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Queen & Adam Lambert at San Jose concert!!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, July 01, 2014


Magiclady said...

Thank you for the pictures. Disappointed we didn't get a livestream...

Anonymous said...

Nice pics :)

Anonymous said...

These are some stupendous photos of Adam...Those golden leather strips are so shiny and wavy, modern angel from high. Yes Adam putting his long leg on the speaker, a sexy pose. I saw a picture of Roger kissing Adam's hand with so much respect and love, Englishman style. By the way these two multi-millionaires are a great asset to Adam. I bet they pay him a hefty sum for this QueenBert tour, firstly because they have so much to spare so why not make a high potential human investment, like on Adam. The returns may be ten-fold for instance branching off to fashion, movie-making, cds/dvds and the like, anything really, if money is not the criterion. They have reached a stage where they can do something purely for their love of their art/music. Not so for Adam just yet...his day in the sun will come...oh now he's already carved a sizable niche but pretty far from Brian's and Roger's. Perhaps Adam's is still a bit in the shade compared with his Bosses' huge sunny halo. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Can you now imagine, all of the thousands and thousands of people that are seeing Adam live who might now "GET IT"!!!!!

I am so happy for him and by the way, QUEEN!!!!!
Oh my GOD, can you imagine how great it is for Adam to have them as his band?

So happy!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Queen isn't Adam's band.

Anonymous said...

GREAT pics!

It's Queen + Adam tour, not Adam + Queen tour.

Anonymous said...

To 11:03 pm...No one has said the Queen is Adam's are to only one referring Queen as Adam's band

Anonymous said...

11:46 PM
Poster 10:36pm said .....

' ... can you imagine how great it is for Adam to have them (Queen) as his band'. Queen is not Adam's band. Adam has his own band.

Anonymous said...

Mmm time for a story on QueenBert...

Bert was out getting some fresh air at the canyon. After half an hour of running around the hills, Bert decided to rest on a large flat rock, spreading himself out looking into the clear blue sky.
As he was about to doze off, he heard a droning sound and then a strange apparition unfolded...behind another huge rock close-by. Bert got really curious, walked towards the apparition. A Queen wearing a beautiful gold crown, in a halo seemed to be looking down at him, a serene face. The halo reminded him of the Q on the concert stage. A gentle voice spoke...'I love your Queen song renditions especially The Show Must Go on and Bohemian Rhapsody. Wow! I've never heard a voice like yours, reaching the heavens here.'
Bert was feeling a little uneasy...Who is this gentle person with an ethereal voice...Soon after, the apparition disappeared and Bert decided to rest on the huge flat canyon rock, once more.
And then, he heard the droning sound again. This time Bert just looked up and lo and behold the celestial apparition descended in a fiery cloud. Bert seemed to hear a very distinct beautiful voice singing...Mama...I killed a man...Oh my goodness Bert thought the spiritual being sounded like Freddie; like the way he sang with him in the Q 'wormhole'. Bert sat up with a start...he pinched himself, he couldn't be dreaming, in broad daylight...perhaps hallucinating. lwl! Not much of a story, anyway...lwl!


Anonymous said...

I just came home after seeing the San Jose concert and I'm still on a high as well as my sister and two nieces who came with me not really expecting to see a concert as they described as "iconic, history making, amazing, brilliant " should I go on? You get the idea. They were floored by Adam's vocals saying, " his voice goes through the rafters, he's so amazing" the only thing they wanted to hear was Adam and nothing else! " when Adam leaves the stage, I want him to come back and not leave"

Also, Brian's guitar playing is second to none.....he's unbelievable and Roger's drum solo with Rufus was fantastic!

We came home and they all wanted to see Adam's Idol journey and what else he's done....more Glamberts everyone!

Next up...L.A. Yayyyyy


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:12 please give it a rest .

Anonymous said...

Hello there CT
You sure are one helluva lucky and wonderful lady! As you can see, I can only imagine stories about QueenBert; so happy you pop in to recount the actual QueenBert concert...the 'wormhole' I imagined...Freddie appearing to Adam in praise of his celestial voice. lwl! Yes more reality accounts from you to your energised comment !


