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Adam Lambert twitter party, question & answer part 3!!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Lam-My said...

Another reason why Adam is in his hotel room rather than out...I think Brian and Roger want Adam to have a really serene frame of mind when he gets on stage, rather than attend to the hustle and bustle from fans. We can see how difficult some of these songs he sings; not only that, he practically prances around the whole stage. Brian and Roger take very good care of Adam, treat him like their prince. lwl! Brian and Roger, best Bosses.
Okay the more mysterious part of the equation is the new hair colour...Mmm from black to silver-blond or gold to match his outfits. One more reason...learning a Korean song or greeting. lwl!

blueeyes said...

I think he is doing just what he wants to do we have learned that about Adam.

Vagrant said...

Totally agree with you!

Ps. Did he block all the grown up and "digging deeper" questions....

Rosepetal said...

I agree I think Adam does what Adam wants.