Adam Lambert's Publicist Shoshanna Stone (Edge Publicity) Says Of Adam Today on Twitter: "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet ;)"
Filed Under (UNICEF IMAGINE #EveryVoiceCounts ) by glitzylady on Thursday, November 20, 2014
Posted at : Thursday, November 20, 2014
As we know by now, Adam Lambert is one of many celebs who participated in the UNICEF "IMAGINE PROJECT" Video #EveryVoiceCounts, that was shown today at the live event at the United Nations General Assembly's kickoff for the project, and commemorating the "25th Anniversary Of The Adoption Of The Convention On The Rights Of The Child"..
We posted the Videos and more information about the video and project here on 24/7 earlier today:
"Adam Lambert and Katy Perry Join Multi-Celebrity/Voice Collaboration For UNICEF North America: #IMAGINE (VIDEOS x 2) #EveryVoiceCounts" (including footage of the United Nations General Assembly event today..)
Click here to see the vids, more info, etc..
Shoshanna Stone (Adam's publicist from Edge Publicity) responded to comments on Twitter about Adam's participation in the project, and she also had THIS to say:
"You ain't seen nothing yet ;)" about what's coming in the future for Adam!!! \0/
We posted the Videos and more information about the video and project here on 24/7 earlier today:
"Adam Lambert and Katy Perry Join Multi-Celebrity/Voice Collaboration For UNICEF North America: #IMAGINE (VIDEOS x 2) #EveryVoiceCounts" (including footage of the United Nations General Assembly event today..)
Click here to see the vids, more info, etc..
Shoshanna Stone (Adam's publicist from Edge Publicity) responded to comments on Twitter about Adam's participation in the project, and she also had THIS to say:
"You ain't seen nothing yet ;)" about what's coming in the future for Adam!!! \0/
@aleks_kv @ALAlwayz yes, I know :)
— shoshanna stone (@shoshannastone) November 20, 2014
@ALAlwayz @aleks_kv :)))
— shoshanna stone (@shoshannastone) November 20, 2014
@ALAlwayz @aleks_kv you ain't seen nothing yet ;)
— shoshanna stone (@shoshannastone) November 20, 2014
@aleks_kv @ALAlwayz lol. Nope.
— shoshanna stone (@shoshannastone) November 20, 2014
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Well, Shosh, I'm ready to know what it's all about, if we "ain't seen nothin' yet!"
Shosh is completely useless. I unfollowed her a long time ago.
This is the Adam storm! Do you remember how badly we were waiting for it? Now we are in the eye of storm and let it go, sisters and brothers!! : ))
M (happy and proud)
If something special is happening soon.....may I suggest December 5 would be a good day for it! Happy Birthday surprise for Glitzylady and Moi!!!!
Single release?....special TV appearance?....Adam crowned King of Quebec Winter Carnival?....Adam appearing clean shaven to sing Winter Wonderland?....oh, I'm not particular, anything will of album release announced would be nice.
Great to see Adam in this video. The song fits his spirit so well. Question, though: Why is it that on Twitter we first hear news about Adam from other fans? The fans diligently monitor media and are always first to tweet the latest. Why isn't his publicist out in front on some of these things, or even Adam himself? Pics from nightlife get a buzz but why not publicize the real news items too? Have they decided not to use Twitter as a publicity tool for Adam's audience of 2.4M followers? "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet"? .... we figured that out a few years ago. BRAVO to Adam for all of the great things he's got going on and a huge thank you to the fans who keep each other informed.
@JAK LOL Winter Wonderland.. :D
I bet we won't get anything about new music till the Queen tour in completely over at end of February. Hopefully they will announce something in March and release single in April. Album probably come out in summer.
To be fair to Shoshanna, she is just doing her job and looking out for the best interest of Adam. If he is not satisfied with the way she is handling things; I am sure she would not be handling them long. Besides it is better to wait; it is so exciting. She seems to be quite accomodating to the fans and communicates with them quite often. Some Publicists don't give fans the time of day. She seems to really care about Adam; and she is suppose to be protective of him and not jump the gun on information.
Just my opinion of course! Our beautiful Adam is such a busy man; so excited for him. Very hard waiting for that album. But, in the mean time; he is given us plently to talk about and swoon over!!