Anonymous said...

Lam-my, I love your fertile imagination! Thanks for sharing your great fiction. :-)

Anonymous said...

1:09...Thank you from the depths of my heart. :)


Gabi said...

I just got home from San Jose. How will I be able to go to sleep tonight?? I feel like the luckiest person in the world right now. The show was everything - sexy, filled with attitude and humor, powerful and sentimental, tastefully done, and genuine. "Don't Stop Me Now" was back on the setlist which made me really happy. I never wanted Adam to leave the stage though, so despite the great musical interlude during Adam's long break, I could not wait to have him back. It feels like he is this spark of energy and light that fuels the great musicians supporting him.

Anonymous said...

Hey lucky for you to witness this phenomenon live; you too sound very energised as reflected...great comment ! I can grasp what you are driving at...yea spark! light!


V Camilleri said...

Adam is that spark. He is the pigment in the painting that gives life to the canvas!

V Camilleri said...

He constantly takes my breathe away. He is it!

Anonymous said...

V Camilleri.....very artistically phrased..."pigment in the life to the canvas." Fits Adam; I interpret it as Adam is his own canvas and his multi shades of 'pigments' portray his life. Can also be seen as the canvases of other people...whose hearts he touches, inspires...clear examples, Brian and Roger.


Anonymous said...

I also was at the San Jose concert tonight (by myself!) -- and had a seat on the floor, 32nd row, on the left side facing the stage -- it was a fantastic view of the "pod" stage, as I call it -- only about 10 rows from that.

The concert was absolutely MAGICAL! Electricity in the air! As a longtime fan of Adam I shed many tears of joy because this was simply pure perfection for Adam. I thought about Eber, and about how Adam said he first learned of Queen through his dad's record collection -- and now Eber, must also be crying tons of tears of joy. I mean, can you imagine loving Queen as a young adult and then YOUR SON is singing lead with them for an entire tour?

How incredible Adam looked and sounded and how super-dynamic he looked up there AND how perfect this union with Brian & Roger is -- yes, as others have said, the two legends show such JOY on their faces, they are so happy to be working with Adam and I can see how Adam has completely given them a renewed look on the life of their band.

All I can say is, from seeing Adam on Idol, Glamnation, and the vids of the earlier Queenbert collabs, seeing Adam do this, seeing Adam being comfortable, seeing Adam having grown yet even more as a performer, seeing him OWN that stage and seeing him OWN his performances of Queen songs, just made me so proud of him. I was smiling inside the whole time knowing that people were coming to the concert expecting one thing, and got 10x's more.

When Brian did his usual "What do you think of our new boy?" The audience went CRAZY!! It felt like the audience was OWNING Adam, like they were proud of Adam, like they were reminded why, 5 years ago, they loved him so much on Idol -- and all the other BS & misconceptions washed away.

Adam's voice is SO strong, it is even more developed than I have EVER heard. Adam was singing ROCK like nobody's business. This was a whole 'nother level above "Whole Lotta Love"..! This IS Rock God status indeed!

Two interesting "overheards" -- first the people sitting behind me:

She: What has Adam done in the past few years?

He: I don't know, I haven't heard anything about him since Idol.

I laughed inside at that. But I guess you can't expect everyone to keep on top of everything in the media -- but I'm sure glad these folks were there and were getting to experience his amazing performance.

The other one was on the way out (paraphrased):

He: Adam's voice is incredible!

She: I know! Obviously his talent was WAY outsized for Idol!

I loved hearing that. I've never heard that sentiment coming from a non-Adam fan -- but I'll bet a lot of people were thinking that tonight and he is gaining legions of fans. I do think there will be a point when people are going to be giving "rock legend" status, akin to Freddie and other great lead singers, to Adam over the next few years. I could FEEL this about his future while I was watching his magnificent performance.

One final note (and sorry for the length of this post already) but -- I forgot your first name, but I did see you, lambertlust, walking across the cross-aisle and then down the aisle to your seat -- which, from the looks of it, seemed to be VERY close to the stage! I was in the middle of a row, so it was impossible to say hi but great to have recognized you and seen you there.

