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Sauli's blog: "It was an absolutely incredible show! Good job Adam!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, July 4, 2014

Posted at : Friday, July 04, 2014


Anonymous said...

Sauli and Tommy are gorgeous together. Glad they are friends.

Anonymous said...

Pretty & cool boys!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Yea Sauli, you are absolutely spot-on about...Good job Adam!! Mmm perhaps slowly but surely, Sauli will understand and accept why Adam can't be with him as much as he wants. Sometimes greater depth of understanding and belief in each other is what makes a relationship tick. Tommy and Sauli are great pals too.


Anonymous said...

Looking good, Sauli and Tommy!

Anonymous said...

Sauli is looking good!

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow Sauli travels to Finland to work for five months, good that he saw Queen's and Adams show and liked it.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say this regarding the previous Sauli post. Why people can`t just enjoy pics. It`s equaly annoing that peeps claim they are still together and peeps who says they are really even firends.. It`s not our business. It`s nice they can be supportive to eachother rather than they tells horrible stories about the other in magasines IMO. They can be close friends or casual friends or secratly together but they seems to be very happy both of them. And that`s all I care about. It`s quite odd that they both are still single as war as we know but Adam is busy with his music and I think Sauli hasn`t desited where he`ll live for a long run. It is hard to be in a relationship if you are away half off the year. Good day/night to everyone. Let`s just enjoy what we get :) Odelia

Anonymous said...

12:20 Tanks You

Anonymous said...

12:20 Sorry, thanks You

Anonymous said...

Well said, Odelia. Couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

Adam is lucky to have so many loayl friends, who are always supporting him and promote him in all possible ways, I knew nothing about Adam, before he started dating Sauli

Anonymous said...

@2:19 AM
So didn't I. And now I'm so addicted that I wake up at 5-6 AM to check if there is live stream from QAL-gig. ;) It's nice that Sauli posted this to his magazine photo-/videoblog, so that now at least those who did not know that Adam tours with Queen will see it.

Anonymous said...

There is no saying how long Sauli's work will keep him away. It was DOI that kept him away last year, and the BB show this year. Who knows he might have another job that does not keep away so long. He seems very determined that LA is his second home for most of the year. At this point in time I think they are quite happy getting on with there careers. Who knows what changes will be made in the next year or so as far as Sauli and his work, He may wind up being a co-partner in a clothing business here in CA. He used to design clothes, specializing in jeans. Once he becomes a citizen he can work here in CA.
For right now he is very happy about his new Finnish TV job. It sounds like a TV Extra, that keeps people informed of the daily activities of the BB show. He is not the main host as I understand it. If it pays him, all is good. This is a very unusual summer for Adam to be away for so long, it probably won't happen again. His tours will be much shorter, even if he tours every year, which I doubt, he will probably rather get into some acting, which keeps him at home. Only time will tell, and they both know a whole lot more about their future gigs, than they will let us know, until things actually happen. Adam knew about Queen long before it was made public. He has also not been public about anything in his future, except for the possibility of a 3rd album, or having a new label.

Anonymous said...

Very nice to see Tommy and Sauli in a pic together. Of course they are friends and they share a common friend in Adam.

I still hope that Adam's 3rd cd and next single takes off and that he gets to do a tours like Katy Perry and Gaga.

Good for Sauli on his BB role. He is a go-getter and Adam likes that. Sounds like he is in Finland for the warmer months, LOL! Smart guy.

Anonymous said...

@2:44 I think Adam's Glam Nation tour started in June and finished up in December. And his 3rd album sounds pretty definite to me. :)

Anonymous said...

Good timing for Adam's gig, he will be gone thru September, and then on to Sweden after a short break at home. So Sauli and Adam should both be back in CA by the first of December.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam will ever do 141 venues again, like his glam Nation tour. They just kept adding to that, because they wanted him over seas. I think he will be able to pick his tour schedule a lot better next time, with bigger venues. Not a whole bunch of smaller venues of 500 to 2,500 seating.

Anonymous said...

