more, whereas I used to drop in several times a day. Now several days or more can go without me visiting.
Hopefully one day it will get back to the great site it once was.
To be honest, I don't understand the fans who left because Adam had a boyfriend and who are now coming back because he is single. Any opinions?
@8:37 . . you are clueless
It is nice to do my daily check-in this morning and see the posts of gratitude and friendship. I've looked at other sites, but this one is always home thanks to Admin's format and the positive posters. I have a little card on my desk that says, "step over it" and that helps me skim past the negativity and crudeness all over the Internet. Thanks--it is wonderful to share admiration for Adam.
@8:38 Truth tho.
Are you referring to a new boyfriend? If so I haven't heard of any. If some people left this site, it has nothing to do with any boyfriend, it is because of negative and snarky and rude remarks about Adam. Often people on here attack each other. People have left for more calmer waters. Hopefully they will all come back. Lately there has not been much news, because Adam was in Sweden for over 2 months, and he shared very little with us.
It has been shared that if people used their tags, it would cut down on the snarkiness.
@8:50 No, the ex bf, but also in general. Bossy fans are bossy.
Thanks Bing for the comments. I too have been here a very long time. It is my main site for Adam news. I never comment, but I like to see what others are saying. I have no problem with the negative comments. I like to see other viewpoints. I don't let it upset me.
I have concert tickets for Toronto, Philadelphia and Balto./Wash. I only have one friend I can talk to about Adam because the others are tired hearing about him. My husband tolerates it and actually shows a little interest sometimes. He is going to the concerts with me. Anyway I love hearing about Adam good and bad. I love this site.
Does anybody care about the new posts at 5:12 am and 5:17 am? Is there any point to me bringing new stuff here anymore?
I don't think too many people left because of ex-boyfriend. They definitely are not coming back because Adam is single. There are a lot more fans LEAVING this site for reasons already mentioned. Hope it will all settle down again and it can be the fun place it used to be, even during the time Adam did have a boyfriend. BTW, the majority of Adam's fans liked his boyfriend, and thought they were a great couple.
@9:09 Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. @8:55 :)
@9:13 Good. So, we don't all who liked them together have to move to Swoliwank. It might get crowded there..
That explains the nastiness here., swoliwank people. Ugh.
@9:26 Swoliwank people don't come here they flee from all Adam sites.
Lipton Arabia seems to have several versions of the LMD ad. Hoping it's worldwide.
Lipton Ice Tea Arabia: ZORB in the car wash! youtu.be/bnS4p10d9hE Down the Stairs! youtu.be/GGujt7Ni2Vc Zorb Ad youtu.be/UId8ius2uR0
this is blueeyes,I have been here from the start & I hope we never lose this site,as for as the haters just look over there ignorance they will go away if they are not noticed.
i appreciate and look up all links fans post on this site. Thanks mucho even if I don't mention it every time .I would love to know what song the town in Sweden used of Adam's.
Love and Light
Love and Light
:) :)
People, 8:37 is THAT person!!! THAT person stirring up crap. That post was NOT innocuous, don't you see? Good, helpful fans who want to answer questions and be helpful and illuminate relevant Adam history for other posters, please take a good look at what you answer. If it strikes you as something that was meant to kick up a sh*tstorm, it was probably DESIGNED to, just don't respond. Crossing my Fingers. (And good luck Bing, I remain optimistic ;), Long time 24/7 user here :)).
The real and genuine fans are not leaving this site and that's my opinion he!he!
The real ones share the same visions and respect for Adam!!!:)
Continue the love folks!!!:)
Loved seeing you back here lately... I for one loved your long post.. Very often it takes more than a sentence or two to say what you want to say :))
Hugs to you and the many others who come here to learn what Adam's been up to..
Adam has an ex-boyfriend . . . which one and what has that to do with the Summer Sonic and Adam singing
Loved your post Bing, it needed to be said and you did it well.
I love coming here and do everyday to catch up. I just cant fathom how intolerant and snarky some people get. Do they live their whole life this way. How sad. But all the genuine fans make me return, don't give anyone the power to chase you away.
Anyway Im here for the long term, hard to believe it has been 5 years.
I have learnt to scroll and ignore though its hard sometimes.
Love to all xx
So two out of 15 comments said they appreciate the links.