I had hoped to make it to Vegas next weekend -- would have loved to have seen it again! -- but finances are tough. Those seeing it there and elsewhere -- ENJOY!

Anonymous said...

2:26.....A concise and flowing narration. If I don't backtrack while reading, it signals a fluent genuine flow of events; a great firsthand account! Glad you had a great time!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my. What would we do without you grading the comments made? We would have to think for ourselves.
How exhausting!

Anonymous said...

Appreciate the QueenBert firsthand narratings
No intention of grading
I attended Trespassing
And am aware of the undertaking
To attend the concert
Also, wanted to be a part of QueenBert


Anonymous said...

Lam-my are you still not doing well. Is that why you are not going? Isn't there a concert in your near you? Texbert

Anonymous said...

Pic #5 ...... love it!! :-D

Anonymous said...

2 26
Rock legends are people who create music. Adam is a guest vocalist for a few months giving a couple of old men one last tour.

You just embarrass yourself speaking of adam in the same breath as someone like freddie who was a true legend. And sadly adam takes rock songs and turns them broadway.

choons said...

love the pic of Adam's dancey fringe-fest.

Anonymous said...

Hi Texbert
I am a Singaporean and I'm doing okay. Adam has performed in Singapore 3 times already, 2 partial and 1 full concert/Trespassing. QueenBert is not performing here.


Anonymous said...

Ah, just what we need.

6:25, I suppose you feel very smug and satisfied in your attempt to diminish Adam's role with Queen. I guess it makes you feel smarter and somehow "cooler" than all the rest of us. Adam's incredible talent is so obvious. Brian and Roger, who certainly know what they want in a frontman, seem overjoyed with Adam. As for Adam and Broadway, I've heard and seen plenty of Freddie's own performances, and he certainly gave his songs plenty of Broadway flair. Their voices are not the same, but Adam has captured the essence of Freddie without copying him. Seems like Brian and Roger are grateful for their discovery and are savoring every joyful moment.
Looks like quite a few Queen fans think Adam is doing the job proud.

Adam's voice holds up against Freddie's. Freddie's career had it's ups and downs. Adam has paid his dues for years, too. Mentioning them "in the same breath" is a tribute to both of them. If Adam isn't a legend in the making, I don't know who is.

DRG (Relax and have fun!)

Anonymous said...

I'll witness Queenbert with my own eyes tomorrow and in Las Vegas. Yay!

Anonymous said...

V Camilleri
Looking at it from another angle...The painting on the canvas is the QueenBert concert and Adam, literally the pigments like you, blue sapphire, platinum, leopard red, black etc. lwl! And not forgetting, Brian wore a gold cape, most likely to follow Adam's suggestion of gold.


Anonymous said...

7 04
You are incredibly ignorant. Freddie was an amazing songwriter and musician who created an iconic rock band that stood the test of time. Adam is only a good vocalist. Adam is not an artist.

adam will disappear after this summer just like other idols who have had their moment but failed to make an impression. He is no more a legend in the making than clay aiken or kris allen or Bo Bice or Taylor hicks. They are all guys with good voices who are struggling to cobble together some kind of living.

Anonymous said...

I doubt if Freddie was alive today, Queen could have this elaborate tour. Rolling Stone tour sales is lower than this once in a life time Queen tour. Back in 70s Queen was degraded against Rolling Stone. Queen is lucky to have Adam. Roger and Brian know it.

Anonymous said...

We all have a right to our opinions but I just don't understand why people would come to a fan site if they are not a fan. People here are excited for Adam's success performing with Queen. So maybe sometimes we go a little over the top with our praise for Adam, but that's what a fan site is for! Why not let people enjoy this wonderful journey Adam is on with the rock legends Brian May and Roger Taylor and say all the superlatives they want to say without all the negativity. Going to a fan site is supposed to be fun!

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful so many of us are taking future Adam fans to the concerts with us. My two sisters invited themselves to go with me!!!!! I don't think they have any idea how awesome this concert is. So on to Vegas!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

7 18

Omg that is the dumbest comment yet. And the Rolling Stones had one of the biggest tours of 2013 grossing 126 million dollars with every single show sold out. They are doing huge shows all over the world now with three sold out shows of 55k each night in Japan. Queen can't come close to that

Anonymous said...

