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Adam Lambert new tweet!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, July 5, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, July 05, 2014


Anonymous said...

Could not LOVE this man more!!!

Sad thing:
He has to keep explaining himself or his doings, performances... still! Get on board, peeps!

leilani aloha said...

Yeah Adam! U & Queen sure brought us back!!!

Sweet memories, my 1st Queen album was from my hubby:) traveling through UK & Europe listening to " We Will Rock You" in the 70s!!! still rocking!!!
Wishing & hoping they'll stop over in Honolulu on their way back from OZ tour!

Thank You Queen & Adam!!!

Adamluv said...

This is what the LA reviewer didnt get - peeps came for classic Queen!

Anonymous said...

Adam must have read the LA Times review and decided to do some 'schoolin'' of his own.

Adam is much more respectful and knows what he's talking about. I read an interesting comment on 'that' site. Person commented that reviewers should know their audience...something the writer didn't seem to care about. Roger,Brian and Adam know their audience. That's why the tour has had such an impact on audiences.

Anonymous said...

I was very surprised by that Times Reviewer; usually the Times articles and reviewers as a whole has always been very supportive of Adam. Seems to me this reviewer was so overwhelmed at the positive response of Adam+Queen; and the unbieveable talents of the Glam one, it just frightend him; and knocked him way back on his heels. So, seems to me he was trying slow this unstoppable train down.

I wouldn't worry about the few reviewers that are afraid to accept Adam's extraordinary skills, as true fact. They will wake up sooner or later to reality. It is just hard for some to accept Adam; I guess they feel that they are betraying Freddie.

I am so proud of Adam. He is so sweet and so darn talented; which is actually an understatement. I feel sorry for the one's that don't want to recognize this FACT!!!

Anonymous said...

Were it not for Adam and his glittering Queen T-shirt I would never have thought to explore Queen and its fabulous catalogue. Adam is the most perfect pathway by which to discover and enjoy Queen, Brian May, Roger Taylor, Freddie Mercury, Rufus, Spike and Neil. All of them are accomplished and fascinating. I love Freddie's imagination but I prefer Adam in every way imaginable.

Anonymous said...

Someone posted on AO that the person who wrote the LA Times review commonly blasts almost everyone he reviews. So Adam is not alone. Apparently, the guy is never really happy with anyone onstage. So be it. I can see why Adam chose to respond in his tweet as he did. The vast majority of reviews have been very positive. I, like many here, was only familiar with Queen's biggest hits. I was not aware of many of their songs beyond that. Adam re-acquainted me with Queen and I am really grateful to him for that. It's so cool that Adam fans are really getting to know Queen and Queen fans really getting to know Adam. Couldn't be better. I think Freddie would be happy abou it all.


Anonymous said...

I just LOVE how tactful Adam is when addressing ignorant reviewers! He is truly an amazing singer but most importantly an incredible human being! Tell these ignoratum critics what this wonderful tour is all about, Adam. Love YOU for explaining it to the Times reviewer!!!

Anonymous said...

first of all..of course Adam is going to read the LA Times is his city..the reviewer clearly is (well I'd better not say how I REALLY feel)..our boy did a splendid job in telling it like it is..only hope the reviewer saw and read his comments..Adam is such a honest and sweet, and sexy and handsome - better stop while I'm ahead..will try to stay up long enough to watch some of the live stream from LV...

Anonymous said...

@DRG, thank you for the AO post info re this reviewer.

However, the explanation that this NON-person "commonly blasts almost everyone he reviews" does not "save" him or make his review somehow acceptable, what a d_ck!

A message for this d_ck reviewer:
- You have many lessons to learn!
- If you are not willing to learn, LIFE will teach you one way or the other...
- And ADAM is NOT everyone! He has one in a billion voice and he's learnt those messages I'm talking about at an early age...
- Shame on you, Mr D_ck Reviewer!

The Dark Side said...

The envied was very slanted and actually made no sense. This guy got lots of backlash, richly deserved. Personally, I have said this before, I will say it again. Adam should go into,politics! Lol

Anonymous said...

You've got the wrong brother - Neil is the one with political interests. Adam would run screaming from any tie to politics.

Anonymous said...

I meant to add to the comments section for the LA TIMES review -- and will -- that that critic should have 'recused' himself from writing the review, given how diehard a Queen fan he is. Did you check out his tweets during the concert?

First: "Every time I think this Queen show can't get worse, it gets worse."

Then: "Like, way worse."

A critic giving those comments during the concert? It's no wonder his review was the way it was -- it was more like someone's blogpost than a legit review for such an iconic newspaper as the LA TIMES and I hope its Entertainment Editor realizes this.

Kind of irresponsible if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

@DRG Same for me...I was not familiar with Queen's catalog of music except for the biggest hits and now we are lucky enough to hear and become familiar with some of the more obscure songs thanks to this tour and Adam.

What I love so much about Adam is the way he stands up for what he believes in....and in such an intelligent way. Yes, he's "schooling" those that don't understand what this tour is all about.

The LA Times writer missed the point of this iconic and history making tour completely IMO. It really sounds as if his mind was made up before the concert began that he wouldn't like it. Too bad for him because thousands and thousands of people did. I was there and you sure could hear the roar of the crowd in appreciation of the brilliance of the performances....especially Adam.


Anonymous said...

That guy could have written his review without ever seeing the show. He had his mind made up beforehand. Very unprofessional.

daydreamin said...

This is just one review in a sea of overwhelmingly positive reviews. There are just going to be diehard Queen/Freddie fans that will not bend their ear to hear that voice of one in a billion. If it wasn't a Queen song and no one told them who was singing I bet their jaws would drop and they would be dying to know who it was singing that song. Much like politics if you get my drift.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 11:51 AM - When I read your post I thought - That's exactly what I was thinking! Great minds think alike!haha............nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Just read this tweet... good move Adam !! Love the nostalgia of this tour.. Axel.