If you can fill a bigger venue, say from 4,000 to 6,000 people you don't have to be gone as long. I am not expecting him to fill venues like Queen has, that is a once in a lifetime event.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Odelia for bringing the previous Sauli post into this one so it can start all over again.

Anonymous said...

@2.58- Adam will be in Sweden again after the Queen tour?

How do you know?

Anonymous said...

And why not?
During the WAG tour Adam & band filled an arena of 13000-15000 thousand in a small country called Finland, he he.
And believe me if this QAL tour does not wake up the US and make him wanted also in future, Adam is wanted abroad and wanted BAD!!!

Anonymous said...

Great comment! Many in the US are unaware of just how much love is out there internationally for Adam. Many countries have claimed him with a passion and love him to the max.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a world treasure as well as a national one!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful guys. Love Tommy and Sauli. Adam has some fantastic loyal devoted friends who respect and support him lots.

Anonymous said...

This year will be pivotal one for Adam. The Queen tour has given him much more visibility and more media coverage, largely positive. We all want that to translate into strong radio attention for his third album. Hope he comes out with a killer first single. If the Queen tour helps to get that single some significant radio play, then it has all been worthwhile. Whatever the case, Adam has really make his mark this year.


Anonymous said...

Forgot to add, so nice to see Sauli's compliment to Adam. Whatever their behind-the-scenes relationship is, they are obviously still devoted friends.


Anonymous said...

Exactly! This pic is in Sauli´s collage of pics from The LA Concert and I just can feel the strong support, especially from Adam´s friends and family and all the Glamberts in the audience,that was given to Adam. That makes me very excited and happy!!!

Anonymous said...

Some adommy crays were upset that Tommy posted picture with Sauli. Go Tommy :D

Anonymous said...

sauli has fangirled long enough. I'm shippin' gustabert.

Anonymous said...

Adam said it at a recent interview. That he would be headed back to Sweden to finish up his 3rd album. He was on the red carpet for some show he was attending, before the Queen tour. Of course the usual question was about his next album. He did well in Finland at the venue, but there were not if any other venues, that big, during Glam Nation tour. It was after that tour that he met Sauli in Finland.
He has been heard to say he likes smaller venues, he may have changed his mind now after the Queen tour. Finland loved him before we knew there was a little country called Finland. Now we all love Finland because of Adam and Sauli. They will probably get a lot of tourists during the summer months now. I know I would like a nice relaxing vacation in such a beautiful summer place.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there will be much news from Adam this summer, just the usual videos of each venue. Sauli will have more interesting things to blog about, since he is doing several gigs in Finland. He has his cooking gig, and a photo shoot plus the BB gig, and anything else that comes his way.
Adam will have some time off in August, with only 2 or 3 days in Asia, before he goes to Australia on the 22nd of Aug. last venue in Aug is 1st of September. I assume he will go home for a rest and then on into his album, although he has already said, that won't be finished now until 2015.

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean that Adam's tour videos are not interesting, I watch them all as they come out, and love them.

Anonymous said...

Love that Sauli so openly supports Adam, shows he is a good friend, and he still is one of the lucky few, who is accepted into Adam's very tight inner circle. This circle is made up of people who Adam trusts implicitly. Adam has hundreds of friends, but are not considered to be in the inner circle of friends. This is a very tight group.

Anonymous said...

How could they be in serious relationship? Adam has his gigs with Queen and Sauli goes to Finland cause of work and it has been and will been like this all the time. I totally understand they broke up.

Anonymous said...

Queen + Adam Lambert At The Forum: Top 5 Highlights

Lambert and Queen delivered a spectacular show that brought the iconic rock band’s timeless favorites into the modern era. Here are five highlights of the show that stuck out the most for us.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Queen + Adam Lambert thrill fans at The Forum

“Somebody To Love” followed with Lambert doing it justice and getting the audience to sing along until the big pause when everyone - including guitarist May, by the look on his face - waited to see if he would hit “the note.” Lambert not only hit it, he moved the song into a pop/soul crescendo that would have made Mercury smile.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

They have such good bone structure in there faces, don't they. So cute.

Anonymous said...