@Bing 9:07PM and 3:41AM
What a lovely Sunday it turned out to be: TWO posts from you, both filled with real & important issues here in Adamlandia, issues that needed to be said and you said it all so well, right on @Jadam 3:18PM
You, Bing, have such a kind, large & loving heart - just like "Our Special Guy"! I so hope that @Admin and as many posters here as possible read your message to ADMIN:
"This is the only fan site that i am comfortable with. Please bear with all of us." I feel exactly the same and sometimes think Admin - by not regulating and moderating - is trying to give all kinds of people here (from various parts of the world) a chance to grow as human beings... and self regulate, self moderate how to better communicate on a fan site of one of the most kind, accepting & loving performers/singers/worldwide stars there is... And then (on bad days) I just roll my eyes and scroll... and wonder (*sigh*) is this really the way people are going to communicate more and more... like being on attackin mode 24/7...
Just like you, I hope many, many of the loyal long time regulars would come back to post...would be so nice to hear from them all... Will never forget them and the fun times here... and you mentioned one of the tags I also want to give a loving shout out to: @Fan4fun, hoping you see this, come back to this site, both You & Icon!!!
Have a wonderful day, Bing!
Anon from April 10 (he he)
I am also a long-time 24/7 fan of Adam's. I really enjoyed reading all of the heartfelt and friendly posts on this link..from tags that I recognize(and feel that I somehow know the posters),and also, the anons that post positively. I will not be chased away by negativity either. I did post, for the first time several weeks ago, because I was sooo excited that one of my friends got us tickets for July 16th Q&A concert in Philadelphia. I was overwhelmed by the regulars who welcomed me and were excited for me..thanks to all!! Yesterday, we received the tickets in the mail..so, Adam, I'm so ready to see you for the first time in person. Oh, and I have always been a Queen fan, so doubly excited!!
So thrilled that Q&A will be perfoming in Asia..lucky for them, Americans and Canadians..I know it will be a night to remember!!
Hi Bing.
What is it you used to sign off with? Love through Adam, was that it? It's still possible, with the dawning of each new day :)
It's nice to be reminded of the occasional spots of cosy warmth that can be found here in the company of amiable people.....<3.....JAK
I know that this is already a dead thread but i'm simply overwhelmed. I didn't expect to elicit such wonderful reactions from our sisters @ANON April 13 at 4:37am. I love that you see us that way bec. that is exactly how i also feel. When Adam connected all of us we instantly became his extended family! I am touched by your encouraging words, thank you <3
@DRG - ditto to everything you said. I do look forward to your insightful posts. Yes i try my best to keep things real and simple bec such is what life should be. Thank you too :D
@HK fan -many of us here do share the same wish and nothing is impossible. It can and will happen if we keep the optimism high <3 It is great that despite everything you still come back \o/
@carolynj - i also treasure the gratitude and friendship we have and wouldn't want that to go to waste. I like that reminder "STEP OVER IT" that would certainly work for me.
@Packy 05- I'm am one envious Glambert here (of course in a nice way)3 tickets! My dear you are truly blessed. Please don't forget to post here after each concert teehee, i said the magic word PLEASE :D And yes hearing the good and bad news helps keep things REAL. Congratulations!
@Anne Marie, @blueeyes and @ANON at 10:33am - Amen to your posts, couldn't agree with you more.
@Canadian - you go girl!
@Jadam NZ- thank you so much for those kind words. And ditto to your SCROLL and IGNORE, it works for me.
@glitzylady - seeing your lovely face with such a sweet smile is a breath of fresh air here. Thank you for your highly informative posts. XOXOXOXO
@ANON from APRIL 10 - am really glad you saw this because i was responding to you :D That self regulation thing sounds great and very challenging as well. You made me do this haha. Thank you so much.
RJ from Philly - you are one extremely lucky Glambert to get the rare chance to see both of your idols in a concert. Have a blast!
@MGF - so glad to see you more. Please tell ADAM fix to visit us, i miss our resident fashionista!
@JAK - i missed the US Amb. so i just googled him. Noticed the extraordinary eyebrow hehe but he is very handsome and charming too.
Please take good care of yourselves guys bec Adam needs our dedication and support.
Love thru Adam,
@Bing 3:33!
Sorry it took this long to come back, RL really taking its toll... Thank you for all your posts and your kind words to everyone, even me! The many responses you got show how appreciated you are plus so needed on this site, you're an inspiration!
Really wish this site had a Bulletin Board for shout outs and other messages between fellow fans here, for instance "Hi guys, I'm ok but MIA due to RL for the rest of the week, please hold the fort and have fun!" (silly example, but you know what I mean).
Haven't had time to read the newer threads yet, don't know whether I will be happier or even more exhausted after having checked them... :)
Easter approaching, hope you get to rest, slow down and spend quality time with your near & dear! Hope you post soon again!
April10 (for now... he he!)
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