I have a feel we will be getting something soonish; like before the year is up! It will be quite the surprise!
Have a nice day.
Shoshanna Stone works for "Edge Publicity" out of London.. "Edge Publicity" handles Publicity for some MAJOR stars including:
Adam Lambert, Ariana Grande, Austin Mahone, Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, John Legend, Nick Jones, One Republic, Pharrell Williams, Shakira and Usher, to name some of the A-listers...
I seriously doubt ANY of these people would employ Edge Publicity and/or Shoshanna Stone if they thought she was "useless".
She is just not at liberty to divulge any information about what Adam, or any of her other clients are doing in the future until the time is right..
I do however LOVE that she drops little teesny "hints" from time to time.. No doubt she is DYING to say something, but can't..(And I suppose she likes to see us squirm just a little, wanting to know EVERYTHING NOW!!).. Just like Adam would probably love to tell us what's coming up next for him, in the immediate future, but also in the coming year... but can't just yet..
I tend to believe her when she says "You ain't seen nothing yet ;)"..
Sorry, oops!! meant to type "Nick JONAS", not Jones...
11:17 Commenter follow-up: I'll illustrate my point with 2 recent examples.
1. QAL on X-Factor: Rumors that they were going to perform on the Queen-MJ show were publicly answered by Brian May. Then, fans watching the show saw Adam's brief Skype and the buzz built up again, followed shortly by unofficial news that QAL will appear on a later show, then official annct from X-Factor of the Nov 30 date. Why wouldn't a publicist share that on Twitter as soon as the official annct is made rather than commenting long after the fans have already filled Adam's twitter feed with the news themselves?
2. UNICEF video: 4 days ago UNICEF announced the live broadcast scheduled for Nov 20. Why not, shortly before the broadcast, provide info via Twitter for Adam's fans to watch the broadcast and, once the song video was released, announce that?
These are examples of really positive events for Adam, worthy of publicizing to his 2.4M followers. I'm not talking about new album info or events that can't be publicized yet. I'm talking about news that is already breaking and fans find it on their own.
This is not criticism of Adam's publicist, as I don't know her strategy. I'm just puzzled by what appear to be missed opportunities, not only to share good news, but also to overshadow some of the misleading, twisted stuff that the gossip media constantly peddles.
Things seem to have been relatively quiet lately with Adam. I hope we hear something soon about the new album and the release of its first single. I was spoiled watching all the vids from Adam and Queen's summer tour and all the positive reviews they received. Now I want something from Adam and his career as a solo artist. Maybe the new year will bring a new album and give us something to celebrate along with Adam's birthday in January.
Anon 1:50.... I completely relate and have often felt the same sentiments and shared the same thoughts.
I admit that at the risk of sounding judgemental and ignorant; which I don't wish to be either. I've never been a publicist for anyone - much less major brands/artists.
Having shared that.... I feel frustrated at times; as it just seems as though Adam's publicist may be spread too thin and isn't able to focus a bit more on Adam's interests and important events? (Refer to "jerry maguire-esque - less clients/more quality" concept). It just seems as if she may be a little out of touch with the things that matter/make an impact on the public at times?
Again, if I were a professional publicist, I may think my comment is ridiculous.... And then, again, maybe not? I personally think Anon 1:50 makes a valid point in his/her clarification. I'm also quite biased ;))
1:50 pm, idea #2 is excellent!!
Shosh annoys me.
She is also unprofessional with fans on twitter.
One final thought on my earlier musings....
I don't intend to over generalize .... I was referring to 'at times'. It's apparent that Shosh is applying her skills Adam's way on many occasions, of course. It also seems that she has come across a bit more polite and kindly to fans lately. Much appreciated and very gracious! :)
I agree with you; maybe Adam had a little talk with her, about the treatment of his Glamberts; ha ha, JS.
Shoshanna isn't employed to act exclusively for Adam plus she has rules to adhere to. We're lucky she replies to fans as often as she does. To quote Adam 'Entitlement aint sexy'.
Every one of the Edge artists listed in the post are more well known than Adam is. They get the top bookings, Adam doesn't. Ariana has been out with music about a year, maybe less, yet she gets on every show. Maybe she is late to the gate because she is giving her more famous clients more of her time.A publicist should be ahead of the news, not behind it.
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