OT ......I have to stop watching all these live streams . I'm not getting anything done afterwork in my house, and it's affecting my sleep. I'm on the east coast and the streams are starting late for me, and then who can sleep after that. Looking forward to seeing them in July and for east coast/ time friendly streams. Thanks to everyone fir doing them. I'll admit I will be so into watching the show that I won't record it. I just want to not take my eyes off the show.

Anonymous said...

I'm just happy to get good news about both of these gorgeous guys, Adam and Sauli, see their pics, separately and hopefully in the same pic also every now and then. Have no need to assume or speculate anything, take it as it comes and wish them both happiness and the kind of life they want to lead. Hoping they stay friends for the rest of their lives, you can't have too many trustworthy friends evah!

Anonymous said...

@8:08 I undertand exactly what you are saying and have the same problem.

(from another east coast glamsister)

So looking forward to CT.

Anonymous said...

I am going to stop watching the streams of the tour, because so far it has been so disappointing.
When SUZ526 I thin k that was her name, did Glam Nation , we got clear sound and pictures. She often took two cameras, because she was aware that security would confiscate her camera. She had another one hidden in her purse, and was crafty enough to be able to use it. So far nobody else has either thought of this or she might have had a better camera. She was able to do a great job, I miss her. She went to every show, even Europe and fans contributed money for the expense of going to Europe.

Anonymous said...

Adam is not going back to Sweden that we know of. As usual some posters here are very confused.

Nothing about this queen nostalgia tour is going to help him with a new album. You people don't understand the music business at all. He has zero chance of getting radio play at this point or any kind of major promo. As a result he is not going to sell much or be able to support any kind of solo tour.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is really good looking in a completely natural, fresh scrubbed way. Gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

@8:42 And you came to this site to enlighten us as to YOUR negative opinion, why??? Let's face it. You don't know what the future holds for Adam or anyone else in the music business. You came here as a troll out of what.....mean spirit?

Anonymous said...

Well, Adam says he's going back to Sweden to finish working on music, so I guess he ought to know. If you're not an Adam fan, don't waste your time here.

Anonymous said...

Awww love Sauli good luck to him on his new adventures.

Anonymous said...

Great reviews! BTW, I'm having the same problem as the rest of you. I'm glued to my laptop and when I'm out, I check my phone for updates on the tour. Adam, what have you done to me?


Anonymous said...

What interview did Adam say he was going back to Sweden? I missed it.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how married couples have a happy and serious relationship, when the husband is in the service. It seems to work for the majority of them. The wife often has a job too, and also raising a couple of kids. Being separated, does not have to be an obstacle if you love one another.

Anonymous said...

I wanna be the meat in the Gustabert sandwich. make sure you add some pickle.

Anonymous said...

9 :31

No, he hasn't said that since the last time he got back from Sweden. He said it during the time he was in NYC promoting the queen tour which was before he went back the last time.

Anonymous said...

So when Adam said he was going back to Sweden. He did it already.

Anonymous said...

This Queen tour is making Adam's name more recognizable . Hopefully now that other people know about him, they will check out his own music, as well.

Anonymous said...

Just ignore, please.

8:42 is the same d.downer that has been here for years, only to laugh at fans and post the same shit over and over again, such a drag.

Anonymous said...

9:46pm in reality married men/women in militray have a much higher divorce rate. Too long of a seperation causes them to find other interests. Once they are back together, they don't have common interests as they did initially.

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh, ooohhh, la la laa
It's in the Lap of the Gods....

Anonymous said...

Don't want to throw gas on the fire, but notice the matching earrings?

Anonymous said...

You mean the gage Sauli has??? all gages look pretty much alike. They are made to hold other pieces of jewelry.

Anonymous said...

July 5, 2:05 pm

I have no idea what a gage is, but they look like matching earrings. Adam is wearing his in the featured picture and Sauli wearing his in the picture accompanying "Sauli's blog."

Vicki in Ohio said...

Two great guys and great friends to Adam.His friends seem to be very loyal to him. So glad for this.

Anonymous said...

2:05 & 2:14
They are called ear gauges. :)