7:17, I'm sure you feel better now. If you don't want Adam to do well in his career, that's fine. Apparently you don't. He's been given great opportunities that he has taken advantage of. It's obvious that he has something special. I hope you find some other artist to enjoy. There are plenty out there.


Anonymous said...

7 47
It's not what I want, it's what is. Adam has indeed been given huge opportunities and he has managed to mess up most of them. That's why he doesn't have a label or an album coming out any time soon.

Anonymous said...

7:29 Rolling Stone started their 50 shows tour last year until June of this year performing for clubs of 500 to 1800 people. Fans guesstimate of Queen tour is over 80 million dollars for only tickets sold thus far for 32 shows. This guesstimate doesn't include merchedise sold at each venue. I doubt live nation will stop this tour with 32 shows. IMO there will be more if Adam wants to do it. That's why Brian and Roger butt kissing Adam on stage. We've seen the pictures.

Anonymous said...

@7:17 AM
Who are Clay Aiken, Bo Bice and Taylor Hicks? I have not heard of any of them. Kris Allen is only that I know b/c I've checked what kind of a man is guy who won over Adam Lambert on AI. I'm from Finland where Adam's music has been heard on radio also before this bf-stuff. And still is. But those other names? Never. I just don't think Adam will disappear anywhere. But maybe he will have better markets outside US.

And I've watched every streamed concert here in the mornings and enjoyed and hoped that I had been able to see this fabulous combo live.

Anonymous said...

7:29 plus Rolling Stone had other rock band guests on stage performing at their tour. One being Foo Fighters. Queenbert doesn't have an opening act and Adam as one solo artist is fronting Queen. That's something that Brian and Roger know it. Again, I doubt if Freddie was alive today, Queen could have this elaborate concert.

Anonymous said...

Queen wasn't always a mega-hit band. They weren't all that big in the U.S. for a long time. They were bigger in the UK an Europe. Freddie had his struggles, too especially when he chose to go solo. Brian and Roger wanted to do a "final" tour that included the U.S. It must feel like a final triumph for them.

There are obviously reasons why Brian and Roger chose Adam to perform with them. They didn't choose anyone else, not even Marc Martel, who they chose to front the Queen cover band. They didn't choose him to sing with them personally. They chose Adam. It's apparent that they feel they made the right choice. They sure don't feel that Adam is a nobody.

Anonymous said...

Omg, they would be selling 10 times as much if freddie was around. Seriously, it's one thing to be a fan but another to post one completely wrong thing after another.

The RS made 126 million in 23 shows. They are way, way bigger than queen. And that fan estimate of queen sales is way off. The RS number was billboard reported.

Anonymous said...

8 19
Well marc Martel already has a job working for them. They could easily have chosen him if he wasn't doing queen extravaganza.

The thing is I don't see adam doing any more rock after this tour. He isn't a rock singer he doesn't have a rock band. He has no chance of getting back on the radio. All he can really do next is theater.

Anonymous said...

Rolling Stones tour had opening rock bands and other huge rock guests like Bruce Springsteen, Foo Fighters and others. This Queen and Adam tour doesn't have opening acts or other guest stars.

Gabi said...

Adam looked and sounded like "one in a million". I loved his stage presence and confident stride and that happy gorgeous smile. He is a complete showman by now and he knows it and still, he is so humble looking up to his heroes. I can't believe how much his voice has matured even further, unbelievable! His little banter after "Killer Queen" was heartwarming and so genuine. He knows who he is and he is not afraid to show it. I'm so proud of him. Brian and Roger must be over the moon to have him on board. Of course Adam is no Freddie. He certainly doesn't have to be as he is Adam Lambert in all his uniqueness and glory!
@Lambertlust, so nice to finally meet you and your wife in person! What a night in San Jose it was!!! I met many hardcore Queen fans, new Glamberts, and just casual fans, and the vibe was positive and celebratory throughout. My heart is full.

Anonymous said...

