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Adam Lambert facebook updated!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, June 14, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, June 14, 2014


Anonymous said...

I just watched Adam's Google Hangout and between listening to Adam talk and staring at his gorgeous face and facial expressions......Thud.

I must say once again how articulate Adam is and I was very glad at the very end Adam clarified what a "meme" is. He realized many of us didn't actually know!!!! He's such a charming guy <3333


glitzylady said...

Adam is awesome as usual!!! Just watched too... Loved it!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam was and is beyond words perfect in every way..this interview was perfect

Anonymous said...

There's nothing "usual" about Adam! The man is exceptionally unusually awesome in every possible way, each and every day... :)))))

(jk, and think the expression "as usual" should be banned when it comes to Adam... it sounds so "lame" cause every time you see him do whatever, say whatever, sing whatever, it's like a new unexperienced experience, you know what I mean, don't ya... lol!)