Adam Lambert - Twitter Party 08-13-2014! via AdamLambertHelp
Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Posted at : Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Adam Lambert - Twitter Party 08-13-2014 - Transcription complete here: (image no tweeted)
— Adam Lambert Help (@AdamLambertHelp) August 14, 2014
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So Adam is indeed in his hotel room...Mmm what's under that hood-cap; one of my memes says...Look beneath, there lies the truth. lol! Adam may be in his natural hair colour, like when he was shopping for lights...reddish-ginger. Oh but Adam is looking top-form. I gave several reasons about why he's not joining Brian and Roger; now the most important reason I think is, to rest his voice. Yes wise move and also to preserve his full concentration at concert.
One of his tweets says he does not believe in genres. Now that seems like what my original concept of singing was; until I hear such a lot about genres; so I was not too far-off in my original thinking...innocently. As I had always thought...just sing a song the way it's supposed to bring out its meaning and feeling rather than obsessing on genres.
And now we know what happened to the white pants and that none of the remaining pants are leather! And I'm not sure those pics are current. I thought the "Trespassing" phone cover was put out to pasture. I may be wrong though.
New album coming soon-ish
BetsyWas, they are old pics from when Adam was in baggage claim at LAX acting up for the paps.
Thanks Anonymous. Had a felling they weren't current. Anxious to see if Adam has any surprises for us for this part of the tour. It's just a few hours before Seoul concert starts.
Wow! Been busy all evening at a meeting and missed the twitter party, but here it is! So Adam is safe and sound in Korea. Interesting that he says it's kind of lonely when he's not performing. And it sounds like A3 is in the works, too. I know he'll be very eager to get it finished once the tour is over. My guess is that it probably won't be out till after the new year, though. Getting late tonight. I'll have to catch up again tomorrow.
Some one asked if he was dating, and he answered Not really, no, I am on tour. What does not really mean? I took that to mean, an occasional date, but nothing serious. I assume he meant no one exclusively.
@Anne Marie: I know, it wasn't a categorical 'no.' Unless he has someone at home but that he's not totally committed to yet. ???
So, I tweeted a question that wasn't answered. Adam says he's an open book but I'm getting that he doesn't like questions questioning style or song choice. ?? I asked what he thought of lengthening the leopard-skin jacket by a few inches so that it has more of a 'royal' feel to it. In my extremely humble view, that's the one piece he wears I'm not 100% on because, although I LOVE the design, to me it feels just a tad too short and I would have preferred thigh-length or even top-of-knee length -- similar to how Elton wears his coats: .
But what do I know? I've never been known for my fashion sense in the slightest. :p
Anne Marie... That's exactly how I also took it.
It would make sense to me that he'd be at least seeing people here and there, at times. After all... he's gorgeous, extraordinarily talented, famous, and a millionaire. And, well.. he's Adam.:)
I think what he means by not dating because he's on his close dates are mostly the ones in his inner circle, perhaps in LA, NY etc. whom he sees/dates often; so he would not be dating as such, in Korea.
I'd say Adam has no problem answering questions about style or song choice:
'@Lambetterer: @adamlambert will the new album be rock genre?” I don't believe in genre. It's passé
"@lambertlicious: does it piss u off when fans demand u to shave and be glam-rock? or do you not give a shit?” Haha it's MY fuckin face.
“@lambertlicious: does it piss u off when fans demand u to shave and be glam-rock? And who says glam rock is clean shaven? ain't no rules
“@Mermaidmodel526: @adamlambert Will you ever go back to the WWFM look?” Prob not honey. That was sooo 5 yrs ago. Lol
“@mskibinskaa: @adamlambert don't you want to change your hairstyle? or maybe come back to black? hmm? ;)” it changes all the damn time! Lol
There was also that person on fb that he answered with "thanks for your input."
@Anonymous -- you sure do your homework! :) Ok, thanks, point taken. And had he answered me he probably woulda said "thanks for your input." :p
Still have this feeling that everything is not as it should be... Why wasn't Adam together with Brian & Roger (probably the rest of the band too?) at the PSY dinner, or promoting QAL together with the guys?!? Why was he not promoting and showing himself to the SK fans together with the guys? Has something happened?!? Maybe Adam not wanting to extend the tour beyond Sept 4 (re the high demand and possible further tour dates & venues hinted by Brian)....Where's the camaraderie now???!! Jet-lag, c'moon Adam, your half the age of Brian & Roger, he he!
Have read all the hair and eye brow(less) soeculations (lol), they don't bother me the least. How ever he looks and wears, I'm fine with it. But still can't shake this irry feeling that everything is not hunky-dory... (sorry, just expressing my own feelings, not out to cause trouble).
I guess after 2-3 hours we know more... He he!
Good luck and have a fantastic show, Queen+Adam Lambert!!!
Sorry about the typos above. Should avoid longer posts from my phone. Crap. :)
I'm sure everything is fine with Adam and with Brian and Roger. We know Adam took a different flight than Brian and Roger and we don't know what time it got in. Adam tweeted during his twitter party that he had jet lag. Maybe he has just been resting and getting on local time to be at his best for this leg of the tour. I'm sure Brian and Roger would be amenable to Adam's schedule for his new album, they have said they know he wants to to continue with that part of his career. I can't imagine things not being "hunky dory " with all of them. There is too much mutual respect for that. No worries.
Adam's internal clock is quite sensitive; he mentioned having to get used to the time lapse, the last time he came east; I faintly recall. Anyway, he did a twitter party this morning, that sounds okay to me.
Vagrant, I respect how you feel about how things are going, but I think you're reading too much into it. Adam did not fly to SK with Brian and Roger. They flew in different directions from their homes. Adam probably came in at an odd time and didn't meet with fans at the airport like B and R did. That doesn't necessarily mean things aren't going well. These guys get along fine and have become good friends. t think it's just logistics and timing that make it look like Adam isn't "right there." But I'm sure he is. I think we just all want more Adam all the time. I know I do.
I have some friends that are in a band, they just completed their second tour with ZZTop. They fly back and forth to Euorpe quite often. I ask them about jet lag , of course having Adam in mind . Two of them said it didn't bother them a lot, but the third said it kills him . Guess everyone is different .
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