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Hump Day With Adam Lambert: Body Of Art

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, December 10, 2014

On this week’s Hump Day with Adam Lambert, Adam unveils his new ink (Page Two)
In a wonderful display of solidarity, England and the U.S. have agreed to a mutual cultural exchange. While their Duke and Duchess visit America, our King Adam is in London. The royal swap will have historical implications for years.
Here’s Adam among the commoners. Treat him well, England. He’s on loan.

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choons said...

haha that's funny.
Adam Roi.
Love it.
Look out Kate and Wills.

Anne Marie said...

Hadn't thought of it that way, but how true, and hilarious.

Lam-My said...

King Adam is on loan...that sounds rather refreshing.
Well, my scenario is our Knight of the Night will be arriving on a gleaming white stallion brandishing his sword of excellence and wailing...Watch out ! On guard ! This Outlaw is Trespassing... lwl!

Anonymous said...

Where's his crown?

Anne Marie said...

You only wear a crown for formal occasions.