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Glee S5 BD/DVD (out Dec 3) Promo by @TVGroove Pt 4

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, November 28, 2014

Posted at : Friday, November 28, 2014


Lam-My said...

Hey any news Adam coming back on Glee...Mmm I enjoyed his acting on Glee; such a sober, impartial character. I remember, I think it was Blaine complaining everyone loved him/Elliott, and pointed out that his hair was so thick, he didn't even need gel. lol! I thought that insert was sooo funny; and Elliott calmed him down in that scene.

Anonymous said...

Glee was a waste of time. Glad Adam is done with that.

The Dark Side said...

I might buy the DVD.

Anonymous said...

8:30pm, no it wasn't a waste of time. Adam picked up a lot of fans from that. Fans in the desirable demographic.

Anonymous said...

Glee was a good experience for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Glee was great for Adam and a good use of his time. I'm sure he picked up more young fans from that than he is picking up old fans from Queen.

More Glee fans will buy Adam's new music than Queen fans will.

Anonymous said...

Far from a waste of time, I think the Glee experience gave Adam exposure to a younger demographic, TV acting experience, networking opportunities, and friendships with other cast members. Plus, his stint on Glee may not actually be over....


Lam-My said...

Starchild...a flash in a pan, debuted and ended all at the same time; yet most memorable Glee performance for me. It even inspired me to write my story, Marsbert because Starchild said 'Spiders from Mars' as he walked into the room. That video got 6 million views.

Dee R Gee said...

RosieRosie, My thoughts exactly. Glee was a good thing.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

How could anyone think that a TV appearance is a waste of time for any upcoming artist? Just a TV mention is worthwhile. For the millions who don't see the show ... there are millions who do ... along with others who are just 'channel surfing' like I was when ADAM was on AI8 ... and got 'lightning bolted' by ADAM & his magnetic SMILE!! That was the beginning of my 5 going on 6 year 'love affair' with ADAM! So ... IMO ... that was the best 'channel surfing' I ever did!! So the same goes for Glee or ANY TV show!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)