8:35 if you don't see Adam will be doing anything else except theatre after this tour, tells me that you want Adam to do theatre. Basically you are imposing what you want Adam to do.

Anonymous said...

That's because they don't need the other opening acts. Adam not struggling at all he just paid cash for a three million dollar home. Adam obviously has backing and surely a label. He did not go to Sweden and been working non stop before the Queen thing in the studio in LA without backing. Sure you have an anwser for all this that is absolute crap as every thing else you have said. Adam is getting many fans through this concert no matter what you say. Compositing Adams talent to KA are any of these other old idols is crazy he far more talented. Can't see any of them fronting Queen and doing a the spectacular job he done. Adam done many things that we don't eve know about. rS has already announced his album Adam out early next year. Just because KA and some others did not come out has zero to do with Adam. Who cares what Rolling Stones are doing . queen is certainly an iconic band. fM is not alive unfortunately. Adam doing a fabulous job and getting many new fans that were Queen fans. He no doing any damn theatre now so stop that bull nothing wrong with that at all however. Someday he will do some theatre not now he do busy.
Adam not struggling he very talented and had and can do many things beside just CDs. He done sound tracks for TV, Hosting, he is a very good writer I think this new album will be really proving that so much miore. Your just an old troll as one reviewer called you nasties old farts no matter what your age. We all make mistakes but he killing it on that stage now as he always has. If you think se little nut like you will make a bit difference your nuts. He on his way. Haters like you have always fuked Adam so your not hurting him a bit. 7.17 you are beyond ignorant. Your not hurting Adam at all. But time to remove your troll coents please GL. As Adam said the haters can stay at he but they are missing a hell of a show. Live in your stupid hate your hurting know one but yourself. Any you say to any of us his only crap. Don't take any of it seriously. Adam done tons better than those idols you mentioned . You sure sound like lol. If not you just another troll like it just an unsuccessful fil hateful troll. Read some of the reviews therr all crazy good for Adam and queen. Queen is and was one of the best bands out there. Adam is unbelievable at these concerts and he will do fine after the concerts with many new fans. Say what you want to me your full of nonsense not us. You don't like Adam get the hell off our site we all do! Many more than us are discovering g. Nothing you say will stop anything at all!

Anonymous said...

Is that Sue? Haha

Don't confuse queens success with adam. Adam obviously does not have a label, or an album ready to release any time soon. Whatever he did in stockholm it obviously wasn't good enough. None of the idols who get dropped ever come back with any success. Adam is in exactly the same spot as the other failed idols. He just got very lucky and made some money off queen

Anonymous said...

10.45 shut the hell up your full of crap Adam was not dropped. Yes he got backing. Who the hell cares what your troll ass thinks. Ha Ha. None if your damn business you little coward who the hell I am. Every thing tour saying is not anything but crap. Getting ready for the fabulous Adam and his fabulous tour. Time to block this troll! You have reviewers calling you nuts names. You think Adam gives a crap what you think. Again Adam left and you keep comparing Adam with people so less talented than him. You can go on and on. It's all BS none of its true. Time to block this nut please GL.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Of course he got dropped you idiot.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Brian and Roger would have chosen Marc Martel to tour with them even if he was available and was not doing the Queen extravaganza thing. He's a Freddie clone type. That's fine for the extravaganza tour but not for performing with the real thing. They wanted Adam because he is Adam.

Anonymous said...

10:45, then why are you here at all? Do you even like Adam? What's your purpose here?

Anonymous said...

No he did not! 11.06 this is same roll been her for years . Please block it. Please remove comments. gL. Don't woody about Adam there are ups and downs in artist life. Sad and headed for all the ups. Old troll if you were not worried about Adam success you would not be here with your idiotic unsuccessful self looser that you are. Adam living in luxury don't worry about him at all. Your the only troll we had lately. Your so unimportant. Bye now real people have a life try and get one!

Anonymous said...

That was same troll and don't worry about Adam above. Sorry I am in a hurry unfortunately dear troll we have lives. Time you get one. Nothing at all your saying is true at all.

Anonymous said...

