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Sexiest man on earth!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, July 19, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, July 19, 2014


Anonymous said...

Wow, Adam is so slim, slender and long. lol! Maybe truck-n-roll is taking real good care of him, lots of vegetables, fish and juices. Also jetting around will give him a good night's sleep; especially with only Brian and Roger guarding him like hawks. lol! His muscles are solid-looking. I think it's not easy to keep so trim; like I see some people quickly stand on the weighing-scale immediately after a meal; just to monitor the weight before and after meals. Doesn't that take the joy out of eating? lol!
Whoa, most of the venues are huge arenas! Yea like I said in my poem...Shoot their next pot of gold hanging on the rainbow. I wonder in what region of the millions will be their final take-home...I think Adam would be a whole lot richer; no wonder he bought his house.


Anonymous said...

KQ is so much gun and this gorgeous gorgeous boy on that couch = COMBO irresistable!

Anonymous said...

It's clear that while Adam is part of the Queen machine and well taken care of by Brian and Roger, care is being taken to not inhibit his individuality, on and off stage. It's all to the good for Queen, Adam and fans, who get to witness amazing music, theatrics and one of the best concerts ever. Not too many bands could pull this off--how many years after losing two major components (Freddie and John). All the band member (s) had some sort of breakdown after the tragic loss of Freddie. Kudos to Queen.