Adam Lambert With Friends At Verboten in NYC: Andrej Pejic & Amanda Lepore
Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, July 20, 2014
Posted at : Sunday, July 20, 2014
Adam Lambert tweeted this Instagram by @andrej_pejic:
And one more:
"Verboten NYC"
"After over a decade of throwing events all over New York and beyond, Verboten has touched down in Brooklyn at their long-awaited permanent home for quality underground music. The venue is a 10,000 square foot former metal shop in the heart of Williamsburg, featuring two rooms, multiple skylights and futuristic, industrial accents that bring the Verboten aesthetic to life.
andrej_pejic's photo
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) July 20, 2014

RT @ PeteyPlastic Hanging with @ adamlambert and @ Amanda_Lepore
— Noëlle ♐ (@adamgasm1982) July 20, 2014
And one more:
Adam was here having fun >
— Noëlle ♐ (@adamgasm1982) July 20, 2014
"Verboten NYC"
"After over a decade of throwing events all over New York and beyond, Verboten has touched down in Brooklyn at their long-awaited permanent home for quality underground music. The venue is a 10,000 square foot former metal shop in the heart of Williamsburg, featuring two rooms, multiple skylights and futuristic, industrial accents that bring the Verboten aesthetic to life.
The Control Room has been designed from the ground up to be a true home for dance music events, concerts and private events, featuring a cutting edge Martin Audio sound system [including line arrays for live music], acoustic ceiling panels, panoramic video walls, raised seating areas and a sprung wood dance floor [reclaimed from a warehouse once belonging to Thomas Edison].
The adjacent Cabaret Bar is a warmer, more intimate space with its own sound system, designed to function along with the Control Room or completely independently. Featuring overstuffed leather banquettes, sound absorbent curtains, neon chandeliers, and a burned concrete bar, it plays host to day parties, smaller weeknight events, art shows, cabaret and [eventually] a small plates restaurant."
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Beautiful people! Andrej is hot!
So beautiful eyes they both have, Andrej and Adam.
The location was Verboten but the event was a monthly party, Kunst, by famous party planner Susanne Bartsch. Guest DJs, guest hosts, and wild hair, clothing and makeup looks.
Kunst is German for art.
ADAM looks so GOOOOOODDD in both pics!!!
(Andrej looks a bit worn out in that pic, maybe tired or just a bad sec)
Who's the blonde falling out of her dress?
Verboten means forbidden.
4:58 AM, the famous Amanda Lepore.
To be young beautiful and hanging out with Adam Lambert!! So glad to see Adam out and enjoying himself with friends.
Life must be grand for him; the best gig in the world with the great Queen Band; such lovely and loving employers.
So happy for Adam; hope life continues to be grand!!
Oh my God! Adam is such a handsome man. He is so beautiful, those eyes, that hair, that face; that everything. Adam is just the whole talented beautiful package. What a hunk!! He also seems so nice and humble and yet so fierce!!
Those lucky doggone people that get to hang with him!
Glad that Mr. Hotness is wearing his nice modest covered up gorgeous tee shirt; so he wouldn't cause the need for a glambulance, ha ha. I know I would have needed one after one sight of the gorgeous Glam One!
@5:06 AM
Sorry, but who is Amanda Lepore? (I'm not from USA). Oh well, I must google.
Eww ..... the blonde aint half obvious.
Well, now I (5:49 AM) know who Amanda Lepore is: "One of the most famous transsexual fixtures on the New York party scene." She has even had her bottom ribs broken to achieve a smaller waist. Thank you Adam for introducing this interesting woman to me. And Andrej looks so good. Wow!
I think Andrej looks gorgeous; not tired looking at all. Adam looks more than gorgeous. Two beautiful people. WOW!! Eyes baby Eyes on both!
Is this (Adam & Andrej) a "match made in heaven"? They are both so good-looking (Red Carpets here we come!) and talented. And pretty and nice, and what else...
I had to google her too....and whoever she is, and whatever she;s famous for, she has gone way, way too far with the plastic surgery and looks really awful.
Andrej looks lovely though, and Adam looks stunning here.
Amanda's boobs made me gag. It's amazing how far the human skin can stretch. Nothing beautiful about him at all in the looks department, he may be a beautiful soul otherwise.
She had all that surgery and drugs to look like a drag Queen.
@Anon 8:35 AM
Amanda is transgender. And is "she" not "he"...
Sorry it's all in the DNA and it still says "he" JMO
7:13, how do you know Andrej is nice?
A person who models both male and female probably isn't going to go over as a mainstream boyfriend.
@Anon 8:52 AM
Ms. Lapore is also transsexual, meaning that she has had surgery and hormonal treatment (at age 19) to fit her personal nearly lifelong gender identification as female, not male. She is female and it is both correct and proper to use the pronoun "she".. It would be impolite and rude to address her as "he".. DNA is not relevant here....
Amanda did all that work to hang out with gay men?
Saw Adrej Pejic up close at the NewNowNext awards (Adam sang Trespassing for the first time in public) and he is gorgeous! Sorry to read the narrow minded and cruel comments from some peeps. "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder". . . . Adamluv
12:19, Andrej wishes to be referred to with female pronouns.
Andrej looks like a woman...
Andrej is a man.
Perhaps Andrej has already gotten the sex change surgeries(transsexual/transgender) and is already undergoing procedures or is done, not sure. In which case, probably wants to be referred to as a she.
"Andrej Pejić (born 28 August 1991) is an Australian androgynous model of Bosnian Croat and Bosnian Serb ethnicity.[4] Pejić has described herself as living "in between genders" and has stated a preference for female pronouns.]"
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