Please IGNORE this same Lol/Troll whatever creature that has been here for ages! Has had the same "agenda" all this time, is hung up on Idol (and on Adam, lmao!) and is here just to rile you up and laugh about it.

@Sue, please save your strengths for the concert, there ain't nothing you can achieve with your ranting @Lol and the rest of us know everything Adam related, so relax and chill.

Anonymous said...

FACTS. This Queen Tour would NOT be happening without Adam. If Freddie were still alive, he would be 67 years old. Who wants to see a 67 yr old man strutting around in ballet slippers. tight pants and no top? Not me. Brian and Roger are so grateful that they found Adam to revive their chance of a successful Queen Tour. At least half of the ticket buyers at these sold-out shows are Glamberts - there to see Adam. Brian and Roger know they have hit the jackpot, and they are not going to give up working with Adam, even after this tour is over. These are the facts.

Anonymous said...

4 34
No, those are not the facts. That is an ignorant glambert view of things.

People would have loved to have seen freddie just like they love mick jaggar. As the reviewer said without freddie this show is basically a cover band.

You have no idea how many glamberts are at the shows but adam can't fill a fraction of those arenas by himself. He can't sell anywhere near the tickets he sold five years ago when he was off idol. He couldn't sell even half of a 3k casino show on new years eve. It's a queen show and queen is selling the tickets. Frankly I doubt adam will ever tour again.

daydreamin said...

I was also at the San Jose show and was lucky enough to meet up with a couple of sweet gals from this blog. Adam was so captivating! It was amazing to be able to finally witness Queen too. The weather was perfect. A bunch of Glambert's were at a restaurant prior and there was just so much love and excitement in the air. Just a quick side note that the undies were from the gal I went with. She practiced throwing them at my house but I asked a guy we had been chatting with to toss them and the toss couldn't have been more perfect. I did try my hand at Ustream for one song but it very very quickly gobbled all the remaining data in my cell phone. Nick, you must have one of those unlimited data plans so kudos to u for all those streams you do for us!

Anonymous said...

I see a fairly healthy heated discussion on Freddie and Adam. As long as commenters, for or against the argument/s have substantiation to back their statements; right / wrong is not a big issue in this discussion as both Adam and Freddie are huge personalities with distinct, different talents. If one side throws out a strong point, the other side can too. And if one denigrates either of them with derogatory uncalled-for remarks, you had better arm yourself with full-proof backing or risk an avalanche of 'darts' back at you. As I see it both Adam and Freddie are very beautiful strong artistic necessity for any sort of smearing. Comparing is acceptable but denigrating either of them is not palatable. So, keep the line of argument clean and substantiated; which I'm happy to note is being done here. And I kind of enjoyed reading this thread.


Anonymous said...

Wow this Queen tour is really getting to LOL I hope Adam has good security . She/he is not right in the head.

Anonymous said...

11:18 perhaps using the word unstable would be better than not right in the head.

Anonymous said...

1.09 please save your nasty remarks for someone else. You seem to be ranting more than Sue.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps crazy would be even better 11.18. Lol is just plain crazy. Someone who thinks every one is insane ect. Except themselves are usually more than unstable.

Anonymous said...

1.09 maybe you should realize you are not the boss of this site. If you do not sign you have no right to pick on others . You never have signed so you feel like you can pick on others. You have no right to to pick on Sue health save your own strength for picking on someone besides Sue. You done it many times. So stop ranting at Sue and telling people what to do. Save your own strength to be kinder to people on this site. If your going to pick on one person have the decency to sign your name. I highly doubt Sue was not ranting anymore than anyone else. Lol can make very nice people loose their temper because of this person absolute lies and contempt for Adam. To single out someone and make snotty remarks about their health is just plain your own strength for the concert if your going stop telling others what to do.

Anonymous said...

Wacky Adam spewing champagne all over the place and at Brian, is sooo much fun to watch. lol! I've always noticed this crazy side of Adam and he's a real natural on stage.
'All the world's a stage...' kind of fits Adam to a T.


Anonymous said...

He was not spewing at Brian!
Need your eyes checked? :-D

Anonymous said...

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:

(last stage)
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything. ~ Shakespeare
